Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Tweet Hints at Divorce Regrets: Is It Too Late to Save Marriage?

Is troubled Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry regretting her decision to divorce Javi Marroquin, the father of her youngest son Lincoln? 

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online or know anything about Kailyn from reading celebrity gossip pages, one thing about her is obvious:

The girl has been through a lot. A LOT.

From her childhood on – her father being MIA, her mother being an alcoholic … the whole Teen Mom thing – it’s been a non-stop battle.

In addition, or perhaps because of the way she was raised, she’s a hard time with guys, often getting confrontational or even violent.

Her relationship with Jo Rivera, the father of her oldest son Issac, was never healthy. Then Javi came along, and things were better.

Much better. But only for a time.

Soon enough, her marriage to Marroquin fall apart, as she shut down emotionally (you might even say coldly) when Javi needed her.

Then Javi cruelly blamed her for having a miscarriage, and growing more and more suspicious of Kailyn talking to other guys (and girls?).

Is there still love there, though?

Might she be having second thoughts about pulling the plug, regardless of how many obstacles they faced and couldn’t get past together?

Judging by this melancholy addition to the bittersweet, infinite sadness that is Lowry’s Twitter feed, she sure is feeling something lately:

Kailyn Bailin

“The grass is not greener on the other side,” the 24-year-old wrote/lamented, “but you’ll never know until you look for yourself.” 

Yes, we might be interpreting this cryptic comment differently than she intended, or she may be trolling us like never before.

Still, coming a from a young woman reeling from such personal tumult compiled over a lifetime, and going through a divorce …

It’s hard to imagine it’s not about that. Just saying.

This is not the first tweet in which Kailyn has regretted divorcing Javi, and the way things are going, it likely won’t be the last.

We’ve also heard whispers of Lowry and Marroquin reconciling, so perhaps she’s realizing her marriage was worth working on?

In any case … he is still deployed abroad.

Yes, while their marriage hit a rough patch and she may or may not be dating Becky Hayter, they have been communicating via FaceTime.

Explains a lot. Not everything, but a lot.