Showing posts with label Alum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alum. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017

Beanie Wells: Ohio State Alum Will Punish Baker Mayfield In NFL

Baker Mayfield has a target on his back for that whole flag-planting stunt — and the Ohio State alums in the NFL will make him pay for it … so says ex-Buckeyes star Beanie Wells. The former OSU running back tells TMZ Sports Mayfield’s move was…


Monday, August 21, 2017

"American Idol" Alum William Hung Brings Down The House in Arizona

“American Idol” alum William Hung can still pack a full house, which is exactly what happened on Saturday night at a bar in Arizona. Will — who went viral for his attempt at Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs” on ‘A.I.’ in 2004 — played at the Third…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

"Big Brother" Alum Will Kirby Says Jamie Should Be Kicked Out Over Butthole Prank

“Big Brother” Season 2 housemate Will Kirby thinks Jessica Graf has crossed the line by sticking her finger up the butts of fellow castmates, and it’s time to say goodbye to her. We got Will Wednesday outside an OfficeMax in L.A. when he not…


Monday, July 10, 2017

"American Idol" Alum Haley Reinhart Arrested for Punching Bouncer (MUG SHOT)

Former “American Idol” contestant Haley Reinhart got busted for punching a bouncer in the head … TMZ has learned. Cops say Haley got arrested early Saturday morning at a suburban Chicago pub called the Lamplighter Inn. Officers showed up around 2…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Lesley Murphy: Bachelor Alum Shares Pics After Post-Mastectomy Boob Job

Lesley Murphy won fans when competing in Season 17 of The Bachelor, vying for Sean Lowe’s heart way back in 2013.

More recently, though, she made headlines for wisely getting a preventative double-mastectomy after finding out that her genetics put her at major risk of getting breast cancer.

And now, after weeks of preparation, she’s gotten implants and she’s sharing her tale with the world.

Her most recent photo shows her with her surgery happily behind her and she’s doing just fine.

In this Fourth of July photo, Lesley jokes that she’s been “stuffing her bra since the ’90s.”

Avoiding cancer before you ever get it is good.

Having a great sense of humor about it is great.

Just look at how cheerful she looks in this photo after receiving her breast implants:

You may recall that Lesley discovered that she has the BRCA 2 gene, which puts her at major risk for breast cancer.

A double-mastectomy is of course the best choice, but the fact that she’s sharing this with the world is so important.

We’ve read of worst-case scenarios when women face this decision after a breast cancer diagnosis.

One woman’s husband told her that he’d rather see her dead than without breasts.

Another woman expected her husband to pick her up from her mastectomy and he never showed.

When she eventually made her way home, she discovered that he had moved out while she was in the hospital.

(The world is awful, sorry)

So when Lesley Murphy shares her story, complete with photos, with the world, she’s working to reduce misunderstandings and to normalize the life-saving procedure for other women.

It’s even better when she walks followers through every step of the way.

That photo is of Lesley after her second post-op following the mastectomy surgery.

Part of preparing to receive implants meant getting pumped with gradually increasing volumes of saline.

She described the temporary expander implants as feeling like “boulders” as they brought her up from a flat chest to a C-cup.

But now she’s past all of that and her implant surgery went well.

“Happy with a 100% chance of swollen. Exchange surgery was a success and a huge difference from the double mastectomy surgery,”

It sounds like her experience was, while not perfect, very much a best-case scenario.

“After 3 hours I woke up and drank some ginger ale, saw my mom, discussed things with my sweet nurse and was wheeled out of my favorite hospital…where I felt like we hit every bump in the road on the way home. Ouuuuch.”

Yeah, that sounds all kinds of agonizing.

You don’t need to have ever had surgery or have boobs to understand that cars aren’t exactly the most comfortable place to be when you’re not feeling your best.

Honestly, if we’d had any kind of major surgery so recently, you wouldn’t catch us posing for photos for the Fourth of July.

You’d be lucky to catch us wearing anything more than a bathrobe.

A C-cup is a lot of progress since Lesley Murphy’s post-mastectomy photo, right?

Keep in mind, though, that if Lesley had wanted to keep her chest at that level, that would have been 100% fine.

Not everyone who gets a mastectomy can afford to get implants afterwards.

Not everyone who gets a mastectomy wants to get implants afterwards, for any of a whole host of reasons.

But by sharing her story like this, Lesley may make it easier for an unknowable number of women to get life-saving procedures in the future.

