Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Chris Brown Blasts Publicist: You"re a B-tch!

Chris Brown is on a roll of late.

A violent, angry, unstable, disturbing roll.

In early June, the singer was accused of stomping a man’s head during a concert in Cannes.

About three weeks later, Brown’s own manager came out and alleged that Brown once beat him down and then bragged about it to friends and other employees.

The artist will be facing a lawsuit for this supposed action.

Then, over the weekend, a different manager named Nancy Ghosh claimed that Breezy threatened her on a tour bus and scared her so much that she demanded the vehicle pull over.

She quit the next day and emailed others close to Brown, referring to Brown as “irrational and high on drugs” at the time of their incident.

We don’t know about that. Brown has proven that he can be a complete A-Hole while stone cold sober.

Now, TMZ has coverage of what allegedly went down between Brown and publicist Nicole Perna.

The two were reportedly engaged in a text message conversation about magazine covers Brown wanted to be featured on in promotion of his clothing line.

The conversation opened with Perna texting the perpetually angry star: “Loooove all the black pyramid pieces … awesome collection!” 

But Brown had no interest in receiving the praise well.

“I don’t want you texting me compliments with no results,” he wrote back, accusing Perna of doing nothing to secure Vogue, GQ or any other publications and telling her:

“Get in the game.”

Whatever so far, right? Plenty of celebrities likely have intense conversations with their publicists.

But Anna Wintour doesn’t want to f-ck with you,” Perna replied, adding:

“These editors don’t want to f-ck with you… The majority of my time is spent on damage control. I am constantly cleaning sh-t up and having your back.”

Sounds about right for someone whose client is Chrown Brown.

Just scroll up to relive all his run-ins from the last month alone.

“NICOLE, you texting me as if I will give a f-ck if u dont work for me or not,” Brown fied back. “Do whatever makes u feel better. Me personally, I DONT GIVE A F*-CK!!”

Including another employee in the exchange, Brown went off on Perna as a “bitch” who deserves her “termination,” which prompted Perna to reply: 

“Chris, respect. You’re in my prayers.”

“Bitch u in my nightmares,” Brown wrote back.

Perna then sent her resignation letter to the artist.