Showing posts with label Derick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Derick. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Derick Dillard: Most Americans Are Bigots, Just Like Me!

Back in November, Derick Dillard was fired from his in-laws’ reality show in connection with a series of shockingly transphobic tweets he posted about fellow TLC reality star Jazz Jennings.

Derick’s bosses at the network were clearly hesitant to give him the ax, and they offered him several chances to apologize.

Dillard refused, and instead chose to continue bullying Jennings on social media, referring to the teen as “brainwashed” and reiterating his view that she stars in a reality show that “represents an unreality.”

In the months since Derick was canned from Counting On, he’s made several efforts to weasel his way back on the air, all the while refusing to simply apologize for his unprovoked attack on a teenage girl.

First, Derick claimed he wasn’t fired at all.

Then he claimed the decision to leave the show was his and that his wife, Jill Duggar, would be leaving the show along with him.

Now, he seems to have finally reached the acceptance stage, but he’s still twisting the narrative to suit his needs.

These days, Derick is rebranding himself as a First Amendment freedom fighter, the brave spokesman for a silent majority that exists solely in his mind.

As In Touch Weekly points out Derick has been defending his comments in social media conversations with fans that shed light on how highly he thinks of himself.

“I’m glad Derick was fired from Counting On. Enough is enough with all of his nonsense,” a fan commented on one of the Duggars’ Instagram posts this week.

The remark prompted this curious reply from Dillard:

“My view is no different than most Americans, but I just mentioned it…” 

So … he has been fired?

Like, you can’t play the “I was canned because of my views!” card in one breath and still insist that you left the show by choice in the next.

That’s not how being a bigoted martyr works.

Also, what is this “most Americans” nonsense?

Did Derick travel the country polling people about their views on Jazz Jennings.

We doubt it. Otherwise, he likely would have found that most people have no ill will toward Jazz, but do harbor very strong views about Derick Dillard showing up at their door unannounced.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jill Duggar Shares Heartbreaking Story About Derick Dillard

For a long, long time now, Derick Dillard has been pretty darn unlikable, right?

Really, just so extremely awful.

He keeps insisting on asking Duggar fans for money, despite the extremely negative reaction he gets every single time he does it.

Several people are convinced that he’s been cheating on Jill, and that things are so bad that they’re even headed for divorce.

And let’s not even get started on all the horrific comments he’s made about Jazz Jennings, a transgender girl who also has a show on the TLC network.

Well, we say “also,” but we can’t forget that Derick’s antics got him fired from Counting On, so it looks like Jazz is the only one of the two with a show these days.

There’s just been so many bad stories about Derick lately, you know?

But now it’s time for a genuinely upsetting one.

If you’ve kept up with this family over the years, then there’s a chance you already know that Derick’s father passed away several years ago.

He doesn’t talk about it all that often, but of course the subject does come up from time to time.

Wednesday was the tenth anniversary of his father’s death, so it seemed like a pretty appropriate time to pay tribute to him.

Over on Instagram, Jill shared several old pictures of Derick’s father, and for the caption, she wrote “10 years ago tonight, my hubby lost his amazing dad.”

Derick Dillard with Dad

“Derick had just started his second semester at Oklahoma State University when his mom and brother showed up at his dorm room the morning of the 18th to tell him his dad had passed away suddenly during the night.”

“We miss you terribly ‘dad’ and look forward to seeing you one day in heaven!” she continued.

“You never know when a day may be your last or someone else’s last day on earth. Don’t wait to give your heart and life to Jesus & make sure to share his hope with others!”

Most of Jill’s followers left kind comments, and many pointed out the strong resemblance between Derick as a child and adorable little Israel.

But, as always, some people took issue with her post.

“So you can’t even do a memorial for your father in law without shoving religion down everyone’s throat!” one person wrote.

“Your parents sure brainwashed you well. Are you doing the same to your kids? Or letting them decide on faith/believing for themselves?”

Another of Jill’s followers commented with “Too bad Derick has been a sh-tty person these last cpl months maken headlines about jazz. maybe he should keep his mouth shut about others. doesnt the bible say something about not judgeing others?”

