Showing posts with label Katy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Katy. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Katy Perry: What?!? I"ve ALWAYS Loved Taylor Swift!

Katy Perry has no idea what you’re talking about.

She’s probably giving you a quizzical side-eye right about now.

She doesn’t know why you think she ever feuded with Taylor Swift. What a crazy notion!

In a new interview with Australia’s Today show, the singer was asked – yes, once again – about her relationship with Swift.

Despite rarely even saying each other’s names in public, the rivalry between these artists has been near the center of the celebrity gossip universe for years, ever since Swift released the diss track “Bad Blood.”

It was pretty clearly written about Perry, with whom Swift allegedly has a beef due a disagreement over backup dancers back in the day.

While promoting her latest album, Katy said Taylor tried to “assassinate my character” and made it sound as if the feud was only just beginning.

But then the public sort of took Swift’s side… and then Swift made the ultimate passive-aggressive power move against Perry… and Katy quickly changed her tune.

“I love her, I always have,” Perry told the Australian interviewer. “We’ve had our differences, but I just continue to say, ‘God bless her on her journey.’”

That’s very cute of Katy to say.

As the first song off her new record, Perry unveiled what most people assumed was her own diss track, seemingly clapping back at Swift via the single “Swish Swish.”

It wasn’t well received, however.

After receiving negative feedback for the way she went after Swift all these years later, Perry did a 180 several weeks ago and now talks as if the two are soul sisters.

“I am ready to let it go,” Perry said on a recent installment of the Thrive Global Podcast, adding:

“I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her. There’s a lot of other things out there in the world that people need to be focused on.

“God bless her on her journey. God bless her. Honestly.”

Somewhere (and we really don’t know where because she’s gone social media silent for nearly a year now), Swift and her team must be having quite a good laugh over all this flip-flopping.

Taylor has managed to win her war against Perry without ever mentioning her by name.

Seriously, go back and look at all the stories The Hollywood Gossip and other websites have written about this rivalry.

Try to find one instance in which Swift mentioned Perry or even hinted strongly that she had any problem with Perry at all.

Go ahead. We’ll wait.

You just may not want to hold your breath while you investigate.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Katy Perry: EXPOSED Asking Drag Queens to Work for No Pay!

Newsflash, folks: until people can pay rent with exposure and buy food with exposure, nobody’s going to work for exposure. Life isn’t a gum commercial where people get bored by money.

Unfortunately, that seems to be news to Katy Perry — or, at least, to her team. It sounds like she got bored of swiping Taylor Swift’s talent and decided to get some drag queens to perform in her music video.

But apparently these drag queens were asked to do two days of work … for free.

We’ll be honest, folks — we’ve been leery of Katy Perry’s recent attempted re-branding from day one.

And that’s not to say that we even dislike Katy. We could listen to her rank her exes at sex all day, you know? 

(Not to mention, like, her music — the girl has produced some bops)

It’s seemed that, over the past several months, Katy Perry’s had her gaze fixed sharply on the LGBT community.

You might remember that one of her earliest songs, “You’re So Gay,” was accused of being downright homophobic.

And “I Kissed A Girl” has been kind of controversial, as it seems less like an anthem for lesbian or bi girls and more like it caters to the male gaze.

(Though she’s certainly grown a lot since then, and revealed some of her struggles along the way)

Her recent behavior and her statements have been acting like she wants to be fully embraced by LGBT culture and become a real icon.

(Though Katy Perry’s gotten some LGBT backlash because controversy kind of follows her around)

So it is not surprising at all that she’d have asked drag queens to perform in a music video.

Drag queens are iconic within the LGBT community.

(Though they can sometimes be controversial, too)

But it is surprising to hear that Katy Perry, or anyone working for her, would think that drag queens (or anyone!) would want to do two days of work for free.

But that’s exactly what a series of tweets by drag queen Vicky Vox allege happened.

“You know what f–k this … there’s a pop star begging drag queens to do a music video for two days with no pay, [their] own costumes and all.”

It sounds like Vicky Vox had really struggled with whether or not to go public with this.

And so that we’re clear, Vicky has done music video work before.

Do you remember Willam Belli’s “Chow Down at Chick Fil A” music video (to the tune of “Hold On for One More Day” by Wilson Phillips)?

Vicky Vox was in that, along with Detox.

So Vicky knows how music video work is supposed to go.

“It wasn’t until we all said NOPE… that they said maybe there might be some budget. But they’ll get back to us tomorrow? No, f–k this.”

