Showing posts with label Calling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calling. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

"Saved by the Bell" Producer Calling on Bieber Types for New Musical (VIDEO)

“Saved by the Bell” is going the way of “High School Musical” and the show’s famed producer already has the perfect singing Zack Morris in mind. Peter Engel tells us, ideally, Justin Bieber would slip into the role for the new musical…


Monday, May 8, 2017

Genie Bouchard Beats Sharapova After Calling Her "Cheater"

This one was SWEET for Genie Bouchard — the tennis star beat up on her rival, Maria Sharapova, at the Madrid Open on Monday … just weeks after publicly trashing her as a “cheater.” Remember, Bouchard said Sharapova should be banned from the…


Monday, February 27, 2017

Tim Tebow: Baseball Is NOT My Life"s Calling ... I"ve Got MUCH BIGGER Plans! (VIDEO)

Here’s your Tim Tebow inspirational moment of the day.  Tim was giving a news conference at the Mets spring training facility in Port St. Lucie when he was asked how he balances his career as a pro athlete with the crazy hours he puts into his…


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Roddy White Says Falcons Players Frustrated with Super Bowl Play Calling (VIDEO)

Atlanta Falcons legend Roddy White says he’s spoken with players on the team who are still frustrated with the play calling at the end of the Super Bowl … and says, “The City of Atlanta needed [that win].” Roddy obviously loves the organization…


Friday, December 2, 2016

Ben Higgins: STILL Calling JoJo Fletcher?!?

Ben Higgins has been making his share of controversial calls of late.

First, as acknowledged by both Ben and Lauren Bushnell, the former Bachelor star called off the couple’s engagement last month.

On an episode of their ridiculously boring Freeform reality show, Higgins fought off (fake?) tears while telling Bushnell:

“You’re the woman of my dreams. The last thing I want to do is for us to rush that.”

That doesn’t really make any sense, but a content and happily married couple doesn’t make for riveting reality television, either.

But did Higgins really slow things down with Bushnell out of hope that Freeform would renew his program for a second season?

Or did he have an even more sinister motive?

According to Life & Style, Higgins is still in touch with ex-lover JoJo Fletcher. Still in a lot of touch, if this report is to be believed.

“Ben has been secretly calling JoJo ever since Lauren moved in with him in April,” a source tells this tabloid, adding mysteriously:

“They talked every three or four weeks at first, but it’s become more frequent since the wedding was was canceled.”

Higgins narrowed down his 25 suitors on his season of The Bachelor to Fletcher and Bushnell.

He made series history at the time when he actually told both women that he loved them, prior to choosing Bushnell as his bride-to-be.

On their reality show, though, Higgins and Bushnell each admitted that Ben telling both Lauren and JoJo that he loved them had led to “arguments” and “resentment” during their relationship.

Which is pretty easy to imagine.

Therefore, we somehow doubt Lauren is too happy about this Life & Style allegation.

Fletcher, meanwhile, is busy with her own love life. She’s engaged to Jordan Rodgers, despite constant talk that the two are nearing a break-up.

(“We don’t let [those rumors] bother us,” Rodgers recently said.)

Life & Style claims that Rodgers has no idea Fletcher remains in contact with Higgins.

“She’s not happy in her relationship with him,” the source tells the rarely-reliable magazine. “Jordan is absolutely clueless about the calls.”

Where is all this headed for the quartet of reality stars? It’s hard to say.

But Jordan, JoJo, Lauren and Ben actually all sat down for the world’s most awkward lunch during an episode of Ben & Lauren: Happily Ever After?.

Bushnell admitted soon afterward that the whole “JoJo situation” was pretty “frustrating,” but emphasized that she didn’t place any blame for it at the pretty feet of Fletcher herself.

“I did carry some resentment towards him, not with JoJo,” Bushell said on camera, referring to the way Ben’s Bachelor finale went down and adding:

“I had such a hard time trying to understand and put myself in his shoes and finally was like, ‘I will never understand. I will never be the Bachelor."”

