Showing posts with label Governor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Governor. Show all posts

Monday, November 20, 2017

Candidate for Ohio Governor Defends Al Franken, Brags About Banging 50 Women

Bill O’Neill is an Ohio Supreme Court Justice. He’s also a candidate for Governor.

And, to hear him tell it, he has had sex with 50 “very attractive females” during his life. Which would be fine, if he hadn’t boasted about this on social media using information that might lead to some of those women being identified.

It’s a terrible political move. And yes, his campaign manager has quit. Wouldn’t you?

Bill O

Senator Al Franken apologized for groping and kissing a woman without her consent. But apologies don’t make things magically go away, and many are calling for him to resign.

Apparently, that didn’t sit right with Ohio gubernatorial candidate Bill O’Neill, as he posted this very cringe-worthy rant to Facebook.

“Now that the dogs of war are calling for the head of Senator Al Franken,” his post begins.

It’s already off to a rough start, because that does not describe the state of things.

(Some have called for his resignation, but a graceful retirement after a scandal is hardly the end of the world)

His post gets immediately worse:

“I believe it is time to speak up on behalf of all heterosexual males.”

Generally, people speak up on behalf of underdogs instead of on behalf of the demographic group that dominates every nation on Earth. But please, continue.

“As a candidate for Governor, let me save my opponents some research time.”

(Never a good idea; make them work for that dirt)

Bill O

“In the past 50 years, I was sexually intimate with approximately 50 very attractive females.”

One, that’s bragging and oversharing.

Two, don’t refer to women or girls as “females.” It tends to rub people the wrong way.

Anyway, his boastful post gets worse:

“It ranged from a gorgeous personal secretary to Senator Bob Taft (Senior) who was my first true love and we made passionate love in the hayloft of her parents barn in Gallipolis.”

That is way too much information.

Oh, O’Neill can tank his career by oversharing about his genital adventures all that he wants. But he should not have told so much about these women.

“… And ended with a drop dead gorgeous red head who was a senior adviser to Peter Lewis at Progressive Insurance in Cleveland.”

Then he talks about some pretty good policies:

“Now can we get back to discussing legalizing marijuana and opening the state hospital network to combat the opioid crisis.”

And then he promptly makes things worse again.

“I am sooooo disappointed by this national feeding frenzy about sexual indiscretions decades ago.”

So, in other words, he’s completely missed the point. Nobody’s talking about “indiscretions.” Sleep around all that you like.

The national conversation is about consent. it’s about sexual harassment and sexual assault. And Bill O’Neill should be ashamed of his post.

Bill O

At first, however, he defended making the post, saying that he opposes a “new standard” that, in his mind, means that:

“If you’re not absolutely pure you’re not eligible to run for office in America. That’s wrong.”

Apparently he failed to actually listen to the national conversation even once. Unless any of those 50 alleged hotties were underage or not consenting, then he didn’t have anything to worry about.

By the way, in the process of defending himself, Bill O’Neill also lamented that Roy Moore’s accusations of molestation are condemning him “without due process.”

That is literally not how due process works. Roy Moore can’t be imprisoned without evidence and a conviction. The presumption of innocence expands to the courtroom, not to hearts and minds. Or votes.

As we mentioned, Bill O’Neill’s campaign manager quit. Chris Clevenger announced his departure on Twitter:

“The comments made today by @BillForOhio were both disturbing and misguided. As a victim of sexual assault, I cannot in good faith remain a part of #TeamONeill.”

He followed that up with a tweet:

“Sexual harassment and assault is no laughing matter. The next Governor of Ohio must take it seriously to receive my vote.”

That’s a good policy to have.

Bill O

Finally, someone got through to Bill O’Neill, because he posted an apology on Sunday morning:

“There comes a time in everyone’s life when you have to admit you were wrong. It is Sunday morning and i am preparing to go to church and get right with God. But first I have to get right with my family, my friends, and the thousands of strangers who have been hurt by my insensitive remarks.”

Not to mention the two women whom he described a little too well.

“I am sorry. I have damaged the national debate on the very real subject of sexual harassment, abuse and unfortunately rape. It is not a laughing matter. It wasn’t when I prosecuted sexual misconduct for the State of Ohio, and it is not now.”

It’s good that he’s owning it fully.

“To my daughters, Katie Corrin O’Neill, Tiffany O’Neill Scullen, and my sisters Patricia O’Neill Sacha and Mary Kaye O’Neill, accomplished women all, please accept my public apology for dragging you into this matter.”

When a male politician screws up, everybody wants to know what the women in his family think.

“You deserved better treatment than this. I love you, respect you, and yes. I was wrong. Thank you for loving me enough to stand up to my departure from a loving life.

