Showing posts with label Baio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baio. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Nicole Eggert Laid Out Scott Baio Accusations to Dr. Oz in Shelved Episode

We’ve heard Nicole Eggert’s accusations that Scott Baio molested her for years during her teens.

it turns out that Twitter wasn’t Nicole’s first choice as a platform to air her accusations — because she apparently told it all to Dr. Oz earlier this month.

There’s just one problem: Scott Baio is trying to shut down the episode, so it might never air.

Over the weekend, Nicole Eggert aired her accusation by quoting a tweet mentioning Scott Baio.

In it, she called him a “creep” and implied that he had in some way sexually mistreated her.

In subsequent tweets, as (obviously) people tweeted to her to ask exactly what she was accusing Scott Baio of doing, she accused him of having molested her, starting at the age of 14, when he digitally penetrated her.

This allegedly went on until she was 17. She says that it was at 17 when Scott Baio had sex with her.

(While 17 is a fine time for most folks to have sex, let us remind you that Scott Baio is a decade older than she is and also that we’re talking about, based upon her allegations, a situation in which he groomed and molested her for years leading up to that)

Scott Baio denies those allegations, and claims that his sexual relationship with her was consensual and happened only when she was 18. He also claims that she “seduced” him.

Part of Scott Baio’s denial itself was kind of creepy, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

It turns out that it wasn’t just some social media whim that caused Nicole Eggert, the former Baywatch actress, to share her #MeToo story with the world.

TMZ reports that Nicole Eggert told Dr. Oz everything about Scott Baio earlier this month. During that session, she revealed more details about what Scott said to her during her alleged years of molestation.

So why didn’t that episode, which was filmed on January 10th, air?

Scott Baio’s team sent threatening letters to Dr. Oz, denying the accusations and claiming that Nicole’s timeline doesn’t add up. We’re sure that it was all in legalese, but that was the gist of it.

It seems like Nicole felt like she had to take matters into her own hands — specifically, her thumbs, with which she presumably types her tweets — if she wanted to get her story out there.

As for the new, grim details?

Per TMZ‘s report, Nicole accuses Scott Baio of having spoken to her as if he were going to “prepare” her to have sex with boys her own age.

Remember that this allegedly started when she was 14, when Scott would have been 24 or 25.

A lot of sexual misconduct acts under a guise of something else. We’ve heard so many #MeToo stories about “massages” and “medical treatments.”

Plenty of consensual, healthy sexual intercourse happens under a guise, too. Euphemisms like Netflix and chill exist for a reason.

But not between a 14-year-old and a man ten years her senior, folks.

Nicole Eggert’s accusations go on:

Some of these alleged conversations happened at her house, while her parents were not home.

She describes what he allegedly said to her in order to convince her to agree to sex:

“How much he loved me and, hopefully one day when I was of age, we could be together, and that he understood I needed to go be with boys my own age and it was sort of like a goodbye action.”

Some sexual predators are obsessed with the build-up to sex and then lose interest. Nicole’s allegations seem to match that description.

Scott Baio strongly denies Nicole’s claims and says that other accusations have surfaced in the past but “gone away.” He seems frustrated that this one will not.

“I remember her calling me and asking me to come over and coming in my house one time, and seducing me,” Baio admitted during a 16-minute video that he made to deny the allegations.

“[For] any normal, heterosexual, red-blooded, American guy, the outcome would have been the same.”

He claims that this was when she was 18, but that denial is so creepy and really speaks to Baio’s cultural mindset.

It seems that he believes that any man who would turn down an invitation of sex (as he claims that Nicole made) must be gay. Or abnormal. Or maybe he just uses those words as synonyms. Oh, and he’d have to be un-American?

It’s always worrisome when even someone’s denial of sexual allegations reveals alarming things about how they view women and sex.


