Showing posts with label CHEATED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHEATED. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2018

29 Stars Who Suck For Having Cheated

Cheaters never win and winners never cheat. 

But cheaters do make good celebrity gossip fodder, which is the reason we"ve covered so many of them in depth on our website.

Below, we rundown a number of known bad boyfriends and husbands (from golfers to Presidents; actors to reporters) and we send one simple message to them all, courtesy of their significant others:


1. Tristan Thompson

Khloe tristan side by side

Thompson is among the worst of the offenders listed here. Just click on the above name to read all about how he cheated on a PREGNANT Khloe Kardashian.

2. Donald Trump

Donald trump in a foul mood

The President has admitted to having multiple affairs while married, dating back to his first union with Ivana. Most recently, a porn star named Stormy Daniels has gone on record with her naked Trump romp. (This guy is our President!)

3. Josh Duggar

Josh duggar baby photo

Josh Duggar didn’t merely admit to cheating on his wife. He admitted to being a client on Ashley Madison and to having an addiction to porn! Dude sucks.

4. Tiger Woods

Tiger woods on the course

Really, everyone else on this list is just playing for second place. The guy slept with every cocktail waitress who has ever served a drink. While he was married to a hottie!

5. Scott Disick

Kourtney and scott split

We always knew Scott Disick was a drinker. But it came out in the summer of 2015 that he’s also a cheater! Good riddance, dude!

6. Jesse James

Hot jesse james

Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock. But she eventually found his replacement: a little guy named Oscar.

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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Jay Z: I Cheated on Beyonce, But She"s My Soulmate!

Remember that wacky time when we first started figuring out that Jay Z had cheated on Beyonce?

It was all the way back when she released Lemonade — almost two years ago now, can you beieve it?! — and her message wasn"t exactly subtle.

And then last summer, when he released his new album, he confirmed it with lines like "You almost went Eric Benét, let the baddest girl in the world get away," referencing Halle Berry"s first husband.

In November, Jay talked about it all again in an interview, explaining that he believes he was unfaithful because of his tough childhood.

"You have to survive," he said of the way he grew up. "So you go into survival mode, and when you go into survival mode, what happens?"

"You shut down all emotions. So even with women, you gonna shut down emotionally, so you can"t connect."

"In my case, like, it"s deep," he admitted. "And then all the things happen from there: infidelity."

It makes sense, right?

But last night, Jay appeared on the first episode of Van Jones" new show on CNN, and he discussed everything in even more detail.

When asked why he and Beyonce fought so hard to save their marriage after everything that had happened, he answered "That"s my soulmate. It"s the person I love."

"If you haven"t experienced love or don"t understand it or you don"t have the tools to move forward then you are going to have complications. Period."

He said that "You can either address it or you can pretend until it blows up at some point, and for us, we chose to fight for our love, for our family, to give our kids a different outcome, to break that cycle."

"For black men and women, to see a different outcome … it"s not just a celebrity couple. We were never a celebrity couple, we were a couple who just happened to be celebrities. We"re real people."

Next, Jay Z was asked about any advice he might give to someone in a similar position, and he simply said that "The best apology is changed behavior."

"You have to acknowledge the pain and you have to let that person have their say."

"You have to get on the floor, get on the mattress," he continued. "You have to work through it, really be honest."

"It takes a while. It"s hard. It"s difficult to hear, difficult to stay, difficult to listen to that kind of pain — but you have to be strong enough."

"But on the other side," he added, "it"s beautiful."

For what it"s worth, Jay Z and Beyonce certainly seemed to have been able to work through all their problems — those precious little baby twins they had last year are proof of that.

Watch Jay Z get real about his infidelity in the interview below:

Jay z i cheated on beyonce but shes my soulmate

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Scheana Marie: Is She Getting Cheated On By Robert Valletta?

Obviously, the scene from last night’s Vanderpump Rules that’s attracting the most attention today is the one in which Brittany Cartwright flipped out on Jax Taylor after hearing a recording in which he trash-talked her to the woman he later slept with behind her back.

(She already knew about–and was cool–with the cheating.)

But it wasn’t the only interaction that has VPR obsessives buzzing today.

Though he made his debut in the season premiere, last night’s episode offered the deepest insight yet into the character of Scheana Marie’s then-boyfriend, Robert Valletta.

Turns out he’s a giant douche.

Okay, that might be a bit harsh, but Rob is the type of dude unironically toasts to “falling in love with something new every day.”

And it seems he may also be the type to sleep around on his girlfriend.

