Showing posts with label Calvin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calvin. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tom Hiddleston Pursued Taylor Swift IMMEDIATELY After She Dumped Calvin Harris, Source Claims

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are dating.

News of the relationship went public not through the usual tabloid grapevine, but via a photo of Swift and Hiddleston kissing in public, apparently with no regard for who witnessed the PDA.

Whether or not the kiss was staged or a genuinely candid moment caught on camera remains a matter of debate.

The reveal was a bit surprising as the photo was published just weeks after Swift’s breakup with Calvin Harris, whom she’d dated for over a year.

To say it was a quick rebound for a woman whose made a career out of heartbreak and lost love would be a massive understatement.

The girl didn’t even have enough time to write a scathing chorus, much less the classic Taylor Swift breakup album we were expecting!

It’s one thing to arrange a low-key friends-with-benefits arrangement so soon after a major breakup, but it’s quite another to publicly move on to a new serious relationship, especially for someone as synonymous with the loveliness of love as Ms. Swift.

So what happened?

Well, if a new report from Us Weekly is to be believed, Hiddleston wasted no time swooping in as soon as he found out Taylor was on the market.

Swift and Hiddleston became acquianted at the Met Gala back in May, and the actor was apparently so smitten that he contacted Taylor is soon as he heard she was on the market.

Obviously, she was open to his advances.

“She’s single, so of course if a cute guy reaches out who she likes, she would talk to him,” says one insider.

“There really isn’t a better way to get over a breakup!”

Adds the source: “He’s hot, smart, talented, British – everything she’s into.”

Tom Hiddleston Pursued Taylor Swift IMMEDIATELY After She Dumped Calvin Harris, Source Claims

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are dating.

News of the relationship went public not through the usual tabloid grapevine, but via a photo of Swift and Hiddleston kissing in public, apparently with no regard for who witnessed the PDA.

Whether or not the kiss was staged or a genuinely candid moment caught on camera remains a matter of debate.

The reveal was a bit surprising as the photo was published just weeks after Swift’s breakup with Calvin Harris, whom she’d dated for over a year.

To say it was a quick rebound for a woman whose made a career out of heartbreak and lost love would be a massive understatement.

The girl didn’t even have enough time to write a scathing chorus, much less the classic Taylor Swift breakup album we were expecting!

It’s one thing to arrange a low-key friends-with-benefits arrangement so soon after a major breakup, but it’s quite another to publicly move on to a new serious relationship, especially for someone as synonymous with the loveliness of love as Ms. Swift.

So what happened?

Well, if a new report from Us Weekly is to be believed, Hiddleston wasted no time swooping in as soon as he found out Taylor was on the market.

Swift and Hiddleston became acquianted at the Met Gala back in May, and the actor was apparently so smitten that he contacted Taylor is soon as he heard she was on the market.

Obviously, she was open to his advances.

“She’s single, so of course if a cute guy reaches out who she likes, she would talk to him,” says one insider.

“There really isn’t a better way to get over a breakup!”

Adds the source: “He’s hot, smart, talented, British – everything she’s into.”

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris: HOW Did It End?

Why did the romance between Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris end?

There have been many working theories, from Harris thinking Swift was boring and wanting to move on… to Harris thinking Swift cheated on her.

But neither of these hypotheses is accurate, according to TMZ.

That shady, albeit reliable, website reports that Swift was actually the one to dump Harris…


Insiders tell TMZ that Swift pulled a Joe Jonas on Harris, doing the same thing to the DJ as that singer did to her way back in the day.

Taylor supposed called Calvin from Nashville, Tennessee at some point after his car accident a few weeks ago in order to pull the plug on their relationship.

Swift was allegedly vague during the call, simply saying she needed some space.

And Harris was stunned by the development. He did not see it coming.

He figured Swift would help him recover from the injuries he had sustained. And the stars have not spoken since this call.

It’s worth noting that another insider disputes this story to TMZ, so take it with a grain of salt.

But Swift has moved on very quickly to Tom Hiddleston.

