Showing posts with label Jenna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jenna. Show all posts

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Jenna Morasca, Ex-Survivor Winner, Arrested After Biting Police Officer

They say never to bite the hand of the one who feeds you.

But former Survivor champion Jenna Morasca has learned a similar lesson the hard way:

Never bite the hand of a police officer and… that’s it. Just never bite the hand of a police officer.

The 37-year-old – who won Survivor: The Amazon in 2003 and who also participated on The Amazing Race Season 19 – was arrested last month for DUI and drug possession.

And the circumstances surrounding her arrest are both disturbing and sort of hilarious.

According to official law enforcement documents, Morasca was found unconscious on January 25 while sitting in a running SUV that was parked at a stop sign in Washington, Pennsylvania.

The female passenger in this vehicle was spotted by cops placing a Ziploc-style bag with syringes in her purse.

From there, officers gave Morasca multiple doses of Narcan, which is an overdose reversal drug that eventually worked:

Jenna woke up and was placed on a stretcher prior to going in an ambulance.

But Morasca was described on the scene by officers as “combative,” with the official report reading as follows:

The female was actively resisting the medics who were assisting her and was also observed trying to bite the medics. I held the female’s head to the stretcher by placing my hand on her forehead.

At this point, Officer Keith Zenkovich says Morasca “did bite Officer Steiner on her right forearm.”

The reality star was eventually charged on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs and possession of narcotics paraphernalia.

Morasca is a Pennsylvania native.

She won the grand prize of $ 1 million at the conclusion of Survivor Season 6, which took place in the Amazon and which explains her vanity license plate.

According to the Pennsylvania police report, the SUV she was driving possesses said “AMAZON” across the rear end.

Jenna went on to compete on Survivor: All-Stars in 2004, but quit the series to be with her dying mother, who passed away from breast cancer days after she returned home.


Over the next few years, Morasca would remain a part of the reality television universe.

She competed on Fear Factor and also took part in the Amazing Race again with then-boyfriend and Survivor Season 3 winner Ethan Zohn.

They both also appeared together on the Food Network show Dinner: Impossible and on The Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 prior to splitting up in 2013 following a decade together.

Morasca is yet to comment on this arrest.


"Survivor" Winner Jenna Morasca Arrested for Biting Cop After Being Revived in DUI Drug OD

‘Survivor’ winner Jenna Morasca allegedly was so whacked out on drugs she had to be revived with Narcan and, when she regained consciousness, she bit a cop. Morasca, who won a million bucks on “Survivor: The Amazon” in 2003, was observed unconscious…


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Chenning Tatum & Jenna Dewan: Hinting at Split on Instagram?!

We might not be emotionally prepared for this.

Here we are, still reeling from news of Chris Pratt and Anna Faris’s divorce, and now it seems that we might have to brace ourselves for a sad announcement from another of Hollywood’s most beloved couples.

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan got married back in 2009, which means that by Hollywood standards, they’ve been together for approximately four centuries.

Like Pratt and Faris, Tatum and Dewan seemed, until recently, to have beaten the odds and buit a stable, sturdy relationship in spite of the pressures of fame and the costant scrutiny of the public.

But now fans are convinced that yet another fairy tale, #CoupleGoals romance is coming to an end.

The rumors began to circulate following Jenna’s solo appearance at the 2017 AMAs.

Her husband has a lot on his plate career-wise these days, but for some reason, fans were unable to fathom any reason that Dewan might have attended alone, other than an impending divorce:

Jenna posted the above red carpet pic to her Instagram pic earlier this week, and for some reason, there were comments other then “more like Jenna Day-uuum!”

“Where is Channing?” asked one fan.

“You look amazing, but where is Channing?” echoed another.

A third follower cut right to the chase, writing:

“Where are posts of hubby? Are u 2 next on Hollywood divorce list?”

Fact: People who type they’re writing everything on a T9 flip phone keyboard will ask you an inappropriate question 100 persent of the time.

Look, in all likelihood, Channing and Jenna are doing just fine.

We can see how a solo awards show appearance might spark concern amongst fans, but Channing is in, like, every movie these days.

He’s a busy guy. 

The couple has yet to respond to this latest round of divorce rumors, but Channing addresses previous unsubstantiated reports in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter:

“It’s all bulls–t,” Tatum told the magazine.