No one should ever hire people with the expectation that some might work for free.

That’s not how “hiring” works.

“You need to know today, you stressed that. Do you think we just like to prance around for sugarplum dreams? B—h, THIS IS F–KING WORK.”

It absolutely is work. Hard work.

Drag performers supply their own outfits, makeup, and hair, and they can take hours to prepare.

“Drag queens should not have to beg you to value them. Not only is it insulting you asked them to value themselves as worthless…”

(Clearly she had more to say than could fit into a single tweet)

“You were going to USE them for your gain. Then say maybe when they say their time is valuable … you say maybe … NO!”

Yeah … it sounds like Katy Perry may need a new team.

Maybe Taylor Swift has a good team that Katy Perry could poach?

(Sorry, that was unfair, but we couldn’t resist)

Vicky has more to say, by the way:

Starting with a clarification that multiple drag queens got the same request to work for exposure.

“It wasn’t just me that y’all decided [isn’t] worthy of pay.”

Vicky even refers to Katy Perry’s infamous feud with Taylor Swift.

“F–k yo beef with a white b—h. You f–king wit queer bitches now.”

There’s a lot to be said about race and intersectionalism when it comes to drag queen culture, but … that’s a whole other topic.

Vicky does say that Katy Perry isn’t necessarily the villain here.

“Yo, @katyperry .. just so it’s clear. I had love for you. Your team f–ked up.”

We’ll get to that in a moment.

“This will probably bite me in the ass later but god did not promise that I would wake up tomorrow. I’m gonna live for today.”

Vicky is probably right, because a lot of the time, speaking out can work against you in the future.

But you know what?

Speaking out — calling out celebrities or even just their teams — is sometimes the only way to hold them accountable.

The public eye can be a powerful thing.

We have to be honest — we don’t see Katy Perry as the mastermind behind this.

We don’t see her micromanaging things like payroll.

Since apparently a few performers who have appeared on RuPaul’s Drag Race may have been willing to work for free, someone on Katy’s team may have thought that they all might be up for it.

And maybe some folks from RPDR would be willing to, because their fame from the show means a little more success in their careers.

But even in their case, we’d advise against working for free, you know?

If we were in Katy’s shoes … metaphorically speaking … we would race to smooth this over.

Someone on her team needs, at the very least, a serious talking to.

You don’t ask people to work for exposure, pretty much ever.

But you definitely don’t cause a big controversy that goes against everything that your pop star employer is aiming to accomplish with your career.

There’s just about no way that Katy was okay with this.

She’s a performer herself, folks — she has to know that nobody does it just for fun.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

John Mayer Finally Responds to Katy Perry"s Sexual Rankings!

When your ex singles you out as their best former lover, people are going to expect a response. People are going to ask you for a response.

So yes, somebody finally put that skeezy John Mayer on the spot about Katy Perry’s comments.

Brace yourselves, because he’s still very much John Mayer.

So, Katy Perry ranked her past lovers a little while back.

She did it at the behest of James Corden; it was part of this goofy livestream thing that she was doing.

Anyway, she only ranked three lovers. John Mayer came out on top.

(Well, she ranked him the highest; she didn’t get into positions).

After John Mayer came Orlando Bloom with the silver medal, McKayla Maroney-style.

Honestly, since we know that a waitress got fired for “amazing” sex with Orlando Bloom, silver doesn’t sound bad at all.

Last of the three, though Katy Perry stressed that all three were amazing lovers whom she’d happily boff again, was Diplo.

Diplo’s response to coming in last among the three was very … Diplo.

Diplo suggested that sex with Katy Perry wasn’t memorable, which we have a hard time believing.

In his Rolling Stone interview, John Mayer responded to Katy Perry‘s compliment in a consummately John Mayer style.

He manages to not say anything yet infuriate us at the same time.

“I don’t have a cool-enough thought for you.”

We’ll have to remember that line the next time that we’re asked something on the spot, we guess.

“I’ve hacked this game. I pay very little of the price of fame now. I get to play the music that moves me the most.”


“I’m having the time of my life. I’m 39 — I remember 32. I don’t wanna do it again.”

That’s just his response to Katy saying that he’s good at banging.

Why is he like this?

In case you thought that Mayer was just, like, rambling like that in order to be evasive about Katy Perry … this is how he talked about switching from alcohol to pot.

“Drinking is a f—ing con. How much is enough? Every time I drank, I was looking for some sort of regulated amount.”

FYI, there’s no regulated amount unless we’re talking about legal limits.

You just drink it as long as you feel like drinking it but not so much that you die.