Boobs are awesome, but nobody should be dying to keep them.


Saturday, June 24, 2017

"Bachelor" Alum AshLee Frazier Thinks Corinne and DeMario Should Hook Up

Former “Bachelor” contestant AshLee Frazier thinks nothing untoward happened between Corinne and DeMario on “Bachelor in Paradise” and strongly believes they should come back and hook up. We got the Season 17 alum at LAX Friday, and she thinks the…


"Bachelor" Alum AshLee Frazier Thinks Corinne and DeMario Should Hook Up

Former “Bachelor” contestant AshLee Frazier thinks nothing untoward happened between Corinne and DeMario on “Bachelor in Paradise” and strongly believes they should come back and hook up. We got the Season 17 alum at LAX Friday, and she thinks the…


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Ben Higgins Concert-Going with "Bachelor" Alum Ashely Iaconetti After Split from Lauren (PHOTOS)

Ben Higgins is back on the market, and he’s already going out with another “Bachelor” hottie … but it’s not what you think. Ben went to a Bryan Adams concert Saturday night at the Greek Theater in L.A. with none other than “Bachelor” alum Ashley…


Ben Higgins Concert-Going with "Bachelor" Alum Ashely Iaconetti After Split from Lauren (PHOTOS)

Ben Higgins is back on the market, and he’s already going out with another “Bachelor” hottie … but it’s not what you think. Ben went to a Bryan Adams concert Saturday night at the Greek Theater in L.A. with none other than “Bachelor” alum Ashley…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Lesley Murphy: Bachelor Alum Shares Topless Photo Days After Mastectomy

We know Lesley Murphy best as a contestant on season 17 of The Bachelor — she fought for Sean Lowe’s heart, and she came in fifth place.

Or at least, that was how we knew her.

These days, she’s doing work that’s a little more important than reality show love.

Last month, Lesley revealed that she carried a gene that put her at high risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer and, as a preventative measure, she’d be getting a double mastectomy.

She explained that her mother battled breast cancer, and so she felt it was best to “take care of it right now” with the surgery.

And so last week, she had both of her breasts removed.

She’s been documenting her recovery on her Instagram page, and it’s really just amazing to see.

The first day after her surgery, she wrote that the whole thing was “hard to wrap my head around,” and after seeing her chest, she described it as “It looks like I was in a bear fight and lost. Badly.”

But, she added, “The human body is truly amazing, though, and I will heal soon enough.”

The second day after her surgery, she was able to go home, but with a little apron that held four tubes attached to her chest to drain fluids.

Poor Lesley wrote that “Walking and breathing still doesn’t come easy,” but she looks pretty tough to us.

And then on Sunday, she shared another update — along with a topless photo of herself, taken just five days after her mastectomy.

“My Sunday best,” she captioned the picture, “or what I could manage to put on today with limited arm movements.”

“My mom washed and dried my hair today. She dresses me in the mornings. She also measures my drains twice daily which are the tubes you see coming out of my lovely red apron I never take off,” she continued.

“She’s the freaking best. She slept in my hospital room and bed at home for the first few nights, helping me in and out of bed and giving me meds at horrid hours to control the pain.”

“I have to sleep on my back in the exact same position every night,” she described. “Sometimes when I make the wrong movements it feels like my chest is detaching from my body, but all in all, I think my upper half is healing nicely!”

“Sure, it’s sunken in and lumpy because what you see are deflated expanders that were put in which will gradually get filled every 2-3 weeks as I get ready for reconstructive surgery.”

“Hopefully by then the permanent marker will be off my body.”

Lesley wrote that she feels “lucky” because “my surgeons only made one vertical incision on the lower half of both breasts will saving skin and nipple.”

“So while all breast tissue is (hopefully) gone,” she concluded, “I retained some of the old me! Happy Sunday. God is good.”

In her latest update, which she wrote yesterday, she wrote that she had two of her four tubes removed, and the other two would be removed next week.

“As always,” she added, “I love you guys. I read every heartfelt comment and truly feel the love of this incredible support system.”

“Together we are creating so much awareness for early detection, screenings, gene mutations and how to work with the options we have. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

And thank you, Lesley!

Because seriously, what an inspiration.