“These people just [make it up]. Some of our family members don’t see [it’s not true], and they read a stupid thing and don’t understand it’s a tabloid.”

Will that prove sufficient to stop the rumors? Ha! You must be new here.


Monday, October 9, 2017

Janet Jackson Mum on Justin Timberlake Reunion, But Back with Jenna Dewan

Janet Jackson threw the hottest high school reunion Sunday night at the Hollywood Bowl, bringing back a ton of her OG backup dancers — but she’s not letting on if a Justin Timberlake reunion is in the cards. We got Janet outside Lure Nightclub in…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Jenna Dewan Tatum: Mom-Shamed for Showing Her Butt!

If you listen to enough internet commenters who concern-troll celebrities, mothers shouldn’t eat anything (but also shouldn’t be “too thin”) and also should always look their best without ever looking “too good.”

This time, the celebrity getting unfairly slammed is none other than the beautiful and talented Jenna Dewan Tatum.

Her “crime” this time? Showing her butt.

Jenna Dewan Tatum is an actress, an exceptional dancer, and yes, she’s also a mom.

And guess what: she has a butt.

Barring an extremely rare birth defect or a horrifying injury, just about all humans have butts.

(Yes, even your friend who laments that they “don’t even have an ass”)

Channing Tatum’s bragged about her naked body before, so it can’t really be that surprising.

But when Jenna posted this photo to her Instagram, mom-shamers swarmed the comments to give her a hard time.

She looks so great!

Like, of course she does. But still.

Okay, done admiring her spectacular glutes?

Then we can move on.

So, this was part of Jenna Dewan Tatum’s “cheeky balcony” photo series on Instagram.

So far, there are just the two pictures in the series. We hope that the hateful responses haven’t discouraged Jenna from continuing with it.

Firstly, because no one should be discouraged from doing what’s fun or enjoyable for them because of other people’s hate.

But also just because she looks amazing and every photo of her is just a blessing.

These are classy, beautiful photographs of a talented and gorgeous woman.

So, naturally, the mom-shamers swooped in. Apparently, you’re not allowed to have a body anymore after you have a child.

Negative comment after negative comment said just about the same thing.

What varied was the level of direct rudeness.

“You have a kid . . . Shame on you.”

That one sounds like Jenna’s being shamed for being a mother, period.

“She’s a mother and married. Smh, disappointed at Jenna.”

Oh boy, that one’s mom-shaming and wife-shaming. A real twofer.

(Not that it would matter if he did, but Channing Tatum clearly doesn’t mind … and there’s a more-than-decent chance that he took the photo himself)

“Of course she is hot but poor Everly. What signals is she sending to her young daughter? Mummy’s bum is all over the net haha. Lead by example.”

Thanks, consummately British mom-shamer. (Mum-shamer?)

She’s not texting her butt to her 4-year-old daughter. Everly won’t be old enough to sign up for any social media for another 9 years.

And by that point, if not already, Everly will be mature enough to accept the fact that her mother has a butt.

(Unlike these commenters)

“Beautiful, but you are a mother. Be a role model for your daughter.”

Being confident in her beautiful body and showing exactly as much of it as she likes is a great way to role model for her daughter.

(This, by the way, was a photo that Channing Tatum had previously shared)

Jenna Dewan didn’t reply directly.

Too many celebrities get bogged down trying to respond to trolls.

This gives them exactly what they want, more often than not.

Instead, Jenna just shared some words of wisdom that seemed to be aimed at the trolls.

“You can tell who the strong women are. They are the ones you see building up one another instead of letting each other down.”

That’s not exactly a subtweet … but it’s something.

Jenna Dewan Tatum is a delight. We’re glad that she has a husband who’s worthy of her.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Alex Rodriguez, Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Party Together at J Lo"s Vegas Show

Jennifer Lopez had most of her audience — including Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan – shaking their asses during her closing song … everyone except Alex Rodriguez. J Lo belted out “On the Floor” Sunday night to close out her…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Jenna Jameson Gives Birth; Find Out Her Baby"s Name and Gender!

Jenna Jameson just put her vagina to important use once again.

But in a very different capacity than the way in which this ex-porn star did for so many years.

