Showing posts with label Apart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apart. Show all posts

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Richard Branson"s Necker Island Torn Apart by Irma, Some Exotic Animals MIA

Richard Branson’s menagerie of exotic animals are not all accounted for after Hurricane Irma tore through Branson’s Necker Island … TMZ has learned. As we reported, Branson proudly assembled an awesome array of animals, including lemurs,…


Friday, August 11, 2017

White House Torn Apart For Renovations

The White House is now a disaster … by design. 1600 Pennsylvania is a construction zone … the Oval Office empty, heavy equipment shielding the exterior … the press room looking like a scene from “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” It’s all part…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Is Simon Saran Tearing Her Family Apart?!

Farrah Abraham has a whole lot of problems. Like, just so, so many.

Enough to fill a boat. A real big one.

But some of the biggest issues she has are with her parents — her mother, specifically. One could even go as far as to say that her parents could be the root of all her other problems.

Debra Danielsen, Mommy Dearest herself, has been arrested for being violent with Farrah, and while she insists it was no big deal, Farrah says that Debra’s been very abusive towards her.

Beyond that, we’ve seen Debra be manipulative and just generally awful on Teen Mom OG and during their time on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars Family Edition.

Farrah has had many a meltdown over her mother’s treatment of her, but honestly, Deb doesn’t seem all that concerned with repairing her relationship with her daughter.

She seems to be more into playing the victim whenever possible, and in maintaining a close enough relationship with Farrah to get that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money.

To hear Debra tell it, she’s not to blame whatsoever in what’s happened between her and her daughter.

Farrah isn’t, either.

No, it’s all that dastardly Simon Saran’s fault!

“Simon broke up a family,” Debra reveals in a new interview with Radar Online.

“Farrah has blocked me. She doesn’t talk to me and it’s been a while now. I’ve only tried to help her.”

“They’re my world,” she insists, apparently referring to both Farrah and Sophia. “I’ve done everything for them.”

She also claims that Simon “makes stuff up” about her — like that time that he recently stated that she’d been talking to a lawyer in an attempt to get custody of Sophia.

Oh, and that other time that he recently stated that she’d brought dudes over to her house to bang while she was supposed to be watching Sophia.

She says that “It’s always about Simon wanting to earn more money and use my money and my family to appear on the show.”

“He could go away, nobody would miss him!”

OK, but here’s the thing.

Instead of Simon tearing Debra’s family apart, it seems like what’s actually been happening over in reality is that Simon’s been helping Farrah stand up to her mother.

You might have missed it in between Ryan Edwards nodding off while driving and Amber Portwood almost beating Matt Baier, but there was a lot of Farrah drama in the Teen Mom season finale.

She paid for Debra, Debra’s creepy fiance, David, and Simon to go on a vacation together, and David was rude to her the entire time.

They finally got into a huge fight over dinner one evening, and David told Farrah that the reason he was being cold to her was because she didn’t respect her mother.

Farrah actually managed to be reasonable for once, explaining that David had no place talking to her like that, and that she’d give respect when it was earned.

When things got too heated, Simon calmly and quietly pulled her aside, suggesting they go for a walk.

It was a surprisingly sweet move, but for the entire vacation, Farrah seemed to be comforted by his presence.

Debra, meanwhile, made a scene in a nail salon and screamed that she wanted to die, right in front of the employees and Sophia and everyone.

So one person threatens suicide if she doesn’t get her way, the other is supportive and sweet …

Which one do you think could be the one responsible for breaking the family?


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Farrah Abraham: See Her Father Tear Amber Portwood APART!

Farrah Abraham and Amber Portwood … well, they’re not on the best of terms.

And yes, that is the understatement of the year.

Their history is a little complicated — they used to be friends, believe it or not.

But something happened in the past year or so. Perhaps it was Simon Saran’s endless bashing of Amber and Matt Baier, or perhaps Farrah remembered that she’s incapable of being a decent person and decided to throw her under the bus.

Whatever it was, it caused Farrah to feel comfortable saying that Matt looks like a pedophile during the reunion show of the last season of Teen Mom OG.

