Thursday, June 2, 2016

Kate Middleton: STARVING Herself To Look Like Angelina Jolie?

Remember that time the Duchess of Cambridge wanted to be Angelina Jolie?

Neither do I.

If you were to show me a headline that Angelina Jolie was trying to be more like Her Royal Highness, I would have said, “That makes sense, given that Catherine may well be the most famous woman in the world.”

In the photo above, Catherine and the Oscar winner wore the same Jenny Packham one-shoulder gown to separate events in 2011.  

This happens all the time in entertainment, but some outlets allege that Catherine did it because she is Single White Femal-ing Jolie.

OK! recently claimed that the royal and Jolie had become close in the past few months.

“Kate is one of the few women that Angie cares about and the two have become firm friends since their tea party last summer.”

“They’ve bonded over motherhood and life in the public eye – Kate thought she had it bad until she heard some of Angie’s stories about stalkers and weirdoes trying to break into their properties.”

According to Celebrity Dirty Laundry, Catherine’s thin frame was all anyone could talk about at the May 16th Heads Together launch she attended with Prince William and Prince Harry.

Wearing a Goat blouse tucked into a Banana Republic skirt, Catherine “looked haggard, overtired and outright miserable in one of the photos taken at the event,” Celebrity Dirty Laundry alleged.

“Kate Middleton has stated clearly that Angelina Jolie is her idol – so good luck with that Wills, your wife wants to look like a Hollywood star – and that means sick skinny!”


“Is Prince William stuck with a shallow wife with an eating disorder who wants nothing more than to be Hollywood glamorous and not be saddled with any substantial charity work?”

Probably not?  

Catherine is blessed with a naturally thin body, which she’s maintained ever since she was a teenager through healthy eating and exercise.

True, her position makes it difficult to lead a normal life and feel comfortable eating without the fear of gaining weight, but accusing someone of having an eating disorder is way out of line.

This all began in October 2014, when the Queen presented Jolie with an honorary damehood.

“Angelina looked so skinny she stunned palace observers, even the Queen expressed surprise,” a source allegedly told the Globe.

“She remarked that Angelina needed some traditional British food like roast beef and Yorkshire pudding to put some meat on her bones.”

Her Majesty has enough tact not to comment on someone’s weight, having been at this job for 60 + years, so it’s unlikely that she pointed this out to Jolie.