Showing posts with label Hemsworth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hemsworth. Show all posts

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Liam Hemsworth Steps Out In Malibu Wearing What Looks Like Wedding Ring

Liam Hemsworth sure looks like he’s wearing a wedding ring. Liam was tooling around Malibu Friday wearing a gold band that screams “married,” but they’ve both done this before.   They got engaged — the second time around — in 2016 and…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Chris Hemsworth Teaches 3-Year-Old Sons to Surf

Chris Hemsworth’s mini-me caught a clean wave Down Under worthy of a standing O. Thor and his wife, Elsa Pataky, took their 3-year-old twin sons, Sasha and Tristan, to Byron Bay in Australia for surfing lessons. Sasha wasted no time…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth: Actually MARRIED?!

It can be tough to tell exactly what’s going in the relationship between Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth.

It’s been almost two years since Miley and Liam got back together after putting their relationship on hold for several months, and the couple’s been making up for lost time ever since.

From the time they first went public with their reconciliation, rumors of Miley and Liam getting engaged were everywhere on social media.

Of course, unlike most celebrity couples, Miley and Liam didn’t shy away from reports that they were planning to tie the knot.

In fact, at one point, Miley seemed to confirm the engagement … before dialing her statement back and stating that she doesn’t “envision” marriage in her future.

Well, if a new report from Radar Online is to be believed, it seems Miley’s vision of the future has changed considerably.

The outlet is reporting today that Miley and Liam got married on New Year’s Eve in his native Australia.

Sources claim the couple flew to the Byron Bay area, where they were joined by members of his family, who witnessed the exchange of vows.

One insider says Miley and Liam weren’t planning to get hitched when they flew to New South Wales, but made a spontaneous decision to tie the knot after being blown away by the beauty of the region.

“It felt right they are husband and wife after tying the knot in secret in Byron Bay,” say the source.

In the weeks since the ceremony, both Liam and Miley have kept relatively low profiles, but witnesses say they’re both sporting wedding bands.

We suppose there’s no reason not to believe this report.

After all, Miley and Liam have been together on and off since 2009, and they’ve openly discussed the possibility of marriage on several occasions.

Still, we can’t help but wonder why they would choose to keep this development under wraps.

Miley isn’t exactly the shy, retiring type, after all.

One would think she’d be eager to share big news like this with her legion of fans.

Then again, this isn’t the tongue-wagging, weed smoking Miley of yore that we’re dealing with.

Sources say Liam has made it clear that he prefers to keep his private life private, and Miley has reportedly agreed to respect those wishes.

Of course, if dude doesn’t like the spotlight, he shouldn’t have married Miley Cyrus … which he probably didn’t … unless he did …

Sigh … we’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Married? Like, Right Now?!?

Wait… there went the bride?!?

Yes, according to a new report about Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth.

NW Magazine, a publication that stems from the actor’s home nation of Australia, alleges that Miley and Liam actually exchanged vows six months ago.

“It was a very intimate ceremony at their house in Malibu,” an insider tells the publication, staring that vows were exchanged in late April and adding:

“I’m told only a handful of people were there and they’re still the only ones who know.”

Well… not anymore!

Miley and Liam don’t plan on going public with their status as Husband and Wife any time soon, so this report may go unverified for awhile.

The singer and actor actually vacationed recently at Tybee Island in Georgia, which is where they filmed The Last Song way back in 2009.

It was on this movie set that Hemsworth and Cyrus fell in love.

The two got engaged after several months of dating, only to break up in 2013.

They remained broken up for over a year, yet sources slowly started leaking after awhile that the pair had found their way back to each other.

In January of 2016, meanwhile, Miley suddenly started wearing an engagement ring in public.

Neither she nor Hemsworth confirmed that any question had been popped, however.

Not that this has prevented several celebrity gossip outlets from claiming the couple had quietly gone off and gotten married.

This is really just the latest example of a tabloid announcing on its own that a wedding has taken place. 

It is true, however, that Cyrus and Hemsworth are now fully out on the open.

For awhile there, the stars barely walked any red carpets together and refrained from even sharing Instagram pictures of each other.

But that changed many months ago.

Now, Miley and Liam frequently act all goofy on social media and even discuss their sex lives with talk show hosts!

