Saturday, June 18, 2016

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris: HOW Did It End?

Why did the romance between Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris end?

There have been many working theories, from Harris thinking Swift was boring and wanting to move on… to Harris thinking Swift cheated on her.

But neither of these hypotheses is accurate, according to TMZ.

That shady, albeit reliable, website reports that Swift was actually the one to dump Harris…


Insiders tell TMZ that Swift pulled a Joe Jonas on Harris, doing the same thing to the DJ as that singer did to her way back in the day.

Taylor supposed called Calvin from Nashville, Tennessee at some point after his car accident a few weeks ago in order to pull the plug on their relationship.

Swift was allegedly vague during the call, simply saying she needed some space.

And Harris was stunned by the development. He did not see it coming.

He figured Swift would help him recover from the injuries he had sustained. And the stars have not spoken since this call.

It’s worth noting that another insider disputes this story to TMZ, so take it with a grain of salt.

But Swift has moved on very quickly to Tom Hiddleston.

Would she have done that if she really still has feelings for Harris? Or could she be using The Avengers star as some kind of rebound because she truly is hurting?

We may never know.

But it’s fun to theorize, isn’t it?