Showing posts with label Ariel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ariel. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ariel Winter Flaunts Boobs in See-Through Top, Instagram Rejoices

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, then you’re probably not baffled by the fact that a teenage sitcom actress has an astonishing 3 million followers.

There are a few simple reasons for this.

Chief among them is the fact that Ariel has giant boobs and and seems to enjoy putting them on display.

Boobs, as you may know, are the one thing (two things?) the Internet loves more than cats and the Cash Me Ousside Girl, so Ariel really hit the SEO lottery at birth.

Fortunately for her fans, she’s well aware of this and takes full advantage of her good fortune on a regular basis.

The photo above is a still from a GIF that Ariel posted over the weekend, and we’re pretty sure it holds the power holds the power to make you forget about everything from your Trump-induced malaise to that dumb Oscar envelope mix-up that everyone can’t stop talking about.

At least for about 2.5 seconds, anyway:

Not surprisingly, the post generated a good deal of praise and more than a few marriage proposals.

“Damn you are fine!” commented one user.

“She is America’s prettiest lady,” wrote a fan, who we’re assuming conducted exhaustive research on the subject.

There was the occasional hater in the mix, but that’s pretty much the case with all things on the Internet, always.

Ariel’s only 19, but she’s been in the business for nearly a decade.

We’re sure she’s learned how to brush the dirt off her shoulders with panache.

To our minf exciting news here is that Ariel is harnessing the power of the animated .GIF, which is a platform that’s brought cleavage selfies to new heights of creative expression.

With .GIFs, boobs come to life like framed photos in Hogwarts.

But despite our unfortunate choice of simile, we’d like to take this opportunity to discourage Ariel from posting more sexy Harry Potter cosplay pics.

We’re usually in favor of cleavage in all its forms, but it’s weird enough that a woman who rose to fame playing a geeky middle-schooler on Modern Family is now rivaling Kate Upton for the title of Internet’s Favorite Boobs.

Throw Harry Potter in the mix on top of it, and it’s all just too confusing.

We might have start sending Ariel our therapy bills.


Friday, February 17, 2017

Ariel Winter Busted Photoshopping Bikini Pics Again!

Even if you’ve never seen a single episode of Modern Family, you’re probably familiar with actress Ariel Winter.

The 19-year-old has a massive online following that belies her claim to fame as part of the massive ensemble cast of a dinosaur sitcom currently lumbering into its 478th season.

The reason for that, of course, is that Ariel has huge boobs, and she’s not shy about showing them off on Instagram.

Ariel’s bikini pics are the stuff of legend, and they rack up so many likes you’d think they were produced by Beyonce. 

But to paraphrase Spider-Man’s dead uncle, with great boob selfies comes great scrutiny, and given the level of pervy obsession devoted to Winter’s pics, it’s not surprising that her fans are quick to notice if anything is amiss.

Currently, Ariel is in Mexico, celebrating Valentine’s week with her new boyfriend, Levi Meaden.

She posted this pic, presumably in case anyone was concerned that she and Levi are having anything other than the best time ever:

At first, there appears to be nothing unusual about the photo, aside from the fact that this intimate moment took place while a third person was in the room snapping photos.

But Ariel has 2.9 million followers, many of whom look at her pics very, very closely.

So perhaps it was only a matter of time before one of them noticed the warped door frame in the background on the left side of the pic.

Yes, it appears that Ariel indulged in some re-touching.

It’s not the first time Winter had been caught photoshopping her pics, but every time it seems to piss off her fans, and we guess it’s not hard to see why.

Ariel touts herself as a paragon of self-acceptance and body positivity.

She’s defended her frequent bikini pics as acts of feminist empowerment.

She receives more positive feedback from a single selfie than most young people receive in their entire lives.

So if she feels the need to retouch her photos before she posts them, it sends something of a mixed message to her many fans and followers.

Strangely, Ariel never addressed these photoshop mini-controversies when they arise.

We’re sure she could win some of that goodwill back by simply saying:

“Hey, everyone feels a little insecure sometimes. I’ll try to be more honest with you guys in the future.”

Or just post another boob selfie.

The Internet has a short memory.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ariel Winter Posts Butt, Bikini Selfies For Valentine"s Day

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, you know that the girl basically lives in a bikini. 

The northern half of the country may still be looking at another month or so of winter weather, but it’s endless summer in Winter’s world, as the actress continues to take advantage of wall-free access to Mexico.

Much to the chagrin of her many, many creepily obsessed followers, Ariel is still dating Levi Meaden, and the couple celebrated Valentine’s Day with a swimwear-clad trip to Cabo.

As you can see, it was a fully hands-on experience, as Ari and Levi started getting into it as though there wasn’t a third person in the room snapping photos.

Like every pic she posts, this latest probably won’t hurt Ariel’s online popularity (butts and bikinis are reliably two of the Internet’s favorite things), but it might not do a whole lot to help Meaden build his own following.

You see, for some reason, Meaden is not especially well-liked by some folks on social media.

And by “for some reason” we mean that he has regular access to Ariel Winter’s boobs, and approximately 2.8 of her 2.9 million Instagram followers are basement-dwelling pervs.

He seems to treat her well, and she appears to be happy in the relationship, but for some strange reason (see boobs comment above) some folks are rooting for a breakup.

Of course, it’s possible there’s something more here, but we doubt it.

The ten-year age difference is verging on creepy, considering Ariel is only 19, but she and Levi started dating sometime in the past year, so this isn’t a Tyga-Kylie situation where age of consent laws come into play.

Nevertheless, fans are looking for signs of friction between these two, and we don’t mean the kind of friction that obviously took place south of the border yesterday.

And we mean south of the actual border between the U.S. and Mexico. Entendre overload!

As several fans pointed out, if Ariel and Levi decided to call it quits on this trip (doesn’t look like that’s happening), it wouldn’t be the first time Ari ended a relationship in Mexico.

It’s been rumored that Ariel and Laurent Claude Gaudette broke up during a vacay in Cabo.

“Mexico? Uh oh didnt she break up with her last BF after Mexico?” one fan commented on the pic above, leading others to echo the speculation.

We’re gonna go out on a limb here and guess that these two are doing just fine.


Friday, February 10, 2017

Ariel Winter: Look at My Butt and Douchey Boyfriend!

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, you’re probably aware that the girl isn’t shy when it comes to posting racy selfies.

And if you don’t follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, what have you been doing with your life?!

Anyway, these days Winter is dating Levi Meaden, and not surprisingly he’s a frequent presence on her social media  – a development that some fans are less than pleased with.

You see, Levi has been accused of having a quality about him that he probably thinks of as rebellious, but that sometimes comes across as a bit – what’s the word? – douche-riffic.

At first, we were quick to forgive his macho posturing (flipping off the camera, striking Zoolander-esque soulful poses) as the behavior of a teen with a world of growing up to do.

Then we did a little research and learned that Levi is 29.

Yes, dude is a full decade older than Ariel (who turned 19 less than two weeks ago), but he’s still acting like the bad guy in an ’80s high school movie. Or is he?

Not surprisingly, fans have been quick to call on Mr. Meaden (which is what we’ll now be calling him after realizing he’s a few months shy of 30) to dial back the antics:

“With all the hate going on in this country, I cannot condone pictures with middle fingers,” wrote one follower.

“Flipping off the camera? He’s so cool!” commented another.

“Smells like desperation,” argued another fan.

The thing is, as far as we can tell – that’s not Ariel’s boyfriend?

Granted, they have similar bro-stylings, but let’s not all dog pile on Levi for the actions of come other dude’s finger!

Instead, let’s hate on him for having regular access to Ariel’s awesome boobs.

No one that lucky can be a good person, right?

We call it the Tom Brady Principle.

Obviously, we’re joking. 

Levi is probably an okay guy, and we shouldn’t rag on him because some unrelated d-bag thinks flipping off the camera makes him look cool.

Besides, anyone who’s seen Ariel’s butt knows that Levi’s hands are probably always occupied  – but butt touching.

It’s the “if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit” of the 21st Century.

We rest our case.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Ariel Winter Poses Topless, Flaunts Breast Reduction Scars, Remains a Boss

Back in 2015, Modern Family actress and rising social media celebrity Ariel Winter underwent breast reduction surgery.

She opens up about this topic, and bares all – literally and otherwise – in a revealing new interview with Self magazine.

“Growing up in the spotlight was quite possibly the worst for my self-esteem,” the 18-year-old star told the publication.

“I had a hard time finding confidence within myself.”

“When I started [Modern Family], I had a completely different body than what happened overnight at 12 years old.”