It’s basically the same rules that apply to orange juice and water. It’s not that hard, my guy.

“It always feels wrong for me. I always feel like I went overboard. ‘I said two, now it’s three, now we’re at four?’”

Is four drinks considered a lot? We’re not sure, and neither is he.

“I never had a serious issue with it, but I remember looking around, going, ‘This feels rigged. I’m taking a break. There’s never an amount that felt like I was succeeding at life. It always felt wrong.”

Honestly, we’d try to wrap our minds around how drinking is “rigged” but we could do something more productive with our time.

Like, you know, literally anything else.

The one good thing from skeezy John Mayer’s barely intelligible ramblings is that we know that he’s grown as a person.

Yes, really.

Remember 7 years ago when John Mayer referred to Jessica Simpson as “sexual napalm?”

Because we sure do.

That was wildly inappropriate.

With that in mind, we should be grateful that he didn’t refer to Katy Perry as a “sexual MOAB” or “sexual rail gun” or whatever it was that he was probably tempted to say.

As for Katy Perry’s sexual prowess?

We know that it’s easy to poke fun at and criticize her (sometimes she deserves criticism, sometimes she doesn’t).

But she’s probably very sexually competent.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Diplo Responds to Katy Perry Sex Diss: Katy Who?!

Diplo is one of those super weird enigmatic people who seldom takes things seriously and sometimes just says whatever off-the-walls stuff pops into his mind.

And let’s just say that his response to Katy Perry’s reluctant diss about his sexual performance is very, very on-brand.

Okay, so Katy Perry did this multi-day livestream thing that we don’t and will never understand.

It’s something about launching herself as the new, much realer Katy or relaunching herself or … whatever.

Part of it involved a guest appearance by James Corden, who played a game of Truth or Dare with Katy.

He asked her to rank three of her lovers for their bedroom skills, and she answered that John Mayer was best, followed by Orlando Bloom.

With Diplo rated last among the three. Womp womp.

To be clear, Katy was emphatic that all three had plenty of bedroom skills. For whatever that’s worth.

We have no idea if Katy reached out to her exes to give them a heads up about the question and her answer.

But when Diplo saw a clickbait headline on Twitter — “Katy Perry says Diplo is worse at sex than John Mayer and Orlando Bloom” — he responded as only Diplo can.

“I don’t even remember having sex.”

His tweet was totally deadpan, without a single emoji to help us figure out his tone.

Now, we’re sure that he’s joking.

But it looks like he was firing back at Katy Perry, suggesting that sex with her isn’t memorable.

Which is silly. Like, you can be on the Katy Perry hate train all you want, but you’d remember banging her even if you didn’t date.

Don’t pretend.

He also included a follow-up tweet with a photo of himself above the crowd at a concert.

His caption?

“I won the bronze metal [sic] in sex olympics.”

This time complete with an emoji of a bronze medal.

Which we assume is what he meant in the first place, unless he thinks that Olympians are awarded with lumps of ore.

Now, that’s a super positive way of characterizing coming in third place out of three.

If Katy Perry had been ranking her entire cast of past lovers — which isn’t actually that many, even though she’s 32 and hot — and he’d come in third, sure.

But you don’t really get a bronze medal for third out of three. That’s last place, buddy.

We think that he knows that, though, and that he’s just … being Diplo about it.

And, honestly, having known him for a while (not to mention known him), Katy had to have known that he’d be the one to publicly respond.

In a way, she did him a favor.

She didn’t make him out to be a sex god, sure.

But she did remind the public that he exists.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Katy Perry to Taylor Swift: I LOVE YOU!

Katy Perry has flip-flopped on her views of Taylor Swift so often over the past few weeks that even John Kerry thinks the singer may be losing it.

First, the artist spoke to James Corden about her years-long feud with Swift, citing her rival by name and making it clear that there’s been a “situation” between the stars for a long time now.

It has to do with backup dancers and how they were shared between Perry and Swift back in the day until Katy wanted them back and Taylor got angry and…

… you know what? The details aren’t really important.

What reporters have been focused on instead is the general nature of this intense feud between two of the planet’s most beloved pop stars and when/how it might end.

“Honestly, it’s really like she started it, and it’s time for her to finish it,” Perry told Corden late last month.

In doing so, she got more specific than Swift has ever gotten about her.

Despite clearly writing “Bad Blood” with Perry in mind and despite dropping a few mysterious insults here and there, Taylor has never confirmed a beef with Perry.

