Thursday, July 7, 2016

Chris Brown Accused of Exploiting Alton Sterling, Philando Castile Deaths

As you no doubt heard, the online community was rocked yesterday by the shocking video of police shooting and killing Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old father of five who was murdered in his hometown of Baton Rouge, LA.

While the world was still reeling from yet another death at the hands of American police officers, another horrifying incident took place last night, this one in Minnesota.

Lavish Reynolds, the girlfriend of 32-year-old Philando Castile, livestreamed on Facebook as Castile died from gunshot wounds inflicted by a cop.

Reynolds was forbidden to do anything to help Castile as he lay dying in her passenger seat.

The officer who discharged his weapon kept his gun pointed at the couple and shouted obscenities while Castile took his last breaths.

Naturally most celebrities reacted with compassion, outrage and pleas for change:

Unfortunately, celebrities are like regular people – except they’re usually more sheltered and narcissistic – so some of them responded to the situation like full-blown jackasses. 

For one, there are the many who posted photos and address information of a man named Robert Kinnison, falsely identifying him as the cop responsible for Sterling’s death.

(Pro tip: Do a little research before you sic an angry mob on someone.)

And then there’s Chris Brown, aka Breezy, aka Douche of the Millenium.

Brown has been accused of exploiting the deaths of Sterling and Castile with the following tweet:

“This song I released for free for anybody dealing with injustice or struggle in their lives…”

Naturally, it was followed by a link to his Soundcloud page.

Maybe Breezy’s heart was in the right place.

And maybe he’s currently being , so he probably shouldn’t be instructing the rest of us on how to heal the world.

Non-violence starts at home, Breezy!