Inappropriate references aside, the precious point is this:

Jameson is a brand new mother! She just gave birth to a baby girl!!!!!!

Already the other to twin eight-year old boys, Jameson and fiancé Lior Bitton confirmed their exciting news a few hours ago on Instagram.

“Baby arrived momma did amazing job, everyone healthy and happy,” Bitton shared from the hospital on his social media account, adding:

“God bless you @jennacantlose you are a warrior! I love you.”

Jameson later shared the first photo of her daughter online, revealing her unique name in the process: Batel Lu Bitton.

“I am so proud to introduce everyone to my newborn daughter! Her name is Batel Lu Bitton. She was born at 8lbs exactly and 21 inches long,” Jameson captioned the adorable image below.

Added the famous blonde:

“She is so calm and graceful it’s hard to look at her not feel overwhelmed. I had a very long labor (12 hours) and pushed for an intense 22 minutes.

“We are head over heels in love with her welcome to the world little star, Mommy loves you.”

Prior to giving birth, Jameson kept followers well apprised of her pregnancy, often flaunting her impressive baby bump as it grew over the weeks and months.

“I thought my belly had leveled off last week… I was wrong,” she recently wrote online.

“I’m 9 months pregnant, and feeling so blessed because this little one is thriving!

“This time with my twins, I had already delivered, so it feels so good to keep this little star baking!!!!!”

Back in August of last year, Jameson confirmed she was expecting her third child.

Her cute twin boys are the product of her past relationship with MMA fighter Tito Ortiz.

At this point in her life, the star is quite content with the family and friends she keeps close to her.

And that holds especially true for her fiance.

“Wow baby, thank you so much for this mind blowing ‘push present.’ You are such a gift from G-d, I’m blessed I have you @liorbitt,” Jameson wrote on Instagram while showing a new sports can five weeks ago.

“But remember, your generosity isn’t why I love you, you’re the kind of man that I KNOW I can count on, and THAT is worth more than anything.”

Jenna concluded at the time:

“I am so happy I have an amazing husband, phenomenal friends and family, the gift of sobriety and a little angel on the way. Thank you Lior for helping me find my way. #maybach.”

We send our best wishes to this newly-expanded family and to all the other stars who became parents in 2017.

Congrats all around!


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Jenna Jameson: Muslims are Evil Rapists, But the KKK is Fine!

It’s official: Jenna Jameson has lost it.

To be fair, we’re not all that convinced that she ever had it, but regardless, she’s looking especially unhinged right now.

Because right now, and for the past few days, Jenna has been ranting and raving about Muslims over on Twitter.

It sounds bad, right? And that’s because it really, really is.

It started, we think, with Jenna discussing “Muslim rape gangs,” which is apparently a thing she believes exists.

She went on a tangent about how Sweden is now “the rape capitol of the world” because “it opened its arms to these sharia loving psychos.”

She called Mark Ruffalo “just another virtue signaling half wit who knows nothing of the Jewish plight.”

When asked about Christian terrorists and why she insisted on reserving all her hate for Muslims, she argued that “I don’t see bands of Christian rape gangs.”

“Don’t shift the goal posts,” she wrote. “I am discussing the Muslim rape epidemic. But before you make the retarded Christian terrorist argument, fact check.”

It’s getting crazy, right? Like, bad crazy.

But hold on tight, friends, because we’ve barely gotten started yet.

Someone asked Jenna why she hates Muslims, and she responded with “I don’t ‘hate’ them … I disagree with absolutely everything they represent, and I am utterly unafraid to express my opinion.”

So at this point, Jenna’s on a roll, she’s probably thinking she’s killing it in that delusional mind of hers. She’s probably feeling so good about herself and her reasoning skills.

What better time to throw the actual KKK into the discussion?

Jenna asked “Do the ku klux klan follow a religion that orders the death of apostates? When was the last time we saw a klan member blow up infidels?”

That sounds an awful lot like a defense, right? And yes, the KKK might not “blow up infidels,” but they’ve always been pretty down with racism and violence and why do we even have to explain this?

She must have realized her mistake, because she added “Thank god they’ve been all but eradicated into obscurity … no thanks to the democrats who created them.”

Oh, Jenna.

We’re not going to touch the Democrats claim, but it’s interesting that she thanks they’ve been “all but eradicated” when they publicly marched the day Trump was elected.