Would she have done that if she really still has feelings for Harris? Or could she be using The Avengers star as some kind of rebound because she truly is hurting?

We may never know.

But it’s fun to theorize, isn’t it?

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris: HOW Did It End?

Why did the romance between Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris end?

There have been many working theories, from Harris thinking Swift was boring and wanting to move on… to Harris thinking Swift cheated on her.

But neither of these hypotheses is accurate, according to TMZ.

That shady, albeit reliable, website reports that Swift was actually the one to dump Harris…


Insiders tell TMZ that Swift pulled a Joe Jonas on Harris, doing the same thing to the DJ as that singer did to her way back in the day.

Taylor supposed called Calvin from Nashville, Tennessee at some point after his car accident a few weeks ago in order to pull the plug on their relationship.

Swift was allegedly vague during the call, simply saying she needed some space.

And Harris was stunned by the development. He did not see it coming.

He figured Swift would help him recover from the injuries he had sustained. And the stars have not spoken since this call.

It’s worth noting that another insider disputes this story to TMZ, so take it with a grain of salt.

But Swift has moved on very quickly to Tom Hiddleston.

Would she have done that if she really still has feelings for Harris? Or could she be using The Avengers star as some kind of rebound because she truly is hurting?

We may never know.

But it’s fun to theorize, isn’t it?

Friday, June 17, 2016

Calvin Harris: Taylor Swift CHEATED on Me With Tom Hiddleston!

Yesterday, photos were published that essentially confirm that Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are dating.

The news hit just a couple weeks after the world learned that Tay Tay and Calvin Harris had broken up, which stunned fans because everyone assumed she’d bond with her infamous girl squad for at least a few months before jumping into the dating pool again.

And yet here we are.

Word on the street is that Calvin is all worked up about these PDA pics and considers them evidence that Taylor stepped out on him while they were dating.

“Calvin was very suspicious that Taylor was cheating during their relationship. He just didn’t know with whom,” a source tells E! News.

“He feels like these pictures confirm his suspicions, and it changes everything,” added the insider.

“He is so angry and feels betrayed. He is convinced that Taylor was cheating with Tom while they were still together.”

But while Calvin is stewing, sources from the Swift camp insist that there was absolutely no cheating.

Cheating or no cheating, there was definitely some dancing. 

At the Met Gala in early May, we caught the early signs of Swiddleton busting moves with one another that only tall, blond, white people could execute.

Yesterday, paparazzi caught up with Calvin and asked what he thought about the kissy pics, to which he calmly replied, “All good, she’s just doing her thing.”

But social media tells a different story.

Just prior to the pics being published, the DJ unfollowed his ex on social media and deleted all pics of her from his accounts, and Taylor returned the gesture by doing the same.

We don’t know specifically what went down with this threesome, but dare we say it’s a refreshing change from the tired old story that Taylor constantly drives men away then sings about them.

Calvin Harris: Taylor Swift CHEATED on Me With Tom Hiddleston!

Yesterday, photos were published that essentially confirm that Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are dating.

The news hit just a couple weeks after the world learned that Tay Tay and Calvin Harris had broken up, which stunned fans because everyone assumed she’d bond with her infamous girl squad for at least a few months before jumping into the dating pool again.

And yet here we are.

Word on the street is that Calvin is all worked up about these PDA pics and considers them evidence that Taylor stepped out on him while they were dating.

“Calvin was very suspicious that Taylor was cheating during their relationship. He just didn’t know with whom,” a source tells E! News.

“He feels like these pictures confirm his suspicions, and it changes everything,” added the insider.

“He is so angry and feels betrayed. He is convinced that Taylor was cheating with Tom while they were still together.”

But while Calvin is stewing, sources from the Swift camp insist that there was absolutely no cheating.

Cheating or no cheating, there was definitely some dancing. 

At the Met Gala in early May, we caught the early signs of Swiddleton busting moves with one another that only tall, blond, white people could execute.

Yesterday, paparazzi caught up with Calvin and asked what he thought about the kissy pics, to which he calmly replied, “All good, she’s just doing her thing.”

But social media tells a different story.