“It’s good for people to have that space to grow individually. Otherwise, when you’re with someone from 16 until 24, you grow into the same person,” Cyrus has said in the past of she, Liam and their hiatus.

Now, “it feels like nothing changed except we grew up a lot,” she added back then.

And, hey, one more thing may have also changed, if this report is accurate:

Each star’s marital status!


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Liam Hemsworth Tells Australia to Vote YES on Marriage Equality!

Liam Hemsworth is more than just really ridiculously good-looking. He’s more than just an actor. He’s also a good person.

And people are hoping that, just as he’s seemed to be a moderating influence on Miley, maybe Liam’s goodness can rub off on others. Particularly, on all of Australia.

Australia is voting on marriage equality, and Liam Hemsworth is speaking out in favor of LGBT rights.

The global fight for LGBT rights didn’t end when marriage equality became the law of the land in the US.

(In fact, it didn’t even end in the US — in plenty of states, you can still be fired for being gay. And then there are trans rights, and LGBT homeless youth, and … there’s a lot, folks. Inequality runs deep)

Australia, Earth’s Florida, still doesn’t have marriage equality in place … even though the US, Canada, and the UK do. That sets them up to be the last major English-speaking nation where same-sex couples can have a legally recognized marriage.

But they’re holding a vote on it. Before their legislature votes, they’re going to hear from Australians themselves, in a move called a plebiscite.

Just over a week ago, voters in Australia received envelopes with which to cast their votes, and they have until the seventh of November to return their ballots.

(Note that all adults in Australia are automatically registered to vote and that, normally, voting in elections is mandatory — while here in the US, as many as half of the country regularly declines to vote for reasons that I honestly cannot fathom)

While the “yes” voters appear to have the majority in polls, there are worries that people who are opposed to marriage equality might simply be shy about their bigotry.

Others fear that those who support marriage equality will assume that it’s a done deal and will decline to actually send in their “yes” votes.

Every celebrity voice, like that of internationally renown actor and Australian native Liam Hemsworth, that speaks up for the “yes” voters can make a difference.

Liam took to Instagram to share his support for the “yes” vote and his support for marriage equality in Australia.

The way that he starts his letter may surprise you, however.

“I personally do not believe that same sex marriage should come down to a vote.”

That almost sounds like he’s unhappy that this is on the table — but we’ll get to that in a moment.

“I believe it’s a HUMAN RIGHT to be able to marry the person you love regardless of gender.”

Yes, good.

“To all the Australians that care about equality and human rights please say YES to same sex marriage.”

Good to implore people to vote. And, when the vote is “yes” or “no,” you want to repeat the right answer as much as possible. Which he does.

“Let’s not be silly about this. Vote YES for same sex marriage in Australia.”

The reason that Liam Hemsworth is among those who doesn’t believe that marriage equality should be up for a vote is because it’s a human right.

When human rights are put up for a vote, it gives the majority an opportunity to deny basic rights to the minority.

(That is one of the reasons that the US Constitution has a Bill of Rights)

He doesn’t spell that out, but it’s a commonly held belief that’s been repeated in various countries whenever this has come up — that putting human rights up for a vote is in and of itself a human rights violation, even people vote justly.

We should remember that this vote is in some ways personal for Liam.

His finacee, Miley Cyrus, is pansexual. That makes her part of the LGBT community.

Same-sex marriage might be moot for her if the two of them ever decide to finally, finally get married.

But her human rights being recognized just like everyone else’s by his home country’s government … that has to be a priority.

Hopefully, Australia won’t be the site of another Brexit — or another Trump.

Perhaps both of those incidents will show the Australian people the dangers of apathy and not voting.

Marriage equality is inevitable, sure, but if the Australian government takes years or decades longer to officially recognize same-sex marriages, millions and millions of Australians will be negatively impacted during that time.

Australians have more than a month remaining to vote “yes,” so we hope that they listen to voices like Liam’s.


Friday, September 8, 2017

Miley Cyrus: Liam Hemsworth Doesn"t Last Long in Bed!

Miley Cyrus has gone from rarely talking about her relationship with Liam Hemsworth…

… to talking VERY openly about the most personal aspect of it.

The singer appeared as a guest opposite Ellen DeGeneres this week, sitting down with the comedian to answer a few questions from a vintage issue of Cosmopolitan.

