Friday, July 1, 2016

Johnny Depp: Refusing to Answer Questions About Amber Heard, Selling Property Ahead of Divorce

Johnny Depp is currently touring the US with his fantasy camp rock band, the Hollywood Vampires, which means he’s sitting for promotional interviews for the first time since news of his ugly divorce from Amber Heard went public.

(Apparently even Depp realized there was no saving the box office blackhole that was his new Alice in Wonderland abomination.)

So what are the morning shock jocks of America asking the screen icon-turned-scarfed-out Keith Richards wannabe?

Well, we know they’re not asking about Amber Heard.

Thus far, Depp has discussed nothing but the band, upcoming gigs, and that old chestnut about how he was actually a musician long before he became an actor, dontchaknow.

Naturally, this is being taken as a sign that the actor’s people have informed his interviewers in advance that he will not be talking about his current legal woes.

Depp issued a statement about the divorce not long after Heard requested a temporary restraining order against him, and now it looks like that will be his last word on the matter.

We’d say maybe he should encourage his buddies to stop talking about it too, but that seems unlikely.

But while Depp won’t be mumbling any insights into his shattered marriage from beneath a tattered cowboy hat, his actions have been speaking volumes.

Depp recently auctioned off two paintings from the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat for several million dollars.

Naturally, there were rumors that he sold the paintings to pay for his divorce, but obviously that’s ridiculous, as Disney continues to back dump trucks full of money up to his house on a daily basis.

It is possible, however, that Depp is selling off items that he doesn’t want Heard to get her hands on in the settlement.

It’s what any self-respecting pirate – or semi-washed up wealthy aging hipster – would do.