Friday, July 22, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Changing The Rules

Big Brother decided to change things up and it resulted in a mediocre hour. 

We started things off with Tiffany very annoyed with the way Da’vonne acted at the nominations ceremony. Anyone would be at least a little miffed if someone tried to hit them. 

BB18 Julie

In Tiffany’s case, Da’vonne tried to hit her with her hair. It was hilarious to watch it play out, but it was pretty malicious. 

Da’vonne is a catty person and that’s what sealed her fate last year. She needs to change her game play right now if she wants to stay in the house. Time is running out for her. 

Paulie was not impressed with the way she just ditched her alliance members. How did she know she was safe if she didn’t check with them?

Her big speech to James about taking the showmances out of the game was a big red flag. Does she not know that James is in a showmance with Natalie?

Does she even pay any damn attention?

We really don’t get to see much of Natalie on the show, but apparently she and James are super happy together. That takes the showmance count to three!

The petty argument between James and Natalie was cute and all, but Natalie seems like she’s only in there for a relationship. 

Does she not realize there’s a prize at stake? Maybe that’s why she’s hanging around James. 

She was up for eviction this week, but she didn’t seem concerned enough to fight for safety. It’s all pretty silly and there are much more deserving people who should have her place. 

James needs to try and win the HOH if he has any chance of keeping Natalie in the house. There’s only so long that she can float on by and people are already realizing that she’s floating.

Tiffany revealed to Nicole that Da’vonne was a snake and this forced Nicole to contemplate taking Da’vonne out of the game. 

Funnily enough, she was on the same page as Corey, but there was no way that Paulie was allowing the chance to take Tiffany out go past them again.

Nicole worked hard to save her last week, but it just didn’t work out this time. 

Tiffany was evicted.

Her interview was pretty interesting. She let us know the finer details of her game.

I really hope she’s the one to go back in the house. It’s pretty obvious who her target would be.

Da’vonne’s goodbye message was hilarious. Nothing like sticking the knife in a little further. Could you imagine what Da’vonne will do if Tiffany returns?

There was no HOH competition tonight. Everything appeared to be delayed because of the Battle Back competition that will take place tomorrow night in a special Friday airing of the veteran reality series. 

Julie also notified the house that they are no longer playing as teams and that the Big Brother Road Kill is officially over.

This should change the game considerably as it will now be much easier to get someone out of the game. 

We also got to catch up with the four former evicted houseguests and they were just as obnoxious as before. 

If Jozea goes back in, I might just stop watching. 

He most definitely is not “the messiah.”

How will the house react to the potential of someone returning?

Hit the comments below!