Profound stuff.

“I’m truly glad that we all sat down and went to lunch together,” Bushnell concluded. “I really am – I wish we would’ve done it months earlier.”

But is she glad that Higgins may want to have a naked meal with Fletcher once again at some point in the future? If she knows what we mean?

Probably not. She probably isn’t glad about that.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Michelle Obama: West Virginia Woman FIRED For Calling FLOTUS an "Ape in Heels"

The past week hasn’t been the greatest for those dreaming of unity, civility, or even just a safe place to live their lives without harassment from bigots and hate groups.

In the days since Donald Trump was elected president, race based hate crimes  – many apparently inspired by the election – have been reported from coast to coast.

Most of the racist rhetoric and actions have been perpetrated by individuals acting alone, who (to be fair) do not represent any large segment of Trump’s support base.

However, there have been cases of those in power using Trump’s election as an opportunity to “throw off the hood,” so to speak, and come forward as the worst kind of bigots.

The woman in the photo above is Pamela Ramsey Taylor of Clay, West Virginia.

On Election night, Taylor posted the following repugnant status update about First Lady Michelle Obama:

“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified first lady in the White House,” the post read, according to local news station WSAZ 3.

“I’m tired of seeing an ape in heels.”

Her town’s mayor, Beverly Whaling, echoed the sentiment in a rely to the update, which read:

“Just made my day, Pam.”

The thread was deleted shortly thereafter, but not before immeasurable damage was done to both women’s reputations.

A signature to remove the women from their respective posts has received over 140,000 signatures, and today, it’s being reported that Ramsey has indeed been fired.

She has told local press that she plans to file a lawsuit against those who have “slendered” he in the media by … reporting what she said on Facebook?

Whaling has thus far refused to step down from her post, and may soon be subject to a recall vote.

Whaley is a Democrat (ed. note: ?!?!?!) and her party officials in her state have issued the following apology:

These radical, hateful and racist ideals are exactly what we at the West Virginia Democratic Party will continue to fight against.

“We will continue to fight for a West Virginia that is inclusive, not divisive, and a home for all to feel safe, welcome and protected.

Trump has yet to comment on the matter

The President-elect has asked his supporters to stop committing hate crimes in his name during a recent interview on 60 Minutes, but many feel that the fact that Trump complained about peaceful protests before condemning his followers’ racist crimes is unconscionable.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Farrah Abraham: SLAMMED For Calling Daughter "Stupid Heathen"

You may want to sit down for this:

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom, Farrah Abraham demonstrated that she’s not exactly the kindest, most compassionate human on the planet.

Much of the episode focused on Farrah’s astonishingly rude treatment of Simon Saran.

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you know that volatility within that relationship is nothing new.

And if you keep up with Farrah’s social media pages or the frequent tabloid reports are the troubled reality star, you know that controversies surrounding Farrah and her 7-year-old daughter, Sophia, are also old hat at this point.

However, Farrah’s notorious temper is usually directed at the grownups in her life, such as Saran, and her long-suffering (though often insufferable) mother, Deborah.

However, last night’s episode (which you can watch below) revealed a different, more troubling side of Farrah’s tendency toward irrational rage:

Prior to an Easter egg hunt, Sophia complained of feeling ill, prompting her mother to unleash a tirade of what some have described as verbally abusive language:

“I don’t know why Sophia needs to act like a heathen, get up there,” Abraham said, pushing her daughter up the stairs.

“Sophia is too stupid to get ready,” Farrah then remarked to her mother. It’s not my issue right now.”

When Deborah prompted Farrah to go easy on her daughter, Farrah remarked:

“I gave her medicine. I already did that stuff. It’s ridiculous how she’s acting. Between the two of you I don’t know what’s more irritating.”

