Showing posts with label Chelsea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chelsea. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Chelsea Houska: Teen Mom 2 Reunion Shows Are THE WORST!

These days, when we think of Teen Mom 2 we basically think of a violent talk show that can only be described as Springer-esque.

At this point, it’s difficult to even recall the series’ quaint beginnings, a time when fans tuned in to enjoy everything promised by the title — namely, a sequel to a previous series that was also about the challenges of parenting as an adolescent.

Of course, it’s no accident that producers have chosen to switch the focus to the ever-intensifying feuds among cast members.

Drama sells, and as such, the TM2 reunions shows — that were once a fun opportunity to catch up on what the cast has been up to in the weeks since filming wrapped — have come to devour the rest of the season.

Now, reunion shows are the dramatic tentpole that props up the entire season.

Conflicts begin at the tapings in New York, and — much less often — they’re resolved there.

After the taping, the cast members return to their home states where tensions simmer for several months, and when they make their return to Manhattan the ladies are once again ready to throw down.

Obviously, viewers enjoy the new format, as reunion shows used to take place over the course of one hour, and now they encompass several episodes.

 But not everyone in the cast is comfortable with the show’s new direction.

In recent weeks, Chelsea Houska has made it clear that this isn’t the kind of experience she signed on for.

She’s even taken to social media to complain about the gradual change in the focus of the series, complaining that Teen Mom 2 “isn’t about being a mom anymore.”

There’s been talk of Chelsea quitting the show, but it seems she’s not willing to go quite that far — yet.

Currently, Houska is pregnant with her third child, and she left the most recent taping ahead of schedule due to violence among cast members.

Now, a newly-released deleted scene shows that Chelsea and her husband, Cole DeBoer, have been fed up with the reunion show scene for quite some time.

“The reunion was a disaster,” Chelsea tells Cole and her father, Randy Houska, having recently returned from a taping in New York.

“That’s not our life,” Cole echoes.

“I mean, that’s what’s sad: there’s kids that think that’s normal,” Randy opines, always happy to throw a bit of shade.

“Because another time when Kail and — I don’t know if it was Briana or her sister — one of them was coming down the hallway and I had stepped out in the hallway with the baby,” Chelsea recalls in the scene,

“I…just went back in my room because I was, like, “Oh my god! I can’t even leave my room?!”

We think it’s safe to say Chelsea won’t be returning for too many future sessions with Dr. Drew.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for a reminder of the many ways in which Chelsea is the chillest of the moms.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Chelsea Houska Flaunts Baby Bump, Shades Co-Stars

There was a time when the shows that comprise the Teen Mom franchise were almost entirely on the struggles of young women dealing the after-effects of unplanned pregnancies (as one might expect from the title).

These days, however, producers have realized that the real ratings are in feuds and interpersonal drama among the cast than in the day-to-day struggles of Middle American — and there’s one longtime star who’s fed up with it.

Yes, Chelsea Houska is out to make Teen Mom great again, and she’s doing so by refusing to participate in the drama and instead focusing on what built the franchise in the first place — making babies.

Chelsea is currently pregnant with her third child, and she’s been flaunting her burgeoning baby bump on social media.

As you can see, she has a taste for humorous graphic tees.

The one above is pretty innocuous, merely Chelsea making a semi-self-deprecating joke at the 25-week mark of her pregnancy.

But it seems Chelsea recently sent a message with a much more scathing t-shirt slogan just last week.

As you may have heard, Chelsea ditched taping on the most recent Teen Mom 2 reunion show well ahead of schedule.

The reason, of course, was that her castmates were being their usual ridiculous selves, fighting, sniping at each other, and generally just making life more difficult on themselves and one another.

So Chelsea participated on Saturday but refused to return to the set on Sunday.

But before she left she sent a powerful message.

Sources on set say Chelsea and her husband, Cole DeBoer, wore shirts reading “Drama Is For Nerds.”

They also handed out the custom tees to their castmates as a not-so-subtle sign that it’s time to grow up and leave the drama in the past.

And that’s not the first time that Chelsea has expressed her displeasure with the show’s current direction.

