Thursday, June 16, 2016

Calvin Harris Responds to Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston Hook-Up

So Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are totally a thing now.

Just how serious of a thing?

Serious enough for the singer and the actor to have gotten to first base near her house in Rhode Island over the weekend.

While the Internet continues to react to this stunning spit swap, many are wondering about the reaction of a certain Scottish DJ in particular.

Having only broken up with Swift a couple weeks ago, how is Calvin Harris feeling at the moment?

“He just wants her to be happy, they were not a good fit,” an insider tells E! News of Harris.

It’s unclear if this response was given after photos of Swift and Hiddleston kissing made their way into The Sun, but most sources have claimed Harris grew sort of bored with Taylor.

So it would make sense that he wouldn’t care very much if she moved on quickly.

A new report, however, alleges that Swift actually dumped Harris because there’s a Calvin Harris dick picture floating around the Internet.

And no way could America’s sweetheart be dating someone when that sort of scandal about him went viral.

If this is the case, it would also explain why Swift had no qualms about opening up her tonsils (and her legs?) for Hiddleston so soon after splitting from Harris.

Taylor is hanging out with Tom. Nothing serious is going on but she is talking to him,” a source also tells E! News.

“They have been out a few times she really enjoys his company. She is not looking to jump into anything this fast, but will take things as it goes nice and slowly.”

Someone might want to actually tell Taylor Swift that.

Is the photo above of someone who is taking things nice and slowly?!?

No judgment here. We’re all for HiddleSwift. We’re just saying.

This is a lot closer to hot and heavy than it is nice and slowly.