Showing posts with label Beat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beat. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

Hakim Warrick Says Syracuse Can Beat Duke In The Sweet 16

Syracuse legend Hakim Warrick says don’t pencil 11.5 point favorite Duke into the Elite 8 just yet … ‘cause the Orange have a legit shot at takin’ down Coach K’s squad. Cuse, a #11 seed that many people said didn’t even deserve to make the…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Donald Trump Says He Could Beat Up Joe Biden in a Fight

Donald Trump apparently can’t figure out when someone is clearly joking, because he took Joe Biden’s sardonic, high school-like pugilistic challenge as serious, and the President of the United States just responded by saying he could kick the former…


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Milton Bradley Charged with Battery, Allegedly Beat Up Wife

Milton Bradley’s in trouble with the law — charged with battery — for allegedly beating up a woman he’s married to once again … TMZ Sports has learned. We broke the story … cops were called to Bradley’s L.A. home back in January. When they…


Milton Bradley Charged with Battery, Allegedly Beat Up Wife

Milton Bradley’s in trouble with the law — charged with battery — for allegedly beating up a woman he’s married to once again … TMZ Sports has learned. We broke the story … cops were called to Bradley’s L.A. home back in January. When they…


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Mikey Garcia Says Mayweather Lost A Step, He Could Beat Him

Boxing champion Mikey Garcia says he 100% believes he could beat Floyd Mayweather if they fought today … because at 41, Garcia thinks father time has caught up with TBE. Mikey sat down with TMZ Sports during training for Saturday’s fight…


Mikey Garcia Says Mayweather Lost A Step, He Could Beat Him

Boxing champion Mikey Garcia says he 100% believes he could beat Floyd Mayweather if they fought today … because at 41, Garcia thinks father time has caught up with TBE. Mikey sat down with TMZ Sports during training for Saturday’s fight…


Friday, March 2, 2018

Kurt Warner: I"m Praying for Jim Kelly, He"ll Beat This Thing!

Jim Kelly asked for prayers — and Kurt Warner answered the call.  The Hall of Famer tells TMZ Sports he’s friends with Jim and was devastated when he heard Kelly’s oral cancer had returned.  “He’s a godly man,” Warner said … “He’s…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Conor McGregor Blasted By Frankie Edgar"s Manager, "He"ll Beat Your Ass"

Conor McGregor has been ducking Frankie Edgar for years and never REALLY wanted to fight him at UFC 222 in March … this according to Frankie’s manager, Ali Abdelaziz.  And by the way … that’s putting it mildly.  Ali just WENT OFF…


Mike Tyson: Deontay Wilder Could Beat Me? "I Don"t Think So"

Heavyweight champ Deontay Wilder boldly claimed he’s so good, he would have even knocked out Mike Tyson is his prime.  Mike Tyson respectfully disagrees.  “Iron Mike” was leaving Mastro’s Steakhouse in Beverly Hills on Wednesday when we…


Monday, February 19, 2018

Amber Portwood on Andrew Glennon: He Doesn"t Cheat or Beat Me!

Talk about damning someone with faint praise.

If you’re a Teen Mom OG fan, then you’re no doubt aware that Amber Portwood has dated a lot of losers.

And it seems she’s really lowered her standards as a result of spending so much time with the liikes of Matt Baier.

These days, Amber is dating Andrew Glennon, a former producer on Marriage Boot Camp.

He’s got a real job (or at least he did, until he quit to move to Indiana for Amber), so at already he’s got a leg up on Baier and company.

Amber is pregnant with Andrew’s baby, and many fans are skeptical that she’s yet again rushed headlong into a bad situation.

But it seems Amber is of the opinion that she’s finally found Mr. Right.

And she’s attempting to put her fans’ minds ar ease by citing some of the truly unimpressive ways in which Andew is superior to her previous dudes.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, Amber fought with Andrew about finding out the sex of their baby on a recent episode of TMOG.

Many fans compared her behavior in that scene with a blowout fight between her and Matt that was captured by Marriage Boot Camp cameras.

That prompted Amber to point out some important differences between the two relaitonships:

“No matter how crazy I get I still love my man,” Amber wrote on Twitter about Andrew. “I don’t scream at Andrew lol…we’re so happy together.”

“[Andrew] doesn’t hit me or cheat on me so yeah I treat him like a real man,” Amber wrote. “If you are a liar and cheater yeah bless your soul lol and get out of my way.

From there, Amber went on to make a slightly more compelling case for Andrew, claiming that for the first time, she feels she can rely on her partner:

“Thank god I have a good man to lean on now!” she continued.

“No more drama and no more screaming! I don’t like men who are liars and cheaters so if I’m a bitch for standing up for myself then so be it…I’m very happy with myself; however I found a man that is my rock…”

So we guess that’s a step in the right direction.

Of course, Amber was always quick to defend Matt throughout their relationship, too.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to remind yourself of just how bad Amber is at relationships.