During a recent episode, fans on Twitter complained that Chelsea doesn’t appear on the show nearly as often as her more short-tempered co-stars.

Surprisingly, Chelsea responded that she’s unhappy about the situation, as well.

“I’m almost positive that I’m barely in the next one too lol didn’t you know teen mom 2 isn’t actually even about being a mom anymore?!” she tweeted.

One fan tweeted, “What is happening to the show, it’s all about drama now. I miss it being about the moms story and kids.”

Chelsea, who usually isn’t critical of the show or its producers, stunned fans by tweeting simply, “Same!”

So Mrs. Houska-DeBoer’s feelings are now quite clear — but it remains to be seen if producers will take action.


Monday, May 28, 2018

Chelsea Manning Posts "Suicide" Photo

Chelsea Manning is physically ok, after posting an image of someone standing on a ledge … appearing to be on the verge of jumping to her death. She quickly deleted the post, which was captioned, “I’m sorry.”  Someone posted on her account…


Chelsea Manning Posts "Suicide" Photo

Chelsea Manning is physically ok, after posting an image of someone standing on a ledge … appearing to be on the verge of jumping to her death. She quickly deleted the post, which was captioned, “I’m sorry.”  Someone posted on her account…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Chelsea Houska Blasts Teen Mom 2: It"s Not About Being a Mom Anymore!

Judging by the show’s soaring ratings, it’s safe to say Teen Mom 2 has more fans than ever before.

But over the past couple seasons, the show has undergone an abrupt shift in tone that’s sent some once-loyal viewers running for the hills.

And believe it or not, it seems Chelsea Houska counts herself among those who wish the series would return to its roots.

Chelsea has seen her role on TM2 get slowly whittled down over the past year, as her personal life has become more stable in inverse proportion to those of her castmates.

Jenelle Evans is brandishing weapons and threatening people’s lives.

Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus are feuding non-stop.

Leah Messer is hooking up with Jeremy Calvert and openly discussing the possibility of giving their marriage another shot.

Meanwhile, Chelsea is happily married and enjoying the quiet contentment of a stable domestic life.

And some fans think she’s being punished for it.

Yes, even the fact that Chelsea is pregnant with her third child isn’t enough to score her some screen time, and viewers are starting to take notice.

“If I don’t see more of @ChelseaHouska next episode….. I’m going on strike,” one fan tweeted after last night’s episode.

“I’m almost positive that I’m barely in the next one too lol didn’t you know teen mom 2 isn’t actually even about being a mom anymore?!” Chelsea replied.

Fans loved her candor, and a few jumped in to throw shade at the show’s new direction.

“I was just thinking that,” one follower replied.

“What is happening to the show, it’s all about drama now. I miss it being about the moms story and kids.”

“Same!!” an enthusiastic Chelsea replied.

Obviously, Chelsea’s never been one to seek out drama, but she’s also not one to shy away from conflict.

At the end of the day, we’re sure she understands that the focus on social media drama and high-profile feuds is a natural consequence of the show’s success and the subsequent increase in the main moms’ fame.

And we’re sure she’s not all that heartbroken about not appearing on camera quite as much, especially as it doesn’t look like there will be any difference in her paychecks.

But it’s also important to bear in mind that this show also represents Mrs. Houska-DeBoer’s life’s work, and she clearly takes pride in the version of herself that she presents to the world.

So listen to the people MTV – less drama, more DeBoers!

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of why Chelsea is so beloved by fans.


Monday, May 7, 2018

Chelsea Houska Previews "Scary" Teen Mom 2 Season, Third Pregnancy

Teen Mom 2?

For Chelsea Houska, it’s more like:

Long-time Teen Mom cast member, about to take THREE.

Indeed, Houska announced in mid-March that she’s pregnant with her third child, taking Instagram followers by surprise by writing the following about two months ago:

“A sweet baby girl will be joining the DeBoer clan in a few short months! We could not be more excited!”

Yup, we even know the gender of the newborn that will be joining daughter Aubree and son Watson in this family.

