Showing posts with label Attorney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attorney. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Aaron Hernandez"s 3rd Suicide Note Was for Attorney, Not Gay Lover

The three notes recovered in Aaron Hernandez’s prison cell were written to his fiancee, his daughter and his attorney, Jose Baez … NOT a supposed gay lover, sources tell TMZ Sports.  The contents of the letters are being kept under wraps for…


Aaron Hernandez Asked to Share Cell with Male Lover, Attorney Confirms

A new piece of information regarding the life and recent death of former NFL standout Aaron Hernandez has surfaced.

And it centers around his alleged gay lover.

As previously reported, multiple outlets have claimed that Hernandez lived somewhat of a double life over the years.

He was engaged to Shayanna Jenkins, with whom the convicted killer shared a four-year old daughter.

But he also may have been a bisexual, possibly even murdering Odin Lloyd in 2013 to keep this sexual preference a secret.

There hadn’t been any rumblings about Hernandez being attracted to both men and women during his trial for Lloyd’s murder or his subsequent trial for a double murder in 2012 (for which he was acquitted).

But a bombshell report surfaced late last week that claimed Hernandez penned three suicide notes prior to hanging himself inside a Massachusetts:

1. To Jenkins.

2. To his daughter.

3. To his prison boyfriend, a man named Kyle Kennedy.

And now a lawyer for Kennedy has spoken out about the slew of reports linking him to the one-time New England Patriots star.

Kennedy’s attorney alleges that Aaron requested to prison officials that he be placed in the same cell as his fellow inmate and purported lover.

Aaron Hernandez had requested to the prison that my client, Kyle Kennedy, be his cellmate,” said Larry Army Jr. to The Daily Mail.

Army works as the managing partner of the Boston firm Army & Roche.

The attorney added that Kennedy (pictured above) was open to the idea, telling the British newspaper:

“If he was going to be in with someone else, why not Aaron Hernandez?”

The Daily Mail writes that it has reached out to Massachusetts Corrections Department spokesman Christopher Fallon for corroboration of this request.

The office has yet to comment on this report.

Kennedy, meanwhile, was imprisoned in 2015 for using a knife to rob a Cumberland Farms store in Northbridge, Massachusetts.

He pleaded down an original charge of armed and masked robbery to the lesser charge of armed robbery and received a sentence of three to five years.

Army says his client has not seen the suicide note Hernandez reportedly wrote to him.

Hernandez hanged himself in prison last Wednesday, April 19.

He had been serving a lifetime sentence behind bars, with no possibility for parole, due to his shooting of Lloyd.

Said a prison spokesman shortly after his death:

“Mr. Hernandez [hanged] himself utilizing a bed sheet that he attached to his cell window. [He] was in a single cell in a general population unit.”

“Mr. Hernandez also attempted to block his door from the inside by jamming the door with various items,” the spokesman said.

He also scrawled Bible verse John 3:16 on himself.

The former star tight end’s body was found around 3 a.m. and he was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital an hour later.

In the face of initial questions by some close to Hernandez over how he ended his once-promising life, the Worcester District Attorney’s Office has issued the following statement:

“Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Henry N. Nields performed an autopsy on Mr. Hernandez on Wednesday.

“[Neilds] concluded today that the manner of death was suicide and the cause asphyxia by hanging.”

The office added that investigators also discovered “cardboard jammed into the door tracks of his single-inmate cell to impede entry into the cell.”

Despite rumors circulating that suggested Aaron was murdered – which is own attorney implied – officials reached the following conclusion:

“There were no signs of a struggle, and investigators determined that Mr. Hernandez was alone at the time of the hanging.”


