Monday, June 27, 2016

Big Brother Recap: A New Twist Shakes Things Up

Nicole’s reign as HOH was always going to cause a rift in the house. 

Past seasons of the show have found the first HOH playing it safe, but Nicole had to draw a line in the sand with the newbies, or it would have been herself sitting up there on the block. 

Big Brother RV

We picked back up at the nominations ceremony and Jozea looked furious that he was put up. Da’vonne went to comfort him and said that she would take him down if she wins the veto. 

It’s obvious she’s lying. She isn’t a fan of Jozea. He thinks he owns the house and she doesn’t take too kindly to bullies. 

Da’vonne continued to reel some of the new houseguests into her alliance. The Eight Pack was formed and it includes Nicole, Frank, James, Da’vonne, Michelle, Zakiyah, Tiffany and Corey. 

Michelle practically begged to join the alliance, but it meant more safety for the veterans. It’ll be pretty interesting to see just how loyal the newbies will be. 

It is a bit odd that Paulie is missing, but I’m guessing he will be brought in if one of the alliance is evicted.

The houseguests are gathered in the living room as Nicole informs them of the Big Brother Road Kill Competition.

It involved the houseguests trying to change into their swimming attire, while holding three buttons. 

It looked very difficult. 

Frank emerged victorious and kept his winner status a secret from the other newbies. He got the power to nominate a third houseguest in secret. 

Bridgette, Bronte and Natalie made an all-girl alliance, while Tiffany was on the hammock in the backyard. They thought she was asleep, but she heard all of it. 

Jozea suspected that Paulie was lying about not winning the competition and it planted a seed of doubt in Victor’s mind. Paul made it clear to Jozea that he would be taking him down if he won the veto. 

The vets debated who to put up as the replacement nominee, but Frank realized that there was a huge chance that if Paul wins, he’d take down Jozea. 

Paul is nominated for eviction.

Jozea looked furious when he realized that Paul was up there sitting next to him. Da’vonne was ecstatic at how the group managed to pull it all off. 

Who will win the POV? Will it be used? 

Big Brother continues on Wednesday!