These days, Rob and Scheana are broken up, but back when the show was being filmed, they were still moving at warp speed.

Or perhaps we should say Scheana was moving at warp speed.

On last night’s episode, she discussed her desire to get married to Valletta the moment her divorce with Mike Shay was finalized.

Valletta dodged that topic of conversation, for the obvious reason–Scheana is clearly a smidge insane–but also because he almost certainly banging someone else at the time.  

In the episode, Kristen Doute informed Scheana that Rob made out with some random hostess well after the two of them had gotten serious as a couple.

Scheana–who has criticized several of her female friends for being naive about their boyfriends’ infidelities–refused to believe Kristen, explaining that Valletta “isn’t a kisser,” whatever the hell that means.

The fact that Rob and Scheana recently downgraded their relationship to “friends with benefits” status has led many VPR fans to conclude that Scheana eventually discovered the truth.

But remarkably, both parties still claim Valletta was never unfaithful, and they’re offering up some incredibly lame “evidence” to support their claims.

Scheana appeared on Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live last night, and Valletta called in to the show to basically say “who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”

According to the “actor”, he and Scheana broke up not because of his cheating, but because of her catty group of friends.

Amazingly, Scheana sat there and co-signed his explanation.

“The truth is, it’s really hard in her circle of friends,” Rob told Andy.

“Individually, when they’re by themselves, they’re really great people, but you put that group of people together and they’re savages,” he continued.

“They come after you, and it’s really hard to have a successful relationship with those people coming and attacking you from all sides.”

When Scheana was informed by Cohen that 85 percent of viewers polled believe Rob cheated, she replied:

“Well, 85 percent of the people don’t know the man I was dating.”

Interestingly, Valletta never addressed the allegation directly.

We think that might tell you all you need to know.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more infidelity and horribly unhealthy relationships.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Rich Rodriguez: I Cheated On My Wife, But I Didn"t Sexually Harass Employee

Bombshell after bombshell out of Tucson, Arizona Tuesday night … where Rich Rodriguez was fired as the head football coach — and moments later, he put out a statement denying he sexually harassed his former assistant.  But in the statement,…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Opens Up About Being Cheated on By Javi Marroquin: I Didn"t Want to Know!

Despite the fact that their marriage ended over a year ago, Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin appeared on the latest season of Marriage Boot Camp, and as you might expect from a divorced couple participating in a bunch of bonding exercises, it got ugly in a hurry.

In one particularly brutal episode, Javi submitted to a lie detector test, in which he answered questions about his alleged infidelity in a way that might have been useful when he and Kail were still married.

Not surprisingly, it turned out Marroquin wasn’t completely faithful during his marriage to Lowry.

Equally unsurprising is the fact that Kail wasn’t too keen on hearing all the details of his cheating.

“I always knew but I really didn’t want it to be confirmed and definitely [not] the way that it was confirmed — hence my initial question on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars,”

Yes, it seemed the question that Kail wanted answered was one that’s far more pertinent to her life post-Javi–namely, “Do you purposely try to prevent me from succeeding?” 

For obvious reasons, producers opted for the more scandalous query, which resulted in a situation where Kail had to stand there and listen to the truth about her ex-husband’s cheating in front of a full camera crew.

Fortunately, the mother of three is eager to put the past behind her.

“2017 broke me,” Kail tweeted, adding, “But we got this 2018.”

Lowry elaborated:

“Last year on NYE I came home from Denver and told [Bone Estrada] I was pregnant.”

These days, Kail seems to be in a much better place, and she’s actively documenting the struggles of being a single mother of three, not only for her fans, but also for the benefit of sons, so they might one day understand how much hardship she’s endured.

“So I started writing this book to lux… basically an apology letter to him… a letter to lux… now it’s a book to all 3 of my boys. And i can’t think of the perfect title,” Lowry tweeted yesterday.

Yes, it seems that even though she has no intention of collaborating with Javi on a pair of memoirs, as she’d once planned, Kailyn has no plans to stop cranking out bestsellers.

She recently announced that her eldest son, Isaac, will be illustrating a children’s book about the family’s pet French bulldog.

This new project is in addition to her other planned books, her new podcast, and of course, continuing to thrive as one of the resident fan favorites on Teen Mom 2.

No wonder she has no difficulty leaving Javi’s cheating in the past, where it belongs.

Needless to say, Ms. Lowry wasn’t lying when she said she’s got the new year on lock.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from reality TV’s most beloved single mom.


