Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Kendall Jenner: I Love My Boobs!

Compared to her sister, Kendall Jenner is relatively tame on social media.

You’ve seen Kim Kardashian nude on there. You’ve practically seen Kylie Jenner nude on there.

But the next time you see Kendall Jenner just posing naked in front of a mirror on Instagram will be the first.

Despite being a bit more covered-up than her famous siblings on a regular basis, Kendall says in a new blog post that she doesn’t see the need to wear a bra.


Why not?

Because she’s all about freeing her nipples, people!

In an entry on her official site actually titled “Free the Nipple,” Jenner wrote defends her style and that of her family members by writing:

“I really don’t see what the big deal is with going braless!”

She adds:

“I think it’s cool and I really just don’t care!. It’s sexy, it’s comfortable, and I’m cool with my breasts. That’s it!”

Is it really comfortable? We’re guessing many women out there would disagree with that statement.

But, hey, whatever. All women should be cool with their own bodies.

We’re not going to knock Kendall for feeling proud of her breasts.

It’s worth noting, too, that there really is a campaign out there titled Free the Nipple.

Miley Cyrus and Cara Delevingne are among the young female stars who have posed on its behalf.

The idea is to question society’s double standards when it comes to male and female nudity.

Why can men walk around shirtless and be called “sexy,” yet women do the same and be referred to in a far more derogatory manner?

They’re just nipples, after all. Both genders have them. Many animals have them. They’re more for utility than anything else.

Lina Esco is the woman behind the Free the Woman movement and she referenced Kim Kardashian when speaking to Motto earlier this year about the censorship of her pictures.

“It’s absurd that it’s 2016 and we still need to censor one of the most natural organs of a woman’s body,” she said at the time.

“Being topless does not equal nudity. Why is it that you can sell women’s breasts but we can’t wear them?”