Thursday, July 7, 2016

Watch This Mother Tell Her Son That He Just Beat Cancer

The world is a little brighter today for one family in Oklahoma.

And for anyone who watches the following video, really.

It features a young boy named Ben Morris.

As we’re sadly told by Ben’s mother, the child was diagnosed with leukemia in 2013.

Ever since that tragic day, the child has spent 1,167 days going through chemotherapy. It"s a sad tale, but it"s one that has a happy ending.

Because little Ben is now cancer-free.

In the footage below, Ben"s mother gets to share this amazing news with her son.

And we get to see his reaction to it.

Seriously, how many times have you seen anyone hear this sort of news?

And for that person to be an adorable little boy? And to also see his mom react? And his brother, who can"t stop running around in happy circles?

We figured our readers could maybe use a smile today. 

So go ahead and smile very broadly right now:

Young boy reacts to cancer free diagnosis