And that caused Amber to lose her mind, and that kicked off the feud that is still thriving, even today.

The two Teen Mom ladies have gone back and forth for months now, with the latest spat taking place on Instagram.

Farrah made a post about flipping houses, which is an activity that Amber and Matt also enjoy. One of her followers commented, telling Farrah that she was copying Amber.

Farrah replied with some barely coherent comment about how she was actually going to make money flipping houses, “like Amber and Matt wish they could.”

And Amber did not appreciate it.

She replied to Farrah, writing “Don’t comment on a real woman sweetheart! I gave you family bootcamp lol and I make money on my houses … I don’t lose money like your other house.”

“This is why you shouldn’t do cocaine and drink all the time okay honey. Your forgetting things like you know That guy you met online in NY??”

“Keep it up and I will literally stop all this with one interview and text messages,” she finished. “Don’t play with a true Queen sweetheart.”

So that’s a little confusing, but the gist is that Amber has dirt on Farrah, and also that she accused her of doing cocaine and drinking “all the time.”

And that’s why Farrah’s father, Michael, decided to step in.

In a lengthy interview he did, Michael defended his daughter … but mostly he just did his best to destroy Amber.

About Amber’s comment, he said “Who cares about something that might have happened or not … years ago and of texts involving other parties.”

“It’s also funny that Amber is threatening someone about behaviors that her fiance and her beg people to forget about in one statement, and in another statement use an excuse for their behaviors.”

OK, that was a pretty solid burn.

He added that “If she had any sense she would be concerned and would be managing their responsibilities for their actions last fall — attempted assault, assault, damaging government property, and destroying government property.”

The “government property” in question, by the way, was Michael’s hearing aids, issued by the Veterans Administration.

He also claims that “Amber and her fiance have one of the biggest cases of ‘Abraham Envy’ I have ever witnessed!”, and that Matt’s book has an entire chapter about the family.

According to the man partially responsible for unleashing Farrah onto the world, Amber “can’t control herself and she is full of rage/violence.”

Michael wasn’t above cheap shots either: he also referred to Amber as a “Ms. Marilyn Monroe want-a-be.”

“Want-a-be.” How rich.

Honestly, instead of taking the time to say all this about Amber, he should be considering how his own family became so broken and, you know, trying to fix it.

To be fair though, the same could be said of Amber.

Oh, what a complicated world Teen Mom has built …


Friday, April 28, 2017

Kendall and Kylie Jenner: Blaming Caitlyn for Ripping Their Family Apart?

You know what they say: another day, another story about how Caitlyn Jenner really should have thought things through a little more before including certain things in her memoir.

Like, did she really have to write about how bizarre it was for her to sleep with Kris Jenner? Was that necessary?

Unfortunately, though Caitlyn has quite the story to tell, it seems like she’s also on a mission to sell as many books as possible.

And that’s why she’s bringing up Kris and the Kardashians as much as she possibly can both in the book itself and while promoting the thing — the people want the gory details.

Or the O.J. Simpson stories, same thing.

While invoking the Kardashian name has certainly got a lot of people talking about her memoir, it’s also had the not-so-desirable effect of ripping her family apart.

Sadly enough, it seems like Caitlyn’s two youngest children, Kendall and Kylie, are beginning to suffer for it.

According to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life, “Kendall and Kylie feel terrible about the divide Caitlyn has created in the family.”

However, “Caitlyn will always be their father so Kylie and Kendall have a stronger bond with her than the rest of the sisters who are at war with Caitlyn over her salacious new book.”

But while Kendall and Kylie feel more loyalty towards Caitlyn, they’re also very close with their mother and their sisters, so they’re pretty much stuck in a difficult situation.

The source says that “The younger sisters are tired of trying to defend Caitlyn to their older sisters so they have asked Kim, Khloe and Kourtney to not bring up the Caitlyn drama anymore.”

As for the littlest Jenner, “Kylie refuses to listen to anyone diss Caitlyn, she is over Caitlyn’s book at doesn’t want to read it.”