She’s never even said her name in the context of their long-simmering disagreement.

But Perry is trying to sell a new album and has been using her feud with Swift to make headlines and help promote “Witness.”

Speaking to NME after talking to Corden, Perry – who released the revenge track “Swish Swish” this spring – continued to play the victim.

“I wish that I could turn the other cheek every single time, but I’m also not a pushover, you know?” she said, adding:

“Especially when someone tries to assassinate my character with little girls [her fans]. That’s so messed up!”

Harsh words. And effective words?

Not exactly.

Swift, who has avoided the spotlight for about a year now, is yet to respond to anything Perry has said. At least not verbally.

But she pulled the ultimate Taylor Swift Move last week, agreeing to let EVERY STREAMING SERVICE play EVERY ONE OF HER SINGLES after previously keeping her music off such platforms as Pandora, Spotify and Tidal.

These songs were released at midnight last Thursday.

And… wouldn’t you know it? Perry’s new album dropped at the same time!

What a coincidence!

Perhaps sensing that she was losing this battle in very public fashion, Perry backtracked in a livestream a few days ago.

She attempted a different tact to capitalize on her feud with Taylor.

“I am ready to let it go,” the artist said. “I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her. I think it’s time.”

In other words: Please stop, Taylor. You win, okay? Just take it easy on me. I give up.

Then, in a new interview with Natalie Morales of The Today Show, Perry was asked about the song “Swish Swish.”

It is about Swift, right?

Perry tried to insist that the track was not just about one person, yet added of Taylor:

“All I have to say to her is I love her and God bless her on her journey.”

The singers have been at odds since 2013, when Perry hired backup dancers from Swift’s tour.

This rivalry has been one of the most passive aggressive in recent memory and Perry’s recent quotes are the first sign that it may come to an end soon.

Not that Swift has any plans to make peace with Katy. Or even to discuss their mutual hatred at all.

“She honestly wants no part of this, that’s why she avoids talking about it,” a friend tells Us Weekly. “She doesn’t want to engage.”

Yes, Taylor Swift once again wants to be excluded from a narrative.

We don’t blame her.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Katy Perry Ranks Her Exes at Sex: See Who"s Best and Worst!

Katy Perry, for whatever reason, agreed to rate three former lovers by their sexual skills.

The lovers? Orlando Bloom, John Mayer, and Diplo.

Her answer is … not the most flattering.

Katy Perry’s brand has taken a few weird turns, you know?

Her “I’m sexy, look at my boobs, and no, I’m not Zooey Deschanel or Alison Brie, come on guys!” thing was never going to last forever.

Also, her “I’m the fun girl who parties with the gays” doesn’t distinguish her from … any other celebrity or even most other women her age.

And it turns out that “I’m feuding with Taylor Swift” isn’t an identity unto itself, let alone exclusive to her.

Lately she seems to be trying to zero in on LGBT culture and the community, possibly with the hopes of becoming a community fixture.

This is getting something of mixed reception.

But, maybe more notably, she’s shedding a lot of the “bubbly girl” persona that she wore for years and is being much more frank about things like sex and sexuality.

So, now she’s been asked, straight-up, to rate her past lovers.

James Corden is the one who asked, and he does have this unrelenting charm about him, so we understand her giving in and answering.

This was, by the way, on her big ridiculous livestream, where you can watch her sleep, if you’re into that (also please don’t be into that).

But realistically, we suspect that the question and answer were designed to call attention to Katy’s livestream. It’s working.

The three exes whom Katy rated were: Orlando Bloom, John Mayer, and Diplo. And Katy rated all three of them …

The Worst: Diplo

The In Between: Orlando Bloom

The Best: John Mayer

Now, we have to be fair, because she did quickly clarify that they were all three fantastic lovers and that she would happily have sex with them all again.

We don’t think that she was airing her plans, we think that she was just, you know, being nice and possibly being honest.

Diplo sounds less like the name of a DJ and more like the name of a pharmaceutical — what would that treat? Migraines?

But his actual name is Thomas Wesley Pentz, and in this day and age, you’d rather be mistaken for a drug than have someone think that you share a last name with Mike Pence.

But Diplo’s actually been around for years, and has even dabbled in feuding with Taylor Swift, the very thought of which is so exhausting that it makes us want to take a nap. But it gives him something in common with Katy, sort of.

Orlando Bloom is more widely known, and was part of the sexual awakening of plenty of folks who were teens when The Fellowship of the Ring and the first Pirates of the Caribbean came out.

Now it’s, like, 16 years later, and he still looks good — even when naked.