Monday, February 12, 2018

NFL Star Damon Harrison: I Could Be a Real UFC Champ & Beat Stipe Miocic

NY Giants star Damon “Snacks” Harrison is a freak athlete — 6’3,”340 lbs — and he REALLY believes he would destroy everyone in the UFC … if he just spent some time training up.  And by “everyone” — he means the reigning UFC heavyweight…


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Terrell Owens: Wanna Beat Tom Brady? "Put Your Foot on the Throat"

Terrell Owens has some savage Super Bowl advice for the Eagles before his former team squares off with Tom Brady and the Patriots. “Don’t ever think you got ‘em beat — gotta put your foot on the throat,” Owens told TMZ Sports. T.O.…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Debra Danielsen: Farrah Abraham Beat Me Up!

After a decade of absurd behavior thoroughly documented by reality TV cameras, we thought we’d seen the very worst that Farrah Abraham had to offer.

But then Farrah’s mother, Debra Danielsen, wrote a memoir, and we realized we’ve only scratched the surface of the dysfunction and depravity in the Abraham family.

Teen Mom tell-alls are nothing new, but Deb’s seems to be offering a unique spin on the genre.

For starters, Danielsen went with the completely bonkers title of Vapor: A True Story of How I Fell Victim to Catfishing.

And while that might lead you to believe that she’s gonna take you into Nev and Max territory, all the excerpts thus far have basically been lengthy justifications of Deb’s hatred for her daughter and ex-husband.

Earlier this week, we learned that Michael Abraham did drugs and cheated on Deb while they were married.

(Or so Danielsen claims.)

Now it’s Farrah’s turn to get roasted, and Deb is once again bringing the heat.

In a Vapor excerpt published today by Radar Online, Debra basically claims her famous daughter is a violent psychopath.

If you’ve seen Farrah beat up Teen Mom producers and generally act like a lunatic for the past ten years, then that might not come as much of a surprise to you.

In the past Farrah has claimed that her mom “beat her bloody,” and on at least one occasion, she called the police on Deb,

Now, Danielsen is saying that she was attacked by Farrah, who then called the police to make it look like she was the victim.

“Farrah had beat me up, I had been crying, I was in a large amount of pain,” Deb writes with cavalier disregard for the concept of run-on sentences.

“After all of this, she had quietly gone upstairs to call the police and turn me in for hitting her.”

Danielsen concedes that her wrist made contact with her daughter’s lip while they were struggling and that Farrah was left with “one drop of blood on her lip.”

Of course, no discussion of the life of Farrah would be complete without some mention of the infamous Backdoor Teen Mom sex tape.

Deb recalls learning about the tape and confronting Farrah, who wasn’t exactly interested in a rational discussion.

“She snapped back and said that Michael and I overreact and ‘need to get our sh-t together,"” Deb writes.

“She didn’t need us embarrassing her. That hurt.”

Being called embarrassing by Farrah freakin’ Abraham? Yeah, that’s gotta sting just a bit.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to be reminded of just how embarrassing Farrah truly is.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

FSU"s Deondre Francois: I Didn"t Beat My Pregnant GF, She Attacked Me!

Florida State University QB Deondre Francois told police he’s the VICTIM in a domestic violence incident involving his pregnant girlfriend … and only got physical with her in an effort to restrain her.  It’s all in the police report obtained…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Jessica Miller: David Eason"s Sister Arrested For Assault! Did She Beat Up Jenelle Evans?!

Jessica Miller is the sister of Jenelle Evans’ husband, David Eason.

She’s never appeared on Teen Mom 2, and it seems she has little face-to-face contact with Jenelle.

Still, in the world of TM2 obsessives, Jessica is something of an icon, thanks to her stunning ability to match Ms. Evans in terms of violent insanity.

Jenelle and Jessica’s feuds are the stuff of legend, often spilling from one social media platform to another, as each attempts to publicly throw shade without the other one knowing.

It’s a thrilling game of cat and mouse, in which both the cat and the mouse accuse one another of being meth addicts.

Jessica accuses Jenelle of doing drugs while pregnant.

Jenelle accuses Jessica of driving while high and getting fired for stealing prescription painkillers from work.

We all look on in amazement and thank the heavens that our families are downright functional by comparison.

Unfortunately, it looks like the schaudenfreude might be coming to an end, as Jessica will likely be doing her best to keep her nose clean for the foreseeable future.

According to Starcasm, Jessica was arrested for assault over the weekend 

There’s no word on who Jessica may have assaulted, but it’s worth noting that she got into yet another Facbook fight with Jenelle the day before the arrest.

This time, Jenelle unequivocally initiated the spat, by posting this deranged “review” of Jessica’s t-shirt company:

“Fake business!!!!! This owner is psycho! She threatens people on a daily basis on social media saying she’s going to fight them and such.

“She also doesn’t own one piece of this clothing at all and uses an “art” app on her phone to copy and paste texts onto shirts without even testing them out herself.

“She tried stealing a logo from another company. I ordered a shirt a week ago and it’s still not here. I asked to be refunded and it’s taking forever! Really upset with this company! Never shopping here again. Maybe if the owner wasn’t on drugs this business would be ran properly.”