Just prior to the pics being published, the DJ unfollowed his ex on social media and deleted all pics of her from his accounts, and Taylor returned the gesture by doing the same.

We don’t know specifically what went down with this threesome, but dare we say it’s a refreshing change from the tired old story that Taylor constantly drives men away then sings about them.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Calvin Harris BREAKS SILENCE on Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston Photos!

Earlier today, we revealed that Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston were caught kissing on the beach – and had the pics to prove it.

Since the pair were out in the open and vulnerable to paparazzi, fans assumed this meant they were now a real and for true new couple.

Taylor split from her boyfriend Calvin Harris just a couple weeks ago, and most folks didn"t see it coming.

Some rumors purported that Calvin was intimidated of her success while others claimed he "got bored." Others even said Taylor was put off by a dick pic of Calvin that somehow went public.

In an attempt to quell runaway gossip, Calvin took to Twitter just after the breakup to share just what his PR rep likely sent him:

“The only truth here is that a relationship came to an end & what remains is a huge amount of love and respect,” the DJ tweeted.

Oh, but how things have changed.

That tweet has now been deleted, and Calvin unfollowed Taylor on Twitter and Instagram just before the pics of her and Hiddleston surfaced.

Taylor did the same and removed past photos of Calvin from her Instagram account.

Sounds like some shiz is going DOWN!

But in public (the real world public, not the social media public, obvs), Calvin is playing it cool.

He was stopped by the paps today and asked how he felt about his ex hooking up with the British actor.

"All good, she"s just doing her thing," he responded.


Listen, we"re all human and we"ve all been through breakups.

And we also all know that unfollowing and deleting your ex on social media does not mean it"s "all good." 


Duh. We don"t know what kind of words were exchanged between the exes, but oh, how we"d love to get a peek at their texts.

Calvin harris breaks silence on taylor swift and tom hiddleston

Calvin Harris Responds to Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston Hook-Up

So Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are totally a thing now.

Just how serious of a thing?

Serious enough for the singer and the actor to have gotten to first base near her house in Rhode Island over the weekend.

While the Internet continues to react to this stunning spit swap, many are wondering about the reaction of a certain Scottish DJ in particular.

Having only broken up with Swift a couple weeks ago, how is Calvin Harris feeling at the moment?

“He just wants her to be happy, they were not a good fit,” an insider tells E! News of Harris.

It’s unclear if this response was given after photos of Swift and Hiddleston kissing made their way into The Sun, but most sources have claimed Harris grew sort of bored with Taylor.

So it would make sense that he wouldn’t care very much if she moved on quickly.

A new report, however, alleges that Swift actually dumped Harris because there’s a Calvin Harris dick picture floating around the Internet.

And no way could America’s sweetheart be dating someone when that sort of scandal about him went viral.

If this is the case, it would also explain why Swift had no qualms about opening up her tonsils (and her legs?) for Hiddleston so soon after splitting from Harris.

Taylor is hanging out with Tom. Nothing serious is going on but she is talking to him,” a source also tells E! News.

“They have been out a few times she really enjoys his company. She is not looking to jump into anything this fast, but will take things as it goes nice and slowly.”

Someone might want to actually tell Taylor Swift that.

Is the photo above of someone who is taking things nice and slowly?!?

No judgment here. We’re all for HiddleSwift. We’re just saying.

This is a lot closer to hot and heavy than it is nice and slowly.

Calvin Harris Dick Pic: The REAL Reason Taylor Swift Dumped Him?

When the world first learned that Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris had broken up, it was reported that he was the one who decided to call it quits.

In the past 24 hours, however, a pair of developments have led many to the conclusion that Taylor was actually the one to pull the plug.

First, there was the news that Taylor is dating Tom Hiddleston.

Maybe lanky blonde lads from the U.K. are just her thing these days, and Taylor moved on inordinately quickly from a relationship of over one year.

Or maybe there’s something more going on here.

Perhaps Taylor wasn’t blindsided by Harris kicking her to the curb.

Perhaps she found it so easy to move on because she’s the one who handed him his walking papers in order to avoid a PR nightmare.

