Showing posts with label Katy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Katy. Show all posts

Friday, September 22, 2017

Thursday, September 14, 2017

"American Idol" May Be Delayed, and That Causes Problems with Katy Perry

“American Idol” has backed itself into a corner, because it might need to delay taping until it lands more judges … but that doesn’t work for the only judge it’s got so far — Katy Perry. Our ‘Idol’ sources tell us … Thursday is the last stop…


"American Idol" May Be Delayed, and That Causes Problems with Katy Perry

“American Idol” has backed itself into a corner, because it might need to delay taping until it lands more judges … but that doesn’t work for the only judge it’s got so far — Katy Perry. Our ‘Idol’ sources tell us … Thursday is the last stop…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Russell Brand: I Want Katy Perry Back in my Life!

Katy Perry’s disastrous hosting of the VMAs may have American Idol producers in a panic, but there’s at least one person who’s entered into a relationship with Katy who doesn’t regret it.

Remember when Katy was married to Russell Brand? And when he told her that he wanted a divorce via text message?

Well, now he’s decided that he wants to reconcile. 

Katy Perry’s marriage to Russell Brand wasn’t one of those lightning-fast Hollywood marriages where all that it takes is a few months to realize that off of the set or sober or whatever, they can’t stand each other.

No, these two were married for 14 months.

Not long, by marriage standards.

(Even in Hollywood)

What was truly sensational about their breakup wasn’t that it happened soon or late.

It wasn’t even particularly explosive.

No, what was absolutely ridiculous was that, on the 31st of December, 2011, Russell Brand texted to Katy Perry that he was divorcing her.

Again, this was in a text message.

The reasons behind the split?

It wasn’t building animosity. It wasn’t abuse. It wasn’t some torrid affair.

It was that, thanks to both of their careers and schedules, Russell Brand just thought that it was no longer practical for them to be married.

And apparently he somehow reached the conclusion that the best way for the two of them to part ways was to let her know the same way that a roommate lets another know that they’re running low on toilet paper, or coming home with a friend from work so now might be a good time to put on pants.

(I love text messaging, but — and take this from someone who’s found out about deaths over the phone and also had to break that kind of news — some conversations need to happen in person)

You’d think that, understandably, Katy Perry could have raged about their breakup and gotten some well-deserved sympathy.

Instead, she’s stated facts about their split and she’s written songs about the breakup, but she hasn’t roasted Russell Brand as many might have done.

She’s even made it clear that she was in love with him when they married.

Russell hasn’t bashed Katy Perry, either. Which is good, because he really has no standing to.

(Plenty of people have the high ground to say what they want about Katy Perry, but Russell Brand will never be one of those people)

Now, in an interview with Grazia, Russell Brand says that he doesn’t regret their marriage.

And then he keeps on talking.

“It was a very important and lovely time in my life. I don’t regret being married to Katy at all.”

That’s something.

A lot of people, post-divorce, pretend that they were never in love and that the whole thing was a mistake.

“I have very positive feelings about that whole experience and Katy is an extraordinary woman.”

Well, of course he does.

She’s one of the most gorgeous women on the planet.

And he’s the one who ended things on a sour note the moment that he sent her that text.

“I’m willing and open for reconciliation, any kind.”

Reconciliation is Katy Perry’s thing to open herself to, my buddy, my guy. The wronged party gets to announce when it’s time.

Then comes the worst line of the whole thing:

“Because if we can’t overcome our relatively trivial personal disputes in this world, what hope is there for us?”

Yes, he just said referred to their complicated relationship baggage as relatively trivial.

Isn’t that so typical of a rich male celebrity to not realize how in the wrong he’s been?

But you know what?

It’s been nearly 6 years, now.

If Katy Perry decides to let bygones be bygones, that’s her business.

If she were asking our advice … we’d ask if it’s worth it to her to have him in her life. If it would outweigh the old hurt feelings that his presence would dredge up.

(We’d also ask how he fares in her famous sexual rankings; that might be a factor)

But Katy Perry doesn’t ask for our advice. Understandably.