Nicole Eggert Says She Lied About Scott Baio Alleged Abuse Out of Shame

Nicole Eggert just went on Megyn Kelly’s show to chronicle what she claims was years of sexual assault at the hands of Scott Baio, and explained why she lied and why her timeline was off. Nicole and her lawyer Lisa Bloom recounted abuse during…


Nicole Eggert Told Dr. Oz How Scott Baio Allegedly Lured Her Into Sex

Nicole Eggert told Dr. Oz earlier this month the story of how Scott Baio allegedly got extremely physical with her when she was only 14 and had sex with her at 17 — something Baio strongly denies — and we have video from the taping. As we…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Nicole Eggert Taped "Dr. Oz" Over Scott Baio Sexual Allegations But Show Was Shelved

Nicole Eggert will make an appearance on Megyn Kelly’s show Tuesday to discuss her allegations that Scott Baio repeatedly molested her during the run of “Charles in Charge” when she was underage, but it was not the first time she taped a show…


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Nicole Eggert Accuses Scott Baio of Sexual Assault

Nicole Eggert has leveled a serious allegation against Scott Baio.

The former Baywatch actress, who appeared for years opposite Baio on the sitcom Charles in Charles, wrote on Twitter yesterday that the actor molested her back when she was a teenager,

Commenting on a Tweet that referred to Baio as a staunch Donald Trump supporter, Eggert penned the following on Saturday afternoon:

“Ask [Scott Baio] what happened in his garage at his house when I was a minor. Creep.”

It obviously doesn’t lend credence to her accusation necessarily, but she had recently linked to Halsey’s viral speech at the Women’s March from last weekend and also Tweeted:

“Always stand in ur truth it gives u strength.”

In a series of Tweets, she went on to detail how Baio digitally penetrated her, starting at the age of 14.

In a subsequent response to Twitter followers, Eggert said she was a “molested child” who “covered up” the alleged abuse for years, writing that she was “14, 15, 16 and 17” when these incidents occurred.

eggert tweet

How did Baio fight back?

Initially by referring to Eggert’s claims as “100% lies” and then by sharing a 16-minute video on Facebook.

“I remember her calling me and asking me to come over and coming in my house one time, and seducing me,” Baio says into the camera at one point in this video, adding:

“[For] any normal heterosexual, red-blooded American guy, the outcome would have been the same.”

Baio says this intercourse was consensual and that Eggert was of legal age at the time.


He also played an audio recording of an interview Eggert gave to, in which she described losing her virginity to Baio “way after” “Charles in Charge” was done.

“It was years later,” Eggert can be heard saying.

Eggert previous accused Baio of sexually abusing her as a minor in 2012.

“I kept my mouth shut, because usually when false claims in the past have been made about me they just go away,” Baio said late Saturday.

“But for some reason she will not let this one go away.”

He proceeds to basically challenge Eggert to “go to the police” if she really has a case, as opposed to airing dirty (in his mind, bitter) laundry on social media.

Baio, who has made headlines of late for his support of President Trump, said the Eggert’s accusations undermine real victims with “legitimate claims.”

In his view:

“The problem with almost all he said-she said cases is they’re he said-she said. Now, go prove it or disprove it,” he says toward the end of his reply.

“The real problem with this is people with legitimate claims aren’t taken seriously – and that’s too bad.”

Eggerts and Baio costarred on the aforementioned sitcom from 1984 to 1990, with Baio playing college student Charles, who looked after a group of children including Eggert’s character, Jamie.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Erin Moran"s Brother Threatens Scott Baio, Calls Out "Tiny" Manhood

Scott Baio’s can count on a can of whoopass if he ever runs into Erin Moran’s brother, who wants payback for Scott’s comments about Erin’s substance abuse. Tony Moran tore into Scott … referring to a brief fling Erin and Scott had way back…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Scott Baio Says Erin Moran Drug Backlash Really About His Trump Support (VIDEO)

Scott Baio thinks much of the backlash he’s gotten for his comments about Erin Moran’s drug issues is driven by his ties to Donald Trump. Scott told us liberals have been attacking him for linking his former co-star’s death to a drug…


Scott Baio Defends Erin Moran Overdose Comments

Earlier this week, we learned the sad news that former Happy Days and Joanie Loves Chachi star Erin Moran had passed away at the age of 56.

