Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Hilarious Video of Sisters Singing Taylor Swift Resurfaces

Ah, 2010.

It was a simpler time when Taylor Swift only feuded with her ex-boyfriends and Kylie Jenner’s lips looked like ones you’d find on a normal human face.

Taylor’s hair may have been crimped within an inch of its life but everything else was smooth sailing for the two upstarts who now rank among the most famous women in the world.

These days, of course, things are much more complicated.

The feud between Taylor and Kim Kardashian has gotten so intense that Kylie and company probably spit on the floor whenever Swift’s name is mentioned.

But it wasn’t always that way.

The elders speak of a time when Kylie and her sister Kendall enjoyed – nay! – rocked out to Taylor’s music.

It this time of strife and unrest and Melania Trump pretending to be Michelle Obama, we think it’s important to remind the world of this less contentious era:

Yes, that’s Kylie and Kendall lip syncing to Taylor’s “Better Than Revenge.”

A somewhat apt choice of song given everything that’s taken place over the past week.

But that’s not why we’re sharing it.

Come to think of it, we’re not sure why we’re sharing it.

Are we attempting to foster unit, or laughing at a video some now-famous girls made when they were in middle school?

You be the judge.

All we know for sure is that Kim may have proof that Taylor is lying about Kanye’s lyrics, but now the whole world has proof of something far more important:

No one can resist a catchy Tay Swift jam.

So keep right on feuding, Kim, but remember – some day soon you’ll be driving down the freeway and “Shake It Off” will come on and you will fall victim to Taylor’s trance.

Everyone does at some point.

In fact, it’s already claimed two of your siblings. Muahahahaha!