Saturday, September 2, 2017

Luke Bryan Receives "American Idol" Offer to Join Katy Perry as Judge

Luke Bryan could be sitting next to Katy Perry very soon … as the second judge on the panel of the new “American Idol.” Our ‘A.I.’ sources tell us … producers have reached out to Luke and made him an offer. We don’t know how Luke responded to…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Katy Perry: Disastrous VMAs Hosting Has American Idol Producers in a PANIC!

Folks who didn’t watch the VMAs on Sunday because they were too busy watching relatives bone on Game of Thrones or escaping rising floodwaters, answer this: What did you hear, after-the-fact, about Katy Perry?

Katy Perry was the host, and she was just … not overwhelming. No huge controversies, sure, but not even Katy’s terrible opening monologue was especially memorable.

That’s a problem for Katy, but it might be an even bigger problem for American Idol producers, who are reportedly very concerned that they’re paying $ 25 million to Katy Perry to be a judge only for her to flop.

On Sunday, I had friends over, and they mentioned that traffic was especially slow near my home.

Why? Because American Idol auditions were in town.

Yes, in case you’ve managed to forget, American Idol is coming back, like some archetypal horde that people thought had been defeated.

The biggest stir of publicity about it is Katy Perry’s salary of $ 25 million.

Don’t get us wrong, she’s a big-time celebrity who’s hosted the Superbowl, which is probably what the American Idol producers and the network were thinking when they hired her.

What they clearly weren’t thinking about:

One, that Katy Perry was singing for her Superbowl Halftime show, which is very different from sitting at a table and talking and judging.

Two, that Katy Perry was pretty famously upstaged at that show by Left Shark. You didn’t forget Left Shark, did you?

Well now, RadarOnline is reporting that ABC higher ups and American Idol showrunners are worried that they made a mistake by hiring Katy Perry to be a judge.

It sounds like they’re panicking, actually.

RadarOnline‘s source reports that her lackluster hosting over the weekend is what has them so concerned.

“They are paying her $ 25 million and she was a total dud [on the VMAs].”

You might be wondering how they didn’t catch it earlier, right?

Here’s how:

“No one ever auditioned her for the new Idol job and they are freaking out that they hired someone who is terrible on live television.”

Oh dear!

Usually, if you get a job without applying for it (or auditioning, in this case), it’s because someone who’s seen your work up close before (maybe a coworker or a former boss) is either doing the hiring or has vouched for you.

It sounds like Katy was just offered the gig, sight unseen.

ABC had already had concerns, RadarOnline had previously reported, that Katy Perry might upstage contestants.

(Like Mariah Carey)

Or that she might just need to tone down … not her look, but her very attention-grabbing personality.

(As far as we can tell, that’s not a euphemism for her boobs)

Judges are supposed to evaluate contestants, not overshadow them.

Now, though, it sounds like ABC and American Idol are afraid that Katy’s just going to fall flat like she did at the VMAs.

Just because someone is good at singing and performing doesn’t mean that they’re good at talking on camera.

Similarly, like, just because someone’s great at giving interview or interviewing people doesn’t mean that they have a dazzling singing voice or would make an amazing performer.

This should be a lesson to us all, we suppose: make sure that you hire the best and most highly recommended babysitter or dog-walker or whatever. Not just the one who happens to be hot.


Katy Perry Sued After Stagehand Loses Toe on Prismatic Tour

Katy Perry is in a toe jam, after a woman claims she lost one of hers while working on the singer’s tour. Christina Fish claims in a lawsuit she was hired as a stagehand for Katy’s Prismatic World Tour in 2014. On the night of Katy’s…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Katy Perry Dodges Introducing Taylor Swift"s Music Video Premiere at VMAs

Katy Perry dodged a Taylor Swift bullet at the VMAs — even though she’s hosting the show — ‘cause she was nowhere to be seen during the premiere of T. Swift’s new music video. Katy successfully ducked out of introducing Taylor’s video premiere of…


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Katy Perry Gets a Pass on Taylor Swift"s Album

Looks like Taylor Swift and Katy Perry’s bad blood has finally been mopped up — ‘cause Taylor’s new album throws no shade her way … like, AT ALL. Our sources tell us TayTay’s 6th album, “Reputation,” is devoid of hate or trash talking directed at…


Friday, August 25, 2017

Katy Perry Releases "Swish Swish" Music Video: Take That, Taylor Swift!

