Showing posts with label Demi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demi. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Demi Lovato Cancels Rest of Tour in Wake of Rehab

It’s becoming more clear now that Demi Lovato will be in treatment for a lengthy period of time … canceling the remaining shows on her tour. Demi’s Tell Me You Love Me tour shows in Mexico and South America have been scrapped. The news…


daily-celebrities: Demi Lovato


Demi Lovato


daily-celebrities: Demi Lovato


Demi Lovato


Monday, August 6, 2018

Demi Lovato in Rehab: What Do We Know?

Thanks to her first official statement since nearly dying from a drug overdose, fans now know what Demi Lovato is thinking.

But these same fans do not know where Demi Lovato actually is at the moment.

And that may not change any time soon.

According to multiple outlets, the troubled artist has left Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles and is on her way to a treatment center.

Not even the sleuths at TMZ have figured out Demi’s exact location, however, except to confirm that she will be in rehab someplace located a distance from California.

Aside from getting the star all the professional helps she needs, part of the basis for this move is to also get Lovato far away from some of the bad influences that had overtaken her life in the weeks leading up to her overdose.

As previously reported, these toxic friends were never really friends at all.

They didn’t push Lovato to overcome her dark side and her dangerous impulses; they encouraged these sides and impulses to come out.

As a result, Lovato spent most of the night partying to weeks ago, only to be found hours later in a state of unconsciousness.

An assistant called 911 and paramedics arrived just in time to save the singer’s life.

TMZ writes that Lovato flew via private plans to a rehab center that an insider describes as “one of the nation’s leading facilities for addiction.”

By our estimation, this will be Lovato’s third time receiving professional treatment in such a manner — and we just pray, as cliche as it sounds, that this third time in the charm.

Per Radar Online, meanwhile, Demi will remain at her rehab center for a minimum of three months.

She is reportedly set to take this treatment seriously, despite having previously scoffed at suggestions from those close to her over the past several weeks that she needs help.

It took the star being rushed to the hospital in order for her to see their point.

“She is scheduled to stay for 90 days,” a source tells Radar simply.

This same source says that Lovato is not being held against her will.

This is not a case of an involuntary psychiatric hold, known as a Sectio 5150, which means that Demi will be free to check herself out of rehab at any time.

“Demi left the hospital over the weekend. She will get continued care at an in-patient rehab facility,” reports People Magazine, adding:

“At the hospital, she was surrounded by family and friends that support her sobriety. They all want Demi to be the best she can. Demi is surrounded by a lot of love. She has people in her life that really care.

“She has a long journey ahead, but with all the love, her journey could absolutely be a positive one.”

demi statement

Lovato was sober for six years prior to this relapse.

She talked openly during that time about her previous hardcore drug use, her self-esteem issues, her eating disorder and even the suicidal thoughts she had at seven years old.

We’ve always admired the singer for her honesty and for her mission to help other teens and/or young women experiencing anything close to what she experienced.

The superstar posted an emotional note on Instagram yesterday, which marked the first words to come directly from Lovato since her hospitalization.

This message included the following:

I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction.

What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet.

I want to thank God for keeping me alive and well. To my fans, I am forever grateful for all of your love and support throughout this past week and beyond.

Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped me navigate through this difficult time. I want to thank my family, my team, and the staff at Cedars-Sinai who have been by my side this entire time.

Without them I wouldn’t be here writing this letter to all of you.


Demi Lovato Out of Hospital and In Rehab Facility

Demi Lovato is getting treatment at a rehab facility where she will remain for an extended period of time … TMZ has learned. Sources close to Lovato tell us she was discharged from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. Saturday and took a private…


Demi Lovato Plans to End Her Toxic Friendships in Order to Recover

On Sunday, Demi Lovato released her first statement in the aftermath of her hospitalization for a devastating overdose.

Though we know that Demi has agreed to enter rehab, she is also taking additional steps to make sure that this doesn’t happen again.

A huge part of that is severing ties with toxic people in her life — even if they’re her own blood relatives.

According to TMZ, Demi Lovato’s team is going to help her weed out negative or toxic influences in her life that made it so easy for her to relapse after six years of sobriety.

That means that, after she leaves rehab, they’re going to help her sever ties with people — including friends of hers.

Specifically, they’re looking to exclude the real party animals and those who use drugs.

They’re also seeking to cut her off from “yes friends.”

That is, friends who will just say yes to anything because it’s in their nature or because she’s Demi. Separating celebrities from enablers can be a tricky business.

The team’s broad mandate for ending some of these perilous relationships has some people in mind in particular.

