Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Jon Gosselin Works At T.G.I. Friday"s, Donates Checks to Charity

Let this be a cautionary tale to those who seek insta-fame and an Ed Hardy wardrobe.

Jon Gosselin, who at one point in his life was part of television’s most popular reality show, is now working at T.G.I. Friday’s.

TMZ confirmed Gosselin’s employment at the Lancaster, PA franchise, where the former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star has been working for the past few months in the kitchen (he was even put through “chef boot camp”).

The site even got ahold of a selfie Gosselin took with two other employees.

Just a few minutes ago, Gosselin sent out an angry tweet, claiming TMZ ruined something he was “passionate” about.

“Hey @TMZ thanks a lot for ruining something I passionate about, good job interfering!!! FYI, I was donating my checks to charity!” he wrote.

Gosselin still gets to dabble in his other passion, DJ’ing once a month, which he’s been promoting since last year via Twitter.

Gosselin recently gave an interview to Yahoo! about life after Kate, in which he listed out the other ways he makes money.

“I have my [DJ] residencies, which pay my bills,” he explained.

“I get good money. I work at Building 24 in my hometown. It’s great for my kids. It means I’m not traveling a lot.” 

Gosselin realized that working behind the scenes is a more lucrative endeavor, so now he is the VP of sales at Embodied Agency, booking talent for gigs which earns him 15-20 depending on the gig.

“I make more money booking than I do DJ’ing. You can only DJ seven days a week. You’re capped,” he said.

“But if you have other DJs working for you, that’s increased.”

Gosselin is hoping to get back in front of the camera now that he’s Mr. Financial Independence.

“It’s the longest job I’ve had after the divorce, and it’s all mine,” he said. “I own it. I don’t have a boss. It’s me. I’m the boss.

“Now I just want to add more dynamic to it by filming it.”