A lot of things have happened this summer, so we won"t be mad if you don"t remember, but a few months ago, all the way back in May, Katy Perry released a song from her new album called "Swish Swish."

And as soon as she released it, pretty much everybody theorized that it was a diss track dedicated to none other than Taylor Swift.

It wasn"t all that difficult to believe that theory: after all, Katy and Taylor have been feuding for a few years now.

They dislike each other so much that Taylor wrote her own song about Katy, "Bad Blood."

Plus, the lyrics definitely seem to be about a nemesis of Katy"s, and what bigger nemesis does she have than Taylor Swift?

While she never came out and directly said "Yes, "Swish Swish" is a song about Taylor Swift," Katy has made several comments about the feud in the months since the song"s release.

She"s openly confirmed the feud, and she"s even publicly forgiven Taylor and apologized for anything she may have done to hurt her.

But now that Katy went ahead and released the video, we just can"t see this thing as anything other than massive, massive shade.

For one, there"s the timing of it all: it"s sort of strange to release a music video for a song three months after releasing the song itself.

And it seems like a pretty big coincidence that she"d release it the very same day that Taylor released her long-awaited new single, "Look What You Made Me Do."

And for two … you really just have to watch the video.

It reads a whole lot like Taylor"s "Bad Blood" video — lots of celebrity cameos, a big battle, all that.

But, of course, Katy puts her own goofy spin on it.

The setting is a basketball game against Katy"s team, the Tigers, and the Sheep, and Terry Crews and Molly Shannon act as coaches.

There"s also one of the kids from Stranger Things, an actor from Game of Thrones, that kid with the backpack that danced in her SNL performance, and Doug the Pug.

And of course Nicki Minaj is there to deliver her verse.

Katy has called the video "the hottest mess in history," and, well, she"s not wrong.

Check it out in all of its hilarious, insane glory below:

Katy perry releases swish swish music video take that taylor swi

Taylor Swift Lashes Out at Kanye, Katy with "Look What You Made Me Do"

It’s now obvious Taylor Swift’s been sharpening her lyrical knives during her hiatus, and she’s whipping them out for Katy Perry AND Kanye West in her new track … “Look What You Made Me Do.” Tay Tay just dropped a music video for the track, and…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Gronk Scores Cameo In Katy Perry Video, Ditto for Karl-Anthony Towns

Katy Perry just hired a bunch of HUGE athletes for her new music video — everyone from Rob Gronkowski to Karl-Anthony Towns … even Joey Chestnut!!! It’s all for Katy’s new “Swish Swish” video — which all takes place at a basketball game, with…


Friday, August 18, 2017

daily-celebrities: Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry


Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry


Pink Chooses Sides: Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Her Answer Was ...

Pink, the extraordinary singer and entertainer, was recently asked in an interview to choose:

Katy Perry … or Taylor Swift?

It’s not exactly Sophie’s Choice, because Pink is just generally asked to choose between them, but her answer caused a bit of surprise.

We gotta be honest with you — we love Pink.

From “U And Ur Hand” to “Just Like Fire,” she’s produced some delightful bops over the years.

Her personality comes across so beautifully whenever she speaks or performs.

And speaking of when she performs, her performances are always amazing and eye-catching. Remember when Pink performed at the 2014 Grammys?

Some singers barely move while they sing. Pink turns some songs into the sorts of gymnastics that we usually only see at the Olympics.

We’ll say this about Pink, though:

This girl seems to pick fights with people. Like, a lot.

Some celebrities do this in a very calculated way, because they want to further a specific narrative or they just want attention.

(We’re not necessarily knocking them for it — sometimes careers have to tread water for a bit on that sort of publicity between projects like an album or a movie or whatever)

We don’t think that Pink is calculated about it.

She kind of just seems to go off and say whatever she wants, which is a totally okay quality in a person who is a singer and not in fact the sitting President of the United States of America.

This is the woman who told critics to “Kindly kiss her ass” not all that long ago. She wasn’t trying to start a feud with her critics; she was just … Pink being Pink.