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Kevin Hart: Yes, I Cheated on My Wife!

For the past several months, rumors have been circulating that Kevin Hart cheated on his wife, Eniko Parrish.

And now, at long last, he’s confirming the rumors — explicitly.

This whole mess began this summer, when a video of Kevin began making the rounds. The video showed him sitting in a car with two other people, one being a woman who was not his wife.

Nothing really happened in that video, but people far and wide viewed it as evidence that he’d been stepping out on Eniko, who was pregnant at the time with their first child.

Then, in September, a woman who was later revealed to be a stripper named Montia Sabbag tried to blackmail him with video footage she had of them together.

It wasn’t a sex tape in the truest sense, but the tape did seem to heavily imply sex.

After the news of the video began circulating, Kevin tried to get in front of the scandal by apologizing to his family in an Instagram video.

“I made a bad error in judgment and I put myself in a bad environment where only bad things can happen and they did,” he explained.

He also said “It’s a sh-tty moment. It’s a sh-tty moment when you know you’re wrong and there’s no excuses for your wrong behavior. At the end of the day, man, I just simply gotta do better.”

Reading between the lines, he definitely admitted to the cheating, right?

But still, he never directly confessed to it … until now!

In a lengthy interview on the Power 105.1 radio show, Kevin discussed what happened that night, and though we all pretty much knew the basics, it’s still pretty shocking to hear him talk about it like this.

When asked what he was thinking when he “got caught cheating,” he admitted “It’s beyond irresponsible.”

“There’s no way around it,” he continued. “The best way to do is just address it right on, you just gotta say exactly what it is: that’s Kevin Hart in his dumbest moment.”

“That’s not the finest hour of my life, but that being said, you make your bed, you lay in it. You can’t even say ‘What were you thinking?’, because you weren’t thinking.”

Continuing his stream of real talk, he said “That’s where the false reality comes in to a f-ck-up. You don’t plan to f-ck up, you f-ck up and then you go ‘Oh sh-t, I f-cked up."”

“I rightfully stand in front of my f-ck-up, hands in the air. I’m guilty, regardless of how it happened and what was involved and sh-t I can’t talk about. I’m guilty.”

He elaborates more on what he means by “sh-t I can’t talk about” momentarily, but for now he says that since he is guilty of cheating, “I’m gonna face the music.”

“I’m gonna go home, I’m gonna address it, I’m gonna make my wife full aware of what’s going on and the situation I have now put us in, and I’m hoping she has a heart to where she can forgive me and understand that this is not going to be a reoccurring thing and allow me to recover from my f-cking massive mistake.”

It’s refreshing that he’s able to admit that he’s completely wrong, isn’t it?

About Eniko and how she’s handling the whole thing, he said that “It’s a cold house. It’s a very cold house for a minute, and rightfully so.”

From there, he insisted that this is the first time he cheated — despite rumors that he was cheating on his first wife with his current one.

He explained that his first marriage wasn’t great, and that they were both with other people before the divorce because they were both “done” with each other.

“That’s not f-cking up,” he said. “This time, granted, I f-cked up. But in f-cking this up, I’m like ‘I gotta repair this because this is what I want. This is my foundation.”

Well, that’s … sweet? Kind of?

Next, he was asked about what circumstances led to the cheating, but Kevin answered with “I can’t even get into the f-cked up status behind the whole thing, there’s a real federal investigation.”

Still, he was sure to follow up with “regardless of that, I’m wrong.”

However, he does say that “When this sh-t breaks down, you’re gonna be like ‘Oh my f-cking god,’ it’s the freakiest of the freakiest.”

The whole thing, he said, was “a reality check and a gut-punch from God.”

Since the whole thing went down, Kevin said that he and Eniko have been trying to move forward with their relationship — and they even welcomed their first child together, an adorable little boy named Kenzo, last month.

She’s still upset with him, and according to him, that’s her right, and she’ll be upset from time to time for a long time, probably.

But he’s willing to admit his mistake, and they’re willing to work it out together.

So as far as cheating scandals though, Kevin seems to be making out as best as he possibly can.

… Congrats?


Friday, December 15, 2017

Kailyn Lowry & Javi Marroquin: We BOTH Cheated on Each Other!

At one point, Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin were considered one of the most stable couples in the Teen Mom franchise.

Oh, how times have changed.

These days, Kailyn and Javi have been divorced for over a year, but they seem unable to stop rehashing what went wrong in their marriage.

Part of the problem is that fans are still intensely interested in learning every detail of Lowry and Marroquin"s drama, which means there"s an extensive market for their tales of marital woe.