They apparently intend to cut her off from one toxic friend in particular — though we can only speculate as to which friend that might be.

(Some would say that, since Demi was partying with G-Eazy following her relapse and he’s been heavily associated with drugs, that smart money is on him)

What’s more is that Demi’s team intends to sever her relationship with a distant relative.

It sounds like they mean business.

But while Demi’s team held a meeting this week to determine who should be cut off and how, ultimately, this will all be up to Demi.

All that they can do is advise.

Sources say that the team is going to suggest to Demi that she get a new phone number and only give it out to the people whom she trusts the most.

After all, it doesn’t do much good to cut people out of her life physically if they can still reach her — or she can still reach them — at any given moment.

Addiction is an illness that is always lurking and ready for just the right opportunity. Part of recovery is avoiding the most dangerous opportunities.

As we previously reported, plans are already set up for Demi to enter a live-in rehab facility when she exits the hospital.

The plan is for her to have zero down-time to recover at home before she goes to rehab — which is probably smart.

It is not yet known where her rehab facility will be (which is totally fine — that’s her business!), though it is believed that she probably won’t do rehab in L.A. as there are too many triggers for her there.

At present, we don’t even know if she’ll be recovering in California.

What we do know is that her family’s intention is for her to be able to attend a facility that can accommodate a huge star without her standing out too much. Fortunately, there are places that specialize in just that.

Demi Lovato’s guitarist blamed her friends for her overdose, castigating anyone who was with her that night.

This was followed by Demi’s friends receiving death threats — even those of them who had not been with her.

Demi Lovato’s BFF Dani Vitale had to plead for the death threats to stop. Yes, Demi had been celebrating her birthday with her hours earlier. But no, she had not been with her for the overdose.

We hope that fans will remember that they can support Demi without harassing or threatening the lives of those who love her.

Everyone just wants Demi to be okay.


Demi Lovato"s Team Wants to Weed Out Her Toxic Relationships After Rehab

Demi Lovato’s team is hell-bent on getting her back to good health and keeping her there … which is why they plan to help her weed out all of her bad influences. Sources close to Demi tell us … there will be a major focus on separating her from…


Demi Lovato Releases First Statement Since Near-Fatal Overdose

Demi Lovato has spoken out for the first time since nearly dying of a drug overdose just under two weeks ago.

In a statement released to the public, the beloved and troubled singer addressed this frightening incident… her road to recovery… and those who have been responsible for her well-being over the past several days.

Scroll down to see what Lovato had to say…

Via Instagram, this is how Demi opened her heartfelt message to fans and supporters:

I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction. What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time.

It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet.

Lovato, as you likely know by now, was found unconscious inside her Los Angeles bedroom on Tuesday morning, July 31.

Initial reports indicated that Lovato has overdosed on heroin, but follow-up articles made it clear that the substance Lovato ingested or injected remains unknown.

The same can be said for Lovato’s status.

We know she’s alive. We know she nearly died. And we believe she has agreed to attend some sort of rehab for the third time over the past few years.

Continues Lovato in her statement:

I want to thank God for keeping me alive and well. To my fans, I am forever grateful for all of your love and support throughout this past week and beyond.

Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped me navigate through this difficult time.

Lovato has been hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai in California for well over a week now.

In her message, the artist acknowledges that she came very close to dying.

And that she likely would have passed away if not for those around her (an assistant called 911) and the medical professionals who took over from there.

Writes the singer:

I want to thank my family, my team, and the staff at Cedars-Sinai who have been by my side this entire time.

Without them I wouldn’t be here writing this letter to all of you.

It’s hopefully a positive sign that Lovato recognizes this fact.

If she understands how close she came to accidentally killing herself, perhaps she will take the steps needed to attempt to get better once and for all.

Without revealing her plans for the future, this is how Lovato concluded her post:

I now need time to heal and focus on my sobriety and road to recovery. The love you have all shown me will never be forgotten and I look forward to the day where I can say I came out on the other side.

I will keep fighting.

We can’t say for certain when we’ll next hear from Lovato, but that isn’t important right now of course.

She needs to take as much time as she needs to heal, mentally and physically, and it will likely serve her best to do so far away from the spotlight.

We just hope she knows how much her fans love her as she takes the time she needs to arrive in a healthier place.