But anyway, back to the Muslim bashing.

“I disagree with following an ideology that abuses women, kills gays, mutilates female children and murders apostates,” she wrote.

“Even moderate muslims believe homosexuality is a criminal offense, polygamy is the norm, women are considered animals. Shall I go on?”

When someone pointed out that many other religions believe homosexuality is a criminal offense, she argued “But Christians don’t believe in putting their heads on pikes.”

Jenna, bless her heart, also wrote “You can accuse me of many things, but being dumb isn’t one of them.”

What a wild, awful ride, huh? Who knew Jenna Jameson was such a bigoted ol’ loon?


Monday, January 9, 2017

Jenna Bush Hager Apologizes for Golden Globes Gaffe

Jenna Bush Hager has an issued an apology for her embarrassing snafu at the 2017 Golden Globe Awards.

Prior to Jimmy Fallon taking the stage and opening the ceremony in very unfunny fashion, the former First Daughter (working as a Today Show correspondent) stopped on the red carpet to chat with Pharrell Williams.

Referring to the film for which he recorded a song, Hager began her question for the artist by saying the following:

“So, you’re nominated for Hidden Fences…”

Pharrell is NOT nominated for “Hidden Fences.”

He’s nominated for a movie titled “Hidden Figures.”

(In Hager’s defense, there was another Golden Globes-nominated movie titled “Fences,” and Michael Keaton made this same mistake while on stage at the event.)

Pharrell didn’t correct Hager when she made her gaffe, though you can tell he REALLY wants to in the clip above.

Many Twitter users, however, were not about to let this snafu go – largely due to the identity of Hager’s father and his history in dealing with African-Americans.

Here is a sampling of their reactions:

hager tweets

Fighting back tears, Hager responded to this controversy on Monday’s Today show.

“If I offended people, I am deeply sorry,” she told viewers, adding:

“It was a mistake… What I didn’t want to do is make anyone feel lesser than who they are. It was a mistake and I hope we can all move on.”

Al Roker – who was seated alongside Hager as she delivered her apology – defended his co-worker before going off on the mentality of social media and the media itself.

“Honest mistakes happen in live television,” the famous weatherman said.

“And this culture of Twitter and people waiting to pounce on people — it’s gotta stop. It’s just ridiculous… And for the New York Times to repeat these tweets, it’s a cheap shot.”

Watch Hager’s mea culpa below:

Fortunately for Hager, her mistake was overshadowed by a few other happenings at the Golden Globes.

There was Meryl Streep tearing into Donald TrumpRyan Gosling expressing his love and admiration for Eva Mendes… and Kristen Wiig and Steve Carell being totally hilarious.

Relive the most memorably Golden Globes moment here:

And then sound off:

Should Hager have apologized?

Do you buy her apology?

Was this much ado about nothing?

Or should we be making an even bigger deal out of her slip-up?


Friday, August 12, 2016

Channing Tatum & Jenna Tatum: 10 Amazing Years Later...

Channing Tatum and Jenna Tatum may be the most underrated couple in all of Hollywood.

Meaning what, exactly?

Well… how often do you hear about these two when folks list their favorite tandems in Tinseltown? Not often, right?

Perhaps that will now change.

Yesterday marked the 10-year anniversary of the film Step Up hitting theaters, an event especially memorable for Channing and Jenna because the met and fell in love on its set.

In honor of the occasion, Jenna shared the above (amazing!) throwback photo of the couple.

She wrote as a caption to the image:

“#tbt to on set of Step Up I cannot believe it"s the 10 year anniversary of the release today!! Ahhhh where does the time go??

"Love you all and thanks for all the love all these years."

The actor and actress got married July 2009, years after meeting on the set of the dance flick.

During an interview with GQ in July 2015, Channing thoughts back rewatching the movie with his wife.

"Me and Jenna just saw Step Up on TV, and we watched it for two seconds," he said.

"We made that 10 years ago or something. It was hard because you"re like, "Wow, I remember it being so much better." Then other times you"re like, "I remember it being worse."

The parents of a three-year old daughter also shared their first kiss in the movie.

"We were basically together on the movie," Tatum told Redbook in October 2014.