He and Katy also had an amicable breakup, like actual adults, which is pretty refreshing in the world of relentless Hollywood drama.

John Mayer has a reputation for giving off a pretty skeezy vibe, though he’s tried to make up for that in recent years.

Honestly, since Katy Perry made it clear that they aren’t going to date again, we hope that her praise doesn’t confuse him.

He strikes us as the kind of guy who’d hear “I’d have sex with him again” and think that it means that she wants him back.

In general, playing truth-or-dare on a livestream when you’re both celebrities isn’t the best idea, even if you both kind of have a feel for the other’s boundaries.

Ranking lovers is pretty vanilla when it comes to truth-sharing, but it is not when you are a celebrity and all three of them are celebrities (Diplo shouldn’t count but let’s just let him have this).

They have fans who adore them and, like literally all humans, they don’t want anyone thinking that they’re bad at sex.

Of course, it’s possible that Katy’s answer was very calculated.

If you think about it, Diplo’s the lowest on the “food chain” of those three, so of course you’d rank him last.

Orlando Bloom may not be his hottest self anymore, but he’s still widely recognized as being astonishingly good-looking. Plus, you know, those nude photos were wildly flattering.

So, of the two, Bloom might have the least need for additional praise.

Though … there’s always the chance that John Mayer is actually just really good at sex. Sometimes even the skeeziest guys are.

Sometimes they have that one thing going for them.

Someone could ask Taylor Swift if she agrees with Katy about their mutual ex … but honestly, who would dare?

We spent the last couple of years feeling a little fatigued about Katy Perry, but we have to admit that we’re interested to see what she gets up to next.

But if she wants to share anymore celebrity bedroom secrets, we’re up for hearing those, too.


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Katy Perry: I Forgive You, Taylor Swift!

For the past few weeks, we celebrity gossip lovers have had such a great time with the feud between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.

It’s not often that two huge stars have such a nasty, public battle, and when it happens, it is truly something to treasure.

The feud started a few years ago, when Taylor mentioned that she wasn’t getting along with an unnamed fellow pop star after some conflict involving world tours and backup dancers.

It didn’t take long for everyone to figure out she was referring to Katy.

Taylor went on to release “Bad Blood,” her diss track dedicated to Katy, and she continued discussing the feud in interviews.

Then, last month, Katy released a diss track of her own called “Swish Swish,” widely believed to be about Taylor.

She confirmed it all during an interview on The Late Late Show with James Corden.

“There’s a situation,” she admitted. “Honestly, it’s really like she started it, and it’s time for her to finish it.”

She explained that all those years ago, “there are three backing dancers that went on tour with her tour, right? And they asked me before they went on tour if they could go, and I was like ‘Yeah, of course."”

But, she added, she did tell the dancers that she’d probably be doing her own tour that next year, so if they wanted to work with her again, they needed to make sure to put that in their contracts with Taylor.

She said that sure enough, she began planning her tour the next year, and she texted the dancers, who told Taylor’s management that they wanted to leave the tour, and they got fired.

Katy tried to talk to Taylor about it, but “It was a full shutdown and then she writes a song about me.”

“I’m like, ‘OK, cool. Cool. That’s how you want to deal with it? Karma."”

She also said that she was totally ready to end the bad blood with Taylor, and that if she were to apologize, she’d accept it “100%.”

Katy said in a later interview that “I wish I could turn the other cheek every single time, but I’m also not a pushover, you know?”

“Especially when someone tries to assassinate my character with little girls. That’s so messed up!”

For her part, Taylor hasn’t commented on the matter — but we have heard several reports from sources close to Taylor about how she’s tired of the drama and wants Katy to move on.

Tired of the drama she started?

Also, Taylor decided to release her entire catalog of music at the exact same moment Katy released her new album — so it seems like she’s not too tired of the drama just yet.

But, according to yet another new interview from Katy, she’s ready to end the feud anyway.

“I am ready to let it go,” Katy said in a podcast that appeared on her livestream yesterday.

“I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her. I think it’s actually like, I think it’s time.”

“There are bigger fish to fry,” she said, “and there are real problems in the world. You know what I’m saying?”

“I love her, and I want the best for her,” Katy continued.

“And I think she’s a fantastic songwriter, and I think that if we, both her and I, can be representatives of strong women that come together despite their differences, I think the whole world is going to go like, ‘Yeah, well we can do this."”

“I don’t know. Maybe I don’t agree with everything she does,” she admitted, “and she doesn’t agree with everything I do, but I just really, truly want to come together in a place of love and forgiveness and understanding and compassion.”