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Demi Lovato Publicly Addresses Overdose Nearly Two Weeks After Hospitalization

Demi Lovato is now publicly speaking out herself about her near-fatal overdose almost two weeks ago, saying she hasn’t beaten her addiction … and wants to focus on sobriety. The “Sorry Not Sorry” singer posted an open letter on social media Sunday…


daily-celebrities: Demi Lovato


Demi Lovato


Friday, August 3, 2018

daily-celebrities: Demi Lovato


Demi Lovato


Demi Lovato Finally Agrees to Enter Rehab

We know that Demi Lovato is still in the hospital following her overdose, but fans and her loved ones are eager for her to get long-term help. They fear that if she doesn’t enter rehab, she’ll die.

There are two pieces of good news.

One, Demi has agreed to go to rehab. And two, the arrangements for rehab have already been made.

TMZ reports that Demi Lovato has agreed to enter rehab in the aftermath of her terrifying hospitalization for an overdose.

They also report that a plan has been formed with the intended facility.

According to TMZ’s sources, Demi’s family raised the issue of rehab directly — after waiting for days.

The reason for the delay was that Demi’s health was in a precarious place. Her scary overdose had a number of complications.

While she was so sick, apparently her family did not want to raise any contentious topics. That’s smart.

As we mentioned and as TMZ reports, Demi is still at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

But her stay at the hospital won’t be indefinite.

One source tells TMZ: “She’s getting out any day now.”

We don’t doubt it.

When she leaves the hospital, however, she won’t be headed home.

Insiders say that Demi won’t be taking a few days to recover from her stay at the hospital at home or in a hotel.

She will instead be headed directly to rehab.

We do not yet know which live-in rehab facility will become her new residence for the next little while.

In fact, we don’t even know if it’s in California or elsewhere.

We know that it is unlikely to be one in L.A. because there are so many triggers for Demi’s addiction.

We also know that it’s likely to be somewhere that can accommodate a celebrity who just had an extraordinarily public overdose.

Demi continues to have the love and support of her fans, her family, and her friends.

Unfortunately, in the aftermath of Demi’s overdose, her BFF Dani Vitale received death threats as some furious Lovatics blamed her for somehow being responsible for Demi’s overdose.

Vitale had to beg Demi’s fans to stop sending death threats, clarifying that though Demi had been celebrating her birthday hours earlier, she was with another group of people when she died.

Death threats aren’t okay either way, but it adds another layer of cruelty to try to blame someone who cares about Demi on such a personal level.

Just weeks before her overdose, Demi had revealed to the world that she had fallen off of the wagon in terms of her sobriety.

Prior to that, she had recently celebrated six years of sobriety.

This is a grim reminder that addiction isn’t cured by sobriety, and stays with people. It can be frighteningly easy for someone to fall back onto old, potentially deadly habits.

And no amount of financial resources or personal support makes someone immune to addiction.

We hope that Demi makes a full and speedy recovery. She has millions of people who love and adore her.


daily-celebrities: Demi Lovato and Kehlani


Demi Lovato and Kehlani


Demi Lovato"s Assistant Screamed "She"s Dead!" As Bodyguard May Have Saved Her Life

Demi Lovato was in such dire condition when she OD’d her assistant thought she was dead, and one of her bodyguards may have saved her life … TMZ has learned. Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, the bodyguard somehow knew there was an emergency…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Demi Lovato Has Agreed to Go to Rehab

Demi Lovato has agreed to go to rehab, and plans have already been made with the facility … TMZ has learned. Sources with direct knowledge tell us, Demi’s family has squarely raised the issue of rehab with her … something they delayed for days…


Demi Lovato: FINALLY Headed to Rehab?

It’s been 10 days since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that nearly claimed her life, but the singer remains hospitalized due to unspecified complications.

It’s unclear what sort of physical damage Lovato suffered as a result of her substance abuse, but as it’s highly unorthodox for overdose patients to be hospitalized for more than 1-2 days, it’s safe to say the situation is dire.

Fortunately, it seems Demi is slowly making progress.

Radar Online is reporting today that Lovato will leave the hospital in the next 48 hours.

As for the important question of what her next step will be, it seems fans can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Insiders claim that at the urging of her family and friends, Demi will enter rehab immediately after leaving the hospital.

Earlier this week, sources close to the singer claimed that she was hesitant to commit to an in-patient care program.

They stated that Demi recognized she has a problem, but felt she would be able to battle her addiction on her own.

Lovato celebrated six years of sobriety just prior to her recent relapse, and she reportedly believed that because she had been down this road before, she could safely travel it alone.

Her loved ones, understandably concerned, kept on her to reserve a spot in a treatment center, and it seems their efforts have finally paid off.

Now, sources say the family is taking no chances.

Demi’s bags have been packed and transportation straight from the hospital to the rehab facility has been arranged.

As for what drugs landed Demi in such a precarious position, her family still isn’t talking, but all signs point to some sort of opioid as the culprit.