She also “feels like it hurts everyone when Kim claps back at Caitlyn,” as she did pretty eloquently yesterday on The Ellen Show.

Meanwhile, “It makes Kendall sad that the book has caused so much tension in the family.”

Did she try giving Caitlyn a Pepsi?

The source concludes this tragic tale by explaining that “Both younger daughters feel stuck in the middle and they are distraught that Caitlyn is dividing them.”

This all goes back to what we’ve been saying all along, which is that Cailtyn really should have considered the cost of including certain things in her memoir.

It would have been a fine book without hurting anyone’s feelings, and of course she didn’t have to bring the late Robert Kardashian into it — she should have known that in particular would have infuriated her former stepchildren.

Hopefully Caitlyn is able to work everything out, at least with Kendall and Kylie.

If not … well, we hope that her book just sells oodles and oodles of copies.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Waffle House Founders Die a Month Apart

The second half of the Waffle House empire is no more — co-founder Tom Forkner has died … one month after the death of his partner, Joe Rogers Sr. Waffle House confirmed Forkner’s death. Co-founder Joe died in early March. Waffle House was…


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Is Her Breakup with Tyga Tearing Her Family Apart?!

If you can believe it, it’s been nearly a month now since Kylie Jenner and Tyga’s most recent breakup.

And this time, it’s serious.

Or, you know, as serious as a 19-year-old girl breaking up with her older, creepier boyfriend for the umpteenth time possibly can be.

We’ve heard several possible reasons for the split — some sources say that Kylie cut Tyga loose because she’d heard rumors he’d been cheating on her again, and she simply feels like she can no longer trust him.

Other sources claim that the issue is that Tyga won’t take the relationship to the next level.

“Kylie has been begging Tyga to propose to her for years now and she pulled the plug on this relationship because she was tired of waiting,” a source recently explained.

“She has been trying to force him into marrying her and seems to think that Tyga cannot live without her.”

Unfortunately though, “she’s wrong because he clearly can and does!”

Ha ha, gross.

But whatever the reason for the breakup, whether Tyga was cheating or Kylie gave him an ultimatum or things just fizzled out, people seem to agree that this split definitely feels more permanent than the others.

And her family simply cannot handle the heartache.

An insider explained the whole issue to Hollywood Life: see, it seems like her sisters and her mother are arguing about what Kylie’s next step should be.

“There’s serious drama between the sisters over Kylie and Tyga,” the source says. “While Kim and Kris are in Kylie’s ear telling her to dump him, Khloe and Kourtney are telling her to make it work!”

And while this could be a simple debate over the love life of a teenager, things are getting nasty.

“Kim and Kris don’t think Kylie should listen to her other sisters,” apparently, “and point out that Khloe’s relationships don’t last longer than six months and that Kourt and Scott are a hot mess of a couple.”

… Well, they’re not wrong.

Meanwhile, “Khloe and Kourtney feel a little salty about that shade but are telling Kylie that when it comes to love, logic doesn’t stand a chance.”

“No doubt Kourtney and Scott love one another and it’s obvious. They’ll always be together and their situation works for them!”

As for Khloe, she’s “having the time of her life with Tristan Thompson and they’re making it work.”

But at the end of the day, “Everyone wants Kylie to be happy and whether she wants to stay with T is ultimately her decision.”

Is there one single thing in this world that this family won’t twist into some sort of drama?

Kylie is 19. Tyga is terrible. It’s great that she’s over him right now, and her family shouldn’t be trying to get in her head with all these ideas about how precious and pure her love for Tyga is.

Sometimes, on very rare occasion, Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner will have worthwhile ideas. This is one of those times.

Leave the guy alone, Kylie.


Friday, March 24, 2017

Mother and 8-Year Old Daughter Die in Separate Car Crashes, 30 Minutes Apart

The following is a truly awful story.

Our heart breaks for everyone involved in it and everyone who has been affected by it.

news report pic

An Alabama woman and her eight-year old daughter died on Tuesday afternoon in separate car-related accidents… within 30 minutes and seven miles of each other.