Sadly, Moran’s later years were characterized by substance abuse, financial difficulties, and a seemingly endless string of bad luck.

As a result, the question of Moran’s cause of death sparked a good deal of wild speculation, and prompted one of her former co-stars to jump to an insensitive conclusion.

Asked about Moran’s passing in a recent interview, Baio opted out of the traditional route (singing her praises as an actress and human being, offering thoughts and prayers to her family) and instead took the opportunity to remind us all that he’s one of Hollywood’s premiere washed-up douche bags.

Baio stated that we not surprised by Moran’s death, and proceeded to play medical examiner by declaring that her death was a direct result of her lifestyle:

“She was troubled,” Baio said, “could never find what made her happy and content. For me, you do drugs or drink, you’re gonna die.”

It was an ignorant comment to make under any circumstances, but now Baio looks like even more of a jackass as a result of the revelation that Moran likely died of cancer, not from a drug overdose.

In light of that revelation, one would expect Baio to express some contrition, but Chachi is a graduate of the Donald Trump School of A-Hole Public Relations, which means he never apologizes for any reason.

“This is so wrong. Now I know what fake news is!” Baio tweeted yesterday, sounding very much like his Day-Glo idol.

He added:

“I said ‘IF’ (You abuse drugs/alcohol). My wife @MrsScottBaio spoke to Erin less than 1 month ago.”

Oh, well if his wife talked to Erin a month ago, then he must be a good guy!

You need only scroll up to see that Baio most definitely did not say “if,” but hey, we’re living in the post-fact world, right?

Hell, we want in on the fun, too!

Do you guys remember when Scott Baio moved on from his laughable stint as a terrible ’80s sitcom actor and went on to a respected career in which he was totally not a walking punchline?

It was right around the time Adam Sandler took home all those Oscars and the Buffalo Bills won the Super Bowl.

Those were the days.


Scott Baio Regrets Erin Moran Drug Comments, Didn"t Know She Died from Cancer

Scott Baio feels terrible for ripping his co-star, Erin Moran, for her drug use and says he never would have done it if he’d known she was battling cancer. Scott tells TMZ he was wrong to insinuate Erin — his “Happy Days” and “Joanie…


Monday, April 24, 2017

Scott Baio on Erin Moran Death: I"m Not Surprised!

Yesterday, the world learned that Happy Days and Joanie Loves Chachi star Erin Moran had passed away at the age of 56.

Whike there’s been a good deal of speculation surrounding Moran’s cause of death, authorities investigating the matter have yet to reach any definitive conclusions.

But that didn’t stop Chachi himself, Scott Baio, from publicly declaring that he knows exactly what killed his former co-star.

Baio appeared on the Bernie & Sid radio show on this morning and was asked how he’s holding up in the wake of Moran’s death.

“I’m OK, a little shocked but not completely shocked that this happened,” Baio responded.

“My thing is, I feel bad because her whole life, she was troubled, could never find what made her happy and content. For me, you do drugs or drink, you’re gonna die.”

Yikes. We don’t want to be around when Scott finds out that he’s gonna die even if he doesn’t drink or do drugs.

Baio want on to sort of dial back his statement, but wound up sounding confused by his own words.

“I’m sorry if that’s cold, but God gave you a brain, gave you the will to live and thrive and you gotta take care of yourself,” he added.

“I’m saddened by what happened. I don’t know if it was drugs that killed her, I read one report said it might have been and I hope it … I don’t know what I hope. It’s what it is. What can you do?”

Moran was troubled by substance abuse issues throughout her life, but the results of a post-mortem toxicology report are still pending.

Shortly after Baio’s interview, sheriffs in Harrison County, Indiana released a statement indicating that Moran probably did not overdose and likely died as a result of complications from cancer:

“A joint investigation into Mrs. Moran’s death was conducted by the Harrison County Sheriff’s Department and the Harrison Country Coroner’s office,” reads the statement.

“A subsequent autopsy revealed that Mrs. Moran likely succumbed to complications of stage 4 cancer.”