It"s a state of affairs (no pun intended) that"s led to some very surprising revelations…

1. Kailyn and Javi In Happier Times

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin kiss

Even after their divorce, Kailyn and Javi briefly managed to maintain an amicable co-parenting relationship. Sadly, those days are long over…

2. Cheating Rumors

Kailyn lowry on teen mom two

Allegations of infidelity led to the dissolution of Kail and Javi’s marriage, and it seems those suspicions are still preventing the former couple from reaching a place where they can be civil with one another.

3. Another Deployment

Javi marroquin in uniform

Javi is soon to be headed overseas for another tour of duty with US Air Force. No doubt he and Kailyn would like to iron out their differences before he leaves, but it’s a task that may prove impossible.

4. Briana Drama

Briana and javi

Part of the problem, of course, is that Javi is currently dating Kailyn’s rival and Teen Mom 2 co-star, Briana DeJesus.

5. Boot Camp Blues

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin pic

Javi and Kailyn appear on the current season of Marriage Boot Camp, despite the fact that their marriage is long over. Their stated goal was to improve their co-parenting relationship, but that doesn’t appear to be happening.

6. The Truth Comes Out

Kailyn lowry javi morroquin and their son

On tonight’s episode, Kailyn and Javi will both submit to lie detector tests. Needless to say, the interrogations did not go smoothly…

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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Jay-Z: This is the REAL Reason I Cheated on Beyonce!

We all know that Jay-Z cheated. Recently, he’s openly admitted that his marriage to Beyonce was built on lies. Their relationship is much healthier, now, but it’s still going to take more time to heal.

In a new interview, Jay-Z has spoken about what exactly drove him to infidelity.

And his take is … much more honest and self-aware than anything that we’re used to hearing from celebrities who’ve strayed..

In an interview with the New York Times, Jay-Z spoke of his infidelity. Not in lyrics, but in words.

He spoke about psychotherapy and about what he came to understand, reflecting upon his childhood in poverty:

“You have to survive. So you go into survival mode, and when you go into survival mode, what happens?”

A lot does, and it can vary from person to person. But Jay-Z speaks about how this impacted his life.

“You shut down all emotions. So even with women, you gonna shut down emotionally, so you can’t connect.”

PTSD can absolutely cause empathy issues (too little empathy, too strong, 

“In my case, like it’s, it’s deep.”

Some people are impacted in different ways by trauma. Also, childhood trauma happens when your mind is still developing. Sometimes, you learn how to be a person in the wrong ways, if that makes sense.

But Jay-Z has come to understand how that led to him stepping out on Beyonce.

“And then all the things happen from there: infidelity.”

He’s clearly not making excuses. He’s talking about how his own personal emotional detachment, which was probably life-saving as a child, led him to make bad decisions as an adult.

Last June, less than a week before the Summer Solstice marked the official end of spring, Jay-Z and Beyonce welcomed their twins into the world.

Sir and Rumi ended up with a somewhat extended stay at the hospital before they were finally released.

But though we’ve only gotten the occasional glimpse at Beyonce and Jay-Z’s twins, they seem to be doing much better now.

It wasn’t until Jay-Z’s 4:44 album came out, in which the rapper admitted to cheating on Beyonce and also referred to his epic feud with Kanye West, that the world really understood how great a triumph the birth of Sir and Rumi was.

Because a careful interpretation of Jay-Z’s lyrics revealed that Beyonce had suffered miscarriages, which Jay-Z believed were brought on by anxiety and other intense emotions due to his cheating.

(We know that real life doesn’t work like soap operas, where a little worry or tripping on the stairs automatically leads to a miscarriage … but distress really can endanger a pregnancy. Especially if someone is already struggling to carry a pregnancy to term)

Jay-Z revealed that his work on 4:44 was therapeutic for his marriage, and helped him to process what he had done to Beyonce, their marriage, and to himself.

Of course, it’s not like 4:44 was one epic cheat-a-thon.

(Though Jay-Z did at times almost seem to be humble-bragging, we don’t believe that this was his intention)

There were other topics.

One was, of course, Jay-Z’s diss track against Kanye West, whose erratic behavior and terrible impulse control was apparently enough.

Kanye crossed some lines, and friends became enemies.

(Taylor Swift even referred to Kanye and Kim losing friends in her song, “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things,” which is a strong contender for the best song on Reputation)

On a much, much more positive note, Jay-Z’s mom Gloria Carter came out as a lesbian on one of the tracks of his album.