According to Radar Online, a pic that’s being described as a “Calvin Harris dick pic” is making it’s way around the interwebz.

Editors at the site say the pic shows “a shirtless man sprawled on a bed, holding his erect penis.”

We assume he’s flaxen-pubed which means the dong in question could very well be Harris’ … but it could also belong to another tow-headed dong-possessor.

Like, say … Tom Hiddleston.

Dramatic Chipmunk GIF

Just kidding, it’s probably Calvin’s.

And Taylor probably dropped his ass because of it.

The photo was allegedly sent to a “Los Angeles-based music executive.”

Taylor may have caught wind of it and concluded that all those rumors about Harris cheating on her while she was on tour were true.

Or maybe she didn’t feel like having her team handle yet another Calvin controversy.

Whatever the case, the man now has all the time in the world to hang out at as many happy ending massage parlors as he’d like.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Taylor Swift: Calvin Harris Breakup Album on the Way!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris have broken up after just over one year of dating.

It was quickly revealed that Harris dumped Swift, and naturally theories as to what exactly led him to do so ran rampant on social media.

Was he jealous of Swift’s success?

Was he sick of being criticized by Swift fans for his alleged love of “happy ending” massages?

Does he insist on being the only lanky blonde bajillionaire in his relationships?

We may never know for sure, but you can expect that some details will be made public via thinly-veiled song lyrics in the very near future.

Yes, as per her M.O., Taylor is reportedly recording an album in the wake of her latest breakup.

Somewhere, Ryan Adams is salivating at the prospect of another album of mournful, stripped-down indie rock covers.

“Taylor is hanging out with her friends and keeping busy. She wants to be single for a while and have a relaxing summer,” one insider tells E! News.

“She has some plans to travel this summer. Taylor has also been writing new music.”

Obviously it’s that “new music” part that we’re most interested in.

However, if you’re looking forward to more teardrops on Ms. Swift’s guitar you may be disappointed.

The source says that while Taylor is obviously bummed that the relationship didn’t work out, she’s neither heartbroken nor pissed at Harris.

“Taylor is not sad anymore about the breakup,” the insider adds.

“She knows it was for the best. They are not on bad terms. They have communicated since the breakup, but getting back together is something that’s not in the cards for either of them.”

We look forward to “Shake It Off 2: Only Shake It Partially Off Because I’m Still Facebook Friends With Your Mom.”

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris: Why Did He Dump Her?!

The recent breakup of Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris continues to be a topic of speculation throughout the celebrity gossip universe.

This new intel should only fuel that fire.

The end of her romance with Harris (real name Adam Wiles) came as a shock to fans left wondering what was the real reason for the split.

Rumors have suggested that he cheated on her, or that the singer’s infamous squad came between them, and who knows what else.

In truth, it was a lot less scandalous.

“Adam really liked Taylor … she was not the type of girl he ever dates and he liked that,” a source close to the EDM hitmaker dished.

“He liked how innocent Taylor was and that she had a good caring heart,” the insider added, but despite Harris’ feelings, it was not to be.

Swift simply had invested more emotions into the relationship than Harris, who progressively became bored with the romance over time:

“Taylor’s heart was more in it than his was. He started to lose interest over the past few months, but really tried to not just break up.”

The source also intimated that Swift’s lifestyle and career makes it hard for her to maintain a healthy relationship with anyone, frankly.

“They were just not very compatible in different areas in their relationship. The touring and traveling didn’t help,” the insider said candidly.

“It seemed like they were more friends than lovers,” Harris’ confident went on. “Taylor and Adam had very different groups of friends.”

The source is adamant that Harris didn’t cheat on Swift and was not involved with anyone else at the time of the split from the pop star.

“There were no other women involved with Adam. He did not cheat on her at all. Just not a good match,” the source stated, reiterating: 

“No one cheated. There was no drama.”

A separate report from celebrity gossip staple Hollywood Life says Swift wanted to take things to the next level and Harris … did not.

He apparently wasn’t ready to commit.

