Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Nick Young Hates on Cheating Rumors, Loves Life

Nick Young is still loving life after cheating on Iggy Azalea. 

Iggy has managed to keep her cool with Young after learning that he cheated on her with his ex-girlfriend Keonna Green. 

After rumors swirled for months that Young had been cheating on Azalea, the rumors became facts when it emerged that Keonna Green was four-months pregnant with Young’s baby. 

As much as Nick would like to put this down to a “lapse in judgement,” Iggy knew it was time to move on from him. 

That she did and let her fans know via Twitter that the relationship was really over. 

“Unfortunately although I love Nick and have tried and tried to rebuild my trust in him – it’s become apparent in the last few weeks I am unable to,” she shared with followers.

“I genuinely wish Nick the best.”

“It’s never easy to part ways with the person you planned you’re entire future with, but futures can be rewritten and as of today mine is a blank page.”

Any way you look at it, Iggy stayed in the relationship way too long and should have gotten out sooner, but she was obviously blinded by love. 

It’s just a shame that Young abused her trust. 

Young had some views of his own for his ex and decided to share them over the weekend on Twitter.

“If you perfect then be perfect I live in a world where ppl f–k up learn from it and move on,” he wrote to his 369,000 followers on Friday.

“That’s life … hate me or love me I’m still going to love life man.”

That doesn’t sound like much of an apology. Right?!

It’s difficult to understand how someone really feels through tweets, but it certainly seems like he isn’t all that bothered about Iggy moving.

What do you think about all of this?

Did Iggy make a lucky escape?

Hit the comments.