Which is a good, though poorly worded, point … but, you know, not the time.

When Derick himself shared Jill’s touching tribute, someone actually responded with “Wonder what his dad would think about his grandchildren…knowingly…being exposed to the possibility of being sexually abused…or that his own son prefers to prey upon the gullible rather than make an honest living.”

Again, solid question, but come on, people.

Derick is pretty much the worst, but this still must have been a heartbreaking loss for him.

He has our condolences during what must be a rough time of year for him.


Friday, January 12, 2018

Derick Dillard Sounds Off: All Women Should Be Allowed to Wear Pants!

The Duggar family is nothing if not resistant to change, but it appears that even the controversial Counting On clan is beginning to make minor concessions to the forces of social justice and women’s rights.

Of course, it’s important to note that when we say “minor concessions,” we’re talking very minor concessions.

Like, “women are allowed to wear pants” minor.

Yes, as you may have heard, the Duggar women wear pants now.

It all started with Jinger Duggar, who wore pants in an Instagram photo last year, thus sigling to her oppressed sisters that it was time to break free of their floor-length denim shackles and free the knees.

And to their credit, some of her siblings have followed suit.

These days, both Jessa and Jill Duggar wear pants on a regular basis.

In fact, Jill wore pants for a speaking engagement at a school this week!

A woman wearing pants in front of a children!

There was a time when the such a sight would have Michelle Duggar looking for the nearest fainting couch and Jim Bob attempting to beat the image out of his head with the family Bible.

These days, however, the Duggars are a lot more relaxed–chill, you might even say–about allowing women the basic human right to wear comfortable clothing.

Those who are familiar with the family’s belief system say that the reason Jinger, Jessa, and Jill are allowed to wear pants is because they’re married, and their husbands allow them to dress that way.

That’s been the accepted narrative for so long now that fans were a bit surprised to hear Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, refute it today.

Of course, Derick only expressed these views after being called out as a patriarchal egomaniac on Twitter.

“Here’s your ‘oxymoron,’ Derick. It’s sad but true that well-behaved women rarely make history, but isn’t that what you want and teach the women who follow your cult?” wrote the user.

“No, I don’t believe or teach that…The Bible says nothing about wearing skirts or having a certain [hairstyle] to be saved,” Derick shot back.

So wait … the Duggar dress code isn’t a real thing?

Why didn’t anyone tell us this years ago?!

Oh, wait, they did and they totally confirmed that it’s a real thing.

Watch Counting On online for mor mixed messages from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, January 5, 2018

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Will They Ever Be Allowed to Adopt?!

In recent weeks, Derick Dillard has made waves and angered both his famous in-laws and his former bosses.

As a result, Derick was fired by TLC after harshly criticizing transgender teen Jazz Jennings on Twitter.

The reaction against his unprovoked bullying campaign has been swift and harsh, but now it looks as though Derick mght not be through suffering the consequences of his foolish remarks.

As fans are no doubt aware, Derick and Jill Duggar have talked about adoption on several occasions.

Obviously, the couple has kept busy making biological children in recent years, but they seem to believe that the adoption option remains open to them should they ever decide to take advantage of it.

However, should they ever initiate the process, they may learn that that’s simply not the case.

As In Touch Weekly points out Jill and Derick may have hurt their chances for adoption with their recent conduct.

Adoption agencies–particularly international agencies, of the sort in which Jill and Derick have expressed interest–often factor in the social media activity and political and religious views of prospective parents when making their decisions.

Jill has not publicly espoused Derick’s transphobic views, but she has stated that she fully supports her husband in all matters.

That loyalty could work to her detriment if she and Derick ever decide to adopt.

Of course, thus far, several Duggars have spoken at length about adoption, but none has actually initiated the process.

Fans have expressed annoyance with those circumstances, arguing that it’s beginning to look as though the famiy simply enjoys the adulation they receive from fans when they talk about adoption, but would never actually take an adopted child into their home.

Jill and some of her sisters have also discussed the idea of becoming foster parents, but that seems even less likely.

