Showing posts with label Desperate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Desperate. Show all posts

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Rob Kardashian: Desperate to Get Back with Blac Chyna?!

Just about a month ago, we heard the tragic, unexpected news that Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna had broken up.

Except it was actually totally expected, eagerly anticipated even, and it wasn’t so much tragic as it was a relief.

Even though they share an adorable little baby daughter, their relationship never seemed healthy. In the end, it’s probably for the best that they’re no longer together.

But apparently Rob disagrees.

According to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life, “It is incredibly difficult for Rob to not live with his baby Dream and Blac, he’s utterly heartbroken.”

“He loves them both more than anything and while he does spend time at Blac’s home, he lives primarily at his own home in Calabasas.”

It seems like distance really is making his heart grow fonder, because the source adds that “Rob is hoping Blac will come around to letting him back home full time because he truly misses being with her and his daughter.”

“Rob misses Blac’s cooking, her sense of humor and the amazing fun they had in the bedroom. Since things have been rocky between them the last several months, all that has been gone.”

Unfortunately, “Things are in limbo for Rob and Blac and that drives Rob crazy. The only thing that brings him peace and makes him calm is when he gets to hold his baby Dream.”

Poor Rob, right? But for better or for worse, it looks like Rob really is trying to pull himself together.

TMZ photographed him house-hunting — on Friday, he was checking out a mansion nearby Chyna’s home. He’s currently renting a house that Kylie Jenner owns, so buying this new place would be a big move for him.

He’s also been posting photos of his gym on Instagram, explaining that he’s been working out again with the Kardashian family trainer.

In a precious new photo of Dream, he wrote “This is my motivation.”

So is Rob trying to better himself so he can be the best father he can possibly be? Is he trying to get fit and get sweet mansions so that Blac Chyna may want to holler at him again?

It’s hard to say.

But it seems like Rob is making some great changes in his life. So let’s just be proud of the guy, OK?


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Rick Ross -- Slashes Price of Florida Mansion ... Hustlin" Getting Desperate

Rick Ross is trying hard to hawk his Florida home at a $ 125k discount — a massive loss for him. Da Boss bought the mansion in 2008 for $ 1.25 mil and spent $ 500k on upgrades. He listed the home for $ 1.5 mil in 2015 and someone made an offer but it…


Monday, August 29, 2016

Kim Kardashian at the VMAs: Delicious or Desperate?

Kim Kardashian let Kanye West do all the talking at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards.

As previously documented, the rapper unleashed a classic rant on stage Sunday night that even made a mention of Kim"s former sex tape partner.

Kardashian, meanwhile, simply donned a classic outfit.

By which we mean an outfit that was barely even there.

One side hung off her shoulder… there was very little covering up her boobs… her legs were hanging out for all to admire.

Really, Kim might as well have been naked.

Did she try too hard? Click through a number of Kim Kardashian photos from the event and weigh in below:

1. Kim Kardashian VMA Dress

Kim kardashian vma dress

Holy smokes! Even for Kim Kardashian, this is quite the racy and seductive outfit, wouldn’t you say?

2. Kim Kardashian: Here’s My Cleavage!

Kim kardashian heres my cleavage

Kim Kardashian is never exactly shy about showing off her cleavage. She did so again at the MTV Video Music Awards.

3. Racy Kimye

Racy kimye

It’s pretty clear why Kanye West looks sort of happy in this photo. Look at the outfit on his wife!

4. Kim and Kanye at the VMAs

Kim and kanye at the vmas

Kanye West has his arm around Kim Kardashian in this photo from the VMAs. She might as well be naked, really.

5. Death Stare from Kanye

Death stare from kanye

Avert your eyes, Kanye West is basically saying in this photo. He know his wife is scantily-clad alongside him.

6. Admiring Kim Kardashian

Admiring kim kardashian

HA! We love this photo. Kanye West is standing back and taking in the sight of his nearly-naked wife at the 2016 VMAs.