According to DeKalb County Coroner Tom Wilson, the victims have been identified as 39-year-old Julie Yates Patterson and her child, Elizabeth “Libby” Patterson. 

Said Wilson to The Huffington Post, detailing what transpired:

“The mother’s car was involved in a head-on collision with another vehicle and then about a half hour later, the daughter was crossing the road when she was struck by a car.”

Wilson added that both incidents took place on Alabama State Route 117, which is located near the family’s residence in Valley Head.

This highway is a winding two-lane road that runs northwest from the Georgia state line through the town of Ider into Jackson County, eventually ending at the Tennessee state line.

Valley Head is a small town about 70 miles southeast of Huntsville; the impact of these tragedies has been felt by all who call it home.

alabama mom

“It’s just a tragic, tragic thing for something like that to happen,” Valley Head Mayor Lamar Bray said on Wednesday, adding:

“In a little town of 500 or 600 people, everybody knows everybody or [is] related to everybody. We just request prayers for the family, and we’ll all come together as a community.”

Per The Times Free Press, family members say that Libby had recently celebrated her birthday and that a school bus had reportedly dropped her off minutes before the fatal accident. also reported on the accident that killed Julia, writing that the crash injured at least two other people, both of whom were transported to an area hospital.

Their conditions are unknown at the moment.

The driver of the vehicle that struck and killed Libby was not injured.

alabama child

Wilson told The Huffington Post in a quick interview that the small rural community is “mostly in shock and disbelief.”

He added:

“It’s quite a coincidence. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.”

On Thursday morning, an account at went up to help pay for funeral expenses; to date, it has raised nearly $ 2,000.

This is what it says on the home page:

Most of you know Julie Yates was killed in a car accident on March 21st, on that same day, shortly after, her daughter Libby was also killed after being struck by a car.

Nobody knows or is prepared for something like this. I have started this page in hopes for our little community to come together and help this family as much as possible.

The money will be put towards the funeral, and what is left will be given to the Yates family to do what they deem necessary, whether it is funeral expenses or whatever they need. I am a friend of the family, I went to church with Julie’s daughter and I intend on taking the funds to the funeral home in which the funeral will be held.

If you have any questions regarding the campaign or if I have not answered any questions in this post PLEASE contact me via email and I will answer any unanswered question.


Friday, February 10, 2017

Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna: Still Engaged, But Living Apart

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna are just exhausting at this point, right?

It’s irritating to think they’re only remaining together (nominally, at least) because their unwatchable reality series was just renewed for a second season and they have squat else going on in their careers, but what’s the alternative?

That they might actually be madly in love with one another, but so emotionally volatile than they can’t stick it out for more than a couple months at a time, despite the fact that they just had a kid together?

Hmmm … that may actually be more irritating.

Anyway, for whatever reason, Blac and Rob are either trying to make it work, or trying to convince us that they’re trying to make it work.

But while they’re unwilling to call it quits on their relationship, they’re also unwilling to live together, which is … unusual for an engaged couple that just brought a child into the world.

Yes, according to People magazine, Rob and Blac are still engaged, but they live in separate homes.

We don’t get it either.

“They are together, but not living together,” an insider tells the magazine.

“It’s a bizarre situation. They are still engaged and Chyna wears her ring. There haven’t been any wedding talks though.”

The source says that the couple’s primary issue is Rob’s jealousy.

It’s anyone’s guess as to how living in separate homes might help resolve that issue.

“One of their main issues is that Rob doesn’t trust her,” continues the source.

“Even rumors of Chyna getting close to other guys, will cause another epic fight.”

When they say “another epic fight,” the source is probably refering to the incident in December, in which Blac drunkenly attacked Rob and had to be physically restrained by Kris Jenner’s boyfriend, Corey Gamble.

So yeah, it’s probably a good idea for these two to live in separate homes …

… for many of the same reasons that it would be a good idea for them to break up completely.

Anyway, as for those rumors about Blac cheating on Rob with a random Pats fan on Super Bowl Sunday – the source says great pains have been taken to keep Rob from hearing about them.