Agencies that match foster children with families often have strict rules with regard to disciplinary practices and the sort of beliefs that foster parents are permitted to instill in their charges.

And it seems unlikely that the Duggars would be willing to comply with by which all foster families must comply.

“Because of the trauma these children have endured, the agency does not allow corporal punishment,” reads a page on the Foster Family Home Inquiry website.

“Foster parents will need to recognize the religious beliefs of the foster child and support them in exercising their religious beliefs.”

The Duggars would likely be unwilling to accept a situation in which they were unable to use corporal punishment (the family’s fondness for “blanket training” has been well-documented) or impart their own unorthodox beliefs to children living under their foor.

Ironically, all the talk of adoption and fostering that was supposed to highlight the Duggars’ benevolent side is bringing all their most controversial ideas and practices to the forefront.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Derick Dillard: My Kids Don"t Need Picture Books, They Need Jesus!

As we all know, Derick Dillard considers allowing trans kids to be themselves is “child abuse.” But have you wondered what he thinks good parenting looks like?

Apparently, he thinks that it looks like two incredibly bored children.

At least, Derick decided to read to his two very young sons the story of Jesus’ birth, directly from the Bible. No photos. And fans were quick to comment with their very strong opinions.

Derick Dillard captioned his photoset:

“Christmas Eve, reading the Christmas story with my boys. Doesn’t get much better than that! Thank you Jesus!”

For some families, that’s a tradition. For others it isn’t.

Though fans were divided, let’s start with the priase that he earned.

“Beautiful family. God bless you all!”

That’s sweet.

“You are such a great dad, Derick! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family.”

We don’t know that a “great dad” would go on social media and repeatedly slam a teenage girl because he disagrees with her identity, but … well, he’s been fired for that.

“I’m not really a religious person. most normal everyday average people I know DO read the Christmas story out of the Bible on Christmas to their children and some not even really religious people do also.”

Interestingly, I’d personally never heard of that tradition, but I believe that plenty of folks do it.

“There is nothing abnormal,” that commenter continued. “About this and how they read the Christmas story Christmas Eve.”

That same commenter continued:

“I am sure the Duggars have children’s books as well but to come to someone’s page and tell them how to raise their children — takes much gall. Wow”

Another saw criticism of Derick and lashed out:

“Remember, you’re commenting with very sick, wicked souls! These people hate God, His Son Jesus Christ and God’s word. They’re just here to tear down anything Christian!”

That is the sort of paranoia that you see sometimes. If you believe that a critique of one man is an attack against an entire faith, you … probably need to relax.

Another affirmed that they thought that reading directly from the Bible is what they prefer:

“Some of us believe that straight from the Bible is best. Not watered down versions of the Christmas story. Some children’s bible books are excellent don’t get me wrong, however reading straight from Gods word every Christmas is an amazing tradition.”

Others chimed in, suggesting that reading directly from the Bible isn’t ideal with young children, especially when one of the listeners is a literal baby.

“Kids like kid’s books, not old fashioned text. fine if you want to read them the nativity story but at least do it in a format that they understand. kids like pictures.”

Children do enjoy picture books. Especially when they’re still learning words. (Again, Samuel is a literal baby)

“The whole situation is very creepy.”

That comment, we imagine, has less to do with the reading and more to do with Derick using it as a photo op.

“I bet these kids would appreciate having a dad who cares enough about them to get off his lazy butt and get a.job so he can support them as opposed to grifting clueless fans to support them.”

That, of course, is a jab at how Derick Dillard begs fans for cash. Especially now that he’s lost his spot on Counting On.

Another commenter chimed in:

“They aren’t in harm way they grift in Arkansas”

Others took issue with Derick Dillard’s parenting.

“Aww! It looked like Izzy was going to hug little Sam before his daddy pulled him away to make him listen to something he can’t fully understand yet.”

Israel and Samuel were clearly more interested in each other (awww!) than in listening to their father read.

“Why aren’t you acknowledging little Sam? Your arm isn’t even around him. At least Izzy and Jill love that sweet baby.”