Saturday, April 15, 2017

"Survivor" Outing Makes "America"s Next Top Model" Alum Relive Her Own Nightmare (VIDEO)

Transgender model Isis King is taking a strong stance in support of ‘Survivor’ contestant Zeke Smith after his televised outing, because she went through the same thing on “America’s Next Top Model.” Isis was the first transgender…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Kim DePaola, Real Housewives of New Jersey Alum, at Center of Double Murder

Kim DePaola, a former cast member on The Real Housewives of New Jersey, reportedly finds herself caught in the middle of a double murder investigation.

Yes, you read that sentence correctly.

The ex-reality star is in this unexpected position after two bodies were found in a car owned by her that had been set on fire on Friday, multiple outlets have confirmed.

According to TMZ, an Audi registered to DePaola, yet mostly used by her son, Chris, was discovered horribly burned late last week… with two charred bodies inside of it in Paterson, New Jersey.

(No comment yet from the The Paterson Police Department regarding this scary incident.)

The victims have not been identified, but both were men and both were shot in the head, execution-style, authorities told NBC News.

One insider says the remains were so torched that investigators couldn’t even determine the race of the victims, nor could they determine the gender upon initial examination.

Authorities told that they were looking into the crime as a double murder.

“I can’t tell you why we are treating it as a homicide, but we are treating it as a homicide,” police Captain Richard Reyes has said on the record.

Neighbors, meanwhile, told NBC that they heard a pair of gunshots ring out prior to seeing the car go up in flames.

Firefighters were forced to cut open the roof of the car in order to pull the bodies out, per NBC reporting.

Details are still coming in, and we’ll relay them as soon as fresh news breaks, but TMZ adds that Chris was out of town after a friend dropped him off at the airport in the vehicle.

However, a source tells the website that this friend, Aaron Anderson, was not supposed to be driving the car around.

His parents tell NBC that they have not been in contact with Aaron since Friday, leaving them “concerned,” according to Anderson’s father.

“I’ve been calling him and it’s going to voicemail,” his mother told NBC. “I would have heard from him.”

No arrests have been made at this time; investigators are open to the possibility that drugs were involved in the crime/motive behind the crime.

DePoala appeared on The Real Housewives of New Jersey from 2010-2013.

She addressed the ordeal on Sunday, assuring social media followers that she and her son were safe.

“I am humbled by the outpour of love and support during this very difficult time,” DePoala wrote in a Notes screenshot on Instagram, adding:

“My son and I are both safe. Our deepest condolences of out to the victims’ families of this truly horrific tragedy.”

kim note

What an odd and frightening and seemingly tragic situation.

We’ll keep readers apprised as more information is made available to the public.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Lesley Murphy, Bachelor Alum, Announces Double Masectomy

Lesley Murphy, a former Bachelor contestant who competed for the heart of Sean Lowe back in the way, took to Instagram on Wednesday to make an important announcement.

It concerned her health and test results she recently received from a doctor.

Because she’s at risk for breast and ovarian cancer, Murphy says she will soon undergo a double mastectomy.

Murphy, who you may remember from season 17 of the ABC reality series, explained her reasoning in a social media video and an accompanying caption.

“A couple of weeks ago I found out I’m BRCA2 positive, which means I’m at a high risk for breast and ovarian cancer one day,” the Arkansas native wrote wrote, adding:

“Buzzzz kill. I know. But it’s true what they say – knowledge is power.”

Murphy, who is making a decision similar to the one made, continued as follows:

“I’m left with a few options and have decided that preventative surgery is what I want over various screenings multiple times a year.

“A double mastectomy at 2freaking9. Wtf?! Yep, it’s happening.”

In the video, the former political consultant – whose mother is a breast cancer survivor – elaborated on her choice to get a mastectomy at such a young age.

“My mom had breast cancer three years ago this month and she is a badass. And I hope to grow up to be like her.

“And this is me trying. So I think the right move is just to take care of it right now and do the double mastectomy.

“I’m 29. It sounds young, but I’m not getting any younger.”

Murphy wants to make it clear that she doesn’t want your pity.

She isn’t even looking for well wishes.

She just wants to send an inspiring message and maybe help other women in the process.

“In no way am I looking for pity through this story,” she wrote.

“I’ve wanted to share the news since the beginning simply to be an advocate for early screenings, detections and girl power.”

Murphy’s surgery is scheduled for April 11.

We wish her the very best and we admire her for making such a brave and difficult decision.

We hope others out there follow her example, get checked and take the necessary precautions based on the results.