View Slideshow

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Lamar Odom: DESPERATE to Win Khloe Kardashian Back Before Divorce is Final!

Last week, at long last, Khloe Kardashian filed for divorce from Lamar Odom for a second time.

As you may recall, Khloe first submitted divorce papers in 2013, but canceled them after Lamar was hospitalized following an overdose at a Nevada brothel last year.

After standing by Lamar’s side all throughout his recovery (and rumors that they were rekindling their romance), Khloe finally decided to pull the trigger and re-file.

Lamar was supposedly aware she’d be making the move, but a new report claims he intends to win her back before the divorce is finalized.

“Lamar’s cool with Khloe filing,” a source told HollywoodLife.

“He knew she was going to be doing it, and he’s cool as a cucumber.”

“He’s not losing Khloe,” the source added. “He’s got six months to win her back, and that’s exactly what he’s planning to do to get that divorce off the table once and for all.”

And what might his grand scheme involve? Staying sober and behaving himself.

“He’s not going to do any grand gestures like buy her sh*t,” explained the source. “She’s got all the money in the world and can do that herself.”

“He’s really going to work on himself, attempt to stop drinking and clean up his act majorly so she can see him in a better light.”

When Lamar was released from the hospital, fans assumed he and Khloe were back together, as they were spotted hanging out on numerous occasions, including family gatherings.

But when Khloe found out Lamar was partying again, she came back to the reality that she’d never be able to “fix” him.

However, a recent report claims that the real reason Khloe pulled the plug is because she wanted to have kids, and didn’t think it was possible with Lamar given his issues with substance abuse.

But according to this source, Lamar is not deterred.

“They’ve got that up and down love, but at the end of the day, they’re always going to be together,” added the source. “That’s how Lamar feels about Khloe. In the end, she will be his wife.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Kardashian Family: Resorting to Desperate Cash Grab With Vegas Residency?!

The Kardashian family finances have long been a matter of public debate.

One would expect that the Kards are beyond loaded, and the number of eight-figure Calabasas mansions they own would seem to corroborate that fact.

However, there have been credible reports of the Kardashians struggling financially

Insiders have claimed that a combination of declining reality show ratings, cash-strapped boyfriends and baby daddies, and never-ending lawsuits has the Kard clan teetering on the brink of financial ruin.

Hard to believe they could’ve squandered that much money, but we can’t imagine any other reason that the family would be considering offers to star in the lamest-sounding Vegas stage show of all time.

“It would be like a live version of their reality show but also a talk show with special musical guests,” a source close to the family tells In Touch

“Kris thinks fans will gladly fork over $ 50 per ticket for a live experience with her famously dysfunctional family.” 

Yes, get ready Vegas! The Kardashians Live is coming to bore you to tears!

Who wouldn’t want to shell out 50 bucks to sit through the same scripted BS you can get at home, for free roughly 47 times per week on the E! network?

If you answered “everyone,” congrats – you’re officially smarter than Kris Jenner.

No, no, we kid Kris, but in actual fact, the woman’s a marketing genius.

Which is why if there’s any truth to the rumor that she’s actually entertaining offers for this guaranteed bomb, the family must be more desperate for cash than anyone thought. 

But clearly a Vegas residency isn’t the answer.

What this family needs is another sex tape. Your turn, Rob and Blac Chyna!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Kardashian Family: Broke & Desperate For Cash?!

It’s always astonishing when celebrities who earn millions a year somehow end up broke, but it’s not all that uncommon.

It’s especially shocking when stars who are as obsessed with finances and status as the Kardashians go broke, but one source claims the cash-strapped clan is teetering on the brink of financial ruin,

“The family needs a miracle to save them from hemorrhaging their dwindling cash,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

How is this possible for a family that never misses an opportunity to shill a new product or otherwise profit from their famous last name?

Well, the source says a number of factors have contributed to the Kard clans’ current woes, including declining Keeping Up With the Kardashians ratings, extravagant spending, lawsuits, and broke-ass boyfriends.