And we also know that Houska and DeBoer – who got married in October of 2016 welcomed little Waston just several weeks later in January – are expecting to become parents again in early September.

How is everyone feeling about the impending addition?

“Aubree is super excited,” Chelsea tells E! News, adding:

“She wanted a girl this time so she is excited and she is so much help. But Watson, he has no idea.”

In anticipation of Monday night’s Teen Mom 2 season premiere, Chelsea teased in this interview that viewers will go behind the scenes of her pregnancy journey.

They may even get to witness when Cole finds out the major news.

What great luck, huh?

That MTV cameras just happened to be around for this big reveal…

“We do a blood test, so I found out when he was working, so I got to tell him what the baby was on camera so that was exciting,” Chelsea explains.

She then gushes in very adorable fashion over the love of her life:

“I know people always say their husbands are great or whatever but I think mine is the best. He’s patient. He works all day and still comes home and helps me with what I need.

“He makes sure to get time in with the kids before bed. He’s just a good guy all around.”

That makes us very happy to hear.

As any loyal Teen Mom 2 fan knows very well, not every one of these cast members has had the best luck when it comes to men.

This is true for Chelsea herself, who is engaged in a custody battle with awful Adam Lind.

Overall, however, Chelsea is rarely a source of Teen Mom drama.

Her life is pretty stable and, to be honest, pretty darn awesome these days.

“You want to be open and honest because people are going through the same things that we’re going through and it does kind of feel nice when other people can relate to it,” she told E! of the whole filming experience.

“You want to be open but it’s also scary. Even after nine years, it’s definitely still scary.”

She credits Kailyn Lowry and Leah Messer for their support and affection and says she understands her kids may actually see her exploits on television someday.

Or read about her on some celebrity gossip site.

But she’s made peace with this inevitability.

“I think Watson is going to be fine because he’s seeing fun, family times. I think Aubree is going to be a little more difficult because she’s going to see the relationship with her dad and she’s going to have a lot of questions about our relationship and her relationship with him.

“We’ve always been open with each other.

“She is open with me and can talk to me so I just want to keep it that way so for when they do watch it, she feels comfortable and won’t have any surprises.”

Teen Mom 2 returns tonight and airs Monday nights at 9/8c on MTV.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Adam Lind to Chelsea Houska: You Can"t Keep Me Away From Aubree!

The Teen Mom landscape is absolutely littered with young men who have outlived their purpose as unwitting sperm donors.

But for all the franchise’s deadbeat dads and loser boyfriends, perhaps no one has sunk to such appalling depths as Adam Lind.  

(And yes we’re aware that Ryan Edwards got arrested the same week he got caught cheating on his pregnant wife. Believe it or not, Lind might actually be worse.)

Lind has always been an abusive boyfriend and a negligent father, but it’s only over the course of the past year that we learned just how low he’s willing to sink.

It all began when Lind tested positive for meth just moments before a scheduled visit with his youngest daughter, Paislee.

In the months that followed Lind was arrested several times, on charges ranging from domestic assault to possession to violating a restraining order.

These days Lind has lost all visitation rights and is not legally permitted to be in the presence of either of his daughters.

But it seems his casual disregard for the law continues unabated, as Radar Online is reporting this week that Lind spent much of Easter weekend with Aubree, his eight-year-old daughter by Chelsea Houska.

Sources say Houska was not aware of the situation until afterward and would not have given Lind permission to visit Aubree. 

“Chelsea let his parents have her for a couple of hours. It wasn’t their time to have her,” a source tells Radar.

Adam apparently stopped by his parents’ house unannounced and even went so far as to taunt Chelsea by posting a Snapchat video in which he’s seen hanging out with Aubree.

Houska has apparently made it clear to Linds’ parents that by allowing their son to violate the law in their home, they’ve sacrificed the privilege of receiving future visits from their granddaughter:

“[Chelsea is] livid and won’t do that anymore. These grandparents haven’t learned a damn thing. [One] can definitely tell where Adam gets the rules and law don’t apply to him attitude.”

The insider says that Houska took immediate action and “e-mailed her lawyer to find out what the next step should be” as soon as she learned of Lind’s visit with Aubree.