Monday, April 24, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Gay Letter Is a False Rumor, Attorney Insists

Letters were found inside Aaron Hernandez’s cell when his body was found, but none of them were written to a gay lover. Hernandez’s lawyer, Jose Baez, tells TMZ Sports, “Rumors of letters to a gay lover, in or out of prison, are false. These are…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

United Passenger Dr. David Dao"s Attorney Raises Rosa Parks Comparison (VIDEO)

Dr. David Dao’s attorney dared to go there … bringing up a comparison of Dao’s brutal removal from a United flight to the plight of civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks. It happened during the nearly hour long news conference in Chicago — Tom…


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Attorney Mark Geragos Says Trump Made Him a Fortune!!!

Donald Trump proved to be solid gold for famed attorney Mark Geragos — who won $ 150k in an election bet — and he didn’t even support the Prez-elect!!! Geragos snagged 10-to-1 odds with 3 different people … all of whom bet against Trump. One of…


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Kim Kardashian Meets with DIVORCE Attorney: Might She File?!?

No way… right?

She couldn’t… could she?

This can’t be real… can it?

Over the past several days, multiple celebrity gossip outlets have speculated on the status of Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kanye West, with anonymous sources actually claiming it could be in danger.

We’ve mostly chosen to ignore this chatter, but a new report is forcing us to wonder if there’s any legitimacy behind this ongoing break-up talk.

The report comes to us from In Touch Weekly… so, yes, we ought to take it with a grain of salt the size of Kim’s boobs and/or Kanye’s ego.

But that tabloid alleges that Kardashian recently met with Laura Wasser, one of the highest profile divorce attorneys in Hollywood.

She represented Kim after she filed to legally split from Kris Humphries back in the day after 72 days of wedded non-bliss.

Were Kardashian and Wasser merely catching up? Or was something far more sinister at play?

Kim is miserable and wants this marriage to be over,” a friend tells In Touch, adding ominously:

 “Kanye has absolutely no clue that any of this is happening, but Kim has already asked to have divorce documents drawn up.”

WHOA THERE! Potential shots fired!

West, of course, was recently hospitalized for nine days as the result of some kind of mental/nervous breakdown.

Throughout his stay at UCLA Medical Center, numerous insiders claimed Kim was steadfast in her support, sitting by her husband’s bed nearly 24/7.

Since Kanye was released, however, reports of tension between West and Kardashian have been running rampant on the World Wide Web.

Most of these assertions stem from Kim’s trauma as a result of being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, a frightening incident that took place on October 3 and which has possibly changed EVERYTHING.

The reality star has essentially become a recluse ever since, meaning she did not accompany Kanye on the latest legs of his Saint Pablo Tour.

This supposedly caused the lovers to grow apart, while Kanye’s ranting and raving during these solo tour stops served as a major turn-off to Kardashian.

Still, though.

Really?!? Would Kim really leave Kanye during a clear time of need? Would she leave him at all?

“[Kim] talks to Laura all the time, not only as a lawyer, but as a friend,” one source tells In Touch, but another emphasizes that this latest meet-up was professional in nature.

“She really thought Kanye was her soul mate and is absolutely devastated… She’s done,” alleges this second insider.

We’ll believe it when we see the ink on the divorce papers, however.

E! News, who knows Kim as well as anyone, acknowledges that Kardashian has “a lot on her plate these days,” but that she “loves” Kanye and:

“Will of course always stay by Kanye’s side and support him and help him through it all.”

That’s what we’d have to believe at the moment.

Then again… Kim and Kanye are living apart.

It may be out of a safety precaution for now, but it still isn’t a sign of a healthy marriage.

And no one from either camp has come out and shot down thee divorce rumors, either. Hmmmm, people.



Kim Kardashian Meets with DIVORCE Attorney: Might She File?!?

No way… right?

She couldn’t… could she?

This can’t be real… can it?

Over the past several days, multiple celebrity gossip outlets have speculated on the status of Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kanye West, with anonymous sources actually claiming it could be in danger.

We’ve mostly chosen to ignore this chatter, but a new report is forcing us to wonder if there’s any legitimacy behind this ongoing break-up talk.

The report comes to us from In Touch Weekly… so, yes, we ought to take it with a grain of salt the size of Kim’s boobs and/or Kanye’s ego.