It’s still stunning that O’Neill was able to hear about all of these allegations of assault and harassment and see it as an opportunity to brag about his conquests. Gross.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Sharon Osbourne, I"m Down with Scooter Braun for California Governor

Sharon Osbourne is more than a fan of Scooter Braun … it seems she might vote for him if he makes a run for Governor of California. We got Sharon and Ozzy Wednesday night leaving Mr Chow in Bev Hills and asked her about our story … that some…


Justin Bieber Mum on Manager Running for Governor and Floyd Mayweather Feud

Justin Bieber has a couple of balls in the air … his manager is being courted into politics, and a longtime buddy is now an enemy. We got Justin leaving church Wednesday and he was mum about our story … that Scooter Braun is being lobbied by…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Scooter Braun, Democrats Push Him To Run for California Governor

Scooter Braun will be running for Governor of California … if some very powerful CA democrats have their way. We’ve learned a number of Democratic fundraisers and political operatives in the state have approached Braun, because they believe, as…


Monday, August 21, 2017

Dave Chappelle Honored by New York Governor for Being Inspirational

Dave Chappelle got a big honor bestowed on him over the weekend … by the New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Nika Milbrun, Cuomo’s Assistant Director of Constituencies for African-American and Women’s Affairs, did the honors in NYC, telling Chappelle…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Governor Terry McAuliffe to Trump, Knock Off "Fire and Fury" Talk

Gov. Terry McAuliffe has a clear message for Donald Trump for the sake of world salvation — “Knock it off.” We got the Virginia democrat at an event Wednesday in Pentagon City, and he’s alarmed to say the least at the President’s “fire and fury”…


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Ric Flair Says He Almost Ran for NC Governor, Here"s Why He Didn"t (VIDEO)

Governor Nature Boy? According to Mr. Stylin’ and Profilin’ himself it almost happened, and now Ric Flair is telling TMZ Sports what he saw that made him change his mind about getting into politics … FOREVER.


Ric Flair Says He Almost Ran for NC Governor, Here"s Why He Didn"t (VIDEO)

Governor Nature Boy? According to Mr. Stylin’ and Profilin’ himself it almost happened, and now Ric Flair is telling TMZ Sports what he saw that made him change his mind about getting into politics … FOREVER.


Monday, May 1, 2017

Fabio Blames California Governor For Home Burglary (VIDEO)

Fabio says the criminals who burglarized his home were lucky his Rottweilers weren’t out, but ultimately it’s the governor and state of California’s fault it happened at all. The romance novel legend vented to us about the recent increase in L.A.…


Monday, April 24, 2017

Kyrie Irving Clowned By Ohio Governor John Kasich Over Flat Earth Comments (VIDEO)

You’d think Kyrie Irving would get a pardon in Ohio over his whole “The Earth is flat” comments — but, nah … that ain’t happening. The latest person to roast the Cleveland Cavs star over his insanely misguided comments is Ohio governor John…


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Death Row Dog Pardoned by Maine"s Governor

Maine apparently loves dogs as much as lobsters because the state’s governor issued a pardon for a dog that was sentenced to death. The dog — a Husky named Dakota — will live after Gov. Paul LePage reportedly issued a full pardon to the pooch that…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton Collapses While Delivering State of State Speech (VIDEO)

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton collapsed while giving his State of the State address Monday night … and the scary moment was captured on video. Dayton was delivering the speech at the University of Minnesota — he was about 40 minutes in — when…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Donald Trump"s Bathroom Plan is Scary Says California Lt. Governor (VIDEO)

Donald Trump and the Republicans aren’t really that concerned about transgender people and which bathrooms people use, but it’s just an example of a much bigger agenda … so says California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom. There are rumors swirling…


Donald Trump"s Bathroom Plan is Scary Says California Lt. Governor (VIDEO)

Donald Trump and the Republicans aren’t really that concerned about transgender people and which bathrooms people use, but it’s just an example of a much bigger agenda … so says California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom. There are rumors swirling…


Friday, August 26, 2016

Maine Governor Denies Being Racist ... in Profane Homophobic Voicemail

Maine Gov. Paul LePage left a profane voicemail for a state lawmaker asking him to "prove that I"m a racist" after accusations to that effect.

LePage, a Republican, left the voicemail for Democratic State Rep. Drew Gattine on Thursday, according to the Portland Press Herald.

The uncensored audio (below) contains several explicit phrases.

A bombastic politician and one who does not mince words, the 67-year-old is a frequent target of criticism and magnet for controversy.

Earlier this week, LePage doubled down on comments he has made in the past about the racial background of drug dealers in Maine.

He infamously said that "90-plus percent … are black and Hispanic people" in remarks that went viral and caused a media firestorm. 

Subsequently, Gattine was identified by local media as having called LePage racist, though for his part, Gattine denies having doing so.

In any case, LePage let him have it on his voiemail …

"Mr. Gattine, this is Gov. Paul Richard LePage," he says. "I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you (expletive)."

"I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I"m a racist. I"ve spent my life helping black people and you little (expletive), socialist (expletive)."

"You … I need you to … just friggin" … I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you. Thank you."

Be careful what you wish for?

LePage apologized for the voicemail Friday, but said being labeled a racist is "the absolute worst, most vile thing you can call a person."

"I didn"t know Drew Gattine from a hole in the wall until yesterday," LePage said, and the accusation "made me enormously angry."

"When a TV reporter asked me for my reaction about Gattine calling me a racist … I called Gattine and used the worst word I could think of."

"I apologize for that to the people of Maine, but I make no apology for trying to end the drug epidemic that is ravaging our state."

On Thursday, the governor reportedly took credit for leaving the voicemail, and said he would like to challenge Gattine to a duel.

"When a snot-nosed little guy from Westbrook calls me a racist, now I"d like him to come up here because, tell you right now, I wish it were 1825."

"And we would have a duel, that"s how angry I am, and I would not put my gun in the air, I guarantee you, I would not be (Alexander) Hamilton."

"I would point it right between his eyes."

"[Gattine] is a snot-nosed little runt and he has not done a damn thing since he"s been in this Legislature to help move the state forward."

Friday, LePage walked back the idea of shooting his political rival, saying that "Obviously, it is illegal today; it was simply a metaphor."

"I meant no physical harm to Gattine."

Maine Democratic Party Chairman Phil Bartlett called LePage"s remarks a "threat" and said he is "clearly unfit to lead our state."

Interestingly, LePage is an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, who was slammed after suggesting someone assassinate Hillary Clinton.

Here"s the voicemail in question:

Paul lepage voicemail to maine lawmaker prove im racist you soci

Friday, April 1, 2016

Donald Trump Chooses Sarah Palin as Running Mate: Former Governor Says "You Betcha" to YUGE Opportunity

Possibly as a response to his highly-publicized struggle to attract female voters, Donald Trump shocked the political world today when he announced that he has selected former Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in his bid for the White House.

Palin joined Trump for a press conference at the skyscraper that bears his name in Midtown Manhattan this morning, where she formally (and enthusiastically) accepted his invitation to be a part of the second presidential ticket of her career.

“When Donald called me up last night, I said, ‘Mr. Trump, after eight years of ramifications of the transformation of the betrayal of our country, America needs a president who can unite the brawlers, the ballers and the shot-callers,” Palin told a crowd of reporters.

“And number B, we need a vice-president who can stand up to our enemies, whether it’s Vladimir Putin, Lena Dunham, or the puppy-monkey-baby from that Super Bowl commercial. Boy, that thing gives me the willies, you betcha.”

Though he frequently appeared troubled by regret or severe indigestion during Palin’s rambling 37-minute speech, Trump took the podium once more when she was through, seemingly to address widespread social media criticism that he had just torpedoed his campaign.

“Ya know, folks, I checked my phone a lot during while she was talking, and I gotta say, there are some real losers on Twitter,” Trump said.

“But there also some people who are excited to have a beautiful, classy, sexy vice-president in the guest bedroom of the White House, or wherever the vice-president lives.

“If I didn’t already have a beautiful wife and two hot daughters that I’m aware of, I would be all over this fine piece of running mate.”

Political analysts say that despite everyone they know being disgusted by Trump’s remarks, the real estate mogul somehow accumulated an additional 236 delegates during his time on stage.

They added: APRIL FOOLS’!!!!

Donald Trump Chooses Sarah Palin as Running Mate: Former Governor Says "You Betcha" to YUGE Opportunity

Possibly as a response to his highly-publicized struggle to attract female voters, Donald Trump shocked the political world today when he announced that he has selected former Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in his bid for the White House.

Palin joined Trump for a press conference at the skyscraper that bears his name in Midtown Manhattan this morning, where she formally (and enthusiastically) accepted his invitation to be a part of the second presidential ticket of her career.

“When Donald called me up last night, I said, ‘Mr. Trump, after eight years of ramifications of the transformation of the betrayal of our country, America needs a president who can unite the brawlers, the ballers and the shot-callers,” Palin told a crowd of reporters.

“And number B, we need a vice-president who can stand up to our enemies, whether it’s Vladimir Putin, Lena Dunham, or the puppy-monkey-baby from that Super Bowl commercial. Boy, that thing gives me the willies, you betcha.”

Though he frequently appeared troubled by regret or severe indigestion during Palin’s rambling 37-minute speech, Trump took the podium once more when she was through, seemingly to address widespread social media criticism that he had just torpedoed his campaign.

“Ya know, folks, I checked my phone a lot during while she was talking, and I gotta say, there are some real losers on Twitter,” Trump said.

“But there also some people who are excited to have a beautiful, classy, sexy vice-president in the guest bedroom of the White House, or wherever the vice-president lives.

“If I didn’t already have a beautiful wife and two hot daughters that I’m aware of, I would be all over this fine piece of running mate.”

Political analysts say that despite everyone they know being disgusted by Trump’s remarks, the real estate mogul somehow accumulated an additional 236 delegates during his time on stage.

They added: APRIL FOOLS’!!!!