Whether that had to do with the fact that Harris couldn’t handle Taylor’s success is up for interpretation, but it looks like he ended things.

At this point in time, neither Swift nor Harris have talked about this, save for one Twitter comment by him that she immediately re-tweeted.

“The only truth here is that a relationship came to an end & what remains is a huge amount of love and respect,” he wrote on the site. 

Beyond that “truth” – or what they are calling the truth in order to quell the rumors and toe the company line – we may never, ever know.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Calvin Harris: Did He Dump Taylor Swift For Being Too Successful?!

As you’ve probably heard by now, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris have broken up, and as with every Swift spilt, fans are full of questions.

We may never know exactly what went wrong between Swift and Harris, but naturally, rumors abound on the Interwebs.

Yesterday, sources claimed that Swift was pressuring Harris into marriage, and he cut the cord because some wild stallions can’t be tamed (at least we like to imagine that’s what he said).

Today, People magazine is offering an up an equally likely scenario:

A source tells the magazine that like so many men before him, Calvin simply couldn’t handle Taylor’s success:

“[Harris] said on multiple occasions that he was intimidated by Taylor, which is why he would not attend any events where she was being honored, or any award shows unless he was nominated,” says the insider.

“Taylor is an independent young woman, and she realizes it will take a very secure man to handle her success.”

While the fact that Taylor is among the most popular human beings on the planet may have been the primary cause of the split, the insider says there were other factors as well:

“It wasn’t an equal relationship. Their age difference might not be significant for many couples, but for them it was part of the problem too. Taylor somewhat lacks real-life experience. They will not be getting back together.” 

In the end of course, the source toed the party line and confirmed that Taylor and Calvin totes remain besties:

“She works incredibly hard for things that she believes in,” the insider says. “He always saw that as an amazing quality. They are still friendly.”

Uh-huh. Something tells us you won’t see them riding a tandem bike together in the near future.

Calvin Harris: Did He Dump Taylor Swift For Being Too Successful?!

As you’ve probably heard by now, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris have broken up, and as with every Swift spilt, fans are full of questions.

We may never know exactly what went wrong between Swift and Harris, but naturally, rumors abound on the Interwebs.

Yesterday, sources claimed that Swift was pressuring Harris into marriage, and he cut the cord because some wild stallions can’t be tamed (at least we like to imagine that’s what he said).

Today, People magazine is offering an up an equally likely scenario:

A source tells the magazine that like so many men before him, Calvin simply couldn’t handle Taylor’s success:

“[Harris] said on multiple occasions that he was intimidated by Taylor, which is why he would not attend any events where she was being honored, or any award shows unless he was nominated,” says the insider.

“Taylor is an independent young woman, and she realizes it will take a very secure man to handle her success.”

While the fact that Taylor is among the most popular human beings on the planet may have been the primary cause of the split, the insider says there were other factors as well:

“It wasn’t an equal relationship. Their age difference might not be significant for many couples, but for them it was part of the problem too. Taylor somewhat lacks real-life experience. They will not be getting back together.” 

In the end of course, the source toed the party line and confirmed that Taylor and Calvin totes remain besties:

“She works incredibly hard for things that she believes in,” the insider says. “He always saw that as an amazing quality. They are still friendly.”

Uh-huh. Something tells us you won’t see them riding a tandem bike together in the near future.

Calvin Harris Tweets "Truth" About Taylor Swift Split

Calvin Harris just dropped a major #TruthBomb.

A couple days after news of Harris’ break up with Taylor Swift went viral, the DJ took to Twitter in order to clear up a few rumors.

Why did the 15-month relationship come to an end?

Did the flame of romance simply flicker out? Was it a question of travel schedules? Work conflicts? Too many nights apart on the road?

Or was Swift really pressuring Harris to get married?

The short answer is this: we don’t know.

But the overall gist is that everything between Harris and Swiftis A-OK.

“The only truth here is that a relationship came to an end & what remains is a huge amount of love and respect,” Harris wrote on Twitter this afternoon.

Swift then retweeted his message.

So there you have it. Pretty uninteresting, pretty un-scandalous and pretty boring, from a celebrity gossip standpoint at least.

