Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Amber Portwood Deletes Rant About Matt Baier, Pledges No Negativity

His named has been tainted since first appearing on Teen Mom.

Matt Baier recently responded to an interview his son, Chris gave to Radar Online, in which the 26-year-old called the Boston native “the ultimate con artist.”

Baier released a statement last week to Real Mr. Housewife in order to “set the record straight:”

“Typically I don’t respond to articles about me and have kept silent on all the rumors and gossip that have bene perpetuated about me; however, with this being about my son, I had to set the record straight on this.

“On the surface, this seems like a scathing article, depicting a 25-year-old man who is really hurt and so forth.

“That’s actually not what happened. What actually happened is he was contacted by the press numerous times in the last six moths or so and offered money to say bad things about me.

“Him and I talked about this and he contacted me about it.”

Portwood continues to stick by her man, tweeting on June 30th, “And we sit back and laugh..flip our houses and love our life.”

Later, she wrote, “I’m done with my rant now..sending love always.”

it appears that Portwood had more to say, but went back and deleted what she had posted.

“Had to delete..just felt too negative,” she decided.

Portwood has come to her fiance’s defense several times, whether he was being slammed by Portwood’s baby daddy, Gary Shirley, or one of his own baby mamas.

The couple’s wedding is still planned for this October, despite the media sh*t storm.

“Amber and I are doing well and have never been in a better place together.

“We are continuing to look forward to our wedding and spending the rest of our lives together,” he told Real Mr. Housewife.

Chris held nothing back in his interview, in which he called his estranged father an “evil man” and said he hopes that he’s “nothing” like Baier.

“I would never do what he’s done.”