Lovato was revived with Narcan after she lost consciousness, and sources claim doctors were immediately able to determine that she had been using intravenous drugs.

“Demi had evidence of intravenous drug use when she was taken to the hospital after her drug overdose last week,” an insider said.

“The physical signs were on her arms.”

There’s no word on how long Demi will remain in rehab, but here’s hoping she stays as long as she has to in order to receive the kind of care she needs.


Demi Lovato Must Go to Rehab or "She Could Die," Friend Warns

Demi Lovato is alive.

But it she well?

This is the question currently being debated and pondered among those close to the singer, although there seems to be a general consensus that’s emerging.

And that consensus is this:

The singer is in major trouble if she does not seek proper assistance.

Over a week since Lovato was found unconscious as the result of a drug overdose, the superstar remains in the hospital.

Previous reports indicate this is due to the physical consequenes (nasusea, high fever) of both the substance she took and the drug used (Narcan) to revive her from her state early last week.

Lovato is simply too sick to be discharged, insiders said on Tuesday.

Now, however, TMZ writes that Demi is improving and will soon be released from doctor’s supervision.

The major issue will then become… where will she go?

According to this celebrity gossip website, Lovato’s friends and loved ones are urging her to check into some kind of treatment center.

Actually, that may not even be the proper word to use.

They are threatening Demi.

They are telling her that she must take this step or else they will remove themselves from her life. It’s that dire and that simple.

“She could die if she doesn’t, and that’s not going to be on my watch that we did nothing,” one friend told TMZ about Lovato.

This same articles goes on to say that Lovato fell had off her sobriety wagon many months ago and ignores the pleas of those around her to get help.

That’s why these same people are concerned that she will ignore them once again… and something even worse could take place.

As has been documented prevously, Lovato spent several weeks before her overdose hanging out with a different crowd than usual.

This is not to place blame on anyone in this crowd. Demi is responsible for her own actions.

But this is symbolic of how her life had taken a troubling turn earlier this spring and how she did not make an effort to do anything about it.

Such is the danger of addiction.

In June, Demi revealed her relapse to fans in the song “Sober.” 

She basically asked for their forgiveness while she sang about what had happened to her — and supporters responded by telling Lovato how much they admired her.

Since then, and since this overdose in particular of course, she’s been visited in the hospital by her mom, sisters and ex boyfriend, Wilmer Valderrama.

These are the folks who know Demi best and who have been with her through the really hard times over the years.

All we can do now is pray she listens to them.


Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Demi Lovato Leaving Hospital This Week and Next Step is Rehab

Demi Lovato is doing a lot better and the plan is for her to get out of the hospital this week, but she’s now faced with a decision … go to rehab, or lose a lot of the people close to her. Sources with firsthand knowledge tell TMZ, Demi has…


Demi Lovato: New Evidence of Intravenous Heroin Use Revealed

It’s been over a week since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that nearly claimed her life, but we still know very little about the events that precipitated the near-tragedy.

Lovato remains hospitalized and has remained under doctors’ care for much longer than expected, leading many to the conclusion that she came even closer to death than originally thought.

While we know that Lovato was administered Narcan at the scene of the OD — a move that may well have saved the 25-year-old’s life — it’s still unclear what sort of drugs she was using.

At first, it was reported that Demi had been using heroin.

Shortly thereafter, a nurse who claimed to have treated the singer insisted that Lovato was addicted to methamphetamines.

Now, new details have emerged indicating that it was, in fact, some sort of opioid that nearly claimed Demi’s life.

“Demi had evidence of intravenous drug use when she was taken to the hospital after her drug overdose last week,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“The physical signs were on her arms,” the source adds.

While other drugs can be used intravenously, the fact that Demi injected the substance and had to be revived with Narcan indicates that it was likely heroin which caused her overdose.

Of course, the question of what drug Demi was using is almost immaterial compared to the question of what comes next.

Some say Lovato has agreed to go to rehab, while others insist she’s still too ill to even consider her next step.

Whatever the case, family and friends are reportedly well aware that the weeks and months after Lovato leaves treatment will be crucial to her continued well-being.

Demi’s mother has even gone so far as to begin the process of being granted a conservatorship over Demi.

Sources have confirmed to Radar that Dianna Hart “is talking about getting a conservatorship because she does not trust Demi with anything at the moment.” 

The insider adds:

“She feels like this is the only thing she can do to ensure her daughter will not make the same mistake again.”

Obviously, Demi has a long way to go before she’s fully recovered.

But the good news is, she has the right kind of people in her corner.
