Monday, June 27, 2016

Married Japanese Man Finds True Love at Last With Sex Doll

Congratulations are in order for a married, 61-year-old Japanese man who revealed he has finally found happiness with his true love, Soari.

SIDE NOTE: Soari is a sex doll.

Senji Nakajima says the couple"s relationship is "perfect" despite being married to a live, human woman with whom he has two children.

The Nagano resident and his silicone companion reside in his apartment in Tokyo, where he enjoys a physical relationship with "her."

Not only is she super hot and literally ageless, but it"s reassuring to know he"s with someone who"s not "after only money," Senji says.

To begin with, Senji only used her for sexual purposes, imaging that it was his first ever girlfriend, but from there, the romance blossomed.

Now treating her like so much "more than just a doll," Senji says his plastic pal has an actual original personality and they"ve bonded.

Yes, we said bonded, not bondage.

Whether they spend days exploring the city or romantic nights out, "she never betrays … I"m tired of modern rational humans," he says.

People, he says, "are heartless."

He sits her in a wheelchair to push her around in public, while at home, they share a bed. When he"s not bathing or dressing her, that is.

Suffice it to say, he"s over the moon.

"She is more than a doll. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments and enriches my life."

The trend for intimate relationships with silicone dolls – non-inflatable and not cheap, as they cost over $ 5,000 – is on the rise in Asia.

Advertisements for "Dutch Wives" (a Japanese term for a sex doll) boast that after experiencing one, you"ll never want a real girlfriend again.

At least you know she won"t cheat …

Married japanese man finds true love at last with sex doll