After breaking into that classic Disney tune “Let It Go,” Katy said that “There’s a lot of other things out there in the world that people need to be focused on.”

“God bless her on her journey. God bless her. Honestly.”

And there you have it.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Katy Perry Reveals Battle with Addiction, Suicidal Thoughts

Love her or hate her, there’s no denying that Katy Perry has been exceedingly open and honest in the months leading up to the release of her new album.

She’s gotten real about her feud with Taylor Swift, she’s spoken out about her political views, she’s opened up about her sexuality.

She’s also done some not so great things: who could forget those unfortunate remarks she made about Britney Spears, or the comment about Obama that some people believed to be racist?

The point is that, for better or for worse, Katy has been more than just a pretty pop star lately.

And in a shocking livestream she shared on YouTube, she really proved that.

See, Katy’s new album, Witness, was released yesterday, and to celebrate, she’s livestreaming all sorts of things this weekend.

She’s been dancing, doing yoga, hosting celebrity guests — it’s been surprisingly personal.

But nothing she’s done so far has been as personal as a therapy session with celebrity psychologist Dr. Siri Sam Nam Singh that she streamed last night.

In the session, Katy revealed that she often feels pulled between being “Katy Perry, pop star” and Katheryn Hudson, the “dork” she is in real life.

“I’m a bit more nerdy than everybody things I am,” she explained. “I’m a big goofball. The fantasy of Katheryn went into into Katy and made this bigger than life personality.”

“That’s the point of this whole thing, if people can see I’m just like them they they can dream just as big.”

The struggle of being both Katy and Katheryn is what inspired her to cut all her hair off — “I didn’t want to look like Katy Perry anymore,” she said.

She also shared that she’s struggled with alcoholism — at this point in the video, someone could be heard urging her to stop the session.

But instead of stopping, she just got even more intimate.

Katy said that she’s also contemplated suicide, adding that “I feel ashamed that I would have those thoughts, feel that low and that depressed.”

She said that she even wrote a song about it — “By the Grace of God” from her 2013 album, Prism.

“You can be right or you can be loved,” she said. “I just want to be loved.”

It was an extremely personal thing for her to share, and so it just makes sense that her fans have been losing their minds in support for her.

“I’ve gained so much respect for Katy Perry,” one person tweeted. “Her therapy session and allowing the world to witness her… my heart breaks seeing her sadness.”

A fan told her “Your therapy session touched my heart it was so deep! Know that your katycats love you for being Katheryn Hudson.”

Another wrote “I love you as Katherym Hudson. I love you as Katy Perry. I love you with long hair and I love you with short hair. Always.”

Beat this, Taylor.


Katy Perry Breaks Down Crying Discussing Suicidal Thoughts and Love Woes

Katy Perry got emotional during a live streamed therapy session … saying she’s ashamed of thoughts she’s had in the past when she was depressed. The pop star was speaking with Dr. Siri Sat Nam Singh — known as “The Therapist” on Viceland –…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Katy Perry"s Live Stream Leading To Live Concert

Katy Perry’s current live stream is leading up to an epic event that will let a few of her lucky fans see her up close and personal.  Katy will be playing a free concert Monday in L.A. to promote her just-released fifth album, “Witness.”…


Taylor Swift Puts Entire Catalog On Spotify As Katy Perry Releases New Album

Taylor Swift’s not dropping the bad blood with Katy Perry because she decided to drop huge Spotify news at the exact moment Katy released her new album. Boom goes the dynamite. It might be the pettiest move — or just brilliant — but Swift…


Taylor Swift to Katy Perry: Oh Yeah? Take THIS!

So much for talk that the Taylor Swift-Katy Perry feud is fake.

So much for the belief that these two singers have played up their rivalry with a mutual understanding that it will help boost record sales and keep both relevant year-round.

Because Swift just made an announcement aimed at bringing Perry’s career down.

Are we being overly dramatic here?

Not really. But you can decide for yourself…

On Thursday, a rep for Taylor confirmed that the record-breaking solo artist will make ALL OF HER SONGS available on Spotify, Pandora, Tidal, Amazon and other streaming platforms.

The rep explained Swift’s decision as follows:

“In celebration of 1989 selling over 10 million albums worldwide and the RIAA’s 100 million song certification announcement, Taylor wants to thank her fans by making her entire back catalog available to all streaming services tonight at midnight.”

Do you know what else went on sale at the exact same time?

Perry’s new album.