Her attorneys have since reminded Adam’s parents of a clause in their visitation agreement, which reads:

“One weekend a month Aubree will be with his parents from Friday to Sunday. Adam may not be present when Aubree is with Donna [Adam’s mom].” 

Stripping Linds’ parents of visitation rights may sound severe, but Chelsea is no doubt well aware that her daughter’s health and safety hang in the balance.

For the most part, Houska is one of the more even-tempered moms on MTV’s flagship reality franchise.

But clearly, if you mess with her kids, she will go full mama bear on your ass.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Chelsea’s perfect parenting.


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Chelsea Houska Shares ADORABLE New Photo of Her Baby Bump!

Sometimes it feels so strange to talk about Chelsea Houska, you know?

Strange, but also very, very refreshing.

It’s just that there’s always a ton of Teen Mom gossip to get into, but it’s usually stuff like Ryan Edwards’ arrest, Jenelle Evans’ moronic NRA statements, or truly upsetting updates on Catelynn Lowell’s mental health.

It’s rare to have a piece of purely good news when it comes to this crew, but whenever that little unicorn of a Teen Mom story comes by, it usually has to do with Chelsea.

Even though she shares her oldest child, Aubree, with Adam Lind, who is probably the worst person ever featured on any Teen Mom anything, she’s been doing well for herself for the past few years.

She got married to Cole DeBoer, who is impossibly handsome and also an amazing father figure for Aubree.

In January of last year, they welcomed adorable little Watson to the family, and everyone was thrilled to have him.

Chelsea and her family just seem genuinely happy in a way that none of the other people on the show do — even when other cast members have good moments, they’re usually overshadowed by some kind of sadness.

That’s probably part of the reason why it was so extra, extra precious when she revealed earlier this month that she and Cole are adding to their family once again!

After several months of talking about baby fever and wanting a house full of babies, Chelsea revealed that she’s actually pregnant.

She even let us know that she’s having a baby girl!

She shared an ultrasound photo on Instagram to share the good news, writing “….GUESS WHAT! A sweet baby girl will be joining the DeBoer clan in a few short months! We could not be more excited!”

chels bump

Shortly after dropping the news, she shared a photo of her baby bump, which was pretty tiny, as she’s not that far along.

We don’t know an exact due date yet, but it sounds like it’s sometime in September — she did say that she’d probably give birth in August, since her babies tend to come out a little early.

At the time of her announcement, she also said that she was “about 4 months” along.

Pregnancies are funny things though, because it’s just been a little over two weeks since we heard the good news, right?

And yesterday, Chelsea was sweet enough to share another shot of her bump — that baby girl is growing fast!

“Oh hey little baby girl,” she captioned the photo — she also explained that her goofy headband wasn’t a new fashion statement, just something she wears while she’s doing her makeup.

So not only do we get to see the bump, we also get to see the extraordinarily rare sight of Chelsea Houska with minimal makeup!

Oh, what a glorious day!

And, of course, Chelsea’s fans strongly agree.

“Your belly is so cute!” one person wrote. “Congrats to you and your growing family!”

Another follower told her “So Happy for all 3 1/2 of you! Chelsea, thank you for sharing!”

Then, proving that some of her fans love her beyond all reason, someone actually commented “You could legit rock that headband out in public!!! Congrats on #3!”

We don’t know about the headband thing, but with everything else, we strongly agree.

Congrats again, DeBoers!


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Chelsea Houska: This is My Baby Bump! This is My Due Date!

Chelsea Houska is here to prove that she really is pregnant.

The Teen Mom 2 star surprised fans on Thursday night by announcing that she and husband Cole DeBoer are expecting a child together.

It will be their second as a couple and Chelsea’s third overall, considering she created an eight-year old daughter named Aubree with ex-lover Adam Lind.

“…GUESS WHAT!” Chelsea wrote on Instagram as confirmation of her expecting state, adding the following words to go along with her sonogram photo:

“A sweet baby girl will be joining the DeBoer clan in a few short months! We could not be more excited.”

And we’re so very excited for them!