“Rob would definitely not be happy,” says the insider.

Meanwhile, Tom Brady is just happy that someone else has been accused of cheating for once. Zing!


Monday, February 6, 2017

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West: Reunited After Week Apart

Super Bowl LI might not have been such a fun time for the Atlanta Falcons or for people hoping to show their kids a cautionary tale about how cheaters never prosper, but there are some non-Pats fans and non-presidents who enjoyed the game.

Take Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, for example.

After Kim went on vacation without Kanye last month, many took it as an indication that the couple was done for good.

Now, however, it looks like Kimye enjoyed a super reunion on the day of the big game.

Sources say Kim returned to LA over the weekend, and she and Kanye were spotted enjoying a 

“They seemed to have fun catching up,” an insider tells People magazine.

“There was no tension between them. Instead, they both seemed very happy.”

The source adds that Kim and Kanye were joined by daughter North and son Saint, and that the entire family seemed to enjoy the festivities.

“They spent several hours at the party,” says the source.

“Everyone seemed happy!”

Granted, “everyone seemed happy” is pretty faint praise, but it’s a step in the right direction.

In case you missed it, Kim and Kanye divorce rumors were flying fast and furious for a couple months there, and it looked like there was real reason to believe these two were on the verge of calling it quits.

In November, Kanye was hospitalized after an emotional breakdown, and his erratic behavior had reportedly put a serious strain on his marriage. 

After his release, he and Kim briefly lived in separate homes, in what was reportedly a safety precaution.

For a while, they cohabited in Kanye’s post-hospital hideout, and then Kim jetted off to Costa Rica for a family vacation that had been scheduled before West’s latest round of troubles.

Obviously, it’s hard to gather a whole lot from one Super Bowl party appearance, but it seems that the Wests are at least attempting to make their marriage work.

Even the fact that Kanye has disavowed his support of Donald Trump is being taken as an indication that he’s fighting to make things right with his wife.

(Kim was an ardent Hillary Clinton supporter, and many were shocked when West visited Donald Trump back in December.)

It’s too soon to say what the future hold for these two, but for now, it seems clear that they both want to make their marriage work.

And sometimes that’s enough.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Kate Gosselin Tears Jon Gosselin APART in New Interview

Kate Gosselin just might be the worst person in the history of reality television.

She might be the worst person in the history of the world, not counting murderers and stuff.

We know it, you know it, literally everybody knows it.

She’s rude and controlling and hateful, she’s got all the warmth of some old rock that you put in the back of your freezer and forgot about for 41 years.

Why would you put a rock in your freezer? It’s hard to say. Why can’t Kate Gosselin manage to be a decent person for even the tiniest little bit of time?

Life is full of unanswerable questions.

Listen, we don’t have time to break down all the many, many ways in which Kate Gosselin is awful, but what we do have time for is to break down this new interview she did with Dr. Oz.

First up, let’s discuss this clip in which she wastes no time in throwing Jon Gosselin under the bus:

“They want a dad who’s there for them,” she explains of the eight children she and Jon share. Well, they share them biologically, at least.

“I’m I’m gonna be really honest,” she went on, “there was kind of the old Jon and the new Jon and none of us can quite understand, like, what happened there.”

“So we struggled together. I mean, they coined it years ago, old daddy and new daddy. That’s understandable, but, like, hard to kind of digest for all of us.”

This isn’t exactly new information — Kate’s said before that she and her kids think of Jon in terms of “old daddy” and “new daddy” — but still, how terrible, right?

There’s also this bit, where Kate just can’t seem to understand why people don’t care for her:

When asked why she gets so much media attention, she cries out “I don’t know why! I’m just a mom, like all the moms everywhere.”

“We’re just doing our best,” she insists, “and I’m really passionate about what I do and really loud about it, but, I mean, moms don’t get enough credit. It’s a stinking hard job.”

“I mean, everything that we do we’re putting the next generation out there. I don’t take that lightly. I mess up a lot.”

You don’t say, Kate!