Derick seemed invested in his little photo op.

“There are so many wonderful children’s books targeted to their ages, which would include pictures and be ever so much more appropriate for these two.”

If you’re going to do an activity with your children, it should be tailored to your children.

To their interests and their capabilities.

Even a baby as young as Samuel can look at a picture book, and maybe understand a few more words in the process.

Still, it seems like a harmless tradition, and some people — on both sides — got super worked up about it.

Maybe it’s because Derick Dillard himself is such a divisive figure? In which case, we’d question why he doesn’t lay low on social media for a while.

But then we remember that he likes to beg for money and then use those donated funds to go out to dinner.


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard SLAMMED for Remarks About Muslims!

The Dillards have gone and done it again!

And by “it,” of course we mean make offensive, horrific statements like it’s totally normal and not at all a problem.

It’s like they’re making a career out of being awful, which is convenient, considering that Derick caused the family their sweet, sweet reality show gig with his bizarre habit of making bigoted remarks about a teenage girl.

In addition to Derick’s continued harassment of Jazz Jennings, he’s been making hateful comments about the transgender community in general.

He’s also still begging Duggar fans for money, and then there’s more general weirdness, like the way he tried to announce that he hadn’t been fired from Counting On a month after the news broke that he had in fact been fired.

It’s all bad. Very bad.

And with this new update he and Jill shared on their blog … well, they’re not making things better.

The blog was a little update on their family, just in time for Christmas.

They opened things up with “We have had the privilege over the last few months to have many interactions with international students and their families!”

If you’re familiar with these people, you can probably tell where this is going already.

They wrote that they helped their church organize a “Thanksgiving dinner in an American home” event where different families welcomed a student from the University of Arkansas into their homes — the students were from “mostly Muslim families.”

“One of the Ph.D students from an Arab country brought her husband and child,” they recounted. “Her husband seems very open to the gospel and even said if they were going to be in the area he would’ve loved to visit our church!’

“We are praying for him as Derick and others continue to befriend him that God will save his soul.”

But Derick isn’t the only one working on converting the Muslim masses — “Jill and the boys have been able to be part of a weekly Arab ladies English class, with Muslim ladies from several different countries.”

“Every week the ladies meet at a friend’s home where they learn to make an American dish, eat together, then read a Bible story and discuss the English language.”

Sounds super.

Their adventures aren’t over yet though — they also wrote that while shopping on Black Friday, they “saw a couple ladies wearing burkas, so Jill stopped to ask them where they were from and invited them to the Bible study.”

“They came that week, and one of the ladies brought some traditional tea and treats to share. When asked if they had ever read a story from the Bible, both ladies said they had not.”

“We are praying that they will return to more Bible studies.”

As always, Jill promoted the blog post on her Instagram, and judging by the comments, the post was not well received.

“Wonderful,” one person commented. “I’m sure you’ve welcomed your new Muslim friends to share the Quran with you.”

“That comment about the Muslim families seems like more of a ‘look we are accepting people please donate‘ comment than a comment about loving everyone and accepting people from different faiths,” another speculated.

“People don’t need to be saved,” a commenter explained, “they need their beliefs to be respected. Approaching people while they are living their daily lives to try to convert them is deeply wrong.”

“Respect is a two way thing, Jill, and asking someone who is wearing a burka about the Bible is not respect and showing understanding, it’s moral imperialism.”

Someone called it “disgusting” that they “can’t just do a nice thing for people,” they “have to use it as an opportunity to convert them,” and another person told them “No one needs to be ‘saved’ but you two.”

And those are all very, very valid points.

How about this: in 2018, why don’t we just promise to do a little better, OK, Dillards? Just a little bit?

It would be hard to do any worse, that’s for sure.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Derick Dillard Lashes Out at Fans: I QUIT Counting On & So Did My Wife!

The rapid unraveling of Derick Dillard continued yesterday, as Jill Duggar’s husband posted a series of irate tweets, in which he  explained that parting ways with TLC was his decision, not the network’s.