Not surprisingly, Teen Mom fans proceeded to go off on Farrah on social media:

“Definition of a bad mom? Farrah Abraham,” one viewer tweeted. “How can you call your daughter stupid?!”

“Anyone else’s heart break when Farrah Abraham through [sic] her sick daughter up the steps? Your kid is a CHILD. Not a servant,” another commented.

Amazingly, for once, Farrah actually saw the error of her ways and issued a semi-apology in an interview with Radar Online:

Farrah explained that to her mind, “stupid” isn’t necessarily an insult.

“I can be stupid, anyone can act stupid,” Abraham told the website.

“I keep it real. I’m not allowing my daughter to be spoiled or not responsible for her actions.”

Like we said, controversies involving Farrah and Sophia are nothing new, but usually they stem from the fact that Farrah seems to regard her only child as more of a friend than a daughter.

Farrah’s endorsement of Sophia’s modeling career has been a particular subject of criticism.

Now, however, it seems that Sophia isn’t immune to being subjected to her mother’s fits of rage.

Hopefully, Farrah will take a lesson from this incident and bear in mind that her daughter is not, in fact, a grown-up who can simply bounce back after being publicly berated.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Johnny Depp to Amber Heard: I"m Calling Your Charity Bluff!

After months of increasingly ugly legal wrangling, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard reached a divorce settlement last week.

But just because their lawyers have worked things out, that doesn’t mean these two are finished pleading their cases in the court of public opinion.

In what’s been interpreted as a giant “eff you!” to Depp, Amber announced that she would be donating the entirety of his $ 7 million spousal support to the ACLU and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.

 Both organizations will receive $ 3.5 million in installments, as Depp isn’t required to pay the whole sum at once.

(We’re sure he could make that much by doing a 30-second Captain Jack cameo in an Avengers movie, but he would almost certainly be assassinated by a Marvel fanboy within days of the film’s release.)

Anyway, in a passive aggressive move worthy of your Post-It note-happy roommate, Johnny is cutting out the middle man and offering to write the checks directly to the charities Amber has chosen.

This morning, Depp’s attorneys issued a statement reading:

“Following Amber Heard’s announcement that her divorce settlement was to be divided equally and gifted to Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and the American Civil Liberties Union, two exceptionally deserving and important charities, Johnny Depp has sent the first of multiple installments of those monies to each charity in the name of Amber Heard, which when completed will honor the full amount of Ms. Heard’s pledge.”

We assume the lawyer who drafted the press release promptly dropped the mic as Mekhi Phifer took the stage to declare him the new King of Legal Dick Moves, a la the end of 8 Mile.

It’s really a pretty ingenious maneuver:

On the surface, it looks like Depp’s just putting a philanthropic spin on an ugly situation.

But when you dig a little deeper, there’s a diabolical bonus.

He gets to call Amber’s bluff and make sure she doesn’t keep a dime of the $ 7 mill, all while regaining some of the good-guy cred he lost over the past few months.

Depp spared no expense in the legal department, shelling out for legendary divorce lawyer Laura Wasser.

It’s strategies like this that make that money well-spent.

Now Heard is left with no option but to go along with the payment plan, lest she look like she was BS-ing about her planned charitable contributions.

It’s the smartest and most unexpected move Depp’s made since he decided to take a role based on a freakin’ Disney land ride and interpret the character as a sea-faring Keith Richards.

Of course, only time will tell if it’ll help the 53-year-old erase the memory of some of his less flattering recent roles.

The damage to his career will probably be temporary.

But Depp’s days as Disney’s go-to guy for live-action fare may be over.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Ariana Grande: STOP Calling Selena Gomez "Justin Bieber"s Ex!"

Ariana Grande is all about the sisterhood.

Earlier this year, she acted giddy at the prospect of becoming part of Taylor Swift’s squad, and now she’s defending one of its premier members.

In an interview with Billboard, the “Focus” singer sticks up for Selena Gomez by criticizing those who constantly associate her with her ex Justin Bieber.

