Saturday, July 9, 2016

Lamar Odom Responds To Khloe Kardashian Divorce Filing: Time To Move On!

I like these two together, so this bums me out.

The end of Khloe and Lamar is nigh, as Lamar Odom responded to his estranged wife’s May divorce filing, according to People.

Court documents reveal that Odom agrees with Khloe Kardashian’s citing of “irreconcilable difference” as the reason for the breakdown of their marriage. 

It’s also been revealed that Odom requested that a judge “deny spousal support” to Kardashian.

Back in October, Kardashian put proceedings on hold while she helped Odom recover from a near-fatal overdose that left him in the hospital for a few months.

“This is a very delicate and difficult time for both Lamar and Khloé, and the most sensible thing to do at such a time is not make any big moves and put everything on hold,” a source told People at the time.

“So that’s what she is doing.”

Though fans had hoped for a reconciliation, it wasn’t meant to be.  Ever since filing for a first time in December 2013, Kardashian always knew this was where their relationship was headed.

 “This was always the plan. The divorce has never been officially off,” the source told the publication.

“The divorce has never been officially off. Khloé was waiting for the timing to be right.”

Kardashian went on Howard Stern back in January and admitted that their whirlwind courtship was a bit…hasty.

“All of them were like ‘you’re fucking nuts,"” Kardashian recalled of her family reaction to the news that she and Odom were marrying in September 2009 after knowing each other just a month.

“It was nine days after meeting him we were like ‘we’re going to get married,"” she said.

“It was just the most intense relationship I’ve ever had in a great way, but looking back in hindsight, would I say ‘oh, yeah probably should you have waited a little bit?’

“Sure. But also, I don’t regret doing it.”