“But, I mean, I’m doing my best,” she adds, “and I think that’s the important thing to stop beating ourselves up and just to keep getting up and doing your best.”

Poor Kate, huh? Poor, misunderstood Kate, who is just an absolute delight with no issues whatsoever. It hardly seems fair.

Oh, and speaking of fair, check out this last clip, the one where Kate whines about being a single mother:

“I’m down a parent so I’m really outnumbered now,” she says. “I have to be kind of the mom and the dad and that’s hard.”

“It’s been double duty and there’s nobody to back me up so that’s been — it’s really challenging, but it’s not something — I mean, I have more than the average number of kids, but it’s not something that I’m doing alone.”

Is she actually about to say something that’s not horrifically negative about Jon? Nope!

She explains that “there’s so many single parents out there, single moms, single dads, and we’re all just kind of like trying to pick up the pieces together. It’s hard.”

Unfortunately, we don’t have a clip of this part, but she continues on that “single parent” riff, saying that “the good is the fact that we’ve kind of really pulled tighter.”

She says that her kids are “a lot more empathetic, whether you see it really or not. Like I only have so much energy. I only have so much time … They are empathetic to there’s just one of you.”

While that’s the good part of being on her own, “the bad is, unfortunately, they feel torn a lot between parents and that really sucks.”

Wait, she finally acknowledged the fact that she’s not all on her own in the world, that her eight children have a father that has wanted to spend much more time with them for years?

Well, kind of. It’s a start. Maybe.

Just be better, Kate Gosselin. Read a book, do some Googles, figure out how to be halfway decent on occasion and then work on doing that. Please.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Sister Wives: The Family Is Falling Apart!

Things haven’t been looking great for the Sister Wives for a while now.

But let’s be real, the Sister Wives are women who got married to that big ol’ douchebag Kody Brown — have things ever looked great for them?

(The answer, if you’re struggling, is a very emphatic “no.”)

You can trace the Sister Wives’ issues probably all the way back to the time each of them met Kody, but the first big one was when Kody brought Robyn into the family.

It had just been Meri, Janelle, and Christine for several years, so when Kody decided to add a much younger wife into the mix, it was hard on the family.

And then Meri got catfished, which meant that Meri had an emotional affair, which obviously wasn’t great for anyone.

Throw in the reports that Kody’s on the lookout for a couple of new wives, and it sounds like we’ve got a recipe for disaster.

And, according to these new claims, things are only getting worse.

A Sister Wives insider tells Life & Style that the show “has nothing to say anymore so TLC was talking about replacing it.”

Does that mean the show had something to say in the first place?!

Unless the message was supposed to be “never marry a jackass, and if you do, make sure other women aren’t married to the jackass at the same time,” then we missed it.

The source adds that “with the show in trouble, they’re all feeling desperate right now.”

And you’ll never believe this, but “instead of bonding, the wives are fighting over whose fault it is.”

“They’ve all turned against each other,” the source reveals. “From Robyn coming between Kody and the other wives, to Meri and her whole catfish scandal.”

The show has been on television for seven seasons, and that’s a pretty solid run — did they expect it to literally go on forever?

The world can’t take much more of Kody’s never-ending midlife crisis, and we shouldn’t be subjected to seeing it for the rest of our lives.

And besides, why would the wives be turning against each other? Are they that unhappy with their situation that they just assume one of their husband’s other wives has sabotaged the family?

What a great big mess of sadness and disappointment.


Monday, August 8, 2016

Couple Married 63 Years Dies 20 Minutes Apart in Same Room

Henry and Jeanette De Lange both died on Sunday, July 31, just 20 minutes apart in their room at a South Dakota nursing home.

They had been married 63 years.

A funeral will be held in Platte, South Dakota, today for the couple of more than six decades who died just minutes apart, side by side.

Lee De Lange, one of their sons, told CNN that there was a divine quality to having both parents leave this world at nearly the same time.

“We’re calling it a beautiful act of God’s providential love and mercy,” he said of his parents’ passing. “You don’t pray for it because it seems mean.”

“But, you couldn’t ask for anything more beautiful.”