How would Miley describe her sex life with her famous Australian fiance?

Given three options from which to choose, Cyrus went with the following: A commuter trip on a Concorde jet.

"That means it"s fast," Ellen said, just to be certain.

"Yeah. I"m good," Cyrus replied.

She went on to joke that she only has time for quickies because she has places to be and albums to make.

But would Hemsworth really find this line of honest commentary funny?

Not many men out there would want their significant others to tell the world that they couldn"t maintain an erection for very long.

We"re just saying.

Miley and Liam, of course, have been together basically forever.

They met way back in the day on the set of The Last Song, dated for awhile, got engaged, broke up and then got back together.

They don"t often talk about the other in public, but there"s been recent chatter that the stars are secretly married.

If this is really the case, though, Cyrus wouldn"t be saying their sex life was short.

She"d be saying it"s non-existent!

(That"s a married-people-never-really-have-sex-at-all joke.)

Anyway. Click PLAY on the video below to watch Miley delve deeply into some NSFW topics with Ellen:

Miley cyrus liam hemsworth doesnt last long in bed

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Chris Hemsworth Skateboards with Twin Sons

Chris Hemsworth can do pretty much anything, and it kinda pisses us off. The perfect looking, perfect father took his twin sons, Tristan and Sasha, to a skate park Friday, and dad showed ‘em how it’s done in Byron Bay, Australia. BTW, “Thor:…


Friday, August 11, 2017

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Secretly Married?!

Isn’t it so weird how Miley Cyrus has actually been managing to lay low recently?

Gone are the days of constant topless selfies and weed references on Instagram, it seems.

Not too long ago, Miley was twerking her little heart out, singing songs about partying and wrecking balls and more partying, but now it really looks like she’s moved beyond all that.

And not a moment too soon, really.

These days, it sounds like she’s moving back to her country roots — both in terms of her music and her modesty.

And, of course, she’s also back with her longtime love, Liam Hemsworth.

At the risk of sounding a little bit ridiculous, their love story really is a little bit magical, isn’t it?

They met all the way back in 2009, when they filmed The Last Song together, and though they did have a few little breakups along the way, they were together until 2013.

That’s when they broke off their engagement and went their separate ways for a little bit: Liam focused on his acting career, Miley focused on all that twerking we talked about earlier.

But then, sometime in 2016, they rekindled their romance. They got re-engaged, and this time around, they both seem a lot more settled in their relationship.

So settled that they went and got married without telling anyone?!

As hurtful as it may be to think about, it is possible — and that’s because both Miley and Liam have been spotted recently with similar bands on their fingers.

You know which fingers we’re talking about.

Over the weekend, Liam was photographed with Miley’s mother, Tish Cyrus, wearing a simple band on the ring finger of his left hand.

Then yesterday, Miley was spotted with a similar band while out and about filming for The Voice.

And there aren’t many reasons why an engaged couple would wear matching rings on their left hands …

But as much fun as it would be if these two had gone and gotten hitched on the sly, it seems like that’s not what’s going on here.

TMZ, the site that originally posted the photos of the rings, reports that a source close to Miley says “100% no,” they are not married.

Another source elaborated a bit more to Hollywood Life.

According to that source, “everyone will know” when the wedding actually goes down.

“Liam sometimes wears a ring that Miley bought him as kind of a promise ring, but it’s definitely not official yet,” the insider continued.

“They haven’t even seriously started planning anything yet. Neither of them is in a particular hurry, as they’re both focused on their careers right now.”

Besides, “they’re still pretty young, so they figure they have plenty of time.”

We wish them all the best, of course, but considering their track record, this seems like a good course of action.

Another breakup would be pretty tragic at this point — we don’t think we could handle a divorce.

We’re rooting for you, Miley and Liam. We are all rooting for you.


Monday, July 31, 2017

Liam Hemsworth and Rebel Wilson Swap Spit on "Isn"t it Romantic" Set

Liam Hemsworth and Rebel Wilson’s makeout sesh got sloppy … even in a tux and gown. Liam and Rebel were on the set of “Isn’t it Romantic” in NYC … making out for a scene under drenching rain and a green screen as their backdrop. It’s unclear…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Wedding CANCELLED?!

Miliam sounds like some kind of mushroom, but Miley and Liam are a couple — and couples get nicknames.

This couple’s been engaged off and on for what feels like centuries, and there were even rumors that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth would get married on July 4th in a private ceremony.

Well, the Fourth of July and its fireworks have come and gone (unless you have alcoholic neighbors, in which case the fireworks may never end), and Miley and Liam remain engaged. We’re hearing that the wedding was called off — but at least there’s an explanation.

According to Life & Style, Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus canceled their wedding — for now.

“Bottom line, Liam got cold feet,” says the source.

Apparently he felt like the stressful process of planning the wedding “seemed to be taking over their life.”

That happens so easily.

Wedding-planning is notoriously difficult.

And stressful to an absurd degree.

So, though they say that Liam was the one who put his foot down, the two of them agreed to put things off.

“Miley was really having fun imagining her wedding.”

That’s no surprise — lots of people grow up imagining their weddings.

Because of how people are socialized by gender from a young age, a lot of those people are girls.

But when a wedding actually looks like it might be on the horizon, daydreaming becomes planning.

That’s not always as fun.

“But she knows it’s important to put a hold on everything.”

It’s good that Miley has, according to this source, the right priorities.

Your wedding shouldn’t be more important than your prospective spouse.

“She loves Liam and wants it to last forever when they take that step. But it can’t be now.”

That’s super cute.

What went wrong?

We all know that Miley Cyrus quit weed because she dreamed that she would die.

Honestly that was the most extra explanation for a minor lifestyle change that we’ve ever seen.

But we don’t imagine that Miley was planning something so terrible that Liam had to postpone the wedding.

(Though, if we were talking about this in 2015, maybe we’d have different suspicions)

But maybe the source is speculating.

In fact, maybe they misunderstood what they perceived to be a wedding date.

Recently, Miley’s mom said that Miley wasn’t planning to marry any time soon.

According to Trish Cyrus, Miley doesn’t see why people keep pushing her to marry, since things are so perfect with Liam right now.

Miley has a great point.

If everything’s exactly how she wants it, why mess with perfection, you know?

But mom’s don’t always know everything going on in their children’s relationships.

Especially when we’re talking about their adult children.

Maybe they were planning a surprise wedding that was super secret, and Liam froze up and didn’t want to follow through.

And yeah, maybe he was having flashbacks of Miley’s obsession with twerking and other antics.

(But we doubt it — he clearly loves her for exactly who she is)

But maybe the wedding was just that challenging, you know?

Sometimes the brides or grooms or bride and groom or whatever gender combo is going on need a wedding planner precisely because there are so many decisions.

And while you’d think “gee, wouldn’t it be just as hard for the wedding planner?” … this is one of those cases where Miley and Liam might be too close, emotionally, to their own wedding to make what should be easy choices.

Honestly, I don’t know the first thing about wedding planning, but I’d probably have an easier time planning their nuptuals because I wouldn’t be agonizing over every choice. Because none of it would be personal — you see what I’m saying?

Miley and Liam each have their own families who are going to have different wants and needs, and then all sorts of friends, and there are endless directions to go with a wedding.

They are from opposite sides of the globe, so there’s a lot to consider beyond what dress looks best.

The world might know what Miley looks like naked, but there’s no shortage of things that we can’t know about Miley and Liam’s relationship.

But it sounds like they’ll get married when they get married, if at all.

And you know what?

If they’re happy the way that things are, there’s no reason why they should change that.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Getting Married When?

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have been on again and off again for eight entire years, and whenever they’re on again, everyone wonders when they’ll set the date or if they’ve already been secretly married.

It seems that the only way to shut down those stories is to actually get married … and reports say that they’re planning to do just that.

According to sources, Miley and Liam are planning to elope, and on the Fourth of July, no less.

We’re not really sure why they’d pick that date — Liam is Australian, no American.

Holidays are a nightmare for travelers, but maybe that won’t impact the rich and famous.

And since they’re said to be planning a small, intimate gathering of close family and friends, maybe that won’t be a problem for their guests, either.

Even without that date’s usual traffic woes, you’d think that they’d pick some time that isn’t already a holiday.

Unless … is that their plan? To hold their secret wedding ceremony and just hope that everybody’s too busy eating a dozen couple of hotdogs and guzzling alcohol to notice.

Holy crap … that might actually work.

