Showing posts with label Congressman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congressman. Show all posts

Sunday, January 21, 2018

NY Congressman Says Diddy Should Buy the Jets

Trying to buy the Panthers is great and all, but New York congressman Gregory Meeks is lobbying for Diddy to focus his efforts on a MUCH needier squad — the Jets!! “Wish he was looking at a New York team … maybe he could turn the Jets…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Kobe Bryant Has "The Right Moves" For Politics, Says U.S. Congressman

Kobe Bryant just got the first endorsement for the political career we’re not sure he even wants yet … U.S. Congressman Peter King says Kobe’s got everything it takes to be an all-star politician. Magic Johnson seemed to hint that Kobe’s…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Congressman Andre Carson Rooting for Jay-Z to Run for President

Jay-Z should give Donald Trump a run for his money in 2020 … so says Congressman Andre Carson. We got the distinguished gentleman from Indiana in D.C. Thursday, and asked him if he enjoyed Hova’s 4:44 tour stop at the Capital One Arena.…


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Texas Congressman Joe Barton Apologizes for Sending Nude Pic to Woman, Not His Wife

Texas Congressman Joe Barton sent nudes and illicit text messages to a woman, and he’s apologizing for the graphic image first revealed by a Twitter user. Barton, a Republican, sent the nude photo showing his penis. The Twitter user censored the…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Congressman Slams NBA & NFL, Let Players Have Their Damn Weed!!!

Finally, a politician is going to bat for pro athletes who wanna use weed — saying the NFL and NBA are treating players like 2nd class citizens for taking away their rights to get high (medically).   Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)…


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Congressman Richmond: I Stand with Kaepernick, NFL Blackball Is Unfair

A powerful U.S. congressmen is calling out NFL owners on behalf of Colin Kaepernick – he clearly feels the QB is being punished for speaking his conscience … and “it’s unfair.” TMZ Sports spoke with Cedric Richmond – a democrat from…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Congressman Keith Ellison Says Twitter Should Ban Trump

Keith Ellison thinks President Trump’s been abusing people online long enough, and Twitter should have the balls to 86 him. We got the Minnesota Rep. and DNC Deputy Chair on Capitol Hill Thursday … and he thinks Trump’s attack on Mika…


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Congressman Adam Schiff Blames Obama and Trump For Russian Hacking

Congressman Adam Schiff blames former President Obama for not standing up to the Russians while they were hacking Hillary Clinton’s emails during the election, but he thinks Trump is a shameless hypocrite for taking swipes at the former Prez when…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Congressman Cedric Richmond Calls Out Trump, NRA, Philando Castile Was Not a Threat to Cops

President Trump and the National Rifle Ass’n are stereotyping all black men as dangerous, and the proof is their silence over the killing of Philando Castile … so says Congressman Cedric Richmond. Richmond was on Capitol Hill Thursday when our…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Congressman Steve Scalise"s Condition Still Critical, More Surgeries Needed

GOP House Whip Steve Scalise is still in critical condition at the hospital after being shot by James T. Hodgkinson during the congressional baseball practice. Scalise suffered a single rifle shot to his left hip, but the bullet traveled across his…


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Congressman Jason Chaffetz Says Subpoena for White House "Tapes" On the Table (AUDIO)

Congressman Jason Chaffetz not only has the power to subpoena the reported memo written by James Comey, he also could put his John Hancock on a subpoena for any White House tapes that might exist to either confirm or shoot down Comey’s…


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel: Mocked by Congressman Over Speech About Son"s Heart Surgery!

On Monday night, Jimmy Kimmel inspired a river of tears that still has yet to stop when he revealed that his precious new baby boy had to have heart surgery shortly after his birth.

JImmy said that doctors discovered the baby had a congenital heart disease, and that he required surgery then and he’ll have to have another one in a few months.

He talked about the ordeal for a few minutes, even crying through some parts — and understandably so — and during his speech he also mentioned some facts about health insurance.

“You know, before 2014, if you were born with a congenital heart disease like my son was, there’s a good chance you’d never be able to get health insurance because you had a pre-existing condition,” he said.

“If your parents didn’t have medical insurance, you might not even live long enough to get denied because of your pre-existing condition.”

“If your baby is going to die and it doesn’t have to,” Jimmy added, “it shouldn’t matter how much money you make.”