Jeanette De Lange, 87 and suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, died first at 5:10 p.m. as her family was reading the Bible at the time.

“We read Psalm 103. We didn’t quite get done,” said Lee De Lange.

“She passed away very, very peacefully. Incredibly peacefully.”

Lee said his brother told his father, 86 and fighting prostate cancer, “mom’s gone to heaven” and that he didn’t have to fight anymore.

He could let go and join her if he wished, the son added.

Twenty minutes later, at 5:30 p.m., Henry did just that.

His children say they will always remember him briefly opening his eyes and gazing upon his wife before he himself took his final breath.

Of course, this isn’t the first time that a married couple has passed away on the same day, and we likely haven’t seen it for the last time. 

Earlier this summer George and Ora Lee Rodriguez, married for 58 years, died a few hours apart at their home in San Antonio, Texas.

They died surrounded by family – and holding each other’s hands – as they left this world and began a new journey together in the next.

Can you think of anything more poignant?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Jeremy Calvert & Brooke Wehr: Leah Messer Can"t Tear Us Apart!

On last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer got drunk and flirted with her ex-husband (and second baby daddy) Jeremy Calvert.

Fans on social media were critical of Leah’s behavior for a number of reasons.

For one thing, Leah is fairly fresh from rehab having recently overcome a prescription pill addiction, so she probably shouldn’t be getting drunk.

But surprisingly, most viewers were upset not by Leah’s heavy drinking, but by her flirty behavior with Calvert.

It’s unclear if Leah is still together with T.R. Dues, but Jeremy is definitely still dating Brooke Wehr – and Leah has expressed her displeasure with the relationship several times over the years.

The shade she’s thrown in the past coupled with her sloppily flirty behavior on her night out with Calvert led many fans to conclude that Leah is jealous of Brooke.

Some even went so far as to claim that Messer had successfully broken the couple up.

That claim Jeremy and Brooke both refuted by posting the loved-up pic below:

Certainly looks like there’s no trouble in paradise there.

Although as one fan pointed out in the comments  – it’s entirely possible the pic was taken before the incriminating episode aired.

Even if that’s the case, however, the fact that it was posted by both Calvert and Wehr seems to be a pretty clear indication that their relationship survived Hot Messer’s advances.

Yes, it’s one of the curses of Leah’s love life that her exes seem to have no trouble settling down immediately after they break up with her.

Fortunately, she seems more focused on her daughters than on her love life these days – but we’ll see how long that lasts.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Leah’s many romantic ups and downs.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Kim Kardashian Meets Her Doppleganger; Can You Tell Them Apart?

Those who tune in to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online or on their television sets this summer may think they are seeing double.

Because Kylie Jenner looks exactly like Kim Kardashian these days? Actually… no.

Because Kim Kardashian met up with a very special individual to film at least one scene for an upcoming episode of the E! reality series.

Are you familiar with Kamilla Osman?

This young woman has nearly 250,000 Instagram followers because she has dedicated her sad life to resembling Ray J’s former sex tape partner as closely as possible.

And it has apparently paid off for Osman because she recently spent time with Kardashian.

“Look who I ran into the other day – @kimkardashian,” Kamilla wrote as a caption to the above photo, adding:

“We can’t wait for you guys to see our episode of #KUWK and see what we were up to xo Kim is such a sweet person and so so gorgeous, my god!”

Earlier this year, Osman told Entertainment Tonight that she her Kim Kardashian doppleganger status isn’t exactly an accident.

“The only thing I did was my nose and my lips – and the nose was for medical reasons,” Kamilla said of her plastic surgery history.

“I had my nose done, which is rhinoplasty, for my health problems. I had a deviated septum so I couldn’t breathe. That was for that and they tweaked it a bit. You know, why not?”

Why not indeed.

Take a quick look at the picture above and it’s easy to get the pair mixed up.

Can you even pick out Kim from Kamilla?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Gavin Rossdale Is Trying To Tear Us Apart!

Ah, tabloid fodder.