What a coincidence, right?!?!?

Or maybe not at all.

In 2014, Swift got into a very public fight with Spotify after she removed her full catalog from the streaming service, including 1989.

“I think there should be an inherent value placed on art,” she told Time Magazine at the time.

Other than Apple Music, no streaming service was able to feature the star’s pop album until now.

And Swift only permitted Apple to stream her fifth studio album after the company said it would pay artists royalties during its free three-month trial.

So, why the change of heart from Swift?

Come on. Must we really spell this out for you?

Swift and Perry have been feuding since the release of the former’s smash hit “Bad Blood.”

Taylor never cited Katy by name when asked whether the track was about her, but it was. Plain and simple. Everyone knows it.

We’re sure each singer would disagree with certain details behind their long-simmering feud, but Swift seems to think Perry tried to steal three backup dancers from her…

… while Perry thinks Swift acted inappropriately in the way she treated these backup dancers during their time with her foe.

“I tried to talk to her about it and she wouldn’t speak to me,” Perry recently told James Corden of this difference of opinion, adding that the ball is very much in Swift’s court.

“She started it, and it’s time for her to finish it.”

But this isn’t to say Perry won’t keep playing a role in it.

She’s basically come out and admitted that the first single off her new album, “Swish Swish” is all about how much Swift sucks.

Speaking to NME for the latest issue of that magazine, Perry made it clear she has no intention of letting this feud die.

“I wish that I could turn the other cheek every single time, but I’m also not a pushover, you know?” she says.

“Especially when someone tries to assassinate my character with little girls [her fans]. That’s so messed up!”

That seems a bit strong and harsh, no? Has anyone’s opinion of Perry’s character really changed due to Swift’s songs or comments?

But while Swift can’t really affect Perry’s character, she can most definitely have an effect on her enemy’s record sales.

By dropping all of her singles on as many streaming services as possible at the same time Perry drops a new album, does anyone doubt this is her plan?

We love it.

Your move, Katy. Make it a good one.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Katy Perry: Taylor Swift Tried to Destroy Me!

The are plenty of sequels no one cares about this summer:

You’ve got Tom Cruise picking up where Brendan Fraser left off (sadly, not in Encino Man 2); Johnny Depp trotting out the same sea-faring Keith Richards schtick he’s been working since 2003; and of course, More Motherf–king Minions

But not even the stalest of movie franchises can compete with eyeroll-inducing tedium that comes with yet another round of the endless feud between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.

If you saw her cringe-inducing dabs during her recent SNL performance, you know that Katy has been waging a non-stop war against coolness, but she’s taken time out from that tireless campaign to fire more shots at her lanky, blonde rival.

The beef began anew when Katy released “Swish, Swish,” a single in which she took some pretty blatant digs at Taylor.

It continued when Katy challenged Taylor to “finish” their feud during an appearance on The Late, Late Show with James Corden

It’s still not totally clear what she meant by that comment (fingers crossed for a West Side Story-esque dance-fight), but one thing is abundantly apparent:

Katy has no intention of letting this thing go.

Asked about her comments to Corden in a recent interview with NME, Perry elaborated – but kept it cryptic:

“Well, James Corden makes me and the whole world feel very safe,” Perry said.

“No one has asked me about my side of the story, and there are three sides of every story: one, two, and the truth.”

That may sound like a fairly Zen take on the matter, but Katy says she’s no ancient Eastern ascetic:

“I mean, I’m not Buddha — things irritate me,” she told the magazine.

“I wish that I could turn the other cheek every single time, but I’m also not a pushover, you know? Especially when someone tries to assassinate my character with little girls [her fans]. That’s so messed up!”

Yeah, she kinda upped the ante with the character assassination comment.

Perhaps a bit melodramatic, since this is a woman who was often by Hillary Clinton’s side on the campaign trail, and has therefore seen the consequences of true character assassination firsthand.

Speaking of which, we’re surprised Katy never reminds her fans of those rumors that Taylor voted for Trump.

You want to make sure your predominantly under-30 audience stays on your side, we can’t think of a better method that pointing out that your rival might be in league with the Orange Menace.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Katy Perry Sends Powerful Message in Manchester: Watch!

Katy Perry kept it simple at the One Love Manchester tribute concert on Sunday night.

As previously reported, Ariana Grande and her team organized a fundraising event over the weekend to raise money for the families of victims killed by a terrorist at her concert on May 22.

There were 22 fatalities in all at that initial show in Manchester, along with dozens and dozens of fans who were sent to the hospital with injuries.