Jay-Z has known since he was a teenager, but it was not public knowledge.

That she herself got to come out on her son’s album is just so beautiful — and a refreshing break from, well, some of the less positive subjects covered on 4:44.

We would say that there were other factors behind Jay-Z’s cheating.

The cultural acceptance of powerful men leading double-lives, for example. Conflicting work schedules with Beyonce may have played a part.

But Jay-Z knows that none of these are excuses.

Folks, if you want to sleep around, either marry someone who doesn’t mind or shares your proclivities (you could swap stories of your adventures!), or don’t get married.

Jay-Z is prioritizing his family now, however. His wife and his three children will certainly appreciate that.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Teen Mom 2 Reunion Recap: Who Got Cheated On? Who Stormed Off?

With the dust settling from last week’s bombshell season finale, the Teen Mom 2 cast reunited Monday night for an emotional sit-down.

Then some cast members stormed off set. But we’ll get to that in a little while. We begin with the lowdown on Kailyn Lowry’s love life …

Lowry gave Dr. Drew the sad rundown about being cheated on during her pregnancy by Chris Lopez, her mysterious third baby daddy.

We’re talking the entire time she was pregnant, basically.

“The pregnancy was really hard,” Kailyn confessed.

Kailyn’s experience getting pregnant by Chris was so bad, Lowry said it was the kind of thing she wouldn’t wish on her “worst enemy.”

These days, she said, they aren’t communicating.

Lopez has not even seen their child, Lux Russell, in more than a month, and it’s unclear when (or if) he will do so again. Just insane.

While it’s not a good thing by any means, Kailyn can at least rest assured that she can take care of herself as a boss mom. But still.

Leah Messer then took her turn in the hot seat and discussed the struggles of splitting up with Jeremy Calvert, her second ex-husband.

“I didn’t have any support,” Leah said. “I was alone.”

Messer even admitted she was suicidal at the time.

Her kids, though, were her “light at the end of the tunnel” and pulled her out of her depression, and she and Jeremy are better lately.

They’re not getting back together, however.

Calvert and Messer’s romantic past, and future, have long been subject to such speculation, but the two are just co-parenting. Period.

(Apparently Jeremy broke up with his girlfriend, who we didn’t even know existed, recently, and also split with fiancee Brooke Wehr.)

Leah said that despite what the rumors might say, she’s happy being single and focusing on her kids, which is probably a good thing.

Okay, we’ll say it, it’s definitely a good thing.

Chelsea Houska dished about Adam Lind’s ongoing drug abuse problem and the profound effect it’s having on their daughter, Aubree.

Houska hasn’t told Aubree exactly what’s going on.

How could she possibly? What do you even say?

“It’s hard because you don’t want to sugarcoat it but you don’t want to lie to them,” Chelsea said, admitting that she feels guilty personally.

For giving Aubree a drug-addicted father, she feels responsible on some level, despite the happy home and life she’s given the youngster.

“In a perfect world, he would get better and be a good dad and I could trust him,” she said, but she has no faith that will be the case.

Then it was time for the main event …

Jenelle Evans’ appearance began with questions about her relationship with her mom and her wedding, but soon got very out of hand.

Asking her about David Eason will do that.

“Everyone tries bashing him,” she said.

When Dr. Drew noted that Jenelle seems drawn to … um, aggressive types of guys, Evans decided she’d had enough and she peaced.

“He’s trying to make her upset and it’s pissing me off,” David, who married her earlier this fall, said of the MTV personality. “I’m leaving.”

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Nathan Griffith came on stage instead, promptly bashing David for disciplining his son with Jenelle, Kaiser.

“I just think it’s a very controlling relationship,” he said, and his mom then joined in, adding that she is “terribly frightened for Kaiser.”

According to Nathan’s mom, Kaiser told her that David punched him and gave her reason believe there’s drug abuse in Jenelle’s home.

She said that is the reason she is filing for temporary custody of her grandchild. “All I want is someone to protect [Kaiser],” she said.

Stay tuned for next week when this really gets bad … and open the gallery above to find out what happened behind the reunion scenes.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Briana Renee to Husband: You Cheated! We"re Over!

This is all she wrote for Briana Renee and her husband.

The Little Women: LA star has reportedly ended her marriage to Matt Grundhoffer because she simply could not get past his cheating ways.

That’s a pretty good reason to file for divorce, isn’t it?

