Wednesday, July 13, 2016

9 Idiots Who Got Injured Playing Pokemon Go

Things are bad.  People are walking around, only paying attention to an animated character on their Smartphone.

Look up, fools!

It"s gotten to the point where local police departments have had to issues public safety issues warning of the dangers of wandering around in a zombie-like state.

Who are the small sampling of players who injured themselves during a rousing game of Pokemon Go?  Scroll down to find out.

1. Subway Hero

Man plays pokemon stuck subway

“He mentioned something about #Charizard and #Pokemon and then he’s under the train. This is the world we live in right now.”

2. Skateboarding To The ER

Skateboard fall pokemon go

Mike Schultz from Long Island fell off his skateboard while playing, and cut his hand on the sidewalk. ” I just wanted to be able to stop quickly if there were any Pokemons nearby to catch,” he said, according to the Associated Press.


Pokemon go sends visitor er

“Not even 30 minutes after the release last night, I slipped and fell down a ditch,” one Reddit user said in a thread. “Fractured the fifth metatarsal bone in my foot, 6-8 weeks for recovery. I told all the doctors I was walking my dog lol… Watch where you’re going, folks!”

4. Right Into The Water

Pokemon go player walks right into body of water

Pokemon GO is a danger to society. Just look at what happened to this moron who was playing the game.

5. Driver Crashes Car Into Tree

Cher crashes car clueless gif

The Auburn, NY driver, thankfully, suffered only minor injuries and admitted to playing Pokemon Go while behind the wheel.

6. Girls Trips Over a Cinder Block

Miguel cabrera gif

“Less than one day of having #PokemonGo and I already injured myself by tripping over a cinder block.” – @cupcakelindsay

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