In response, Grande issued a couple of powerful statements, while also teaming with such stars as Perry, Chris Martin, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus for yesterday"s unique show.

Given her chance to pay tribute to all affected by this horrific act, Perry led the audience in a powerful, stripped-down version of "Part of Me," giving her rendition very simple and extremely emotional.

As you can see above and below, the 32-year old artist took to the stage in an all-white outfit and addressed the crowd of 60,000-plus individuals, along with a global audience of millions watching online and on TV at home.

"It’s not easy to always choose love, is it, especially in moments like these, right?” she said, adding:

“It can be the most difficult thing to do. But love conquers fear and love conquers hate. And this love that you choose will give you strength and it’s our greatest power …

"I encourage you to choose love even when it’s difficult. Let no one take that away from you."

Perry then launched into her 2012 hit, turning the pop single into a moving message of empowerment that had her fans singing along at the Emirates Old Trafford Stadium.

It was one of many highlights from the show.

Elsewhere during the evening, Justin Bieber talked about God and hope in delivering a short speech after his two acoustic performances.

And then Grande closed the concert with a version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" that left everyone in tears.

Watch Perry do her part below and let"s all applaud the singers who took time out of their lives to participate in this important, charitable endeavor.

Jobs very well done all around.

Katy perry delivers powerful performance in manchester watch

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Katy Perry Leaving for Ariana Grande Manchester Concert Half Asleep (PHOTO)

Katy Perry just left for Manchester ahead of her performance alongside Ariana Grande — but she looks half asleep … with a full bedtime getup.  Paps got Katy leaving Paris Sunday morning to board a private jet as she prepared to join…


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Ryan Seacrest: Pay Me What You Pay Katy Perry Or I"m OUT!

It turns out that the stars are just like us . . . in that Katy Perry can really rub them the wrong way.

You know how Katy Perry’s been bragging about her $ 25 million paycheck for being a judge on the new American Idol, as if her success means an end to the gender pay gap? It turns out that veteran American Idol judge Ryan Seacrest hasn’t liked what he’s been hearing.

He could even walk out over this.

Katy Perry’s a newcomer to American Idol — anyone else fondly remembering when that show was history? She’s a huge celebrity, sure, but she’s not bigger than a legend like J Lo. 

And Ryan’s been with the show for ages, but his initial offer was apparently over $ 10 million. A great salary, sure, but after hearing Katy’s interview, it must have felt like an insult.

If you’re struggling to find a reason why she’d be so valuable as a judge, you’re not alone. Remember, Ryan Seacrest has been a staple of American Idol. At this point, that’s how a lot of younger people know who he is. 

And let’s not forget that Ryan already has a job. He can focus on working at Live With Kelly And Ryan and keep his dignity. He’d get to avoid flying across the country every week.

Katy Perry, who’s no stranger to conflict with other celebrities, has been making it sound like her inflated salary’s all about feminism. 

“I’m really proud that, as a woman, I got paid. And you know why? I got paid, like, more than like pretty much any guy that’s been on that show,” she told 103.5 KTU.

We’d find that easier to believe if she were campaigning for women who struggle to make ends meet and are paid too little. But she’s just comparing herself to other celebrity salaries and that’s just boasting, right?

Besides, her salary might be less about empowering women and more about a desperate network that announced a new season before they had their full panel of judges. Whoops.

Look, Ryan’s no pauper and it’s hard to feel sorry for a guy who’s essentially fuming because he disagrees about how many millions of dollars he’s worth.

At the same time, from his perspective, this is a brand new celebrity — a household name for less than a decade — swooping in and the network effectively saying that they value her more than they value his many years of dedication.

Money talks, you know?

And the fact that Ryan’s been around the block means that he, of course, has met Katy. And let’s just say that maybe she didn’t make the best impression. 

It is nice to hear about women making more than their male costars, because it’s even rare among celebrities. Not every case of that is systemic sexism — some actors are just really good at promoting themselves and they get agents who push hard for big salaries.

Robert Downey Jr. kind of has that reputation, and tends to get paid more than his male costars, too.

That can’t really explain the gender pay gap at the non-celebrity level, where two accountants or managers or whatever with the same qualifications aren’t paid equally.

But one woman showing off how much she’s making isn’t going to change things. She could even be held up as a counterexample to “disprove” gender inequality. Probably not what she intended.

It’s always possible that Ryan is just trying to push for higher pay, feigning “anger” over Katy’s paycheck to boost his.

There’s no way to know for sure until this is resolved.