Allegedly, their wedding is going to take place in Vegas — Miley always wanted to follow in Britney’s footsteps, huh? — and they’ll honeymoon in Byron Bay.

So they’ll have a foot in each of their home countries.

One might even say that they’ll have the … best of both worlds.

Settling down as a couple will be a huge transition for these two.

Miley’s taken a lot of criticism in recent years, and not all of it is undeserved.

First, she dove headfirst into black culture and appropriated it left and right.

Miley kept talking about twerking until it seemed like she’d invented it or at least made it mainstream.

She refused to keep her freaking tongue in her mouth on stage and it was uncomfortable for everyone.

Then there was the ridiculous spectacle of Miley’s marijuana use, which was obnoxious.

If you want to do that, just do it, don’t post about it constantly or you look boring.

Through everything, she didn’t seem to understand how privileged she was.

She could put her hair in cornrows without getting fired for looking “unprofessional.”

She could get high without becoming part of the mass incarceration problem.

She could act up without people using it to condemn her entire race.

And now that living that way no longer suits here, she’s dropped that entire side of her.

Remember when Miley blasted sexual lyrics in rap even though she’d been basically doing the same for months and months?

Many on social media accused her of having used and discarded black culture.

But people hope that Liam will be a good influence on her.

And perhaps, as Miley continues to mature, she’ll understand why she drew so much criticism.

Miley and Liam’s relationship is a beautiful thing.

A long-ass beautiful thing, considering that they started dating in 2009.

They were both already fairly famous, though Miley’s star was perhaps the brightest that it’s ever been at the time.

She was already a household name but she was just leaving her days of Disney stardom behind.

2009 was the year that “Party in the USA” was the definitive song of the summer — impressive, since that was also the year that Lady Gaga rocketed to the top of the charts.

Liam was still new on the scene, somewhat. His brother, Chris Hemsworth, hadn’t even starred in Thor yet.

The two of them met while starring in The Last Song, which is great because otherwise, nobody would remember that movie.

We don’t know exactly what drew them to each other, but … they were both super hot.

Sometimes that’s enough to get things started.

If the engaged couple is really planning to elope secretly, we shouldn’t expect them to confirm it.

That would kind of defeat the purpose.

If we were in there shoes, we might even leak a false story so that people wouldn’t look too closely at our actual secret wedding plans.

But something about this report sounds realer than some of the others.

If nothing else, a July 4th wedding would make for the best excuse ever to blast “Party in the USA.”


Friday, March 10, 2017

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Did They Just Get Married?

Shhh… listen closely.

Do you hear them ringing? Wedding bells between Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth?

Might these two have gone ahead and quietly tied the knot?

Billy Ray Cyrus has gotten the rumor mill churning along these lines after sharing a curious photo on his Twitter account.

The photo features his daughter dressed in white, eyes closed, giant smile plastered across her lips.

It was posted by Billy Ray on Thursday night and it included the simple caption:

“I’m so happy…you are happy @MileyCyrus.”

Why are so many people now under the impression that Miley and Liam exchanged vows in some kind of secret ceremony?

FIRST, Cyrus is decked out in a white dress, which is the typical ensemble of almost any bride.

SECOND, Billy Ray is saying he’s “happy” for his child, the sort of thing a father would tell his daughter shortly after she married the man of her dreams.

THIRD, getting married on the Down Low is very much something Miley and Liam would do. They have always kept their romance pretty far away from the spotlight.

FOURTH, while Cyrus and Hemsworth really have been mum about their relationship for the most part, they’ve opened up a bit more of late.

Over the holidays, for example, Miley and Liam rocked some ugly Christmas sweaters for the social media world to see. It was downright adorable:

Then, in January, Cyrus gushed over Hemsworth is a revealing Instagram post, writing the following in honor of his birthday:

“Happiest birthday EVER to my favorite being EVER EVER EVER!”

She even added:

“You have been my best friend since the day we met….. I am beyond lucky to share sooooo animals with you!!! I love you @liamhemsworth.”

Yes, she loves him. And we all know that first comes love and then comes – you guessed it! – marriage.

“Did she get married….” one Internet user asked upon seeing Billyl Ray’s picture above, while another wrote;

“I saw this and automatic thought wedding.”

Another fan pushed the singer for some clarity, writing: “Did Miley get married?! I NEED ANSWERS.”

Hey, so do we. So… do… we.

Another reason to believe that Cyrus and Hemsworth are married is a very basic one: They’re actually engaged.

They agreed to get married in 2012, but split up a little over a year later, in September 2013.

They remained good friends, though, and rekindled their romance in late 2015.

Following the reunion, Cyrus chose to start wearing her 3.5-carat Neil Lane engagement ring again, although neither star has really acknowledged plans to actually tie the knot.

We’ll keep a close eye on their Instagram pages and keep digging for clues, however.

If they’re Man and Wife, we’ll get to the bottom of how it all went down and report back as soon as we can. We promise!


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Chris Hemsworth Gives Kids a Lift in Malibu (PHOTO)

Chris Hemsworth has no problem giving his kids a break from terra firma. Chris and his wife strolled the Country Mart in Malibu Saturday with Sasha and India.   Chris’ son, Tristan, is also there … but hey, even Thor has his limits.


Friday, January 13, 2017

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth A Walking Rainbow, But Something"s Missing (PHOTO GALLERY)

Miley Cyrus and fiance Liam Hemsworth were like a walking rainbow Thursday night as they headed into the Flaming Lips album release party, and only one color was MIA.  Red? Check. Pink? Check. But no purple. BTW … Liam turns 27 Friday, so…


Miley Cyrus to Liam Hemsworth: I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

We’re starting to think that Miley Cyrus really does have a thing for Liam Hemsworth.

We know, we know:

The singer and the actor have actually been together forever.

They got engaged, they called off their wedding in 2013, but they reunited over a year ago and have been a happy couple ever since.

But they’ve also been a pretty quiet couple, keeping their feelings mostly to themselves over the course of their very long-term romance.

Until recently, that is.

In late October, Miley appeared as a guest on Ellen, acknowledging that she’s engaged and even talking about the diamond Hemsworth had gotten for her.

Fast forward a couple months and Cyrus and Hemsworth didn’t merely spend Christmas together.

They wore ugly holiday sweaters together! And gave social media followers a glimpse inside their fun relationship!

“Happy birthday Jesus,” Liam captured the following adorable photo of the famous twosome.

We love it!

Today, meanwhile, does not mark the anniversary of the birth of our lord and savior.

But it sort of marks the next best thing:

The anniversary of the birth of Liam himself! He turns 27 years old today.

And Miley has once again gone public with her affection in a sweet birthday tribute to The Hunger Games star, sharing the first photo posted above on her Instagram account.

“Happiest birthday EVER to my favorite being EVER EVER EVER!” she wrote with enthusiasm as a caption, adding for emphasis:

“You have been my best friend since the day we met….. I am beyond lucky to share sooooo animals with you!!! I love you @liamhemsworth.”

What? We’re not crying. YOU’RE the ones who are crying!

Miley and Liam met way back in 2010 on the set of The Last Song; they got engaged two years later.

As previously mentioned, they broke up for a period in 2013, but reconciled in 2015 and have been together ever since.

Instead of flaunting their romance in everyone’s face, however, they just hang out at home (in silly outfits on occasion) and enjoy each other’s company.

They did, however, visit a children’s hospital over the holidays, capturing the sweet gesture with a couple of photos Cyrus released online.

To wit:

Back in May, Hemsworth opened up about the stars giving their relationship a second change during an interview with GQ Australia.

“Of course it was hard, man,” he said of that initial split.

“But we were both going in different directions and it’s just what needed to happen. We were both super young and it was a good decision at the time – we both needed that.

“I guess when I feel something, then I just feel it and I go for it. I make my decisions about what’s going to make me happy, what I think is right and what I want to do – and I don’t worry too much outside of that.”

And now here they are, proof that two people can grow together, grow apart and then come back together.

There’s hope for us all!

Oh, and… happy birthday, Liam!


Sunday, January 8, 2017

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth Bring Parents Together At Nobu (PHOTOS)

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are taking a major step in their impending marriage … by bringing out their soon-to-be in-laws for dinner.  Miley and her mom, Tish, met up Saturday night with Liam and his folks, Leonie and Craig, for a…


Monday, December 26, 2016

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth on Christmas: Ugly Sweater Alert!

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have gifted fans with the perfect Christmas present.

A surprise wedding? Not quite.

Although we wish.

Instead, the famous and adorable couple posed together for a number of very cute and cuddly photos over the holiday weekend.

These aren’t an exchanging of vows, but we’ll take what we can get!

Despite being an A-List pop artist who is never afraid to speak her mind, and an actor who starred in one of the highest-grossing movie franchises in history, Miley and Liam typically choose to stay far below the celebrity gossip radar.

They don’t make public declarations about their love or even make public appearances very often.

But that appears to be changing a bit of late, as the stars posed for a hilariously awkward photo as part of a bigger group late last week.

And now they’ve taken us behind the scenes of their Christmas celebration.

First, as you can see above, Cyrus and Hemsworth rocked some seriously ugly sweaters for the occasion.

Which we mean in the nicest, most complimentary way possible.

We especially love Miley’s light bulb-based tribute to her Lord and Savior.

“Happy birthday Jesus,” Hemsworth captioned the image above, which also featured himself in a garment covered with images of candy canes and Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.

The photo appears to have been taken at a family gathering with Hemsworth’s older brother Chris and his wife, Elsa Pataky.

Because the latter shared the following picture on her Instagram account:

“Fun Christmas Party with my family ! Fiesta de Navidad con mi family!!! 😜🎉 happy Christmas! Feliz Navidad!” Pataky wrote as a caption.

Miley and Liam their romance in January of this year after calling off their engagement in 2013.

The artist has been seen spotted out often with her Neil Lane engagement ring since they reconciled, even confirming that the engagement is back on during a recent chat with Ellen DeGeneres.

She told the talk show host at the time that she doesn’t always wear the ring because it isn’t “my aesthetic,” but that she’ll do so occasionally “because you love me,” speaking of Liam.

AWWWW, right?

Along with the precious photo above, Miley and Liam shared one more… along with an important message.

“Thinking about how lucky we are to spend Doras first Xmas together as a fam!” Cyrus captioned the following snapshot adding:

“Our big and beautiful rescue! What a perfect holiday present for your family to ADOPT & SAVE a life! Think about it! If you go for it send me pictures you know I am obsessed with animals! Obvi! #adoptdontshop.”

What a perfect holiday message.

We hope many people out there follow it.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Liam Hemsworth & Miley Cyrus Pose For Hilariously Awkward Christmas Photo

At this point, there’s no question that Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus are back together and getting very serious in their relationship.

Miley has confirmed her engagement to Liam, but we all know that a rock on the finger is purely symbolic, right?

Any schlub can propose, but only a partner who’s truly head over heels will spend the holidays with your batsh-t family without complaining.

There have been rumblings of Liam coming back to Miley only after realizing that the Hunger Games franchise wouldn’t launch his career into the stratosphere as her had hoped, but we hope this pic will put those rumors to rest.

We don’t see how anyone can look at this photo and doubt the sincerity of the man’s affection for one second.

There he is, standing next to Billy Ray freakin’ Cyrus – who appears to be going for a sort of Goth-Country Bieber look these days – and somehow, Liam is smiling.

Well, kind of.

We’re not really sure how you’d describe that facial expression.

It’s like a Mona Lisa smirk, but in our opinion, this delightfully awkward group ‘Gram is far more worthy of being obsessed over by generations of scholars.

But that might just be because we ain’t much for your fancy book learnin’.

Anyway, Miley should make a poster out of this and hang it on her wall as a constant reminder of the strength of her relationship.

It was around this time last year that Miley and Liam got back together after what was rumored to be a bad breakup.

They celebrated the holidays with Liam’s family in Australia, and now we’re guessing they’ll be headed Down Under again after enjoying what appears to be an early Christmas with Miley’s motley crew.

Being that they were apart for several years and made their reconciliation official in December, the holidays will likely always hold special meaning for Liam and Miley.

Now, they can also reflect on Christmas as the time when Liam proved his love by not making fun of Miley’s dad’s mullet.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Chris Hemsworth to Liam Hemsworth: LEAVE MILEY!

According to a questionable new report, Chris Hemsworth has one simple piece of advice for his brother.

When it comes to Liam Hemsworth’s engagement to Miley Cyrus, a tabloid claims that Chris is saying the following to Liam: 

GTFO, dude!

Something called NW Magazine in Australia is the main magazine leading this charge.

It alleges that Chris has spoken to Liam about all the ways in which Miley will break his heart…

… but Liam is simply blinded by love for the singer. He won’t listen.

“[Miley]’s dropping all these hints that she’s not marriage material, but [Liam]’s not catching on at all,” an insider tells this random pubilication.

The so-called source adds:

“While Miley may love [Liam], if they don’t get on the same page soon, it’ll only end in heartbreak for him.”

It’s unclear exactly what kind of “hints” are being dropped by Cyrus in this regard.

Yes, she recently appeared on Ellen and admitted that her engagement ring isn’t exactly her style.

But she also said she wears it often because it means a lot to Liam.

Oh, and she also ACCEPTED THE RING IN THE FIRST PLACE, meaning she must sort of love Hemsworth and want to marry him.

As you can see immediately above and further down below, Miley and Liam made a rare public appearance as a couple this weekend.

They attend a friend’s show at an art gallery, looking very happy and in love.

This, despite HollywoodLife writing that Chris is “pushing [Liam] to get rid of Miley.”

An anonymous mole, who we’re sure totally exists and was not invented by that website for the sake of getting clicks, references the same quote Miley gave to Ellen about her ring and says:

“Chris got the vibe that this, along with other incidents, proves the singer isn’t serious or committed.”

Miley isn’t a very serious person, that much may be true.

Except for when it really matters.

She has said that she won’t walk any future red carpets until the issue of poverty is fixed around the globe.

That sounds like a serious statement, doesn’t it?

And for someone who has often been accused of doing or saying anything for attention, she has done and said very little when it comes to her relationship with Liam.

We actually think she takes it VERY seriously.

She knows this is not something to flaunt on social media or use for publicity.

It’s real, true love that only comes around once or maybe twice in a lifetime.

We’re well aware that Cyrus and Hemsworth breakup rumors will persist until these two tie the knot

And then they will turn into Cyrus and Hemsworth divorce rumors. That is just the sad way that the Internet works.

But we’re choosing to believe in this couple. We’re choosing to believe in them forever and always.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Miley Cyrus Actually Confirms Liam Hemsworth Engagement

As most of the Internet knows by now, Miley Cyrus is unafraid to expose her nipples on a regular basis

But while you may think this makes the singer especially open and revealing… you’d be mostly correct.

Except when it comes to her love life. Good luck getting Miley to say much about Liam Hemsworth.

The stars got engaged way back in 2012, only to break up several months later.

Fast forward two years and Miley and Liam didn’t appear to simply be back together, but Cyrus was spotted wearing her old engagement ring once again.

Through endless rumors of a reconciliation, however, we still heard very little from the actual parties involved.

Which is what made Miley’s most recent appearance on Ellen so notable.

The artist, who is very close with the comedian, was asked about the sparkler on her finger, actually acknowledging (for the first time, as far as we can recall) that she’s engaged to Hemsworth.

“Congratulations,” Ellen said simply in response.

Cyrus went on to explain why she often does NOT wear the engagement ring – and it’s not because she and Liam broke up due to her penchant for pot.

“This is really weird because this is like real jewelry and most of my jewelry is made out of gummy bears and cotton candy and they don’t look that good together because they kind of mix up, so sometimes I replace it with an actual unicorn or a Looney tune,” Miley said.

What does Hemsworth say when he notices that his fiancee isn’t rocking her finger bling?

“He’s kind of like what’s going on? It’s like, well, this isn’t really my aesthetic, but I’ll wear it because you love me,” she replied.

AWWWW, right? How sweet!

Cyrus recently admitted that her first hookup was with a female, but she seems to be happily settled down now with a male.

It probably helps that he looks like Liam Hemsworth and that he gave her such a pretty ring:

And that he’s nice and caring and sweet and has a big heart and everything, too. Those are nice bonuses.

“The ring is special because Miley and Liam worked on it together,” a source told E! News.

“Miley specifically wanted it set in gold. She didn’t want platinum. She liked the gold because it was different and unique, like her. She didn’t want anything classic or generic.”

Interesting. We weren’t aware of that.

Watch the video above for Miley’s complete interview with Ellen.

And then join us in sending Cyrus and Hemsworth your best wishes. They’re engaged! For real! Officially! HOORAY!
