Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Woman Gives Birth to SIX Kids in 26 Months. For Real.

Remember that woman who went into labor in the woods… fought of insects and other animals… gave birth… and lived to tell about it?

She was very tough.

But you’ll forgive Danesha Couch if she laughs at that woman’s so-called difficulties.

Not because Couch is insensitive. 

If anything, she has a greater appreciation for mothers and parenthood than nearly anyone else on the planet.

What prompts us to say this?

Because Danesha Couch has given birth to THREE sets of twins… in a 26-month span.

We’re not kidding. We’re not making this up.

The Kansas native has welcomed six children into the world in just over two years.

They are: one-month-old newborns, Dalanie and Darla; one-year-olds Delilah and Davina; and her two-year-old, Danarius (whose twin brother sadly passed away).

Couch did not undergo any fertility treatments to achieve these results.

She says people are calling her a “freak of nature” because there’s a one in 88,000 chance of a woman having three sets of twins.

Those odds actually are not as high as we would have guessed them to be.

Did we mention that Couch is only 20 years old?

Still, she doesn’t have any regrets, except for maybe how close together she had the children.

“My regrets would be timing, but I’m really happy that I can even create babies or have life because some women can’t do that,” Couch told a local TV station.

That’s a pretty great perspective for her to take, wouldn’t you say?

Couch does at least say she’s done having kids… for at least the next decade.