But that tabloid alleges that Kardashian recently met with Laura Wasser, one of the highest profile divorce attorneys in Hollywood.

She represented Kim after she filed to legally split from Kris Humphries back in the day after 72 days of wedded non-bliss.

Were Kardashian and Wasser merely catching up? Or was something far more sinister at play?

Kim is miserable and wants this marriage to be over,” a friend tells In Touch, adding ominously:

 “Kanye has absolutely no clue that any of this is happening, but Kim has already asked to have divorce documents drawn up.”

WHOA THERE! Potential shots fired!

West, of course, was recently hospitalized for nine days as the result of some kind of mental/nervous breakdown.

Throughout his stay at UCLA Medical Center, numerous insiders claimed Kim was steadfast in her support, sitting by her husband’s bed nearly 24/7.

Since Kanye was released, however, reports of tension between West and Kardashian have been running rampant on the World Wide Web.

Most of these assertions stem from Kim’s trauma as a result of being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, a frightening incident that took place on October 3 and which has possibly changed EVERYTHING.

The reality star has essentially become a recluse ever since, meaning she did not accompany Kanye on the latest legs of his Saint Pablo Tour.

This supposedly caused the lovers to grow apart, while Kanye’s ranting and raving during these solo tour stops served as a major turn-off to Kardashian.

Still, though.

Really?!? Would Kim really leave Kanye during a clear time of need? Would she leave him at all?

“[Kim] talks to Laura all the time, not only as a lawyer, but as a friend,” one source tells In Touch, but another emphasizes that this latest meet-up was professional in nature.

“She really thought Kanye was her soul mate and is absolutely devastated… She’s done,” alleges this second insider.

We’ll believe it when we see the ink on the divorce papers, however.

E! News, who knows Kim as well as anyone, acknowledges that Kardashian has “a lot on her plate these days,” but that she “loves” Kanye and:

“Will of course always stay by Kanye’s side and support him and help him through it all.”

That’s what we’d have to believe at the moment.

Then again… Kim and Kanye are living apart.

It may be out of a safety precaution for now, but it still isn’t a sign of a healthy marriage.

And no one from either camp has come out and shot down thee divorce rumors, either. Hmmmm, people.



Friday, November 18, 2016

Jeff Sessions Selected to Be U.S. Attorney General

It looks like Jeff Sessions will be our next U.S. Attorney General.

The senator from Alabama has been nominated to this vital position by President-Elect Donald Trump, who has once again stirred up quite a bit of controversy before getting into the Oval Office.

Sessions is a 69-year old staunch Conservative who often campaigned alongside Trump.

He has been an outspoken supporter of the former Celebrity Apprentice star for months.

But that is not the controversial part, unless you think scandal ought to follow around anyone who advocated Donald Trump for President.

Sessions formerly worked as a prosecutor and was elected into the Senate in 1996.

He currently serves on the Judiciary Committee and is best known for his strong opposition to immigration reform, along with his objection to bipartisan proposals to cut mandatory minimum prison sentences.

He has supporter Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border and he is all about deporting illegal aliens from America.

According to The New York Times, Sessions was nominated in 1986 by the late president Ronald Reagan for a federal judgeship.

However, this nomination was rejected due to a series of racially charged comments the politician had made in the past.

At the time, Sessions’ nomination was only one of two to be rejected by the panel in almost five decades.

What sort of divisive remarks has Sessions been accused of uttering?

He had earlier branded civil rights organizations such as the NAACP and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference as “un-American” and “Communist-inspired.”

He also once said that the Ku Klux Klan was fine by him, although he lost some respect for its members when he learned they smoked pot.

(Sessions does not deny making this comment, but says it was made in jest.)

Then there’s the case of Thomas H. Hughes.

An African American prosecutor, he alleges that Sessions referred to him as “boy.”

“Jeff has been a highly respected member of the U.S. Senate for 20 years,” Trump said in a statement.