The report adds:

“Standard toxicology tests were performed and the results are pending however no illegal narcotics were found at the residence.”

So while the possibility that Moran overdosed has not been ruled out, it’s far from a certainty … as Scott Baio would have you believe.

This has been your daily reminder that Scott Baio is a douche.


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Scott Baio Battery Case Over Trump Turned Over to Prosecutors

Scott Baio may get justice, because the D.A. is now considering prosecuting the woman who allegedly attacked him over his support for Donald Trump. We’ve learned the Ventura County D.A. now has a file on his desk with the name, Nancy…


Thursday, December 15, 2016

TMZ Live: Scott Baio: Red-Hot Brawl!

ON TODAY’S SHOW RZA: I Support Kanye Meeting Trump NFL Star Exposes Penis At Gas Station ‘Flip Or Flop’: New Man Witnesses Blowup Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: It’s Official! SKYPE US TMZTVSHOW TWEET US Tweet to @TMZLIVE


Scott Baio: Chad Smith’s Wife Attacked Me! Over Trump!!

Hey, do you want to hear a ridiculous story about Donald Trump?

We know, we know, our entire society has basically turned into a ridiculous story about Donald Trump, but trust us, you’ll want to hear this new development.

It’s not so much about Trump directly as it is about Scott Baio, the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ drummer’s wife, and an alleged assault, but … well, you’ll see.

OK, so Scott’s kid goes to the same elementary school as Chad Smith’s kid.

Chad, of course, is in the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and his wife, Nancy Mack, took their child to a school function. Scott was there with his daughter, Nancy noticed Scott, and that’s when things got bad.

At this point, it’s important to point out that Scott is a loud and proud Trump supporter. He spoke at the Republican National Convention in July, where he urged us all to “make America America again!”

He said that Trump was running for president “out of the goodness of his heart,” while Hillary Clinton was running because she felt “entitled to the presidency.”

And then, if you needed more proof of his delusional nature, in 2010 he tweeted an unflattering photo of Michelle Obama and remarked “He wakes up to this every day.”

Get it, like poor Barack Obama, he’s married to an absolute queen? Yeah, the joke didn’t land, but what we’re getting at is that Scott has a history of being absurd when it comes to political figures.

Right, so he and Nancy were at the elementary school function, and when Nancy saw him, she confronted him about his support of the Mighty Orange One.

According to the police report Scott filed — yeah, you know this is going to get good — he asked Nancy to keep her voice down since there were so many children around, but she refused.

She brought up the infamous “grab them by the pussy” comments that Trump made, asking Scott how he could possibly support a man who said such things.

Scott said that she “repeatedly screamed” the phrase “grab them by the pussy.”

He kept asking her to stop, you know, for the children, but she wouldn’t, and then he claims that she actually attacked him, that she shook him and pushed him and grabbed him.

All that is in the police report, but sources close to Nancy maintain that “she was merely trying to show Baio how Trump hugs women” and that she “denies any intentional physical aggression.”

Yes, you’re reading this right: this is a story about a woman who tried to grab Scott Baio “by the pussy” at an elementary school function.

The world will never be the same.

The local sheriff’s department is looking into the incident, but honestly, does the outcome matter? Will it add anything to the story? Will it lessen its effect on our hearts?

Of course it won’t. Nothing ever could.

In times of sorrow, when Donald Trump finally destroys the country, let’s let this moment be of comfort to us.

This one, glorious moment in which a Red Hot Chili Pepper’s wife grabbed Scott Baio by the pussy.

Let it hold us in our darkest hour, let it flood our souls with hope for a better tomorrow.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. Look Like Idiots At Republican National Convention

Someone thought it would be a great idea to invite Charles in Charge and that moderately good-looking Italian dude to this year"s Republican National Convention.

What a lark!

Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. both spoke at day one of the RNC in Cleveland, and each one left his own special mark. Sabato, who emigrated to the states from Rome in 1985, called into question President Obama"s religion.

"We had a Muslim president for 7 1/2 years," Sabato told the audience. "I don"t believe he is [a Christian]."