It was previously reported that Derick had been fired from Counting On due to his controversial comments toward transgender teen and fellow TLC reality star Jazz Jennings.

Now, Dillard says he was not fired, but in fact quit the show due to differences of opinion.

“Unbelievable what’s considered newsworthy these days, but then again this is how I heard I was ‘fired,’” Dillard wrote in response to a Fox News tweet about his firing.

“For the record, I was never fired. I just felt it was best for my family to cut ties months ago, as we are heading in a different direction.”

Derick went on to claim that he “never worked” for TLC, which seems to be his way of saying that he was never under contract with the network.

“Yes, I’m no longer doing [the show], but nowhere did they say that I was fired,” Derick wrote. “Big difference. You can’t be fired from somewhere you never worked.”

“That’s what’s so funny. I was fake fired from my fake job,” he added.

“PR must be their justification. See it is funny, you’re laughing too lol.”

Despite his claim that he left the network by choice and was never really employed there, Derick clearly feels some bitterness toward TLC.

It’s not the first time Dillard has claimed that he quit, but it is the first time that he revealed his wife, Jill, will no longer be appearing on Counting On.

When a fan asked Derick, “So you guys aren’t on the show anymore?” the 28-year-old former accountant quickly replied, “Correct.”

So it seems viewers may have seen the last of fan favorite Jill.

Naturally, the revelation that the Dillards will be stepping away from the spotlight has further fueled rumors that Derick was caught cheating on Jill, but it seems unlikely that we’ll ever receive any sort of confirmation on that.

The fact that she’ll no longer be appearing on television may help explain some recent changes in Jill’s appearance.

Jill’s been sporting a nose piercing, henna tattoos, and other non-Duggar-approved fashion statements.

Perhaps life away from the glare of the spotlight offers some advantages, after all.

Watch Counting On online for more from Jill and Derick’s controversial marriage.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Are They Headed For DIVORCE?!

For several months now, we’ve been hearing rumors that Derick Dillard is cheating on his wife, Jill Duggar.

Outlandish Duggar rumors are a constant on social media, but this one seemed more legit than most, thanks in part to the fact that at one point, Derick seemed to confess to cheating on Jill.

Apropos of nothing, Der tweeted a bunch of quotes about adultery, and in typical Duggar clan fashion, many of them subtly placed the blame on the wife who’d been cheated on.

This is in keeping with the family’s philosophy on marriage, as Michelle famously warns her daughters that it’s their duty to have sex with their husbands on command.

She also believes that if they’re unwilling to do so, they shouldn’t be surprised when the husband “gets it” elsewhere.

As a mother of two who’s also her family’s sole breadwinner (Derick was fired by TLC last month after tweeting a string of bizarrely transphobic remarks.), Jill might not always feel up to the task of serving as her husband’s personal sex slave.

So if Derick cheated, his infidelity was likely dismissed by his in-laws, and Jill was probably made to feel that she had no choice but to forgive him.

But that doesn’t mean she has to be happy about it…

Many fans feel that the cracks in Jill and Derick’s marital facade are beginning to show in obvious ways.

For one thing, Derick is once again associating with Josh Duggar, the man who molested Jill when she was just a young girl.

Recently, Derick has been requesting donations for further “ministry work” (read: to fund his unemployment), and Josh recently became a major donor.

Not only that, the two have been spotted dining out together, and have reportedly become very close in recent weeks.

As In Touch Weekly points out, users of the Duggar-focused Reddit community are convinced that’s a clear sign of trouble in paradise:

“Jill and Derick have seemed pretty ‘over’ each other since well before Sam’s birth, but Derick seems to really have really gone off the rails lately,” one redditor wrote.

“Between his general awfulness and tweeting a whole lot of Biblical quotes about adultery and recent willing association with Turd [Josh Duggar] (more on that in a moment), I could see him finding some sort [of] twisted justification.”

Many echoed the sentiment, and reading their comments, one’s left with the impression that there’s little doubt Jill and Derick’s marriage is in peril.