TMZ source say Briana decided to cut the romantic chord due to Grundhoffer’s “constant cheating and flirting,” a lot of which was captured by Lifetime cameras for all to see.

Grundhoffer admitted to his infidelity in the past and the topic was a source of consistent tension between the couple.

Again, for a very understandable reason, wouldn’t you say?

Briana and Matt have a 16-month old son, who the former referenced in an Instagram message that confirmed her split.

“After 3 years, and bringing the most handsome little boy into this world, we have come to the end of our marriage,” the 35-year-old captioned the above photo.

She added:

“We rode til the wheels fell off, and now we can redirect our course as friends focusing on being the best parents.”

Renee and Grundhoffer also have two kids from previous relationships.

As of this writing, they are actually still living together while they try to determine what is best for their family.

But they sleep in separate bedrooms.

In an attempt to fix their relationship, the estranged twosome appeared together on the Little Women couples therapy spin-off Couple Retreat.

Shockingly, though, the televised sessions did not mend what was broken between them.

In an April interview with The Domenick Nati Show, Renee confessed that she and Matt have had a “rocky” marriage over the years.

“Unfortunately we have had major lows, and we try to build back up again and it takes time,” she said at the time, explaining:

“Marriage is always work. I’m not going to sugar coat anything. We have had a rocky [one].”

According to Radar Online, Grundhoffer was caught sexting transgender model Plastix Martyr last year.

He has also admitted to sexting other women when Renee was pregnant.

Ouch. That makes the cheating, whether it was emotional or physical, extra painful.

We wish both halves of this failed romance the best of luck.

We hope each finds happiness in the end.


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Season 6 Trailer: Is Scheana Being Cheated On?!

Well, fall is here again, which means it"s time to find out exactly how the men and women of SUR effed their lives up over the summer.

Yes, another season of Vanderpump Rules is upon us, and things are a little different this year.

For one thing, Season 6 doesn"t debut until December (boo).

But on the bright side, Lala Kent will return after abruptly quitting the show last season (yay).

As for your favorite couples–we"re afraid we have some bad news.

With the exception of Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix, it seems just about anyone everyone on the cast has endured a breakup since last season.

The dissolution of Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright, of course, was chronicled in the little-watched Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky.

(Count your blessings if you skipped that ill-conceived slog.)

The rest of the splits, however, will apparently be documented on VPR.

The trailer focuses primarily on the Scheana Marie-Robert Valletta breakup what we learned about last week.

One scene explains the split by showing Lala inform Scheana that Robert cheated on her.

A bit ironic, perhaps, given that Lala walked away from the show last year due to scrutiny of her love life, but whatever.

As long as there"s drama we"re happy … and it certainly looks like this season delivers.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for Season 6, and check out the full trailer below:

Vanderpump rules season 6 trailer is scheana being cheated on

Friday, September 22, 2017

Kailyn Lowry FINALLY Addresses Rumors She Cheated on Javi Marroquin

It’s been over a year since Kailyn Lowry split from Javi Marroquin, but Teen Mom 2 fans are still wondering what caused such a seemingly healthy marriage to fall apart so quickly.

Obviously, Javi’s overseas deployment with the US Air Force put a strain on the relationship, but one persistent rumor about the straw that broke the camel’s back has plagued Kailyn since the time of her divorce.

And it seems she’s finally willing to set the record straight.

Speaking with E! News, the mother of three flat-out denied engaging in any infidelity while Javi was overseas.

“Okay, I’m just going to say it because I already started. There’s like a whole misconception that I cheated on Javi while he was deployed, which is super frustrating because that’s not the case,” she stated.

“It just makes for good TV, drama and ratings. I’m just biting the bullet every time but it isn’t true.”

Kailyn’s critics will likely be quick to point out that she never said she didn’t cheat on Javi at all during their marriage.

She only said she didn’t cheat while he was overseas.

We don’t think Kailyn meant to take advantage of that semantic loophole, but TM2 fans and their suspicions are not easily parted.

As for where Lowry and Marroquin stand these days … well, it’s tough to say.

Recently, there were rumors of Kailyn and Javi getting back together, and the fact that neither party addressed the reports publicly only added fuel to the fire.

A full reconciliation seems unlikely, however.

Kailyn welcomed her third child last month, and Javi has been open about the new addition complicating his co-parenting relationship with his ex-wife.

Even if the two of them wanted to get back together, we doubt that Kailyn would have the time or energy.

Of course, her co-star, Briana DeJesus is also a single mom, and that hasn’t stopped rumors that Javi and Briana are dating.