The 32-year old DJ reportedly was the one to call his romance off with the 26-year old artist last week.

Swift then took off for Nashville and has been spending time with her family, mourning the relationship’s demise.

She was spotted at a guitar store with her mother on Tuesday and an eye witness told Us Weekly that Swift looked perfectly happy.

However, numerous outlets and insiders all say the same thing: there was no cheating. There was no real drama.

Things just ran their course, for the most part.

Naturally, people are going to make jokes about Swift now having material for her next album and make cracks over how she’ll never find a man.

But Taylor Swift is 26 years old. She just ended a relationship in very mature fashion. We think she’ll be just fine in the end.

If she is already in the market for a new man, however… we have some ideas:

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Taylor Swift & Calvin Harris: REAL Reason For Split Revealed?!

As you’ve probably heard by now (probably via memes and social media jokes about how she’ll have an album of breakup songs recorded by tomorrow afternoon), Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris have broken up.

The news shocked fans, as it came on the heels of rumors about Taylor and Calvin getting engaged.

The couple was together for 15 months, and by most accounts they were perfectly happy, so why the sudden split?

Naturally, the Internet is awash with rumors about what went wrong between Taylor and Calvin, and yes, we may eventually find out the truth in song form.

Until then, there are a few things we know for sure.

For starters, despite countless rumors to the controversy, Calvin did not cheat on Taylor.

In fact, by all accounts, he was the one who called it quits.

And why would one half of one of the most successful couples in music cut the cord?

Well, it seems that while fans may have been setting a date for Taylor and Calvin from day one, Harris was less keen on the idea of getting hitched.

“Taylor was starting to pressure Calvin into walking down the aisle and he just felt that he wasn’t ready yet,” a source close to the situation tells Hollywood Life.

“He’s still, and always will be, career-focused and doesn’t want to settle down just yet,” the source continues.

“He envisaged getting married at 35-plus, and wasn’t comfortable talking about getting hitched after just a little over a year of dating.”

Taylor has expressed ambivalence about starting a family in the past, but maybe when faced with the prospect of waiting another three years to settle down, she decided she wanted the picket fence life more than she thought?

We may never know for sure, but one thing is certainly clear:

Coming off the most successful album of her career, Taylor suddenly has a goldmine of material for her follow-up.

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris: What Went Wrong?!?

It seemed like Taylor Swift had finally found her perfect man, didn’t it?

After all those songs… after all that heartbreak… Swift got together with Calvin Harris in early 2015 and we’d ever seen the star so happy.

So, why did Swift and Harris just break up?

What sort of shocking event caused this singer and this DJ to end their 15-month relationship?

It wasn’t like that, multiple insiders confirm.

“There was no drama. Things just don’t work out sometimes,” a source tells People. “No one cheated.”

But then what happened?

How did Swift go from reaching out in such a loving manner for Harris at Coachella in April to no longer being his girlfriend just a few weeks late?

“[Calvin] really liked Taylor,” another source tells E! News, explaining in more detail:

“She was not the type of girl he ever dates and he liked that. He liked how innocent Taylor was and that she had a good caring heart.

“Taylor’s heart was more in it then he was. He started to lose interest over the past few months, but really tried to not just break up.”

This source also emphasizes that Harris did not cheat on Swift.

“They were just not very compatible in different areas in their relationship,” E! writes.”The touring and traveling didn’t help. It seemed like they were more friends than lovers.”

It certainly is true that busy schedules and long distances play major roles in why so many famous couples don’t work out.

Swift has been in Nashville with her family since the split went down last week.

“Taylor and Adam had no big blowout fight, but the romance just was not there anymore for them,” another insider tells E!, using Harris’ real first name.

“Adam is the one that ended it. It was all done in a very mature fashion. Taylor is pretty upset but they are still in communication.”

We won’t make any jokes about how this will provide Swift with material for her next album.

We’ll just send her our very best and hope everything works out in the end for both parties.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Taylor Swift & Calvin Harris: Breakup Confirmed!