“I was stick thin,” she adds. “I had no chest, I had no butt … I had nothing. I was totally flat, and I was so sad about it.”

“Then automatically, overnight, my body changed.”

“I was a D cup and had a bigger butt, and my waist was expanding. Everything was getting bigger. I automatically got this hate and judgment online.”

Accepting her body transformation wasn’t easy.

Fortunately, “I had a great role model in Sofia [Vergara] growing up, with her being a curvy woman that was super proud of who she was.”

“[Sofia] could see that I was struggling a little bit with how to deal with my body, and was always trying to give me advice.”

“Like, ‘Here are some brands that would look good on our body type,’ or just ‘Wear whatever you want, and feel good about yourself."”

Winter also credits her older sister, Shanelle Workman, whom she lives with, for encouraging her to be comfortable in her own skin.

“I look up to her so much,” she gushes. “I would listen to her talk to me, saying, ‘It doesn’t matter what other people think. You are who you are.”

“It’s not going to change. Love yourself.”

Her older sister told her to focus her love inward:

“People are going to hate regardless of what you do. You could conform to everything they say, and they’re still going to find something.”

“It was hard for me in the beginning to deal with people’s comments and deal with everybody having an opinion on absolutely everything,” she says.

“It was hard for me to not fall prey to wanting to change the way I felt and the way I did things and the way I looked because of other people.”

But as Winter got older, she got better at realizing:

“As long as I’m positive in my life and feel good about my decisions and stick to how I feel and the things I want to do, that’s what’s most important.”

“And that’s what’s going to get me through in life.”

One of the things she wanted to do, regardless of what others thought, was have breast reduction surgery at the young age of just 17.

The scars from having her 32F breasts are visible in the photos above, and Winter calls it “honestly the greatest choice I made.”

Winter made some headlines for wearing a dress to last year’s SAG awards that showed off the scars from her breast reduction procedure.

Explaining her decision, she tweeted: “Guys there is a reason I didn’t make an effort to cover up my scars! They are part of me!”

“I’m not ashamed of them at all. :)”

These days, Winter – who trolls often call “fat, and ugly, and a slut” on Instagram – says she’s done listening to the haters these days.

Still, she has her moments.

She says the worst comment she ever received was on a photo of herself and her nieces wearing bathing suits on a family vacation.

Someone said she was “asking for it.”

Yes, as in asking to be sexualized for daring to show any sort of skin … while on a vacation with her family members. It was disheartening.

She remembers being truly shocked.

“It made me super disappointed in our world, and in the internet and the people who were writing things on the Internet,” she says.

“That really disturbed me, and made me incredibly upset,” Ariel adds, and “I really had to stand up and make it a point to fight back.”

To her, people were “body shaming, but also slut-shaming” her, and “taking aim at people that weren’t doing anything wrong.”

And that, she says, is what has to stop. Now.

“Making comments that were so harmful and distressing for absolutely no purpose,” she says, drove Winter to take action that day.

We don’t suspect it will be the last time she gets trolled – or that she stands up and fires back at those sending such horrible messages.

Even the simple act of defiance and calling out the trolls for who they are sends a powerful message in this day and age.

And for that, and everything else, we thank her.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ariel Winter: Photoshop Fail Draws Criticism

If you follow her on Instagram, you that Ariel Winter likes to show off her curves.

Obviously, we have no complaints about that whatsoever.

Unfortunately, it seems she’s currently experiencing some fallout from what seems to be an inevitable hazard for Instagram-happy young celebs these days.

The photo above is latest Ariel’s selfie, uploaded last night.

That is to say, we think it’s a selfie…

As you can see, Ms. Winter’s head has been cropped out for reasons that remain unclear, but there’s an even more curious detail that has some fans scratching their heads:

It seems many of her followers are convinced that those are not Ariel’s legs.

Or at least that Ariel’s legs have been severely digitally altered.

Numerous fans called her out in the comments, but it’s a testament to how well-liked Ariel is by her IG followers that even the shade they throw is mostly supportive.

“Stop with the photoshop. You don’t need it!!” one fan commented.

“Obviously photoshopped plz stop you are perfect without it,” wrote another.

Most heavily-photographed celebs will be re-touched at some point in their careers, but Ari’s case is made particularly awkward by the context of the pic.

For one, it’s on her Instagram page, which means that if she didn’t do the retouching herself, she was at least aware of it.

