Friday, July 15, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Did The House Flip Again?

Frank is not impressed with his fellow houseguests. 

He went into the eviction with thinking that Tiffany as being sent home, but he had no clue that alliance members were conspiring to change things up in the house. 

bb 18x11

Tiffany was always a number for them, so it would make little sense to take her out of the equation. Frank hasn’t liked her since they set foot in the house.

It could be to do with the fact that she’s Vanessa’s sister. Vanessa could ruin games with her tears, so he could be concerned that Tiff is the exact same. 

Frank sure seems to be putting a little too much trust in Michelle. She must be a pretty good actress. He just thinks that she’ll do everything he asks her to. 

That’s what ultimately started his downfall. Michelle went blabbing to Da’vonne about a deal that included Nicole to get Da’vonne out. Nicole barged in the room and was confronted. 

She acted sketchy and Da’vonne saw through her lies, but was that the end of their friendship?

Not quite. 

The two of them realized that they would be best to keep Tiffany in as a number because Frank could easily manipulate Bronte. The two of them got to work and brought their alliance members in on the plan. 

Paulie was understandably cautious about the whole, but ultimately agreed that it was time to change things up. 

Risky moves like this in Big Brother never seem to pan out, so it was pretty shocking when Bronte was evicted. 

The look on Frank’s face said it all. He was furious, but also pretty confused. The plan to make Frank think that it was other houseguests who sent Bronte out was great. 

If they wanted to rattle Frank before the HOH competition, then they succeeded. 

Paulie won the HOH competition. 

This also means that Frank and Bridgette will be safe next week. This whole team thing is becoming a joke. 

It’s almost like the game is rigged for Frank to win. 

Who do you think Paulie will target? 

Will Frank find out the truth?

Hit the comments!