“I can’t help but feel awful for all of the married girls. Courtships are soooo short, I don’t feel like they get a chance to really get to know their husbands. And then they are stuck,” wrote one user.

“They’re still in the infatuation stage by the time they’re married and have no idea what their husband is like behind closed doors. I’m sure it works out for some but to me, it just sounds like a recipe for a terrible relationship,” commented another.

Of course, there are those who still believe Derick has been faithful … but they’re also of the opinion that his actions are covering up a deeper family secret:

“Here’s my crazy conspiracy theory that no one else is talking about: I think Josh cheated on Anna again, like, recently, and the family found out,” one redditor remarked.

“I think Derick posted those tweets to condemn his brother-in-law, and I think Josh gave him some money towards his latest grift to try and be like “see we’re family, we’re in each other’s corners, also please shut up.”

There could be something to that theory.

Of course, these are the Duggars we’re talking about, which means the whole situation is currently being swept under the carpet, and we’ll likely never receive any definitive answers.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Derick Dillard: I Wasn"t Fired from Counting On, I QUIT!

Derick Dillard sure does love being the worst, right?

He’s always been … well, he’s never been that great, but for the past few months, he’s really been trying to be just awful.

For some reason, back in August he decided to publicly attack Jazz Jennings, a teenage girl who also has a show on the TLC network.

He did this because Jazz is transgender, and he felt (and still feels, we’re sure) that he had the ability and the right to announce to the world that being transgender is not a real thing.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality,” he tweeted. “‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

Or maybe Jazz knows herself better than Derick knows her, could that be possible?

When he started getting some backlash for his dumb remark, he doubled down on his ignorance, writing “I want to be clear. I have nothing against him. I only have issues with the words and definitions being propagated here.”

Except Jazz isn’t a “him,” she’s a “her,” and if he really wanted to take issue with “words and definitions,” perhaps he shouldn’t have called a sweet girl he doesn’t even know “a non-reality.”

A few days after that, Derick seemed to reference the situation yet again, tweeting “It seems the truth is relative these days. So glad my God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! His word is always perfect! #Hebrews13.”


Since then, he’s been retweeting transphobic quotes, he’s been supporting a boycott of Target because of their policy of letting transgender people use the correct bathrooms.

And last month, he went after Jazz AGAIN, tweeting “I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions to be made by a child.”

“It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way. Again, nothing against him, just unfortunate what’s on tv these days.”

His obsession with Jazz is so bizarre, and given that she is a child, it’s extra inappropriate.

And considering the fact that she’s a child who also happens to technically be a co-worker of his?

It’s no wonder TLC kicked him to the curb.

Shortly after that last tirade against Jazz, TLC tweeted from their official account that “We want to let our viewers know that Derick Dillard has not participated in Counting On for months. The network has no plans to feature him in the future.”

“We want to reiterate that Derick’s personal statements do not reflect the views of the network. TLC is proud to share the story of Jazz Jennings and her family and will continue to do so.”

So that seems pretty clear, right? TLC obviously didn’t appreciate Derick’s words, and so the Dillards are gone from our televisions.

And not a moment too soon!

A few days after that, Derick addressed the issue, again on Twitter. He wrote “Thank you to all those who have supported us and given us so many words of encouragement recently. God bless you all!”

But this weekend, he’s been sharing bit of a different view.

For some reason, he decided to tweet a link to a story that was published last month — one about his firing.

“Unbelievable what’s considered newsworthy these days, but then again, this is how I first heard that I was ‘fired,"” he wrote.

“For the record, I was never fired. I just felt it best for my family to cut ties months ago, as we are heading in a different direction.”

Oh, OK. Sure.

Someone replied, mocking him for thinking that people would actually believe that he quit the show that surely paid him a nice salary for doing next to nothing.

“Think again,” Derick responded. “I only left my accounting job because I was offered a missions job with SOS. And yes, we were commissioned missionaries, endorsed by our church.”

“Please be careful where you get your information. There’s a lot of garbage out there, that has no fiber of truth.”

Is he trying to say that TLC didn’t pay him for appearing on Counting On? That he’s been living as a humble missionary all these years, just getting by with his church’s endorsement?