We’re used to Lindsay Lohan photoshop fails, but we figured Ariel was better than that.

On top of that Ariel has been a vocal opponent of online shaming and an advocate of body positivity for people of all shapes, sizes, ages, genders, etc.

Some of her more impressionable fans might feel that altering her pics serves to undermine her message.

“I really had the greatest opportunity to have some wonderful role models, especially Sofia Vergara,” Ariel said in a recent interview.

“Working with a curvy beautiful woman that everybody looked up to and loved the way she looked.

“That was my inspiration to move forward and accept myself because that’s what matters.”

Of course, the most alarming thing about all of this is that Ariel’s bikini pics are flawless from the moment the digital shutter snaps, and altering them in any way is like adding one of those school photo day laser backgrounds to the Mona Lisa.

Yes, it’s amazing what technology can do these days.

But perhaps only nature can achieve true perfection. *wipes single tear from cheek* #Boobs


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Ariel Winter Stuns in First Swimsuit Photo of 2017!!!

Question: what have we mere mortals ever done in our entire history as a society to deserve something so precious, so beautiful, so ridiculously hot as Ariel Winter?

Answer: not one damn thing.

We don’t deserve Ariel, and that’s a fact. She’s too good for us.

And yet, she’s still here, and she’s still giving so much of herself so that we miserable peasants can catch one little glimpse at true beauty.

And that’s how we have this, the very first Ariel Winter swimsuit Instagram post of 2017.

Looks like the year is off to a pretty wonderful start right now, huh?

This glorious photo was taken while Ariel was on vacation in Bora Bora, and don’t you just love it?

Even if you’re not the type to get all excited about some boobs — though let’s be real, is that even a type that exists? — you can still admit how amazing she looks here.

She went for a simple black high-cut swimsuit, nothing too crazy. It’s elegant, and it just goes to show that she’s capable of pulling off more looks than just the racy ones.

But if you had your heart set on racy, you know our girl had that front covered, too:

That’s a photo she shared on Snapchat of the absolutely breathtaking view in Bora Bora.

Are we talking about the water and the sky, or her ass? It’s hard to say.

And if you were confused about exactly why we think that Ariel Winter is too good for this world, well, maybe that photo has given you an idea of what we’re talking about.

Of course, Ariel didn’t go all the way to the South Pacific by herself.

She brought along a few friends with her, and one of them was kind enough to snap this darling photo of her and another friend swimming:

Here, she’s rocking yet another swimsuit, as well as an actual flower crown — that’s no filter, y’all.

She’s the picture of beauty and grace. And boobs.

And we couldn’t be more grateful.

Oh, and hey, just for fun, don’t all these beachy photos bring to mind another recent vacation of Ariel’s?

Perhaps one where there was a little less swimming and a little more twerking?

Bless this girl. Bless her so hard.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Ariel Winter Rocks Sexy Santa Outfit on Instagram

We’re not sure exactly who started the “sexy Santa Claus” trend, but it might be the best evidence that in the age of social media, literally anything can and will be used as an excuse for a T&A display.

Then again, if we had to point to the patient zero who started this particularly plague, it would probably be Mariah Carey, who first sexed up Santa in the video for that song you’re currently hoping you never have to hear again.

Whatever the case, these days, the torch has been passed to a new generation of Selfie Clauses, and Ariel Winter seems intent on claiming her place at the front of the reindeer pack:

Yes, as you can see, Ariel posed for a holiday-themed Instagram photo with her new boyfriend, Levi Meaden.

And you thought the “Jingle Bell Rock” get-ups in Mean Girls were revealing.

Like, sure, you’ve seen Ariel Winter’s butt on Instagram many, many times before, but have you ever seen it in a Santa costume?

Maybe, we really don’t remember if she did this last year, too.

Never one to miss an opportunity for an old-fashioned curve-flaunting, Ariel also offered a view from the front:

Believe it or not, this isn’t even the first time that Ariel combined Santa Claus and cleavage this year.

This girl doesn’t want her girls to miss out on the holiday festivities, even when she’s posing with the big fella and a bunch of little kids.

Hey, it’s her ‘Gram, right?

Ariel made a name for herself on Modern Family, but these days, it seems clear that she’s preparing for life post-MF.

(Of course, the show is probably syndication-bound, which would mean financially, Ariel is pretty much set for life.)