That last one may come as a surprise, as for the most part, the ladies gravitate toward men who are already successful, but with Kylie paying Tyga’s rent, Kourtney continuing to help Scott financially, and Kris Jenner reportedly keeping Corey Gamble around with an allowance, it seems the gals are learning the hard way that “successful” and “able to keep up with a Kardashian’s lifestyle” are two different things.

Add to that the fact that the family is on the hook for nearly $ 200 million in various pending lawsuits, and it’s not hard to see thwy they might be growing concerned.

The source says Kris and kompany thought Kanye was the solution to their money troubles, but West’s $ 53 milllion in debt have only made the situation worse.

“They all got pretty complacent about money when Kanye came on the scene, but turns out he’s worse with money than they are,” says the insider.

Unfortunately, it seems Kim has done little (read: nothing) to curb her outrageous spending.

“She “blows over $ 300k a month on shopping alone – and that’s just not sustainable,” says the source.

“Kris is tearing her hair out with worry — there’s way too much going out and not enough coming in,” the insider adds.

“This family is headed for real trouble if they don’t start turning things around fast.”

They really should start a Go Fund Me page.

We’re sure there’s lots of sympathy out there for a family of wildly privileged, self-described “socialites” who burned through their vast fortune with bad decisions.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Kim Richards: Desperate for Cash? Returning to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?

It’s not surprising that emotions ran high at last night’s taping of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion show.

What is a bit surprising, however, is the fact that not all of the drama surrounded Yolanda Foster and her many feuds, as the ladies were reportedly stunned when a familiar face made an unexpected appearance on set.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you know that Kim Richards only made a few appearances this season, so it’s somewhat surprising that she showed up for for the reunion special.

According to Radar Online, Kim didn’t have to think twice about making a cameo, as she’s broke and desperate to re-join the cast

“Kim was paid to do the reunion, so she agreed to do it,” says one insider. “She wanted to be paid to do Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live last week, but was told no.”

Yes, considering her many Richards many legal woes and recent stint in a high-end rehab facility, it’s not surprising that Richards is hard-up for cash.

Fortunately for her, in an ironic twist of fate, the same issues that drove her to rock bottom might help her win her old job back.

Her problems may be sad, but they make for compelling television, a fact that the show’s producers are well aware of. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Tori Spelling: Tiny Paychecks, Desperate Financial Measures Revealed!

Earlier this week, we reported that Tori Spelling is being sued by American Express for racking up $ 38,000 in debt and making no effort to pay it off.

Insiders say the suit may force Spelling to file for bankruptcy, as she and husband Dean McDermott haven’t had any steady income in months, and the AmEx bill is just the tip of their debt iceberg.

Now, it looks as though the situation may be worse than anyone realized, as the McDermotts are completely broke, and even when one of them does find work, it doesn’t nearly enough to help them chip away at the massive amount they owe.

According to Radar Online, Tori was recently cast in a remake of her 1996 made-for-TV movie Mother May I Sleep With Danger.

Unfortunately, her paycheck is a fraction of what she used to make at the height of her career:

“She is happy to just be getting a paycheck,” said a source. “It’s not huge money, but it’s better than nothing.

“For most families, a $ 10,000 paycheck for just a few weeks’ worth of work would be huge. But it’s not for Tori. She can easily drop $ 1,000 at one toy store or department store.”

The insider adds that McDermott is now forcing Tori to break her hoarding habit and sell off some of her pricier possessions:

“Dean is putting down his foot and telling Tori she must sell off all off their junk that has accumulated over the years,” says the source.

“There are more than three huge storage lockers piled to the top, and the rental fees are $ 1,000-$ 4,000 a month.”

Tori has spoken in the past about her reluctance to sell her things, but she may not have any other choice.

In the past, the couple has turned to her mother for help, but Candy Spelling has already said she won’t help with the AmEx suit.

