Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Taylor Swift: Calvin Harris Breakup Album on the Way!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris have broken up after just over one year of dating.

It was quickly revealed that Harris dumped Swift, and naturally theories as to what exactly led him to do so ran rampant on social media.

Was he jealous of Swift’s success?

Was he sick of being criticized by Swift fans for his alleged love of “happy ending” massages?

Does he insist on being the only lanky blonde bajillionaire in his relationships?

We may never know for sure, but you can expect that some details will be made public via thinly-veiled song lyrics in the very near future.

Yes, as per her M.O., Taylor is reportedly recording an album in the wake of her latest breakup.

Somewhere, Ryan Adams is salivating at the prospect of another album of mournful, stripped-down indie rock covers.

“Taylor is hanging out with her friends and keeping busy. She wants to be single for a while and have a relaxing summer,” one insider tells E! News.

“She has some plans to travel this summer. Taylor has also been writing new music.”

Obviously it’s that “new music” part that we’re most interested in.

However, if you’re looking forward to more teardrops on Ms. Swift’s guitar you may be disappointed.

The source says that while Taylor is obviously bummed that the relationship didn’t work out, she’s neither heartbroken nor pissed at Harris.

“Taylor is not sad anymore about the breakup,” the insider adds.

“She knows it was for the best. They are not on bad terms. They have communicated since the breakup, but getting back together is something that’s not in the cards for either of them.”

We look forward to “Shake It Off 2: Only Shake It Partially Off Because I’m Still Facebook Friends With Your Mom.”