We don’t blame her for taking advantage of her window of opportunity, but we can’t help but wonder why she hasn’t made any mention of the fact that she just wrapped up her first semester of college.

Over the summer, Ariel announced that she would attend UCLA in the fall but hasn’t made many mentions to her education on social media.

Yeah, someone posts constant boob pics and we’re all, “I hope that’s not getting in the way of her studies!”

We are officially old.


Monday, November 28, 2016

Levi Meaden: Totally Making Out with Ariel Winter!

Ariel Winter is very open about her body on Instagram.

Like, VERY open about her body on Instagram.

Considering that the Modern Family star is only 18 years old, we’ve probably seen far too much of her already.

But Winter has been far less revealing when it comes to Levi Meaden, only giving fans the occasional glimpse of her new boyfriend on social media over the past few weeks.

We know Meaden has seen Winter in her bra, but… well… who has not seen Ariel Winter in her bra at this point?!?

On Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, however, Winter and Meaden were seen kissing in the rain after visiting the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

This public spit swap turned their relationship from nearly-confirmed rumor to very hot reality.

Winter then shared a couple SnapChat videos of her and Meaden that explained how their date went awry that afternoon.

“We came to LACMA to see the Guillermo de Toro exhibit and it was closed and now it’s pouring rain and we’re stuck in it and we parked far,” the actress said.

It looks like she and her man found a way to keep themselves occupied and entertained, however.

And, for once, this didn’t involve Winter Twerking or even wearing a bikini!

Meaden’s rep, faced with mounting evidence that made it impossible for him to say otherwise, confirmed to E! News Sunday night that the two are seeing each other.

Winter and Meaden were first seen looking cozy together at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and InStyle’s pre-2017 Golden Globe Awards party at the Catch LA restaurant.

The latter is a Canadian actor who you may recognize from his role on The CW’s The 100.

He has also appeared on AMC’s The Killing and SyFy’s Aftermath.

Along with a recent vacation in Cabo San Lucus two weeks ago, Winter and Meaden broke break with each other and some friends last week.

Or they broke turkey, we should say.

How do we know for certain?

Because Nickelodeon actor Jack Griffo shared an Instagram story post showing the couple at his “family dinner Friendsgiving,” writing, “That’s my girl w/ her man.”

So there you have it.

Will Winter and Meaden last? Both are attractive and are in the same business, so they have at least one interest in common.

Anything is possible!


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Ariel Winter -- Cozies Up With New BF ... Covers Up Too (PHOTOS)

Ariel Winter looks like she’s a lot warmer now that she’s got herself a new man … and a new outfit fit for the season.  Ariel was out with BF Levi Meaden, in Sherman Oaks Saturday trying to visit a museum that was closed for the day. She also…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Ariel Winter Addresses Troubled Family Life With New Tattoo

If you follow her on Instagram, you probably already know that Ariel Winter has many tattoos.

Ariel posts bikini selfies on a regular basis (and for that, we thank her), so her inkwork is frequently on display.

Her latest tatt, however, isn’t someplace where it would normally be hidden by clothes, but it’s drawing a lot of attention nonetheless.

Ariel’s sister, Shanelle Gray, posted the above photo to her Instagram account.

She captioned the image:

“1st tattoo matching sister one of the most important people in my life with a matching tattoo of a very special date. tattoo #2 pics soon.”

While Gray didn’t offer any info on the date or its significance, Ariel has spoken about it in the past.

It seems Ms. Winter has had ink there for quite some time, and her sister just decided to match her over the weekend.

Ariel revealed the meaning of her tatt in an interview with Entertainment Tonight last month:

“This is October 3rd, 2012, which is the day I moved in with my sister, and it kind of started a new chapter in life for me, so it was really important,” the actress said.

She added:

“My sister’s one of the most amazing people in my life. She’s my best friend. She’s really the most important person to me. She has done so much for me, and has taught me so much.”

In 2012, Winter was legally emancipated from her mother after several years of turbulence and abuse allegations.

Gray was granted temporary custody by the court.

So it seems the ink was a way to commemorate a major turning point in both their lives.

It also seems Ariel decided that while she was at the tattoo shop to support her sister, she would also go under the needle herself:

Winter posted several pics on Snapchat that seem to show her getting some kind of tattoo on her wrist.

Unfortunately, she didn’t share the finished results.