But just in case you somehow doubted the legitimacy of Chelsea’s announcement, the MTV personality has gone ahead and provided Twitter followers with undeniable evidence…

… in the form of her baby bump!

“Here’s the wittle bump since everyone’s been asking lol this pregnancy has been a breeze so far and I feel pretty damn good!” Houska penned a caption to the image below:

chels bump

How precious, right?!?

Houska and DeBoer got married in October of 2016 welcomed son Waston Cole in January of 2017.

You can go back and watch Teen Mom 2 online episodes from last year to see how Chelsea made it pretty clear that she was prepared for yet another child in the near future.

Speaking to MTV about her major announcement, Houska said the following about her adorable little girl:

“Aubree did such a great job keeping this a secret and she said at school on Monday she’s gonna walk in and start yelling it down the hallways!”

AWWW! That’s adorable.

As for Cole?

He is “very excited” and “talks to my belly every night,” the reality star said.

DeBoer himself also spoke to the cable network, expressing his excitement over becoming a father again:

“I’m ecstatic to have another princess under our roof,” he said. “The men in this household are standing their ground even though we are now outnumbered.

After she shared the baby bump snapshot above, Houska answered a few fan questions about her pregnancy, revealing, for example, that her due date is in September.

“But I’m thinking she’ll come in August because I tend to have my babies a couple weeks early! We’ll see!” she Tweeted.

cd response

Finally, Houska was asked about her pregnancy fashion.

Does she have any advice?

What does she lean toward when growing a human being inside her fetus?

“So far it consists of leggings and hoodies cause it’s freezing here,” wrote the 26-year old, concluding:

“We’ll see how I keep myself together in the summer though! I remember summer was miserable when I was pregnant with Aubree!”

Still, it’s always worth it in the end, right?

Congrats, Chelsea and Cole!!!!!


Friday, March 16, 2018

Chelsea Houska: Pregnant With Baby #3!

Big news out of the world of Teen Mom 2 today!

Series star and perennial fan favorite Chelsea Houska has made an announcement that some fans have been anticipating for months:

Yes, Chelsea is pregnant with her third child.

And while she may have waited a while to make the announcement, Houska is now being surprisingly forthcoming with fans, even going so far as to share sonograms and news of the baby"s gender on Instagram!

Here"s everything we know so far about the upcoming addition to the Houska-DeBoer clan:

1. One Happy Family

Chelsea houska and family

Chelsea shared the news with fans via a post on social media. Her caption left Houska-obsessives giddy with anticipation.


Chelsea houska in sunglasses

“GUESS WHAT!” Chelsea wrote. “A sweet baby girl will be joining the DeBoer clan in a few short months! We could not be more excited”

3. Proud Papa

Shall be a gal

Chelsea’s husband, Cole De Boer, also shared the pic on Instagram. He captioned it, “This proud dad is getting a new Bow and it’s nailed my heart @chelseahouska.”

4. Baby Makes 5!

Cole deboer and chelsea houska lookin good

Chelsea and Cole already have one child together. And those who know the family best say Cole is like a father to Aubree, Chelsea’s daughter from her previous relationship with Adam Lind.

5. Soon to Be a Big Brother

Chelsea houska with baby watson deboer

Chelsea and Cole’s son Watson turned 1 in January. Needless to say, the two youngest members of the DeBoer clan will be very close in age.

6. Chelsea Lately

Chelsea houska daughter

Despite the fact that she just welcomed a child last year, Chelsea revealed in an August episode of Teen Mom 2 that she was hoping to get pregnant again very soon.

View Slideshow

Chelsea Houska: Pregnant with Baby #3! (And We Know the Gender!)

A Teen Mom 2 star is expecting baby number-three.

Chelsea Houska and husband Cole DeBoer took Instagram followers by surprise on Thursday night when they confirmed they’re expecting their second child together.

(And Chelsea’s third overall.)

“…GUESS WHAT!” Chelsea wrote to open her exciting announcement, which included a photo of her latest sonogram.