“No parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save their child’s life. It just shouldn’t happen. Not here.”

And he’s right — it absolutely shouldn’t. That’s just common sense and basic human decency, right?

According to former Congressman Joe Walsh, not so much.

Yesterday, after Jimmy’s story started getting a lot of attention, Joe tweeted “Sorry Jimmy Kimmel: your sad story doesn’t obligate me or anybody else to pay for somebody else’s health care.”

For real, he actually tweeted that. How heartless can you be?

He also tweeted that “Health care is complicated. Health care is bankrupting America. But instead of thinking thru all of that, we’d rather cry with @jimmykimmel.”

Or hey, why can’t we cry with Jimmy Kimmel and try to reach out to all those dozens and dozens of countries who manage to have universal healthcare. Why not both?

Good ol’ Joe wasn’t done though.

“11,000 Americans retire every day. We’re living into our 90’s. Instead of debating how to pay for all that heath care we watch @jimmykimmel,” he wrote.

“I’ll say it: For a people no longer capable of logic & reason, it’s perfect that a late night comedian just decided our health care policy.”

What a bunch of nonsense, right?

But don’t worry: Twitter put Joe in his place.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” one person told him. “And hope to god nothing happens to YOUR kids, you ignorant f-ck.”

“Thank you for having the courage to fight against those conniving evil takers, sick children,” another wrote.

And many, many people pointed out that in 2011, Joe’s ex-wife sued him for unpaid child support, claiming that he owed a total of $ 117,437 in past due payments for three kids.

The great Patton Oswalt tweeted “Joe, you won’t even pay child support for your OWN kids. We already knew you felt this way, you worm. No need to tell us — we’re good.”

Another person wrote “How peculiar that a deadbeat dad would take this particular stance, even as a form of desperate attention seeking.”

But still, Joe wasn’t moved.

Just this morning, he tweeted “It’s not compassion to forcibly take the money I make & give it to someone else. It is compassion for me to voluntarily help someone else.”

OK, Joe. Whatever you say, pal.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Congressman Jason Chaffetz Sick of D.C. Lifestyle, Sleeping on Office Cot (VIDEO)

Congressman Jason Chaffetz is calling quits on a career with a rising trajectory because he’s done sleeping on a cot most nights, far far away from his family.  Chaffetz says he can’t afford to support two homes … his wife and kids are in…


Monday, April 10, 2017

LeBron James Is Just Like Donald Trump ... Says Ohio Congressman (VIDEO)

Donald Trump and LeBron James are brothers from another mother, according to a congressman from LBJ’s home state that says the two men have more in common than the King might think … or like. It’s no secret Bron’s been critical of the prez, even…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

U.S. Congressman Calls Putin a "Thief" ... For Stealing Super Bowl Ring (VIDEO)

NY congressman Peter King says the recovery of Tom Brady’s jersey is a “solid first step” in getting back ANOTHER stolen piece of Super Bowl memorabilia … the ring Putin stole from Bob Kraft!! The Patriots owner has talked openly about how…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Congressman to Drew Brees -- "I"ll Chair Your Political Campaign ... Seriously"

Drew Brees is getting some HUGE support for his possible political career — with one of Louisiana’s most powerful politicians offering to chair Drew’s campaign in the state.  We spoke with U.S. House of Representatives member Dr. Ralph Abraham…


Congressman to Drew Brees -- "I"ll Chair Your Political Campaign ... Seriously"

Drew Brees is getting some HUGE support for his possible political career — with one of Louisiana’s most powerful politicians offering to chair Drew’s campaign in the state.  We spoke with U.S. House of Representatives member Dr. Ralph Abraham…


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Thirstiest Congressman EVER Gets Piece of the Pope (PHOTO)


0926-pope-brady-getty-ap-01The Pope raised an interesting question in D.C. … can tap water become holy just because he drinks out of it?  Congressman Bob Brady clearly has an answer, because he pilfered the Pontiff’s glass.

After the Pope addressed a joint session of Congress — quenching his thirst with a glass at the ready  – Congressman Brady made a beeline for the podium and flat out stole the glass.

Brady gingerly took the glass out of House Chambers and he and his wife took swigs soon thereafter.  He’s unapologetic, and plans to put the glassware in his curio cabinet at his home.

Hope the Pope takes the keys to the Fiat when he jumps into the crowds.