“I’ll never be able to swallow the fact that people feel the need to attach a successful woman to a man when they say her name,” says Grande.

While she didn’t specifically mention SelGo, the interviewer affirmed it was clear whom she was referring to.

“I saw a headline… they called someone another someone’s ex, and that pissed me off,” Grande continued.

“This person has had so many great records in the last year, and she hasn’t been dating him forever. Call her by her name!”

Well, that certainly does seem to describe Gomez.

Grande becomes somewhat agitated while speaking on the subject, possibly because tabloid stories trailed her around for months following her breakup with Big Sean last year.

“I hate that. Like, I’m fuming,” she said, adding, “I need to take a sip of water and breathe. Don’t get me started on this shit.”

But Gomez isn’t the only star she’s defending.

She shared a series of tweets from a UK radio station that praised Bieber and Zayn Malik for posing in sexy skin shots, while tweets from the same outlet slammed Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian for doing the same.

“If you’re going to rave about how sexy a male artist looks with his shirt off and a woman decides to get in her panties or show her boobies for a photo shoot, she needs to be treated with the same awe and admiration,” she said.

“I will say it until I’m an old-ass lady with my tits out at Whole Foods,” she continued.

“I’ll be in the produce aisle, naked at 95, with a sensible ponytail, one strand of hair left on my head and a Chanel bow. Mark my words. See you there with my 95 dogs.”

OMFG. Best quote ever.

Last month, the star blasted the double standard when a fan said she looked like a “whore” in her video for “Dangerous Woman.”

Grande fired back with aplomb, telling the hater to pull his head out of his ass.

This girl is on fire. And we like it.

Ariana Grande: STOP Calling Selena Gomez "Justin Bieber"s Ex!"

Ariana Grande is all about the sisterhood.

Earlier this year, she acted giddy at the prospect of becoming part of Taylor Swift’s squad, and now she’s defending one of its premier members.

In an interview with Billboard, the “Focus” singer sticks up for Selena Gomez by criticizing those who constantly associate her with her ex Justin Bieber.

“I’ll never be able to swallow the fact that people feel the need to attach a successful woman to a man when they say her name,” says Grande.

While she didn’t specifically mention SelGo, the interviewer affirmed it was clear whom she was referring to.

“I saw a headline… they called someone another someone’s ex, and that pissed me off,” Grande continued.

“This person has had so many great records in the last year, and she hasn’t been dating him forever. Call her by her name!”

Well, that certainly does seem to describe Gomez.

Grande becomes somewhat agitated while speaking on the subject, possibly because tabloid stories trailed her around for months following her breakup with Big Sean last year.

“I hate that. Like, I’m fuming,” she said, adding, “I need to take a sip of water and breathe. Don’t get me started on this shit.”

But Gomez isn’t the only star she’s defending.

She shared a series of tweets from a UK radio station that praised Bieber and Zayn Malik for posing in sexy skin shots, while tweets from the same outlet slammed Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian for doing the same.

“If you’re going to rave about how sexy a male artist looks with his shirt off and a woman decides to get in her panties or show her boobies for a photo shoot, she needs to be treated with the same awe and admiration,” she said.

“I will say it until I’m an old-ass lady with my tits out at Whole Foods,” she continued.

“I’ll be in the produce aisle, naked at 95, with a sensible ponytail, one strand of hair left on my head and a Chanel bow. Mark my words. See you there with my 95 dogs.”

OMFG. Best quote ever.

Last month, the star blasted the double standard when a fan said she looked like a “whore” in her video for “Dangerous Woman.”

Grande fired back with aplomb, telling the hater to pull his head out of his ass.

This girl is on fire. And we like it.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Ben Higgins & Lauren Bushnell: CALLING OFF Wedding??

The Bachelor doesn’t exactly have the best reputation for producing stable, lasting relationships.

And now, it appears as though another couple may be calling it quits.