Her sister mentioned on social media that she also got two tattoos that day, so did the sisters get two sets of matching ink?

We imagine we’ll find out soon enough.

It’s not like wrist tattoos are very easy to conceal.

And as Ariel so frequently reminds us on the ‘Gram, it’s not like she’s big on concealment, anyway.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ariel Winter: 35 Hot Pics of an Internet Legend in the Making!

We know what you"re thinking after reading the above title – favorite Modern Family star? Isn"t the entire Internet obsessed with Sofia Vergara?

It certainly is – but at this point, the show has been on so absurdly long that the torch is now being passed to a new generation.

To wit, no one in the cast has had a bigger year than Ariel Winter.

In addition to continuing to be a fan favorite in her role as Alex Dunphy, Ariel made news in 2015 for different reasons entirely.

She"s spoken out publicly about her breast reduction surgery and about courageously sticking up for victims of online bullying.

Taking a stand on a number of issues faced by women and young people in general in the 21st Century, she earned herself a legion of admirers.

While many shy away from online haters, Ariel slams body-shaming trolls and offers a positive example to her 1.4 million Instagram followers.

Regularly posting messages of hope and inspiration, Winter is coming on strong as far as young role models go.

And, of course, she remains a gorgeous young woman.

That likely has something to do with it too. So in honor of her recent 18th birthday, please enjoy a gallery of Ariel"s most flawless photos:

1. Ariel Winter Cleavage Photo

Ariel winter cleavage photo

Ariel Winter put her huge boobs on display in her latest Instagram photo. You’re welcome, Internet.

2. Ariel Winter in a Black Dress

Ariel winter in a black dress

Ariel rocks a classic look. The actress is known for her red carpet style.

3. Ariel Winter in a Low-Cut Dress

Ariel winter in a low cut dress

The girl knows her best angles. She’s spoken publicly about recently undergoing breast reduction surgery.

4. Ariel Winter Graduation Boobs

Ariel winter graduation boobs

Ariel Winter recently graduated high school. She celebrated by flaunting her massive boobs.

5. Ariel Winter Underboob Photo

Ariel winter underboob photo

Ariel Winter is flaunting her boobs again on Instagram! This time, she’s taken a unique approach…

6. Ariel Winter Camel Toe Photo

Ariel winter camel toe photo

Ariel Winter has posted a swimsuit photo that continues to make our summer delightful. Not that we needed it, per se – our lives are pretty happy as is – but this makes it just that much better.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ariel Winter Bikini Selfies: Look at My Butt & New Boyfriend!

There are few stars who enjoy a good bikini selfie as much as Ariel Winter.

Ariel took a vacation in Cabo with her new boyfriend, Levi Meaden, and naturally, she chronicled the whole thing on Instagram.

Ariel broke up with Laurent Claude Gaudette, and it seems like she wasted no time getting back to her life of seaside partying with a lucky dude by her side.

So watch out beach communities of North America: 

Winter is coming in more ways than one.

1. Ariel Winter bikini snap

Ariel winter bikini snap

Ariel Winter was kind enough to share a cleavage-filled selfie on Snapchat from her vacation in Mexico. Ariel Winter is truly a gift to us all.

2. Ariel Winter Posted a Bikini Selfie

Ariel winter posted a bikini selfie

You know the drill. Ariel posted a bikini selfie, and yay, it was good, for her boobs are ginormous.

3. Ariel Winter: Legal Beer!

Ariel winter legal beer

Ariel Winter posted this pic, along with a caption reading, “Legal beer where I’m at!” Yes, she’s so young that she used the phrase “legal beer” on Instagram. We are old.

4. Ariel Winter: Bikini Selfie, Take 4 Million

Ariel winter bikini selfie take 4 million

Hey, it’s Ariel Winter in a bikini! We’re starting to think she doesn’t own any clothes that aren’t beachwear, and for that, we thank her.

5. Ariel Winter in Cabo

Ariel winter in cabo

Ariel captioned this pic, “Cabo it’s lit.” Yes, because the setting is what we’re all paying attention to here.

6. Ariel Winter Butt Close-Up

Ariel winter butt close up

This is really as close-up as you can get in terms of butt selfies. This might actually qualify as a colonoscopy.

View Slideshow

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Ariel Winter Twerks in a Thong Bikini, Is a National Treasure

OK, look, these past few days have been hard. Really hard.