For a little while now, Pink’s been believed to, if not be in a feud with, at least harbor a dislike for Taylor Swift.

Back in 2015, Pink slammed various stars at the VMAs for their performances, which she thought were “gross.”

She didn’t single out Taylor or anything, and later mentioned that she had forgotten that Demi Lovato had even performed (which sounds like shade, but for Pink she may have literally just forgotten … which might be worse for Demi).

That was the year that Taylor won Video Of The Year for “Bad Blood.” And deservedly so.

Ever since, people have seen Pink as one of Taylor’s critics … but those assumptions might have been wrong.

In a radio interview on Thursday, Pink was asked to choose between Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.

(She wasn’t choosing specifically, like one for a duet or one to bang or whatever)

She only showed the slightest hesitation before answering.

“Taylor? Is that OK?”

Yes, Pink, it’s totally okay.

“You can’t win no matter what you say, anyway. Everyone wakes up offended.”

We wouldn’t say that “offended” is the right word here.

Katy Perry can be so much sometimes, but it’s not like choosing Katy would be the wrong answer.

The real signficance of her answer seems to be that Pink displayed zero awareness of the perceived dislike between her and Taylor.

In retrospect, Pink blasting multiple “singers” may have just been her nice way of blasting Miley for being gross.

We have a lot of affection for Miley, but 2015 Miley was all kinds of obnoxious.

Pink may have just said that and then moved on and never thought about it again, never realizing that people thought that perhaps she harbored a dislike against Taylor Swift.

There are absolutely some celebrities who are so careful with everything that they say to the public, crafting things carefully to tell you exactly what they want to say in exactly the right way.

Pink doesn’t play that game. We should all remember that.


daily-celebrities: Kanye, Kim, and Katy


Kanye, Kim, and Katy


daily-celebrities: Katy Perry 👑


Katy Perry 👑


Monday, August 14, 2017

Katy Perry Is Still Ridin" Orlando Bloom

Katy Perry didn’t need an Uber to get to Saturday night’s Ed Sheeran concert in L.A. … she got a lift from ex-BF Orlando Bloom. Looks like the break is over for the ex-couple who attended Sheeran’s concert at the Staples Center … the first time…


Monday, August 7, 2017

Katy Perry & Robert Pattinson: Dating?!

What’s going on with Robert Pattinson these days?

Well, it’s tough to say.

Some reports have the former Twilight heartthrob engaged to FKA Twigs, while others have him … engaged in a very different sort of activity.

But we’re not here to discuss the possibility that Robert Pattinson jerked off a dog.

No, we’re here to dust off an old tabloid favorite.

Yes, it’s time for another round of rumors that Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson are dating!

If you spend a lot of time with us here in the world of celebrity gossip, then there’s a good chance you’ve heard this one before,

Hell, it seems to pop up every few months, despite the fact that Rob seems to be in a serious, long-term relationship.

This time, the reports are based on photos of the possible couple published by TMZ.

According to the site, Katy and Rob looked “super cozy” during an intimate dinner at the Sunset Tower Hotel.

When you use vague terms like “intimate” and “super cozy,” it sounds like there’s some knocking of boots going on, but by all appearances, Rob and Katy are just friends.

Granted, it’s suspicious that they became close friends (or at least started spending a lot more time together in public) shortly after Perry’s breakup with Orlando Bloom, but this is really a rekindled romance, that means Rob’s been on one hell of an emotional roller coaster lately.

It was just two weeks ago that he confirmed to Howard Stern that he’s planning to marry Twigs.

Then there was the whole dog masturbation thing.

And now he’s hooking up with Katy?

Did Twigs dump him for wanking the dog off?

Was animal lover Katy so moved by the possible dog-jacking that she begged Rob to take her back.

We don’t know, but refuse to give up on the canine-involvement angle.

We’re like  dog with a bone here.

We’d apologize for that joke, but you know it would be insincere.


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson Cozy Up Fueling Dating Rumors

Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson got super cozy Saturday night … which makes us wonder if the site pooh-poohing a possible hook up have it right. We got this pic of Katy and Rob in WeHo in the restaurant at the Sunset Tower Hotel. The joint is very…