Monday, November 7, 2016

"Bachelor" Alum AshLee Frazier -- Engaged in a New York Minute! (PHOTOS)

‘Bachelor’ vet AshLee Frazier couldn’t get it on a reality show, but she finally got a marriage proposal … on the Brooklyn Bridge. We’re told the proposal went down Saturday right in the middle of a bunch of tourists who were checking…


Friday, August 19, 2016

Casey Reinhardt: Infamous Laguna Beach Alum Gives Birth!

Casey Reinhardt, the peripheral character from Laguna Beach whose hair extensions were mocked by her cast mates, has given birth to a baby girl.

Reinhardt and her husband, Sean Brown welcomed Kensington Kelly Brown, with dad posting a sweet message to Instagram.

“Kensington Kelly Brown stole my heart on 8/16/16. I love you forever,” he wrote.

Casey Reinhardt Newborn Daughter

“Casey you have made my life immeasurably better in every possible way. Life is good!”

Reinhardt married Brown, nephew of the late Nicole Brown Simpson, in February at the luxurious Resort and Pelican Hill in Newport Beach, CA.

“Last night was the most magical, incredible, most emotional night of my life!!!” she wrote after the wedding.

“I became Mrs. Casey Beau Brown and I get to spend the rest of my life with the most amazing man who ever walked this earth.

“I’m so happy, so in love, and so overwhelmed with emotion just thinking about how beautiful the rest of our lives are going to be together.

The Casey’s Cupcakes owner and Brown announced that they were expecting in April.

The 30-year-old, who’s older brother Doug has dated Paris Hilton and Lauren Conrad, is most famous for spending about a minute on the second season of Laguna.  

Before being ostracized by the crew for spreading a gross rumor about Alex Murell’s personal hygiene DOWNTHERE, Reinhardt would often invite some of the cast to her mansion, where she’d instruct her maid to make them “un quesadilla por favor,” as well as plan sit-down lunches with sparkling juice and salads.

Reinhardt ultimately sealed her fate as the show’s most detested person when she arrived at a pre-prom party in the same yellow Roberto Cavalli cut-out gown Sheryl Crown wore to the Grammy Awards.

Reinhardt’s life turned out just fine, though.  She and her hair extensions seem very happy.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Christina Grimmie Shooting Death: Stars Pay Tribute to The Voice Alum

Christina Grimmie, a third place finalist on The Voice, was shot dead after a concert Friday night in Orlando, Fla.

She was 22.

The gunman approached and opened fire on the rising star as she was signing autographs just before Grimmie"s brother tackled the man, who then shot himself.

Grimmie did not know her killer; police suspect he was a deranged fan.

The world mourns the young singer as we all try to make sense of this shocking act of violence.

Stars and have taken to social media to pay tribute to the late Grimmie. Read their heartfelt tributes below.


1. Adam Levine

Adam levine

Adam Levine, who was Grimmie’s coach on The Voice, shared the photo above to Instagram, writing, “I’m sad, shocked and confused. We love you so much Grimmie. We are all praying hard that you can pull through this…this just isn’t fair.”

2. Blake Shelton

Blake shelton on the voice

“I’m stunned and disgusted and heartbroken that we lost that sweet little girl… Keeping @TheRealGrimmie family in my heart and mind,” Shelton tweeted.

3. Christina Aguilera

Christina aguilera in the voice chair

“So sad passing of @TheRealGrimmie. Beautiful member of #TheVoice family & true #Fighter. My heart goes out to her family, friends & fans. xo,” wrote The Voice coach Christina Aguilera.

4. Carson Daly

Carson daly photograph

“So sad about @TheRealGrimmie. I’m still in shock. She was special. Had IT. Talented. Kind. Funny. Loving. Courageous. We hurt w her family,” tweeted The Voice host.

5. Before You Exit

Before you exit

Before You Exit, the band Grimmie opened for Friday night, tweeted “Today we lost an angel, sister, and a beloved friend. #RipChristina” alongside a longer tribute calling her “a loving, caring, beautiful person with the biggest heart.”

6. Jordan Smith

Jordan smith

The Voice season 9 winner Jordan Smith tweeted, “Prayers going up for @TheRealGrimmie right now. So heartbroken to hear this news. #PrayForChristina,” later writing, “A star has been snuffed out. An amazing story unwritten.”

View Slideshow

Christina Grimmie Shooting Death: Stars Pay Tribute to The Voice Alum

Christina Grimmie, a third place finalist on The Voice, was shot dead after a concert Friday night in Orlando, Fla.