Unbearable, even.

Donald Trump won the election, and it basically kick-started the apocalypse. Everything is scary and terrible and sad right now.

Or, well, maybe not everything.

There is still at least a little bit of good in the world, and Ariel Winter proved it when she so selflessly shared that little video.

She’s on vacation in Mexico right now, and even though it’s cold and dreary in most of the U.S. right now (and in our hearts, obviously), it’s warm and sunny down there.

Sunny enough for Ariel to put on a teeny tiny little thong bikini and twerk for the masses.


And if you’re one of those people who are prone to be all “well, that’s not technically twerking,” then one, you’re the reason we can’t have nice things.

And two, take a gander at this:


It seems like it’s really important to Ariel that we all know that she’s on vacation, and that she has an ass that moves in a way that many people find appealing.

But don’t worry, because she really wanted us to get an eyeful of cleavage, too:

As you can see, not all heroes wear capes.

And while she’s definitely getting some criticism for sharing such racy pics, she’s said before that she really couldn’t care less about what people think.

She recently spoke out about the backlash her frequently sexy selfies receive, saying “I don’t really think I’m telling myself ‘You should post this, you shouldn’t post that."”

“I feel like I’m just having fun. I like my fans to see what I’m doing.”

Oh, we see you, girl.

“Everybody is so hyped up on the fact that I post photos where my butt’s out,” she went on.

“It’s a butt. Everyone has a butt. I don’t think it’s crazy.”

“It’s like, ‘Let me live! I’m enjoying my life, you’re enjoying your life, you should be posting your butt if you like it, too!"” she said.

“I’m not going to fight with someone on my Instagram that tells me they don’t like my outfit or I should put my butt away.”

“I’m sorry you think I should put my butt away, but just unfollow me.”

It was some solid advice: she wants to show her butt, she’s going to show her butt, and if you don’t like it, you can unfollow her social media accounts.

But we have a feeling, after this twerk-tastic magic, people wouldn’t dare unfollow Ariel.

It’s just too. Much. Hotness.


Monday, October 31, 2016

Ariel Winter Lost a Ton of Weight for Halloween!

Ariel Winter dressed up in the trashiest Scarlett Letter costume we’ve ever seen.

And we love it. 

Even old Nathaniel Hawthorne would be rolling over in his grave at the interpretation of his beloved Hester Prynne character. 

Winter flaunted her dwindling assets in a tight-fit corset and bustier, and … not much else. 

As you can see, Ariel’s looking much less voluptuous than she has in recent days, and even though Winter had a breast reduction surgery, her top was still pretty hefty afterward. 

Fear not, though – if Ariel is losing weight, not much is coming from her chest. 

She shared another snap, which featured an up-close shot of her gorgeous body. 

You know you wanna. 

Previously, Winter spoke out about online critics to Seventeen, and claimed what a mess “fans” had made of Ariel’s self-esteem

She said, “It’s definitely hard being self-conscious and having the world be able to tell you how they feel about you.”

“Before Twitter and Instagram,” Ariel continued. “if you felt a certain way about a person you didn’t know, you couldn’t tell them.”

“‘Now I wake up and I have tweets to me about how I’m a fat, ugly blah-blah.”

“When I was younger, it took a lot more of a toll on me than it does now,” she admitted.

“My sister helped me understand that people will say those things regardless of how you look.”

“I tell myself every day, ‘I look fabulous,’ ” Ariel continued. 

“I definitely have pushed myself to deal with the good and the bad because I feel there are so many girls who need to hear positivity.”

“I feel like as many of us women who can band together and discuss things in a positive way will be so beneficial,” she explained.

“Losing one person in that discussion wouldn’t be helpful.” 

Further, Ariel even hit out at bullies in a September 2016 post which she shared online. 

She said, “Every time someone bullies me online, it gives me a chance to re-emphasize to my and even myself, how important self-acceptance is.

“Those who say such harsh things on my Instagram, thank you for this opportunity – but the question I ask myself each time I read the mean comments is if this is how you talk to a stranger online, I can only imagine how cruelly you speak to yourself,” she continued. 

In conclusion, she added that she “loves” her bullies. 

“I love my fans and I love my bullies for what they truly need is love.”

“Take the high road,” she wrote. “There is less traffic.”

Looking good, girl – and whatever you do, don’t ever change. 

Not a bit, not an inch, not an idea. 
