Thursday, June 16, 2016

Christina Grimmie Killer: Scary New Details Emerge

Frightening new details have emerged about Kevin Loibl.

Loibl is the man who approached Christina Grimmie after a concert she put on in Orlando last Friday night.

According to various outlets and eye witness accounts, Loibl pulled out a gun upon getting close to the former Voice contestant and shot her dead.

Others in the vicinity may also have been Loibl’s victims if not for Grimmie’s brother, Marcus, who wrestled the shooter to the ground prior to Loibl turning the gun on himself and pulling the trigger.

It was a heinous, unspeakable, incomprehensible crime.

We may never know what motivated Loibl to take Grimmie’s life, but TMZ has uncovered disturbing new pieces of information about the killer.

According to former co-workers, Loibl was a deranged fan of the singer’s.

He was infatuated with Grimmie, listening to her music at work and claiming he would someday be her husband.

But that’s not all:

Loibl also changed his appearance to be more appealing to the artist. He reportedly got hair transplants. He underwent Lasik eye surgery. He became a Vegan in order to lose weight.

We’re talking really scary stuff here.

Those who worked at Best Buy with Loibl say he attended one of Grimmie’s shows in March and told everyone that he met the rising star.

He also claimed to have played games online with Christina. 

A source close to the late singer denies Grimmie having ever had contact with Loibl prior to their fatal meeting, however.

Since Grimmie’s death, it’s come out that she was likely dating her producer.

TMZ concludes that Loibl was teased about this relationship by his colleagues, as they taunted him over having no shot to ever date Christina.

This supposedly served to enrage the clearly-unbalanced Loibl.

And it now seems as if he turned this anger into some form of warped, misguided hatred for the artist, shooting her in the head before taking his own life.

Christina Grimmie was only 22 years old at the time of her death.