You read that right, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris have broken up.

Aw, man! We were really rooting for them, too.

The couple, who have been dating a little more than a year, reportedly ended things last week.

“Taylor and Adam had no big blowout fight, but the romance just was not there anymore for them,” a source told E! News.

“Adam is the one that ended it. It was all done in a very mature fashion,” the source added.

“Taylor is pretty upset but they are still in communication. Taylor was there for Adam with his accident and supportive.”

Last month, the DJ was involved in a serious car accident and was forced to cancel a number of shows while he recovered from injuries.

We don’t know if this was a blindside for Taylor, but it was for us.

Here at THG, we hear reports of romance woes between couples all day long – oftentimes when in reality there are none.

But we’ve received only positive reports on Taylor and Calvin.

In fact, we even heard they were secretly engaged.

Just over a month ago, Taylor cheered him on during his concert at Coachella, sharing a sweet photo to Instagram of herself ogling him from the audience.

“Watching @calvinharris like [heart-eyed emoji] #coachella,” she wrote in the caption.

Ah, well. Another Hollywood romance bites the dust. 

Let’s remember Taylor and Calvin back in happier days (and appreciate their killer beach bodies as well):

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Calvin Harris Involved in Serious Car Accident, Cancels Show

Calvin Harris was involved in a serious car accident late last night and was rushed to the hospital, according to a new report by TMZ.

The DJ suffered a severe laceration to the face that was treated at an LA-area hospital.

The incident occurred when a Volkswagen Bug filled with teenagers crossed over the center divider, crashing into the Cadillac SUV Harris was traveling in.

The collision was so intense that a female passenger in the VW was ejected from the car and suffered a broken pelvis.

It is unknown if there were any other injuries as a result of the crash.

After being treated, Harris was released from the hospital, but against doctors’ advisement.

He had reportedly requested a private room at the facility, but left when he learned one was not available.

The “Feel So Close” DJ was forced to cancel a show this weekend at the Omnia nightclub in Las Vegas.

A statement on his Facebook page read:

“Adam’s [Harris’ real first name] transport was involved in a collision this evening on the way to the airport.

“As a result he will be unable to perform at Omnia tonight.

“He has been examined by doctors and told to rest for a few days.”

Fans chimed in with their well-wishes, including one user who wrote, “Wishing you a SWIFT recovery,” referring to his girlfriend Taylor Swift, with whom he celebrated a one-year anniversary of dating in March.

Swift has not yet commented publicly about Harris’ setback, but we imagine she’s concerned.

The couple have become a serious item, exemplified by Swift when she gushed over him in her acceptance speech at the iHeartRadio Awards.

“For the first time I had the most amazing person to come home to when the crowds were all gone and the spotlight went out so I’d like to thank my boyfriend Adam for that,” Swift told fans.

We’re hoping Harris has an, ahem, speedy (and Swift) recovery.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Taylor Swift is So in Love with Calvin Harris

As previously reported, Taylor Swift went bleach blonde at Coachella this year.

But the singer’s latest Instagram photo draws attention not to her new hair color, but to her outstretched hand instead.

Because it’s reaching for boyfriend Calvin Harris in one of the sweetest pictures we’ve seen in a long time.

The superstar shared the above image on her social media account this week, including with it a caption that reads:

“Watching @calvinharris like [heart-eyed emoji] #coachella.”

Seriously, look closely at that snapshot for a few seconds. Look at how taken Swift clearly is with Harris.

Swift also uploaded a video over the weekend of her DJ boyfriend performing with on stage with Rihanna.

The stars performed their smash hit single, “We Found Love,” with Taylor even capturing the memorable moment for all to enjoy, turning the camera on herself and her friends and recording their fun dance moves.

“I’ll NEVER forget this moment,” she wrote alongside the footage.

Swift – who left the annual music festival and flew to San Antonio on Saturday, only to fly back that same day – was one of several celebrities on hand in California for Coachella this year.

Was her bleach blonde look the most eccentric? Nope. Not by a long shot.

Click around below to see how other stars styled themselves and sound off on the best and worst ensembles: