Friday, July 8, 2016

Woman Wears Diaper, Laughs Over "Raw" Side of Motherhood

Amanda Bacon is a brand new mother.

The North Carolina resident gave birth on Wednesday, sharing a photo soon afterward of her newborn child.

But, as cute as the baby featured below clearly is, she wasn’t meant to be the focus of this particular image.

Instead, Amanda wants you to look at the background. Look at the grown woman, who is topless and wearing a diaper.

This is a side of motherhood that not many women are willing to open up about.

Amanda, however, opened her affiliated caption by writing that this is a glimpse as “motherhood uncensored.”

She went on to explain her motivation behind posting the very candid picture.

“I’m sharing this picture because it’s real,” wrote Amanda, adding:

“This is motherhood; it’s raw, stunning, messy, and freaking hilarious all rolled into one. Having a baby is a beautiful experience, and the realities of postpartum life aren’t spoken enough about. And definitely not photographed enough.

“Some people probably find this uncomfortable, but why?

“I seriously don’t get it! It’s probably because this part isn’t talked about.

“We all should try and educate, empower and embrace every aspect of childbirth, including moments like this. And do it while having a sense of humor.

“Nothing says welcome to motherhood like an adorable squishy baby, and a giant mom diaper.”

And for those wondering?

“Edit: My husband didn’t post this. He doesn’t even have Facebook. I did,” Amanda concluded.

Bacon’s honest Facebook message and photo has resonated with over 117,000 people who shared the photo and over 95,000 folks who left comments.

“Way to go,” one person wrote. “Congrats on your little one. Never discussed but always suffered. You go momma let the world know.”