Sabato also declared that both the military and law enforcement officials don"t like the president.

What"s more? Mr. President is totally a baddie!

"I believe that he"s on the other side … the Middle East," the former Melrose Place star told ABC News. "He"s with the bad guys."

Meanwhile, Baio had to relive a few tweets he probably wishes he had deleted as he was grilled by NBC"s Tamron Hall outside the Quicken Loans Arena.

Baio reportedly wrote his speech at Sunday church service prior to the convention, so Hall wanted to know if he was feeling like a good Christian when he tweeted a meme of Hillary Clinton in front of the words "COUNT:"

“Did you think about that in church when you tweeted it out?” Hall asked.

“That was just offered up without commentary,” Baio said defensively.

”You can look at it anyway you want. It’s the word ‘count,’ she’s standing in front of it, I just put it up there.

There’s no commentary attached to it, I didn’t call her anything, and the fact that you question my faith over posting a picture is not nice.”

Hall was neither intimidated nor amused by Baio"s response, and continued to grill him on national television. 

After calling him out for blocking her on the social media platform, Hall pulled up a tweet from 2010, featuring an unflattering image of First Lady Michelle Obama with the caption, "“WOW! He wakes up to this every morning.”

“That tweet was a joke,” Baio said.

“I’m a guy from Brooklyn, I have a certain sense of humor.

Bitch please, Hall thought to herself before asking, “But does joking about a woman that way make America great again?” 

Watch Baio attempt to stay afloat in the video below.

Scott baoi and antonio sabato jr hollywoods biggest idiots speak

Willie Robertson, Scott Baio Support Donald Trump at Republican National Convention

Willie Robertson, Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. were among the so-called celebrities who opened the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Monday night.

Each expressed his reason on stage for supporting Donald Trump.

“Are you cheering because we’re ugly?” the Duck Dynasty star said to kick off primetime coverage of the event from Cleveland.

Robertson went on to note similarities between himself and Trump, namely that both are successful businessmen who have anchor hit reality programs, “though I flew commercial here,” Willie joked.

That’s not a bad line actually.

Robertson then took aim at “media experts” who were dead wrong about Trump’s candidacy, assuming he would lose early on in the GOP primary and adding that “it must be humbling to be so wrong about so much for so long.”

We’re not sure how slamming reporters from both sides of the aisle gets Trump votes, but hey.

Robertson proceeded to play the divisive card, talking about southern roots and saying “they don’t know how to talk to folks like us,” people who “hunt, fish, pray and actually work for a living.”

He concluded that Trump “may not be politically correct,” but he “always tells you the truth as he sees it” – and that’s why the Duck Commander CEO believes “Donald Trump will have your back.”

Scott Baio also shared his thoughts live from Ohio, getting quickly to his main point in a speech that was short and not sweet.

Not when it came to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton at least.

She’s a a woman who feels she’s “entitled to the presidency,” Baio argued, while describing Trump is “a man doing this out of the goodness of his heart,” who “says what he means. and means what he says.”

Once again, it’s not really clear why either of those statements are a reason to vote someone in to the Oval Office, but hey.

Baio’s final message to attendees and viewers? “Let’s make America America again!”

We don’t know what that means.

Then there was Antonio Sabato Jr., who did not address the crowd in only his underwear, much to the chagrin of the women and gay men in attendance.

(JUST KIDDING! There are no women or gay men in support of Donald Trump.)

“My belief in this country and my faith in Jesus Christ have compelled me to speak now,” said the model and former Dancing with the Stars contestant.

“Our rights have been trampled and our security threatened,” added Sabato, who detailed his decision to move to the United States from Rome in 1985 and who become a naturalized citizen in 1996.

“Others who want to come to the U.S. to live and work should follow the same rules!”

Sabato’s speech, which claimed that America is “weaker by almost every measure,” was short on specifics, yet heavy on passion.

“Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton promote division,” he said with a straight face, adding:

“Don’t be fooled: Donald Trump is for unity. Donald Trump believes in one America with liberty and justice for all.”