Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Bethenny Frankel: Victim of Skinny-Shaming on Instagram!

When you’re a woman with a body, you just can’t win.

Trolls are everywhere on social media telling women they’re too fat, too thin, too this or too whatever.

Their latest victim is Bethenny Frankel, who recently shared the pic above to Instagram.

She was attending a gala celebrating the top women in brand marketing, but all fans cared about was her slender physique.

“Needs a hamburger. Too thin,” wrote one commenter.

“Your collar bones should not look like they are popping out of your skin…” opined another.

Some fans even accused her of having an eating disorder.

“You look sick and anorexic. You think your shit doesn’t stink but it does,” shared a detractor.

However, some fans came to her defense and told the others to pipe down.

“How about lifting women up rather than finding negative things to say?? You should try it sometime!” quipped a fan.

Last month, Bethenny shared a bikini pic to Instagram, and most folks thought she looked amazing.

Of course, that didn’t stop one troll from writing “You’re still fat.”


Earlier this year, the Skinny Girl entrepreneur revealed that she was “facing a women’s health issue that many women can relate to.”

She did not elaborate on the specifics of her condition, but simply said, “I’m dealing with it head on and viewers will understand how I personally deal with matters such as this,” adding, “I hope women can relate, learn and support each other in life moments like this.”

We hope Bethenny is okay, and that all the body shamers would just STFU.