She was 22.

The gunman approached and opened fire on the rising star as she was signing autographs just before Grimmie"s brother tackled the man, who then shot himself.

Grimmie did not know her killer; police suspect he was a deranged fan.

The world mourns the young singer as we all try to make sense of this shocking act of violence.

Stars and have taken to social media to pay tribute to the late Grimmie. Read their heartfelt tributes below.


1. Adam Levine

Adam levine

Adam Levine, who was Grimmie’s coach on The Voice, shared the photo above to Instagram, writing, “I’m sad, shocked and confused. We love you so much Grimmie. We are all praying hard that you can pull through this…this just isn’t fair.”

2. Blake Shelton

Blake shelton on the voice

“I’m stunned and disgusted and heartbroken that we lost that sweet little girl… Keeping @TheRealGrimmie family in my heart and mind,” Shelton tweeted.

3. Christina Aguilera

Christina aguilera in the voice chair

“So sad passing of @TheRealGrimmie. Beautiful member of #TheVoice family & true #Fighter. My heart goes out to her family, friends & fans. xo,” wrote The Voice coach Christina Aguilera.

4. Carson Daly

Carson daly photograph

“So sad about @TheRealGrimmie. I’m still in shock. She was special. Had IT. Talented. Kind. Funny. Loving. Courageous. We hurt w her family,” tweeted The Voice host.

5. Before You Exit

Before you exit

Before You Exit, the band Grimmie opened for Friday night, tweeted “Today we lost an angel, sister, and a beloved friend. #RipChristina” alongside a longer tribute calling her “a loving, caring, beautiful person with the biggest heart.”

6. Jordan Smith

Jordan smith

The Voice season 9 winner Jordan Smith tweeted, “Prayers going up for @TheRealGrimmie right now. So heartbroken to hear this news. #PrayForChristina,” later writing, “A star has been snuffed out. An amazing story unwritten.”

View Slideshow

Christina Grimmie Dead; The Voice Alum Was 22

Another rising star has left us too soon.

Christina Grimmie, who placed in the top three on The Voice‘s sixth season as part of Adam Levin’s team, has passed away on June 11th from gunshot wounds after performing at an Orlando, FL concert.

Grimmie opened for the band, Before You Exit at Plaza Live.  While signing autographs after the performance, Grimmie was approached by a man with two guns, according to People.

The man shot the singer, 22, before being tackled by her brother.  He then turned the gun on himself.

“The show ended at approximately 10 o’clock,” Orlando Sgt. Wanda Miglio said during a news conference.

“After that they were selling merchandise and signing autographs. We know that the suspect walked up and shot Christina at that point. We know that her brother tackled the suspect and that’s when the suspect shot himself.”

“Her brother is a hero for saving and stopping him from not hurting anyone else.”

According to WFTV, fans tweeted from inside the venue after hearing six gun shots.

“It is with a heavy heart that we can confirm that Christina has passed and went home to be with the Lord. She was shot at her show in Orlando, and unfortunately didn’t survive the gun shot wounds,” Grimmie’s rep told People in an official statement.

“We ask at this time that you respect the privacy of her family and friends in their time of mourning.”

A GoFundMe page has been set up to aid her family.

NBC tweeted their devastation after hearing about the incident.

“We are heartbroken,” the network wrote. 

“@TheRealGrimmie is a loved member of our family. Our thoughts are with her and her family. #PrayForChristina.”

The Voice judge Blake Shelton responded to the news as well.

“Just reading the same stuff y’all are at this point,” Shelton tweeted. “Can’t believe this..”

No other details about the gunman’s motive are available at this time.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Vampire Diaries Alum Kayla Ewell Is Officially Married!

And another Vampire Diaries star ties the knot!

On Saturday,Vampire Diaries alum Kayla Ewell married her longtime boyfriend, Tanner Novlan in Los Angeles. The two first got engaged in December 2014.

[ Related: New Details (& Pics) Emerge About Nikki Reed & Ian Somerhalder’s Oh So Secretive Nuptials! ]

According to sources, the event was an intimate soiree held in downtown El Lay and it took place just a few weeks after Kayla’s 30th birthday. Aww, what a great b-day present!

We wonder how her ex co-star and ex-boyfriend, Kellan Lutz, is taking the news! The pair did date for two years, after all!

A big congrats goes out to the happy couple!

[Image via Instagram.]