“He is a world-class legal mind and considered a truly great Attorney General and US Attorney in the state of Alabama. Jeff is greatly admired by legal scholars and virtually everyone who knows him.”

Millions of people around the globe are growing more and more concerned by the kinds of people Trump is assigning to key White House positions.

He previously announced that Steve Bannon would serve as a chief advisor and… well… you can learn more about Steve Bannon here:

Sessions was one of President Barack Obama’s loudest opponents, voting against his nominees to the Supreme Court from his post on the Judiciary Committee and opposing Obama’s other major domestic initiatives.

He also seems to be in favor of Trump’s ban on Muslims.

“He simply said, and the way I understand it is, that we should slow down. Let’s have a pause and begin to analyze where the threats are coming from,” Sessions told CNN in June, amidst questions about whether or not Trump’s position was shifting.

“We have a toxic ideology, hopefully very small within Islam; certainly most people, most Muslims don’t agree with this violent, jihadist approach.

“And we need to figure out a better way to identify that.”

What do you think of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General?

What about Mike Pompeo as CIA Director?

Learn more about the latter below:


Monday, November 7, 2016

Janet Reno Dead: 78-Year-Old Attorney General Dies From Parkinson"s Complications

Janet Reno, the first female Attorney General to serve the United States, is dead following a courageous battle with Parkinson’s disease

Reno was 78 years old. 

In a statement provided by Reno’s goddaughter, Gabrielle D’Alemberte, Janet spent her final days at home in Florida with family and friends surrounding her. 

Reno served under the Clinton administration in the ’90s for nearly eight years, where she endured much criticism by her bullish actions. 

One of the more notable “scandals” was when she supported the raid after a 51-day stand-off on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, where cult head David Koresh and 80-plus followers died.

Janet referred to the demise of the Waco compound “the worst day of her life,” and said, “It was a dangerous situation.”

“The tragedy is that we will never know what was the right thing to do.” 

The government reported that the cult committed mass suicide, and set the fire. 

It’s hard for dead folks to set fire, though. 

Others speculated that it was the government who burned the compound to the ground, as Reno admitted to using teargas to end the 51-day standoff, and that government agents attempted to pick off individuals trying to flee by shooting them. 

Reno was also involved in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Whitewater, and reported Chinese nuclear espionage, among other things. 

In 2000, Reno ordered the armed seizure of Elian Gonzáles, which caused major controversy in both Cuba and the United States. 

Elian was removed from his Miami home – a town in which he shared with Reno – and ordered back to Havana, where his father lived. 

Reno graduated from Cornell University and received a degree in chemistry, before moving onto Harvard Law School, where she received her educational background in politics and law. 

After winning the nomination from Clinton – the first woman to lead the United States Justice Department – she said, “It’s an extraordinary experience, and I hope I do the women of America proud.” 

However, after the 1993 Waco incident, Reno was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and her condition began to deteriorate. 

The 78th United States Attorney General retired from the government in 2001. 

She was succeeded by John Ashcroft. 

Rest in peace, Reno, and may you find some yourself. 


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Chris Brown: Released from Jail, Defended by Attorney

Chris Brown has been released from prison.

But his latest legal ordeal is only just beginning.

As previously reported, Chris Brown was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon on Tuesday night.

He has been charged with a felony.

We’ll get to the details of the case against him in a moment, but the most immediate update on this controversial artist is that he’s been released on $ 250,000 bail.

It was posted at 11:19 p.m. on Tuesday, according to Los Angeles Sheriff Department inmate records, with Brown’s attorney Tweeting to fans around 2 a.m.

“Thanks to everyone for their support and well wishes,” Mark Geragos wrote, adding:

“Chris is out and well. The allegations against him are demonstrably false #TeamBreezy.”

We’re not sure if a lawyer should really be hashtagging “TeamBreezy” if he wants to be taken seriously, but then again..

… we’re not sure about a whole lot when it comes to Chris Brown.