That love that hath blossomed between Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton is being threatened by Gavin Rossdale, who is “at war” with the couple, according to In Touch.

“Jealousy, taunts and a courtroom showdown” are making it impossible for Shelton and Stefani to move on together; Stefani filed for divorce from Rossdale in November.

“Instead of allowing Gwen the freedom to move on, Gavin is playing mind games in a twisted bid to keep her trapped in their marriage,” a source told the magazine.

“This has turned into an all-out war with Gwen’s ex — and both Gwen and Blake feel like they’re under siege.”

Rossdale allegedly wears his wedding band to “taunt” Stefani and send her “a message.” 

What that message is, we can only guess.

Rossdale, claims the source, is “sowing seeds of doubt with Gwen about her romance with Blake,” and telling her “she needs to leave Blake for the sake of their boys.” 

Well, Rossdale’s devious plan may backfire, because the entire situation makes Shelton even hotter for his lady.

The country singer made a “surprising decision — to marry Gwen come hell or high water.”

Stefani said “yes” and “dropped the bomb” on Rossdale, who the tabloid is making out to be a total buzzkill.

Reports claim that Rossdale cheated on Stefani with their children’s nanny while they were still married, so if there is some sort of court showdown, he does NOT have a strong case.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Sister Wives Falls Apart! Women Plan To Leave Kody Brown!

When three out of your four wives turn on you, things are bad.

Amidst Meri Brown’s “catfish scandal,” in which she was tricked into a false online affair, there is even more trouble for the stars of Sister Wives.

“It’s just not the loving polygamist marriage people see on TV,” a source told In Touch of the family.

Meri is Kody’s first and original wife.  She granted Kody a divorce so that he could legally marry his newest, shiniest wife, Robyn and adopt her kids.

Kody has two other wives, Christine and Janelle.

A recording of Meri’s calls with her online “lover” revealed her disdain for Kody;  She was overheard complaining that “he just does whatever he feels like.”

Insiders are convinced that Meri will leave Kody.

“This family has been torn apart,” the source said.

Kody allegedly fat-shames Christine, who admitted in 2011 that she weighed 222 pounds.  

His other insults include telling Christine and others that he was “repulsed” by her when they first met.

And then there’s Janelle, who just doesn’t give AF.

“They weren’t in love when they met and got married,” the source claims.

What’s worse, Kody is reportedly on the “prowl” for a “teenage fifth bride” to add to his polygamist family.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Duggar Family: Torn Apart By Jill & Jessa"s Spinoff Series?!

On Sunday, Jill and Jessa: Counting On will premiere on TLC.

The reality miniseries will follow the two most famous Duggar daughters as they rebuild their lives in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

While several members of the family have participated in Counting On and will appear on camera, others are reportedly disgusted by what they feel is an exploitative attempt to turn Josh’s abhorrent behavior into a ratings bonanza.

Specifically, several unnamed family members are taking issue with the fact that Anna Duggar will appear on Counting On

Anna, as you may know, is the long-suffering wife of Josh Duggar.

In accordance with her family’s wishes, she’s mostly stayed away from the public eye in the months since we first learned of her husband’s many sexual indiscretions.

In recent weeks, however, Anna has broken her silence, and some Duggar insiders are not pleased that she’ll be sharing her story on Jill and Jessa’s show.

“Certain members of the family are more focused on ratings and a paycheck than actually focusing on the issues at hand,” one unidentified Duggar tells Entertainment Tonight.

The source adds that most of Jill and Jessa’s family members have  “chosen not to participate in the special out of respect to the serious ordeal the family has been going through in the last months.”

Of course, some believe that the Duggar siblings are opting out of the show in order to please family patriarch, Jim Bob.

From the start, there were rumors that Jim Bob did not approve of Jill and Jessa’s spinoff, but his complaints had more to do with his lack of involvement than with his concern for Josh’s victims.  

In any event, Counting On is proving to be a greater source of strife and controversy than Jill and Jessa could have possibly anticipated.

The show has already prompted a boycott of TLC, and the sisters’ efforts to rebuild their family’s reputation could very well backfire.