Not even a word of thanks towards all those poor fans who have donated money to him?

We’d ask this guy to get it together, but let’s be real, there’s really no hope left for that, is there?


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Derick Dillard ROASTED by Fans Over New Haircut, Awful Diet!

We’ve seen Derick Dillard with long hair and with short hair. While TLC has fired Derick for his transphobic tweets against Jazz Jennings, fans can still see his haircut mishaps on social media.

And his latest haircut, though neither his longest or his shortest, might be his worst ever. Fans are roasting him over it, left and right.

We don’t want to go so far as to say that the haircut is a divine punishment, but Derick Dillard’s disastrous ‘do might be a natural consequence of the awful things that he says.

At the risk of perpetuating stereotypes … if you’re super anti-LGBT+ and you’re also not the sort of person who associates with many women outside of your family, your hairstyling might suffer.

Maybe that’s not a priority for Derick Dillard?

But though there are absolutely heterosexual men who are hairstylists, in addition to plenty of straight male barbers (I’m not clear on how barbers are different from hair stylists and at this point in life I’m too afraid to ask) …

… We almost wonder if homophobia and some nervousness about women is behind the fact that Jill always cuts Derick’s hair.

Plenty of people cut their own hair or their partner’s hair, but they’re being frugal.

As we saw when Jill and Derick shared those tone-deaf date night photos, the Dillards are not shy about spending money that many believe may have come from their dubious fundraising.

So it may be that Derick is afraid that going into a salon and letting a woman who isn’t his wife (some vile temptress!) or perhaps even a gay man cut his hair would test either his marriage or his faith.

But, you know what?

We should also consider that Derick Dillard’s bigotry isn’t necessarily behind his weird haircuts.

Maybe he just likes letting Jill cut his hair, no matter how it makes him look.

Because, for all of Derick’s many, many flaws, he loves his wife and it’s something that they can do together.

Again, this is just our speculation, but that’s almost sweet.

Speaking of sweet, the “best” (worst) photo of Derick’s new hair comes with him eating cookie dough (the best way to eat cookies) in a snap that Jill shared to Instagram.

Jill wrote the caption:

“My sweet hubby @derickdillard #livingontheedge eating some raw #cookiedough #lol”

And here’s the photo:

His hair.

If you think that we’re overreacting to this 1970s-era horror-show and merely assuming that fans had the same response, think again.

Commenters wrote:

“I’m sorry, but everything about this photo is creepy.”

Many thought that he looked like a creepy uncle from decades past.

“I like this family but this guy looks like someone on the 70’s show.”

That’s a reference to That ’70s Show, and they’re not wrong.

(Note, the emover that was so very fashionable around 2007 is not the same — it had much more body and gave a more sculpted, sleeker look)

“Ahahaaaaaaaa! Cuz he is a SLOB!!!”

That last comment was less about Derick Dillard’s haircut, we think, and more about his recent eating habits.

Remember how Derick Dillard came back from his controversial mission trip, looking as gaunt as Jesus is sometimes depicted?

Fans were worried.

Now, he seems to be snacking on junk food exclusively. We all like junk food, but things like his corndog-and-twinkie “midnight snack” have fans feeling alarmed.

Catastrophic weight loss followed by binging on junk food can be worse than just binging on junk food alone. We’re not shaming Derick Dillard for his eating habits (heck, I don’t even shame Trump for his eating habits), just confirming that his concerned fans have some validity.

As you can imagine, the fan responses to the photo of Derick have now broken down to debates over Derick Dillard’s transphobic tweets against Jazz Jennings and the trans community.

Those calling out Derick for his bigoted stances are themselves being accused of “bullying” by Derick’s defenders.

While posting comments teasing Derick over his hair sounds like classic bullying — it is, ultimately, his choice, we don’t see how pointing out that Derick’s recent controversial statements are bigoted is bullying.

Because his statements about trans kids and about trans teen Jazz Jennings have been … well, inflammatory.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Derick Dillard Just Went After Transgender People Again

Now that he"s been fired from TLC, Derick Dillard has a lot of free time on his hands.