It’s unclear exactly how destitute the McDermotts are, but according to the lawsuit, Tori bounced a $ 1,000 check back in June.

So yeah, it’s not good.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Kris Jenner: DESPERATE to Lose Weight, Sources Claim

Last week, Star magazine posted a deplorable cover story in which they claimed that Kris Jenner had gained 70 pounds in recent weeks.

The tabloid offered (probably fabricated) details about Kris’ habit of consuming four bottles of wine a day and “eating her feelings.”

“Whenever Kris is stressed or depressed, she turns to food and alcohol,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

The situation is almost certainly not as dire as the tabloids have made it seem, but Kris didn’t build an empire by lying back and allowing the media to bully her.

Interestingly, she’s not suing this time (at least not yet), but instead, the 60-year-old momager has been rocking bulky winter gear (like the fur seen above), and is planning to re-emerge in the summer months looking more slender than ever.

“She has already been given a nutrition and diet plan,” the insider says. “But she has not actually started at her workouts yet.”

As for reports that Corey Gamble dumped Kris due to her weight gain, the source says that’s bogus.

Apparently, Kris is on a mission to lose weight, but she’s doing for herself…and to show up some snarky tabloid editors, of course.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Anna Duggar: Trapped! Desperate! Begging For Divorce From Covenant Marriage!

Anna Duggar is feeling smothered and trapped by her covenant marriage and is reportedly begging for a divorce, a new report claims.

The mother-of-four allegedly regrets her covenant marriage – a really, really serious, borderline unbreakable marriage – to Josh Duggar.

She wants out ASAP … at least according to this report, which cites several family members encouraging Anna to break free at all costs.

Daniel Keller, Anna’s brother, harbors great deal of animosity towards Josh and spoke out about him to the new issue of Life & Style.

Keller reveals that he advised Anna to leave Josh and bring her four young children to Florida in the wake of his Ashley Madison scandal.

“I told [Anna] I would go get her and let [Anna] and [the] children stay with me. I won’t stop trying to get that pig out of our family,” he said.

It’s not just Anna’s family who has encouraged her to dissolve the covenant marriage, either. Cousin-in-law Amy Duggar is on board.

Amy does not mince words, nor does her husband, Dillon King, who adds: “If I was Anna, I’d be done. I wouldn’t think [twice] about it.”

Regardless of the family’s staunch religious beliefs – they are described as more conservative than the Duggars – there is precedent.

Rebekah Keller, Anna’s sister, recently went through a divorce, and some Keller family members hope Anna will follow Rebekah’s example.

Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar, of course, are not about to let that happen, pulling out all the stops to make sure she stays put.

Not only are they full-on bribing her with a new home, those who watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online saw what a huge part she played.

The whole TLC series is a family mea culpa – Josh is torn a new one, politely of course, while not appearing – and Anna is front and center.

She was allowed to air her grievances and now can welcome him back into the fold in the spirit of God. That ought to appease her, right?

What more would you expect from a family who basically said that Anna should be joyfully available for sex whenever her man desires.

Michelle didn’t call her out personally, but her “marriage advice” implies that men cheat because their wives don’t do enough. The end.

Regardless, is there any chance Anna actually leaves? When the whole point of the covenant marriage (or any marriage) is … not?

Adultery is one of the allowable excuses for a split in this stricter form of marital union, but it would be a long road ahead if she proceeded.

Anna would be forced to endure counseling and maintain a trial separation for two-and-a-half years (!) before a divorce would be granted.

She would also be cut off financially – that’s obvious, since Josh has no income for a judge to make him pay and it all runs through Jim Bob.

Yet her family would take her in without a second thought, from what it sounds like. What do you think? Should she finally leave Josh?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Taylor Swift Fan is Desperate Need of a Concert Date

Marius Larson needs your help, folks.

The 30-year old Norwegian man moved to Australia about two months ago for work purposes.

As a going-away present, his friends gifted Larson with two tickets to an upcoming Taylor Swift concert in Sydney. Pretty awesome, right?