Chris Brown tweet

The 27-year-old artist was taken into custody last night after a nearly 14-hour standoff at his Tarzana, California home.

It started after a woman named Baylee Curran claimed she and a friend stopped by Brown’s house just to hang out.

In subsequent interviews, Curran says Brown was acting strange all night, culminating in him pulling a gun on her after she took a close look at an expensive piece of jewelry that was being held by a member of Brown’s entourage.

Speaking to Extra (below), Curran describes the events as follows:

“Chris came in, pulled out his gun and said, ‘I’m getting so sick of you people,’ pointed the gun at me, (and told me) to get the f—- out of the house.”

She has since told several media outlets that she feared for her life, adding to E! News of the diamond piece in question:

“I did not pick it up, I did not touch it, take it or grab it, anything to that sort.”

Curran fled from the premises and called the cops.

They arrived around 3 a.m., but Brown refused to let them inside his house.

While they were in his driveway, the singer unleashed a tirade of profanity on Instagram, filming three separate videos that cursed off the police and proclaimed his innocence.

“You’re going to walk right up in here and you’re going to see nothing,” he said in one message after verbally attacking the cops for making him out to be a villain.

He then said he was “asleep half the damn night” and that “it’s always gon’ be f-ck the police.”

Soon after sharing the above footage, Brown reportedly taunted the authorities outside his Los Angeles mansion.

“Come and get me,” sources say he yelled to them upon dropping a duffel bag full of weapons and drugs out the window.

Eventually, of course, the cops obtained a search warrant and they DID go and get Brown.

A little after 5 p.m. PST, they took the singer into custody.

We don’t know at the moment exactly what evidence they found at the scene, but one has to assume they came across at least one gun.

Earlier in the night, Brown had entertained such guests as Ray J.

An initial report claimed the former Kim Kardashian sex tape partner was actually getting a tattoo inside of Brown’s home before the chaos ensued and he got the heck out of there.

According to TMZ, Ray J was actually handcuffed by police and had his BMW confiscated while they tried to figure out what the heck was going on.

After Brown’s arrest, Ray J came to his friend’s defense with the following video:

That’s all we know at the moment

Is Baylee Curran a reliable witness? We can’t say for certain.

She’s a recent beauty pageant winner and an aspiring model.

She allegedly stole a Louis Vuitton purse from The Plaza Hotel in New York City in 2013, although no charges were brought up against her at the time.

More details will likely come out in the near future about Curran, about this weird night in question and about Chris Brown’s role in it.

But if you’re asking us whether we give Brown the benefit of any doubt or if he’s earned out trust in any way, shape or form, then we can only respond with a question of our own:

Are you insane?

This guy is a violent agitator who thinks he’s above the law.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Stevie Wonder -- My Dead Attorney Screwed Me Because I"m Blind



0917-stevie-wonder-tmz-01Stevie Wonder‘s dead attorney and right-hand man for decades duped him into signing a contract he never saw … a contract that makes the singer pay the lawyer’s family indefinitely and forever … so claims Stevie.

Stevie just filed legal docs, obtained by TMZ, in which he says his longtime lawyer, Johanan Vigoda, put a contract in front of Stevie’s face when he was 21 years old. The deal was, Stevie would pay Johanan 6% of all music royalties. But there’s a clause that says payments to the lawyer’s family go on “forever.”

Johanan died in 2011, but Stevie’s record company continued to pay Johanan’s widow. Stevie says he didn’t realize payments were being made for nearly 2 years, and when he caught wind, he ordered payments to be stopped. He claims he trusted Johanan and the lawyer never said the 6% would survive his death.

Stevie says in his docs he was betrayed by a man he trusted and wants a judge to declare he no longer has a duty to pay royalties, because the attorney took advantage of a blind man.

Johanan’s widow has filed her own lawsuit, demanding Stevie pay from the time he stopped and forever in the future. She wants $ 7 mil minimum.