Yes, Marroquin may have actually made the leap from one TM2 star to another.

It’s developments like that that explain the show’s ongoing popularity.

This stuff is way more dramatic than any soap opera on TV.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the rocky road that led Kailyn and Javi to where they are today.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Matt Baier: Amber Portwood Cheated On Me!

When Amber Portwood confirmed that she’d dumped Matt Baier, there was much rejoicing amongst obsessive Teen Mom: OG fans.

In case you weren’t aware Matt wasn’t considered ideal boyfriend material, what with being a deadbeat dad, cheating on Amber, lying about his drug use, and just generally behaving like a douche-nozzle throughout his time on the show.

Of course, Amber has a history of diving right back into unhealthy relationships, which made it hard for fans to breathe easy at first.

When it was revealed last week that Amber is dating Andrews Glennon, the news was widely taken as an encouraging sign that she’s ready to leave her relationship with Baier in the past.

But Matt’s not quite ready to give up, and Amber remains very much at the forefront of his mind.

In a recent interview, Baier revealed that he still hopes to get back together with Portwood.

Fortunately, he’s also been sabotaging his own chances by trash-talking Amber to friends, who in turn share the details of Matt’s ravings with the media.

Matt reportedly hit the roof when he learned that Amber was dating Andrew, a producer on Marriage Boot Camp whom they both got to know during their time on the show.

Matt left the set ahead of schedule following a fight with Amber, and she says that’s when her relationship with Glennon took off.

But it seems Matt suspects that there was some overlap between the two romances.

“Matt knew she had a new guy, but didn’t know it was Andrew,” a source close to the former couple tells Radar Online.

“Now he is furious and suspects her of cheating on him.”

Amber has yet to respond to the allegations publicly, but the insider says she’s been quick to dismiss them in private:

“Amber thinks Matt is just jealous,” says the source.

In all likelihood, Amber will never respond to Matt’s accusations because she knows him well enough to know that’s just what he wants.

Prior to their relationship, Matt was an obsessive fan of the Teen Mom franchise, and many he felt that he loved the reality star lifestyle more than he ever loved Amber.

You can expect this guy to fight the slow fade into irrelevancy with everything he’s got.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to remind yourself of just how dysfunctional Matt and Amber’s relationship truly was.

It was one of the ugliest we’ve seen on the show, which is really saying something.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Rob Kardashian Claims Family Bed Pics Were Smoking Gun Proving Chyna Cheated

Rob Kardashian got tipped off that Blac Chyna was allegedly cheating on him by the baby mama of “the other guy.” Sources connected with Rob and Chyna tell TMZ … Rob got a DM 2 weeks ago from the woman who had a baby with rapper…


Monday, June 19, 2017

Kenya Moore Unveils Wedding Pictures, Matt Jordan Claims She Cheated on Him

Kenya Moore did not have the best time of it during The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9, but she’s not letting that get her down. 

The reality TV star shocked fans with her wedding earlier this week because nobody knows who the heck her new husband is, but that has not stopped her from sharing some pictures on Instagram. 

For what it’s worth, Kenya looked amazing, but we can’t help feeling a little short-changed because there was nothing about the wedding on the Bravo series. 

That storyline being omitted from the series has also got some of the producers questioning whether Kenya should return for more episodes. 

Let’s face it: Viewers expect to find out everything about the women when they are watching the series. It’s not a good look to be hiding aspects of your life. 

Anyway. We’re actually surprised Kenya took to Instagram to show off the wedding pictures considering the crazy secrecy surrounding the nuptials. 

Both of the pictures were taken on a beach from a distance, so we still don’t have a good look at the lucky man. 

What we do know is that the man was not Matt Jordan. If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you will know Kenya had a fiery relationship with Jordan, and it resulted in some crazy scenes. 

Turns out, Matt is not impressed with the wedding and took to Instagram over the weekend to air his thoughts on the wedding. 

“As if the embarrassment from the show wasn’t enough,” Jordan captioned a throwback photo of himself and the Real Housewives of Atlanta star.

“The false aligations [sic] of domestic violence, the unwarranted restraining order, the loss of business opportunities, money. My personal & professional image. I can deal with that. losing my queen is a blow I never want to feel again.”

“Find out she is married from stranger online,” Jordan continued.

“Realizing it’s to someone she was seeing during your relationship….this is definitely the season of losses for ya boy. TKO!! I made alot of mistakes, but I loved & cherished her. I can’t lie the news of this rocked me. I pray her heart is in good hands. Take care of her. She was everything to me.”