"Their idea was that I would bring my new girl – or my new best friend – that I would meet in Australia," Larson explains in his three-minute YouTube plea, which has gone viral.

"The problem is, I still haven’t met them."

Oh no! The poor guy!

This would be a sad situation for anyone to be in (we all need friends, right?), but it"s made even more tragic by the possibility that he may need to attend the Swift concert without any squad members of his own.

Below, Larson films himself spending time with the only two pals he has in his new residence: A peacock and a kangaroo.

He goes on to tragically lament that "they’re just not the kind of friends you would bring to a Taylor Swift concert." 

Okay. Our heart is breaking here.

In the end, Larson is in desperate need of some Swifties Down Under. It’s on his “mind all the time,” the young man says. “Please help me!”

The concert is on November 28. So time is running out!

Knowing how Swift stays so tight with her fans, even responding personally to one whose mom was recently diagnosed with cancer, we"ve got to imagine something can be done here.

Need a new member of your squad, Taylor? We"re guessing Marius wouldn"t object to prancing down the stage during a rendition of "Style."

Taylor swift fan is desperate for a concert date

Monday, November 2, 2015

Jim Bob Duggar: Desperate to Stay in the Spotlight and "Reclaim the Family Name," Source Says

We’re just a few weeks away from the premiere of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, the 19 Kids and Counting spinoff series that both TLC and the Duggars are hoping will mark the start of a comeback for the embattled reality TV family.

Obviously, the whole Duggar clan is hoping to put Josh Duggar’s sex scandals behind them, but insiders say patriarch Jim Bob is especially eager to rebuild his empire, and he sees Counting On as the first, crucial step.

“Jim Bob is desperate to stay relevant and reclaim the Duggar name,” an insider tells Life & Style. “The family fortune has taken massive hit and he’s fighting back.”

Jim Bob is reportedly happy with the opportunity to prove that the Duggars are still a major draw, but some insiders say he’s upset that the new series will focus on Jill and Jessa, instead of featuring the entire family.

As such, Jim Bob is planning to cameo on the series along with wife Michelle, and sources say his end game is to eventually get a series featuring the whole Duggar brood back on the air.

“He absolutely want to be back on TV and was never thrilled about the show suddenly shifting focus,” says one insider.

It’s not surprising that Jim Bob would be so fixated on regaining his fame, as 19 Kids was his primary source of income, and finances have reportedly been a major source of drama for the family lately.

Insiders have claimed that Jessa Duggar is “furious” at Jim Bob for buying Josh and Anna Duggar a house in order to encourage them to stay married despite Josh’s philandering. 

Jessa is said to be expecting a house of her own, but apparently, that’s just not feasible in the family’s current economic situation.

Fortunately, Counting On offers Jessa the opportunity to do some earning of her own. Unfortunately, Jim Bob and company will be expecting her to share the wealth.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Kim Kardashian is Really Getting Desperate Now

Kim Kardashian is klearly a woman on a mission at this point.

With her and her sisters having all recently launched a new website and affiliated app, and with Kylie Jenner’s reigning supreme above all, Kim is needing to find new ways to lure in traffic.

Well, new old ways, really.

She’s just standing around in a black bra here.

Kardashian is using the racy image to draw people to her official website, The caption that accompanies this picture references a behind-the-scenes Givenchy fitting that fans can “unlock” on her site.

It will cost $ 2.99 to do so, of course.

According to a recent tabloid cover story, Kim is so angry over Kylie’s success that she may take her half-sibling to court.

She’s allegedly irate that Jenner is copying Kim’s look and Kim’s path to riches (i.e. posing often without a lot of clothing on) and she believes she’s entitled to royalties as a result of Jenner’s emulation.

Which is hilarious.

The best part of this sisterly feud, of course, will take place when Kardashian grows so upset and so desperate to regain her status as the most popular family member that she resorts to the inevitable.

We all know a second Kim Kardashian sex tape is on the way, don’t we?