"It’s interesting now, because we can watch it and see; we can go, "Oh, wow, that was actually our first real kiss." As soon as the movie wrapped, we went back to L.A. and were together, and together ever since – never broken up."

Pretty awesome.

Also awesome? The fact that the Tatums recreated the most famous scene from Step Up as a tribute to the movie.

Watch their life, 10 years after the original, below.

How great are these two?!?

Channing tatum and jenna tatum recreate iconic step up dance

Friday, August 5, 2016

Jenna Jameson: Pregnant with Baby #3!

Jenna Jameson may no longer be famous for having lots of sex.

But the world’s most famous ex-porn star does have a sex-related announcement to make:

She’s pregnant! 

The 42-year old took to Twitter on Thursday night in order to share this exciting piece of news.

“It’s OFFICIAL!! I’m pregnant!!” Jameson wrote as caption to the photo above.

The mother-to-be then opened up a bit further to People Magazine.

“My fiancé Lior Bitton and I are over the moon. God has blessed us,” Jameson told the publication, adding:

“I can confirm that it’s only one baby this time (thank goodness)! I’m looking forward to a fun, healthy pregnancy.”

Jameson is already a mom to seven-year-old twin boys (named Jesse Jameson and Journey Jette) from a previous relationship with retired MMA fighter Tito Ortiz.

She was accused late last year of abandoning these sons, as Ortiz was awarded full custody during an ugly break-up in 2013.

Jameson has denied the abandonment claims, although drug abuse allegations against her are what led to the children ending up under the supervision of Ortiz in California.

Elsewhere on Thursday, the ex-adult film actress shared a mirror selfie of her baby bump.

“This is either from Cinnabon delights… Or I’m pregnant… LoL oh yeah, BOTH!” Jameson captioned the profile image.

A Tweet from earlier this week now makes a lot more sense as well.

“I’m sorry I’ve been so absent lately…Feeling sicky…rest rest rest!” the star wrote at the time, likely making a reference to morning sickness.

We wish her a safe and rewarding pregnancy.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Jenna Jameson Cyberbullys Amber Miller! Sparks Twitter War!

Porn star Jenna Jameson is currently focused on sobriety, but she allegedly has time for some sh** stirring.

Tito Ortiz’s girlfriend, Amber Miller claims that Jameson bullied her online to the point where she had to get a restraining order.  

Miller alleges that the issues started when she and Ortiz started dating in 2014.

Ortiz and Jameson, who have twins together, broke up in 2013 after a very tumultuous relationship.

Jameson, according to TMZ, gathered her social media followers to attack Miller.  

She’s received death threats and taunts from the online users, and claims that Jameson even threatened to throw acid in her face.

The order states that Jameson, 42, must stay at least 100 yards away from Miller at all times.

Today, Miller posted a Beyonce GIF to Twitter poking fun at Jameson’s efforts to bring her down.

And when TMZ reported on the story, they erroneously referred to Miller as Tito’s “new chick.”

“@TMZ not my new ‘Chick’! #MyLIFE”!!! #Happy. #Life!” he tweeted.

What’s strange is that most of Jameson’s posts from the past few weeks have been centered on her sobriety and getting her life in order.

Jameson has a history of substance abuse, and one television appearance in 2013 left viewers wondering if she was on something.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Jenna Dewan-Tatum: Pregnant With Baby #2?

Where there’s water, there’s speculation.

Sources tell Page Six that they believe Jenna Dewan-Tatum to be pregnant with her and Channing Tatum’s second baby.

The two are parents to daughter Everly, 18 months.

Dewan-Tatum posed for photos at last night’s premiere of The Terrible Eight in a form-fitting Marchesa gown, but any bozo can tell you that a bump doesn’t pop until after the first trimester.

However, witnesses told the paper that despite her 35th birthday rager at Bootsy Bellows Friday night, DT “stuck to water.”

Invited guests included Adam Levine, Lea Michele, Ashton Kutcher, Selena Gomez and Jessica Alba.

“Channing and Jenna danced all night long and closed down the venue,” and insider said. “But she wasn’t drinking even though the party became a total rager.”

Another source told People that “Channing kept pulling Jenna closer,” while they danced in a back room at the venue. 

“They were hugging and kissing and showing off a little PDA,” the source recalled.  “It was adorable.”