A new report suggests that the latest Bachelor duo, Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell, may be ending their engagement after just five months.

Last month, rumors circulated claiming that the pair were experiencing “extreme tension” after Lauren witnessed Ben professing his love to Bachelor runner-up JoJo Fletcher.

But now, a source tells Life & Style that Lauren isn’t adjusting well to life in Denver.

“Lauren has been complaining to friends about how unhappy she is and how she has no purpose in Denver,” reveals the source.

When the couple got engaged, Lauren agreed to move from Los Angeles to the Mile-High City, where Ben lives and works, but is now reportedly regretting her decision.

“She can’t see herself living there permanently so Lauren has called off the wedding until Ben agrees to move to LA!” continued the source.

“He’s begged Lauren to get a job, get settled and make a new life for herself, but she just sits at home all day while he works,” the source added.

“She used to be a driven motivated young woman, and now she’s completely lazy.”

“At this point, Ben agrees with her decision to call of the wedding.”

If this is the case, the couple are doing a good job at hiding their relationship troubles.

During an interview with Indiana University’s What’s Up Weekly last month, Lauren said she was eager to start planning the nuptials, which may be televised.

“We’ve been engaged now for a lot longer than when the show ended, so I’m ready to at least start planning,” said Bushnell.

“Maybe by the end of this year,” she added.

Welcome to the spotlight, Ben and Lauren. Your relationship will now be under public scrutiny for the rest of your days.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Jay Z: I"m Cool With Beyonce Calling Me Out For Cheating

If you’ve been anywhere near the Internet in the past 48 hours, you’ve no doubt heard the angry buzzing of the Bey Hive.

But in case you’ve been living in a cave with really crappy wi-fi for the last couple days, allow us to fill you in:

Beyonce seems to have called Jay Z out for cheating in some of the lyrics from her new “visual album,” Lemonade.

This isn’t a case of fans reading too much into a few cryptic lines. The album contains lyrics like:

  • “If you try this sh-t again you gon’ lose your wife.”

  • “He only want me when I’m not there. He better call Becky with the good hair.”

  • “Ashes to ashes, dust to side chicks.”

Sounds pretty straightforward, and it’s not hard to see why some folks took it as a full-blown accusation.

But the situation may not be as cut-and-dried as it initially seems.

For one thing, Bey’s obsessive fans can’t agree on the identity of “Becky with the good hair.” 

Some say Jay was sleeping with Rachel Roy

Others believe Rita Ora was the side chick in question.

Whatever the case, the Jigga Man himself is surprisingly cool with what appears to be the public meltdown of his marriage.

One insider tells Hollywood Life that Beyonce never cleared her lyrics with her husband, but Jay fully supported her venting her frustrations in song form:

“Beyonce didn’t get Jay Z’s approval to release the album,” says the source.

“She was set to release with or without his blessings. If venting via her songs can help save their marriage, then he fully supports her. He wasn’t about to put up a fight on this.”

Hmmm…somehow that actually makes Jay sound more guilty.

He doesn’t strike us as the type of dude that would be cool with being made to look like a dog to millions of people if he hadn’t actually been caught effing up in a big way.

What’s really unfortunate is the way his alleged cheating partners are taking the brunt of Bey’s accusations.

Time to ease up, Bey Hive. We’re pretty sure Mrs. Carter would not approve.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Beyonce: Calling Out Jay-Z for CHEATING in "Lemonade"??

What you trying to say, Bey?

In case you didn’t hear, Beyonce’s new album “Lemonade” just came out, and with it, what’s being dubbed as a “visual album” of the same name aired last night on HBO.

The queen completely slayed, because that’s her thing, but the Beyhive is all abuzz in speculating that it was all about Jay-Z’s alleged infidelity.

The lyrics to a number tracks on the album not so subtly call out some dude for cheating on his wife.

Given that, you know, Beyonce is singing them hints that this dude just might be her husband Jay-Z.