She then answered her own quasi question as follows:

“A sweet baby girl will be joining the DeBoer clan in a few short months! We could not be more excited”

DeBoer also shared the special image below and wrote as a captionto it:

“This proud dad is getting a new Bow and it’s nailed my heart @chelseahouska.”

The MTV reality stars welcomed their son, Watson Cole, in January 2017.

Chelsea, meanwhile, also has an eight-year-old daughter named Aubree Lind from a previous relationship with ex-boyfriend Adam Lind.

shall be a gal

(Due to all the scandals surrounding Lind, there’s been chatter that Cole may one day adopt Aubree, but this is yet to actually happen. We’ll keep readers posted.)

This happy piece of news arrives just over five months since the couple celebrated its second wedding ceremony, an occasion that made it clear just how stable and happy Chelsea and Cole actually are together.

“Yesterday was absolutely incredible,” Chelsea wrote at the time, adding:

“We got to celebrate our marriage with all the people we love and had a fricken BLAST. I love this man @coledeboer.”

The pair wed in October of 2016 and have somehow managed not to cause any controversy ever since, a rarity among Teen Mom twosomes.

They also shared their joy over Watson turning a year old in January via a number of adorable photos and this cute message from Chelsea:

“MY LITTLE BUDDY IS ONE! He’s the easiest, sweetest, cuddliest little boy in the whole world and we are so grateful for him!

“He loves his sissy the most and he loooves pointing at everything and saying ‘dat’… we love you sweet boy!! @coledeboer.”

In response to Chelsea and Cole’s Instagram posts, a fellow Teen Mom jumped on Twitter to send a note of congraultions.

Kailyn Lowry, who has three sons, wrote the following to Chelsea on her social media account:

“Welcome to the moms of 3 club @ChelseaHouska @TM2LeahDawn… So happy for my babies! @ChelseaHouska & cole & fam.”

Despite just welcoming a child last year, Chelsea admitted on an episode of Teen Mom 2 last August she was ready to get pregnant once again.

Simply watching one child in action made her yearn for another child.

message from kl

“Doesn’t this give you baby fever? Doesn’t it?” Houska asked her husband as she smiled as their son wiggling on a blanket.

“Yeah! By next year I was thinking we could probably have three,” Cole replied.

“I’m serious,” she said. “Do you think by next year we’ll have another one?”

“We’re going to have more when mom’s ready to have more,” he responded.

Turns out, both stars were correct!

They are having a baby this year and, we assume, they are ready for her!

Please join us in sending the very best wishes to Chelsea on a healthy pregnancy and to both parents on a happy and healthy baby.

Good for them!


Monday, March 12, 2018

Chelsea Handler BASHES Jennifer Aniston: Stop Driving Your Husbands Away!

Not all that long ago Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler were the best of friends.

The relationship was irreparably damaged, however, when Aniston learned that Handler was sharing secrets about her personal life, and the former besties reportedly haven’t spoken since.

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Aniston has separated from Justin Theroux after two and a half years of marriage.

While most of the world is eagerly awaiting the announcement that Jennifer is back together with Brad Pitt, Chelsea is apparently fixated on figuring out just what caused Aniston’s split from Theroux.

Apparently, Handler is of the opinion that Jen and Justin were all wrong for each other from the start.

She’s convinced that her former friend made a damaging decision when she decided to change herself in order to conform to Justin’s vision of the ideal woman.

Now that the marriage has come to an end, Handler is apparently getting her gloat on a big way:

“Chelsea didn’t think much of Justin, but she said from the get-go that Jen would need to readjust her expectations and treatment of him if they were to stand a chance,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“But Chelsea’s feeling pretty smug and ‘I told you so’ about it now, to the point where she feels she’s owed an apology.”

This is a far cry from Chelsea’s attitude after Jen split with Pitt.

At the time, the sharp-tongued comic repeatedly tore into Angelina Jolie, alleging that she “stole” Pitt away from Aniston.

(That stance doesn’t really jibe with Handler’s feminist persona, but that’s a discussion for another time,)

In the years, since she and Jen’s falling out, Handler has had a change of heart on that issue, declaring that she now believed the dissolution of Jen’s first marriage was also Aniston’s fault.

