Thursday, July 7, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Is Tiffany Getting Blindsided?

Things can change pretty quickly in the Big Brother house. 

It was only a week ago that the Eight Pack alliance was sitting pretty at the top, but the fractures have already begun to appear and it looks like they could be losing some of their own. 

It all started when Victor put Tiffany on the block as his road kill nominee. This was very stupid on his part because there is much bigger fish to fry in the game. 

He made his decision final and that’s when Tiffany started her downward spiral. She reminded the houseguests a little too much of her sister, Vanessa. 

Paranoia does not look good on Big Brother and she ultimately broke down to her alliance members and made them swear that she wasn’t leaving the game through the back door. 

Despite all the assurance in the world, she still didn’t trust her own alliance and that was made clear during the veto competition when she tried to defeat Da’vonne. 

Da’vonne made her concerns known to her alliance members and they started questioning whether Tiffany served as an asset to them. 

Frank was quick to turn the tables and get the alliance to gun for Tiff, but then Da’vonne did some digging of her own. 

She found out that Frank has been making side deals with every person in the house and his final two deals with most of them. 

Frank has been overplaying the game and everyone has caught wind of this. Da’vonne set up a meeting with Michelle, Zakiyah and Nicole. 

She informed them that it isn’t the time to take Tiffany out and they need her to remain cool with them for the numbers. 

That means that Tiffany seems very safe for now and that Victor is back to being this week’s target. 

Frank has no idea that everyone in the house knows that he’s a snake, but it won’t be long before someone opens up to him about it. 

He was pretty vocal with Nicole, James and Da’vonne about letting his team win the HOH this week so he can go after bigger targets, but Da’vonne told the others to fight for the HOH. 

There’s every possibility that Frank would stab his alliance in the back if there was the possibility of another alliance forming that would get him further. 

Look for tonight’s vote to evict Victor to be a landslide. Natalie, Bridgette and Paul know where the power in the house lies, so they won’t want to upset the bigger alliance. 

What do you think about the latest drama?

Should Tiffany go?

Hit the comments.