And given that Jay-Z is rumored to have taken a side chick long ago, well, fans are presuming that “Lemonade” is their smoking gun.

Just check out these telltale words:

“Don’t Hurt Yourself:”

I am the dragon breathing fire 
Beautiful man, I’m the lion, Beautiful man, I know you’re lying.
I smell that fragrance on your Louis V, boy
Just give my fat ass a big kiss, boy  
Tonight I’m fucking up all your sh*t, boy, this is your final warning
You know I give you life  
If you try this sh*t again you gon’ lose your wife

“Hold Up:”

Something don’t feel right because it ain’t right, especially coming up after midnight
I smell your secrets and I’m not too perfect to ever feel this worthless
How did it come down to this, going through your call list?
I don’t wanna lose my pride but I’ma f**k me up a bitch.


Looking at my watch, he shoulda been home  
Today I regret the night I put that ring on 
He always got them f**king excuses
He only want me when I’m not on there  
He better call Becky with the good hair

If you ask us, this album sounds like it’s all about revenge, like a hard-as-a-mother version of Adele’s “21.”

And by the way, about that “Becky with the good hair,” fans have theories on who that is, too.

Mostly because Rachel Roy dropped a pretty solid hint that she was this “Becky” on Instagram just hours after “Lemonade” aired.

Of course, it’s possible this is all just some hypothetical husband and wife she’s singing about.

Or is it?

Monday, April 18, 2016

Heidi Bivens: Is Justin Theroux Still Calling His Ex?!?

According to a new report, Jennifer Aniston is still thinking about moving out on Justin Theroux.

That’s what happens when your husband can’t cut off contact with his ex-girlfriend.

So alleges Radar Online at least, as an anonymous insider tells the website that Theroux continues to place phone calls to Heidi Bivens.

And we know what you’re thinking: Who still places phone calls?!?

Also: Who would dare upset his marriage to someone such as Jennifer Aniston?!?

“For months, Jen has been suspicious that Justin was communicating with Heidi,” a source says of the actor and Bivens, a costume designer Theroux has known for 14 years.

Fast forward to just a few weeks ago when Aniston spotted an unfamiliar New York-based number of her husband’s cell phone.

When asked to whom it belonged, Theroux reportedly shot back: “A friend who you don’t know.”

Not surprisingly, this response did little to quell Aniston’s concerns.

So Radar claims she dialed the number, recognized the voice on the other end and “confronted” her husband about it.

“She broke down in tears and demanded that he cut off communication with Heidi immediately,” the article reads.

“Justin tried to apologize and made a few lame excuses about he and Heidi having mutual friends.”

But that excuse did not fly, hence the rumor that a $ 170 million divorce remains a possibility.

Aniston met Theroux in 2007 when he was still living with Bivens. The stars then got together romantically a few years later, but only a month after Theroux ended things with Heidi.

“This is the ultimate betrayal for Jen and her absolute worst nightmare,” the insider concludes.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Blac Chyna: Calling a TRUCE with Kylie Jenner??

Whoa. We’re confused by all this civility going down in the Kardashian-Jenner neck of the woods.

As you may recall, earlier this week Kylie Jenner finally made nice with her brother Rob after feuding with him for months.

Rob, Kylie & Blac

Kylie had been pissed at him for dating her biggest foe, Blac Chyna, but Rob clearly didn’t GAF so the lip kit maven apparently threw in the towel.

But now, Blac is proving that she really wants to be part of Rob’s family by asking for a face-to-face meeting to talk things out with Kylie. 

“Blac knows how much Rob loves his family, especially his baby sister Kylie, and for Rob’s birthday, and for his sake, Blac’s ready to have a face-to-face with Kylie,” a source told HollywoodLife.

We can’t imagine Kylie would look up from her phone long enough to have a conversation with anyone, much less Blac Chyna, but then again, the lash designer does have a way of commanding attention.