Last night, Tatum said terribly mean things to a kitten on Jimmy Kimmel Live.  

You cannot make up a sillier sentence if you tried.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Tito Ortiz: Jenna Jameson Abandoned Our Twins

Ooof, this is a bit awkward.

TooFab tweeted an adorable photo of Tito Ortiz and his twins (mom is ex, Jenna Jameson) at the premiere of The Good Dinosaur, and it was all well and good until Jameson’s name was mentioned.

Hokay then!

“That is totally untrue,” Jameson told Toofab in response to the tweet.  “He has alienated me as a parent, and I am in court proceedings overturning his wrongful judgment.”

The former couple went through a very public split, which resulted in Ortiz getting full custody of their 6-year-old twins boys, Jesse and Journey in 2013.

Ortiz and the twins live with his girlfriend, Amber Nichole Miller in Huntington Beach, CA.

“We’re lucky,” Ortiz told the San Diego Tribune of Miller in 2014.  “She’s been amazing. She’s so caring. The boys love her, she has patience with them, and she teaches them. She makes me happy.”

In the same interview, Ortiz said that Jameson hadn’t seen their boys in over a year.

After accusing her of drug use in 2010 (which he claimed started during her pregnancy), Ortiz and Jameson went through hell, with Jameson claiming that Ortiz abused her (the charges were later dropped). 

For his part, Ortiz claims that he never hit her.

“That was probably the worst time of my life,” Ortiz recalled. “I was trying to defend my family and make sure my kids don’t live in a drug environment.”

Jameson recently appeared in Celebrity Big Brother UK alongside Farrah Abraham.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Jenna Dewan Tatum: No Shirt, No Makeup!

It’s official: Channing Tatum has seen Jenna Dewan Tatum nude.

We know this not because the actor is married to the actress, although that was our first clue.

But instead because Dewan Tatum just shared a couple photos of herself topless on Instagram, telling followers that they were snapped by her famous husband.

“#tbt to chans insistence on a makeup free shoot in Cabo,” the beauty wrote as a caption to the first image above, which we did need to censor… but which you can see in all its sexy glory by simply clicking on it.

Of the second makeup-free picture (which doesn’t include a shirt, either), Dewan Tatum wrote:

“I pretty much live my entire life with hair in my face.”

Channing and Jenna met while filming the 2006 movie Step Up.

They appear to have one of the healthier relationships in Hollywood, while also being one of the more private couples in Hollywood.

It’s almost as if those two things are related, huh?

Meanwhile, here’s a look at many other celebrities who have gone all natural on Twitter and Instagram:

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Farrah Abraham Humps Jenna Jameson, Continues to Make America Proud on Celebrity Big Brother

The national embarrassment that is Farrah Abraham’s stint on the UK’s Celebrity Big Brother shows no signs of ending any time soon.

It all started when Farrah attacked her housemate on her first freakin’ episode, yet somehow wasn’t kicked off the show. 

The reality-star-turned-porn-star followed that up by threatening to kill the entire cast

Earlier this week – because Farrah’s insanity isn’t limited to violent fantasies – she informed her castmates that she’s more popular than Kim Kardashian

As you can tell, the woman has raised the facepalm bar pretty high, but if you were afraid that she would run out of ways to make you shake your head in disgust, worry not:

Yes, that’s Farrah and fellow porn star Jenna Jameson simulating various sex acts in a kiddie pool full of chocolate.

This clip is not only entertaining, it’s important for a couple of reasons:

  1. It shows just how low Farrah is willing to sink in her ongoing effort to remain relevant.

  2. It reminds us of exactly why the rest of the world has such a snooty attitude about the US.

The producers of Celebrity Big Brother wanted someone to represent America and because Donald Trump is busy running for president and Charles Manson is in prison, they went with Farrah Abraham and various other psychos like Tila Tequila.

Sadly, millions of Brits are now looking on in horror and thinking, “Well, that’s America for ya, innit mate?” or something to that effect.

As for Tila, don’t worry – she was sent home after everyone remembered that she likes to dress like a Nazi. Yeah, we really need to start voting on who represents us abroad.

Jameson we’re actually okay with, though. At least she doesn’t lie about what she does for a living, unlike those other “sex tape” stars.