“The fight for her heart is over,” he wrote. “I lost!! Peace…. #tko.”  

Wouldn’t this have made for a juicy storyline on The Real Housewives of Atlanta? With NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak returning to the series, Kenya’s days in front of the cameras are likely numbered. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

T.I. vs. Tiny: You Cheated! No, You Cheated!

T.I. and Tiny are married, but not so happily, based on the following sneak peek from the next all-new episode of their VH1 reality series.

The couple, whose union appeared to be over just a few months ago, called off their separation earlier this year … just in time to film one final season of T.I. & Tiny: The Family Hustle.

Amazing how that timing worked out, isn"t it?

As previously reported, producers decided to give T.I. and Tiny another set of episodes after realizing that their near-divorce could produce a number of fascinating storylines this spring.

Starting with the fact that T.I. cheated on his wife with one of her assistants.

Yes, this is a fact. T.I. does not deny it in the following sneak peek.

The clip opens with this rapper taking issue with how Tiny moved out of the couple"s home at one point, only for Tiny to clap back with a rather obvious responses:


But did Tiny also cheat on T.I.? With rival Floyd Mayweather, no less?!?

Heck no, Tiny insists.

Did she hang out with the boxer during a Halloween party last year? Yes.

But she hasn"t been "intertwining" her "soul" with any member of the opposite sex, the reality star argues below.

(Really. This is exactly what she says.)

T.I. doesn"t understand why his wife would even give another man the time of day, considering he has spent "millions" on her over the years, but Tiny replies that any action she has ever taken was only in response to something T.I. did first.

Still, Tiny says she"s never cheated. Not once. Not EVER.

Do you believe her? Does T.I. believe her?!?

Watch the intense clip right here and now:

Ti vs tiny you cheated no you cheated

Friday, April 28, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Tyler Cheated on Catelynn with a Guy! Amber is a Cheap Hoe!

In case you were wondering if there’s any love lost between Teen Mom: OG firebrand Farrah Abraham and her MTV co-stars?

No. There is no love lost.

Speaking with In Touch Weekly in an explosive Facebook Love interview this week, Farrah was asked about several of her cast members.

She didn’t hold back.

Regarding persistent rumors that Tyler Baltierra cheated on Catelynn Lowell, Abraham added her two cents – and then some.

If you missed it, a Teen Mom blind item that went viral online this winter suggested that Tyler had been unfaithful to his wife.

According to reports, MTV decided not to pursue this because it wasn’t what the producers envisioned for the duo’s storyline.

Dubious as that is, Farrah says she believes the rumors are in fact true – with a gigantic, scandalous twist no one saw coming.

“Yeah, probably with a gay guy!” Farrah told In Touch shockingly. “Okay, that’s my thought. You need a minute to digest that.”

Baltierra responded to the rumor initially by saying “it was dark and he was drunk” and he couldn’t recall if it was a guy or girl.

He was kidding, as was Catelynn, who wrote, “Well since it’s out in the open @TylerBaltierra did cheat on me he’s busted.”

All kidding aside, we doubt they’ll be laughing at the fact that Farrah basically called him gay and implied that this happened.

Abraham wasn’t done there, either.

Throwing gasoline on the pungent dumpster fire that is her ongoing feud with Amber Portwood, Farrah said of her wedding dress:

“S–t … I must have fast forwarded right through that because I don’t even know what it looks like,” Abraham said of her rival.

“I think her pink hair took away from the whole dress. It looks like a cheap hooker. I mean if you want to get married like that …”

“Your choice then, have fun.”

Farrah added that she will not be attending Amber’s fall wedding to Matt Baier (assuming those nuptials aren’t called off again).

Abraham says that contrary to what her co-star might say, she is not invited … not that she has interest in being invited FWIW.

“Why the hell would I go to somebody’s wedding that writes books about me? That’s a freak show,” she said. “I don’t speak to criminals.”

“She keeps lying,” says Farrah, 25, of the forthcoming Mamber wedding. “They keep lying telling everyone saying that we are invited.”

We, presumably, refers to Farrah and Simon Saran, her on-off BF? Or the rest of the OG and Teen Mom 2 cast members collectively?

Personally, we can’t see Farrah and Simon getting an invite from AP after the Teen Mom reunion fight that involved their families last year.

Either way, Farrah says good riddance:

“Honestly, her and her criminal convict or whatever she is into … she can have that in her life and I’m fine being totally separate by that.”

Vintage Farrah Abraham Word Salad.