“What’s done is done. Blac’s really not trying to have a beef with anyone. It’s pointless,” the source added. “She doesn’t even need Kylie to apologize for all the f**ked up things she’s said.”

Of course, it was Blac who recently called out Kylie for copying her cooking show, but I’m sure she’s got her own version of things.

“All Blac wants is her to be cool and respect her relationship with Rob,” said the source.

“It’s important for Blac to be semi-cool with her future in-laws. She and Rob are on that level and it’s only a matter of time before they really take it there.”

Future in-laws, huh? Well, Rob certainly has been hinting at an engagement recently, because he clearly takes after his sister Khloe and marries bae before really getting to her as a person.

What I would give to be a fly on the wall of this little Blac-Kylie tete-a-tete.

We don’t know what kind of words will be exchanged, but we’re hoping we see a double belfie come out of their Instagrams in no time.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Scott Disick: Calling Kourtney Kardashian From Rehab? Begging For Another Chance?

Last week, we reported that Scott Disick has checked into rehab to be treated for alcohol addiction for the sixth time.

Sources say Disick was motivated by Lamar Odom’s near-fatal overdose, as well as his desire to secure partial custody of his kids, and is actually taking his treatment seriously this time. It also seems that his time away from the bottle has caused “the Lord” to re-evaluate his priorities.

Cheating allegations and Scott’s years of hard partying led Kourtney Kardashian to dump him back in July, but the newly-sober Scott is reportedly desperate to win his baby mama back.

In fact, Radar Online is reporting that Disick has been calling Kourtney from rehab and begging her to give their relationship another chance. 

“Scott has been calling Kourtney from rehab,” says one insider. “The last time he phoned her, he was really upset and emotional.

“He has been going through withdrawal. It’s been really hard on him, and he just needs to know everything is going to be okay and needs assurances.”

Kourtney was reportedly hesitant to answer Scott’s phone calls, but did so because she thought it might help him in his treatment.

“Kourtney only did it to begin with because she knew Scott was going through the beginning period of rehab and wanted to know about what was going on with Lamar,” says the source.

“Scott’s been really worried about him and asking a lot of questions. He thought he was dead.”

The insider says that after learning the latest news about Odom, Disick began “begging Kourtney for another chance.” Unfortunately, the source says, “She’s not giving him any answers right now.”

Monday, September 14, 2015

Nick Young TOTALLY Loses His Chill In Front Of Dave & Buster"s Resulting In LAPD Calling For Helicopter Backup!

Wait, what?!

Over the weekend, LA Lakers player Nick Young had a complete meltdown in front of a Dave & Buster’s in El Lay which ended with a police helicopter being called in for backup. Whoa!

Apparently, Iggy Azalea‘s fiancé’s and his squad got into an altercation inside the restaurant on Saturday which caused the basketball star to go into a rage!

[ Related: Demi Lovato Enlists Her Famous Friends To Announce Her Fifth Album ]

He was heard yelling at a friend:

“Everywhere we go, bruh. Everywhere we go.”

Oh no! It’s said that the unnamed friend caused the reported drama inside the chain restaurant and that Swaggy was even seen throwing a water bottle in his direction.

Whomp, whomp.

Looks like someone is about to be dropped from the high-profiled athlete’s squad. We may not be joking as Nick’s since deleted a snap from his Instagram of him and his friends from earlier that day. Ouch!

Regardless, it’s reported that the police who responded to the scene called for backup because the group was so large.

A spokesperson for the LAPD stated:

“Additional officers were requested and helicopters showed up as well. But nobody was arrested, nobody was detained.”

Phew…but was a chopper really necessary?! LOLz!

We’re glad that everything worked out for the NBA player and his friends, especially since we can only imagine how pissed the Fancy rapper would be if her groom-to-be ended up behind bars. WE KID.

What do U think of Nick’s meltdown?! Was all the drama a bit over the top?!

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]