(Surely Brad is at least partially to blame for ditching his wife, right Chelsea? Sorry, we digress.)

Anyway, it sounds like Chelsea is one of those people who goes full scorched earth when she stops being friends with someone, and she’s taking thorough advantage of Jen’s vulnerable state.

That’s a disturbing mindset in, say, a queen bee-type sorority girl.

It’s downright terrifying in a 43-year-old millionaire.


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Cole DeBoer: Should He Adopt Chelsea Houska"s Daughter?

Chelsea Houska is undoubtedly one of the most beloved moms in the entire Teen Mom franchise, if not the most beloved.

When the franchise features people like Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham, it’s not that difficult to be a favorite, but still.

Chelsea gets a lot of love because she has her life together, and because she’s adorable, with adorable family to match.

She’s never been arrested, she’s not rude and hateful on a regular basis, she’s never neglected her kids.

She’s a good mother, and it’s even more notable since her oldest child’s father is arguably the worst person in Teen Mom history.

Chelsea dated Adam Lind off an on for a good long while when she was younger, and they had little Aubree together, but he was never really a present father.

Since then, Adam has been getting sketchier and sketchier, and last year he failed a court-appointed drug test with a substantial amount of meth in his system.

He was also arrested multiple times for domestic assault, and there have been warrants out for his arrest thanks to his failure to pay child support for both of his children.

It’s a whole lot of bad stuff, basically, and so Chelsea has obtained sole custody of Aubree.

She’s also had Aubree’s last name changed from Lind to Lind-DeBoer, at the request of Aubree herself.

And speaking of her new last name, let’s talk about where it came from: Cole DeBoer, Chelsea’s husband, father of little Watson, and Aubree’s adoring stepfather.

Cole is amazing, right? He’s sweet and very attractive and best of all, he treats Aubree like his very own.

He constantly steps up for her like her real father never does, and he did it again last night.

Because, believe it or not, Adam skipped Aubree’s father-daughter dance. For the third year in a row.

The first time was in 2016 — Aubree was expecting Adam, but he didn’t show up, so Cole took her by himself. Adam later said he couldn’t come because he was training for a bodybuilding competition.

The second time was last year, and there was no mention of Adam at all, Aubree and Cole just went and had a nice time together.

And this year, again, for the third year in a row, Cole and Aubree dressed up and headed out for a lovely little evening.

He shared this adorable photo of her — it looks like he took her to dinner, too — and he captioned it “Look at my STUNNING little sweetie. I am so so lucky to have her as my dancing partner!!! Father daughter dance time!!!”

It’s so cute it hurts, right?

And if that one hurts, this next one will probably destroy you.

In the second photo Cole shared, he’s giving Aubree some flowers while she’s posing in front of a sign that reads “I love you Daddy!”

“I love this perfect girl so much!” he captioned this one.

It’s clear that he does — and to many people, it’s clear that he deserves to be her real father in every way, including legally.

“Adopt her!!!!” one person commeneted on Cole’s Instagram. “She loves you so much and you’re the best daddy ever!!!!!”

Another person suggested her adopt her because her ‘dads’ a low life, she’s so much better off with you as her father.”

So many people had so many kind words to say — one told him that he’s “amazing for showing that little girl what a daddy is supposed to be.”

“Cole you are by far the best Father that sweet little girl will ever know!” someone gushed. “You should try and adopt her Coley Dad!!”

Yet another person wrote “Plese adopt her! Adam should be smart enough to let you take over completely from here. You already have in every other way.”

These kinds of comments are very common in basically any story about Adam or Cole — Adam is the worst, Cole is the best, so Cole should adopt Aubree.

Could that be a possibility? Maybe, if Adam keeps getting worse.

But despite his many, many flaws, Aubree does seem to love her father, so it could be hard for her to cut ties with him like that.

Do you think Cole should adopt Aubree?


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Adam Lind: Warrant Issued For the Arrest of Chelsea Houska"s Ex!

Adam Lind is in deep trouble, even by Adam Lind standards.