We don’t know what’s funnier–the fact that Jenelle has gone full-Trump and is now calling everything she doesn’t like “fake,” or the fact that tried to legitimize the whole thing by slipping an actual complaint about delivery time into unhinged psycho-screed.

Interestingly, an Instrgam follower recently asked Jessica why she’s never gotten into a physical altercation with Jenelle.

David’s sister had this to say in response:

“I came really close to it when i had to go to court with her and barbara over jace. I followed her into the bathroom and i told her what an ungrateful selfish little B she is but i kept my hands to myself bc she isnt worth jail time or my money in court costs! “

Perhaps tellingly, Jenelle hasn’t taken to Twitter to boast about Jessica’s arrest, as one might expect her to.

We’re not saying Jessica and Jenelle got into a fight, but we certainly wouldn’t be floored by that news.

We’ll keep you updated on the situation as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just what a brawler Jenelle is.

She’s not someone you wanna mess with…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Blac Chyna to Kim Kardashian: Congrats on the Baby! I"ll Still Beat You in Court!

For a woman who was just delivered a serious blow in her court battle against the Kardashians, Blac Chyna seems to be in astonishingly good spirits.

She’s vowing to keep fighting after her huge setback.

But she’s also congratulating Kim and Kanye on the birth of their third child, calling the baby girl a “blessing.”

You didn’t miss Kim Kardashian’s new, bizarre baby’s name, right? Kimye’s youngest daughter’s name is Chicago West.

(Chicago West sounds like the name of a fashion line or perhaps like Carmen Sandiego’s apprentice, so … it’s fine)

Before the news of the baby girl’s name even broke, The Blast caught up to Blac Chyna and asked what she thought of Kim’s third child being born.

Chyna replied: “It’s always a blessing. They deserve blessings.”

Some may find it surprising that Chyna could be so chipper about the Kardashians, considering recent developments.

So, you know how Blac Chyna is suing the entire Kardashian clan?

She claims that they used their influence to sabotage her reality career when it had scarcely begun, effectively blacklisting her at E!

If true, this would mean that the Kardashians cost her not only the money she would have earned through reality TV income, but cash from merchandising and endorsements and appearances. Which is why she’s suing.

The Kardashians argue that they didn’t maliciously undercut her career — that she missed out on work because she refused to film scenes with Rob, and even got a restraining order against him.

Blac Chyna reportedly hates that argument, and countered that she shouldn’t have lost her job over her fear of Rob.

Well, RadarOnline reports that Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against the Kardashians saw a major setback.

““Chyna lost today,” their source claims.

“But it is a temporary situation. Chyna is going to fight back.”

That’s no surprise. Chyna’s a fighter, clearly.

“She is going to go back and try again and try and convince the judge of his error.”

What error, you ask?

Reportedly, the judge in the case indicated that he’s going to remove both Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner from the lawsuit.

This weakens Blac Chyna’s case, we imagine, in two ways.

One, because Kris and Kim have deep pockets, and if they’re not the targets of her lawsuit, she can’t be awarded damages directly from them.

Two, and we’re just guessing (not legal experts), but one imagines that Blac Chyna will have a harder time arguing that, say, Rob pulled some carefully crafted scheme to sabotage her reality career. Rob is … well, Rob.

He’s not exactly an evil genius.

But apparently Blac Chyna stands fully poised to convince the judge that Kim and Kris do belong within the scope of her lawsuit.

Failing though, though, she’s said to be prepared to amend her lawsuit in such a way that she can still win.

Still, though Blac Chyna’s called the Kardashians all sorts of nasty things during the course of her falling out with the family and these legal fights, it’s not a surprise that she’s speaking pleasantly about Chicago’s birth.

Blac Chyna’s link to the Kardashians isn’t Rob — it’s Dream.

When Chyna talks about Chicago, she’s not just talking about the child of her enemy, she’s talking about the newborn cousin of her own baby daughter.

Her feud with the Kardashians is … very complicated.


Sunday, January 14, 2018

Buster Skrine Says 0-16 Browns Would Beat Alabama

Here’s a small silver lining for Cleveland fans … no matter how embarrassing their 0-16 season was, ex-Browns star Buster Skrine says there’s one team his old squad can still beat: ‘BAMA!!! TMZ Sports asked the N.Y. Jets stud whether the best…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

James Carville Laughs Off Trump"s Claim He"d Beat Oprah for President in 2020

James Carville reacted with sounds and not words when he heard President Trump claimed he could beat Oprah’s butt in 2020.  We got the man who engineered Bill Clinton’s White House victory at LAX Tuesday and asked…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

President Donald Trump Says He"d Beat Oprah in 2020 if She Challenged Him

Donald Trump says he’s not worried about Oprah running for President in 2020, because if she does he’d kick her butt. Trump reacted Tuesday to a groundswell of interest in a Winfrey candidacy, saying he doesn’t think she’ll pull the trigger and…


TMZ Live: Donald Trump: I Would Beat Oprah!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Gayle King: President Winfrey’s Got A Ring To It! Kanye West: Performs For Cancer Patient  Drake’s Big Payday From Quavo Usher’s Herpes Accuser Fights Back 