And the controversial reality star is using said free time to do what got him fired in the first place:

Heartlessly attack transgender individuals at every opportunity.

Yes, just as Dillard went after Jazz Jennings in a series of bigoted Tweets, the former Counting On cast member has once again set his sights on the LGBT community.

Scroll down to see the latest shot Derick fired; to read the reaction to his harsh insult; and to relive Dillard"s ugly history when it comes to this topic…

1. The Latest Incident Started with a Video:

The latest incident started with a video

Earlier this week, Dillard shared footage on his Facebook page of transgender singer Laura Jane Grace teaching kids about gender identity.

2. This is a Screen Shot of the Shared Footage:

This is a screen shot of the shared footage

You can see Dillard’s caption: “A friend shared this and called it out for what it is, child abuse! How unfortunate what children are subjected to in the name of progressive understanding.”

3. Facebook Followers Thankfully Clapped Back

Facebook followers thankfully clapped back

HARD. As you can see here, a couple even referenced Josh Duggar in citing what actual “child abuse” means.

4. More Backlash:

More backlash

These responses do make us wonder why these people were “Friends” with Derick to begin with. But at least they aren’t holding back.

5. Derick Does Have His Supporters, Of Course

Derick does have his supporters of course

Try telling a teenager struggling everyday about who he or she is that this is just a “disagreement” and everyone is entitled to an opinion. Sheesh, people.

6. There’s a History Here

Derick dillard and jazz jennings

In August of 2017, Dillard attacked Jazz Jennings, a 17-year old transgender individual who has a show on TLC.

View Slideshow

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Derick Dillard Breaks Silence on TLC Firing

Derick Dillard has something to say about his firing from TLC.

Last week, the now-former Counting On star learned that the cable network wanted no part of him, not after Dillard used multiple Tweets to slam Jazz Jennings.

Jennings is the 17-year anchor of I Am Jazz, a series that chronicles her life as a transgender teenager.

As a supposedly dedicated and devout Christian, Dillard doesn’t support such a lifestyle… and he’s been vocal about this stance on social media.

“I pity Jazz,” Dillard recently Tweeted on the topic, adding:

“4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child.”

This was not Derick’s first time going after Jennings, either.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality,” Dillard, unprompted by anything Jazz did or said, wrote in August.

‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.

In response to one of the faces of Counting On going after another face of its network, TLC released the following statement on November 12:

We want to let our viewers know that Derick Dillard has not participated in Counting On for months.

The network has no plans to feature him in the future.

We want to reiterate that Derick’s personal statements do not reflect the views of the network.

TLC is proud to share the story of Jazz Jennings and her family and will continue to do so.

So that was that.

Following weeks of chatter that TLC was done with Dillard, executives made it official.

And sides were subsequently taken on Twitter:

Now, several days later, Dillard has broken his silence over his official ousting.

“Thank you to all those who have supported us and given us so many words of encouragement recently. God bless you all!”

He also Tweeted a proverb yesterday:

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)”

Derick Dillard tweet

So it sounds like Dillard is refusing to let TLC’s decision, along with its public upbraiding, bring him down.

He’s quoting the bible and also another controversial reality show star to get him through this difficult time.

You remember what Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson once said, don’t you?

Derick apparently lives by these contradictory words; that you can find someone’s lifestyle to be sinful, yet somehow also claim you have nothing against the person living in this manner.

prob tweet

Members of Dillard’s own family don’t exactly agree, however.

“You might not agree with someone or their lifestyle but you SHOULD be compassionate and show God’s love regardless to everyone,” Amy Duggar Tweeted a couple days ago.

It was clear just what – or who, we should say – she was referencing with this message.

To her credit, it should be noted, Jennings hasn’t even said anything this combative in the wake of the Derick Dillard scandal.

“In the face of constant ignorance and hatred I prefer to disregard negative opinions and continue moving forward with love,” she wrote shortly after Derick’s latest insult.

Dillard could learn a lot about the person he thinks is an affront to God.