Lind was arrested for domestic assault back in November, and that brush with the law seems to have set Chelsea Houska’s first baby daddy into a downward spiral that will likely have him serving hard time in the near future.

Shortly after that first incident, Lind was arrested again, this time for violating a restraining order against a second ex.

Needless to say, none of this did him any favors in his two simultaneous custody battles, particularly after it was revealed that Lind tested positive for meth just minutes before a scheduled visit with his youngest daughter.

For obvious reasons, Chelsea Houska was awarded sole custody of her daughter Aubree, a move she’s no doubt very happy about in the wake of recent developments in the life of Outlaw Lind.

According to Radar Online, a warrant has been issued for Lind’s arrest in response to his deadbeat ways:

“He has a warrant out for his arrest for being behind on child support,” a spokesperson for the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office in tells Radar. 

“The warrant is for $ 2,025.”

Houska obviously makes much more money than Lind, who’s earninds probably hover near the zero range, so not surprisingly, the payments are owed to his second baby mama, Taylor Halbur:

“He owes her over $ 16,000 in child support,” a source tells Radar.

“Petitioner Lind was ordered to pay child support for Paislee Lind $ 500 per month,” the sheriff’s office spokesman confirms.

One insider adds that Lind has not only failed to pay child support, he’s also made no effort to spend time with his daughters.

“He hasn’t seen Paislee since August,” the source claims.

“He doesn’t call or check in. She doesn’t even see his family.”

It’s not illegal to be an absentee father, but it is strange that Lind has been battling both of his exes for custody and visitation rights, even though he seems to have little interest in being involved in his daughters’ lives.

“He has the potential to be a good dad when there aren’t obstacles in his way,” the source says in Lind’s defense.

“At the end of the day all that matters though is his actions and his effort and it’s just not there. He only works on his cars and sleeps a lot.”

We’ll believe that bit about his potential when we see it.

In the meantime, expect Lind to be taken into custody sometime very soon.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how big of a bullet Chelsea dodged.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Chelsea Houska Obtains Sole Custody of Daughter Following Adam Lind Arrests

More bad news for the worst baby daddy in the Teen Mom franchise!

As you may have heard, Adam Lind has been arrested several times in the past few months in connection with a number of troubling incidents.

Chelsea Houska’s baby daddy stands accused of multiple acts of stalking, harassment, and domestic violence.

Needless to say, many fans have been curious as to what steps Chelsea is taking to protect 8-year-old Aubree, particularly following an incident in which Lind tested positive for methamphetamines just minutes before a scheduled visit with his other daughter from a different relationship.

The situation put Chelsea in a difficult position, as she hoped to protect her daughter, while at the same time allowing Aubree to maintain a close relationship with her father. 

At first, she took steps to ensure Aubree’s safety–such as asking a judge to forbid Lind from driving with Aubree in the car–but did not request further limitations on Lind’s visitation and custody rights.

Now, it appears Chelsea has had a change of heart and decided that it’s simply not safe for Aubree to spend any time with Lind until he sobers up and gets his affairs in order.

According to court documents obtained by Radar Online Lind will no longer be permitted to interact with Aubree, those his parents will still be allowed scheduled visits with their granddaughter.

“One weekend a month Aubree will be with his parents from Friday to Sunday. Adam may not be present when Aubree is with Donna,” reads a court document obtained by Radar Online.

The document states that Lind’s mother will also be permitted to have lunch with Aubree at her school every Tuesday.

The news comes on the heels of Chelsea’s decision to change Aubree’s name, reflecting both mother and daughter’s belief that Lind is no longer the central father figure in the girl’s life.

“Aubree is now Lind-DeBoer,” a previous court document states.

Those familiar with the case say acted Chelsea out of concern for her daughter’s safety.

The mother of two was said to be holding out hope that Lind would change his ways, but has now realized he’s making no effort to improve his behavior.

“He has the potential to be a good dad when there aren’t obstacles in his way,” a source tells Radar Online.

“At the end of the day all that matters though is his actions and his effort and it’s just not there. He only works on his cars and sleeps a lot.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Chelsea and Adam’s tumultuous relationship.
