Showing posts with label Katy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Katy. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Katy Perry Slammed for Controversial Statement on Manchester Tragedy

This week, many, many celebrities have taken the time to make statements about what happened Monday night at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.

That night, a man named Salman Abedi set off a bomb in the venue, killing himself and 22 others.

Over 50 people were injured, and countless others were undoubtedly traumatized by the attack. Abedi’s brother has been arrested in connection to the horrific events, and ISIS has taken responsibility.

Details are still coming out about the bombing, but the basics are that at least one man plotted to kill numerous teenagers and children during what should have been a happy event.

The whole thing is just too horrific for words, but still, people are trying.

And Katy Perry is one of those people.

In an interview, Katy said “I think the greatest thing we can do now is unite as people, as fan bases, all of it.”

“Whatever we say behind people’s backs, the Internet can be a little bit ruthless as far as fan bases go but I think the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other.”

“No barriers, no borders,” she said, “we all just need to co-exist.”

It’s a harmless statement, right? Katy obviously means well, and she’s just trying to spread a simple message of love and peace — and she’s specifically talking about fan bases here, too.

But to some people, her words were really and truly offensive.

A writer for The Blaze theorized that with this point of view, Katy is “putting at least some of the blame on the people who were blown up.”

“The terrorist was led to strap on an explosive vest stuffed with nails because the world has failed to ‘unite,"” the article read.

“It was not his own decision and his own wickedness that caused him to massacre kids; it was our society with its borders and its barriers and its intolerance.”

The writer criticizes Katy for talking about unity when she couldn’t even stay united with her former husband, Russell Brand, and for saying “no barriers, no borders” when she hires bodyguards.

Fox & Friends’ Michelle Malkin also commented on Katy’s “bodyguards and security systems,” adding that she has “no sense of reality.”

Katy actually responded to Michelle on Twitter, writing “The media has edited my words out of context, I was talking about online fan culture and how we must unite now.”

Speaking of Twitter, many users have also been slamming Katy for her remarks — one person wrote “Katy Perry lectures that we need to co-exist with ISIS but she can’t manage to co-exist with Taylor Swift.”

Which, to be fair, is pretty good.

But the point is that it doesn’t make any sense that all these people think Katy Perry is going to give a thoughtful, intelligent statement on national security.

She made her statement, which wasn’t even about the world at large, it was about pop stars and their fans, and it didn’t hurt anyone.

Let’s save the outrage, just this once.


Scarlett Johansson Drags Katy Perry"s Drag Queens into "SNL" After-Party (PHOTO)

Scarlett Johansson saved the day for a couple of Katy Perry’s drag queen performers during the finale of “Saturday Night Live” … by getting them into the after-party. A group of Katy’s drag queens — who performed with her for ‘SNL’s’ final…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Katy Perry, Lorde, Chainsmokers Say The Show Will Go On After Manchester Bombing

Katy Perry, Lorde, Lana Del Rey, Imagine Dragons, Shawn Mendes and The Chainsmokers are not bowing to the terrorists, because they’re fully committed to performing in England this weekend … with an asterisk.   They’re all performing…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Katy Perry"s Proud She"s Getting Paid More Than Most Men on "American Idol" (VIDEO)

Katy Perry’s $ 25 million deal to be the lead judge on “American Idol” wasn’t just for her — she says she struck a blow for women everywhere who’ve been underpaid to do the same job as a man. Katy was on NYC’S WKTU radio Tuesday and told “Cubby and…


Katy Perry"s Proud She"s Getting Paid More Than Most Men on "American Idol" (VIDEO)

Katy Perry’s $ 25 million deal to be the lead judge on “American Idol” wasn’t just for her — she says she struck a blow for women everywhere who’ve been underpaid to do the same job as a man. Katy was on NYC’S WKTU radio Tuesday and told “Cubby and…


Katy Perry Ditches Security to Spread Love to Fans After Manchester Bombing (VIDEO)

Katy Perry did something extraordinary for her fans in wake of the attack at Ariana Grande’s Manchester concert, and her point was clear … make love, not war. Katy was leaving a NYC radio station Tuesday morning, and naturally there were a…


Katy Perry Ditches Security to Spread Love to Fans After Manchester Bombing (VIDEO)

Katy Perry did something extraordinary for her fans in wake of the attack at Ariana Grande’s Manchester concert, and her point was clear … make love, not war. Katy was leaving a NYC radio station Tuesday morning, and naturally there were a…


Katy Perry Confirms Taylor Swift Feud, Challenges Rival to "Finish It"

Yes, okay?!?

Katy Perry appeared as a guest on a special edition of The Late Late Show on Monday evening and finally said yes a million times over:

Yes, she wrote a new song about Taylor Swift and, yes, the singers have been engaged in a pretty intense feud for years now.

Ever since Swift released the revenge track “Bad Blood” – a song clearly written about Perry, even if Taylor would not come directly out and state as much – Katy has mostly avoided the rivalry.

She’s mentioned it in vague terms here and there, but never to the extent that she discussed it last night with Corden.

“There’s a situation. Honestly, it’s really like she started it, and it’s time for her to finish it,” the singer told the comedian during a special installment of his Carpool Karaoke segment.

Footage from the appearance is not available online.

But Perry went on to confirm the account Swift gave back in the day:

“It’s about backing dancers, there were three backing dancers,” Perry told Corden. “I tried to talk to her about it and she wouldn’t speak to me.”

Swift has not cited Perry by name as any point in their feud.

During an interview with Rolling Stone in promotion of her world tour, shortly after “Bad Blood” came out, however, she said the following:

“For years, I was never sure if we were friends or not. She would come up to me at awards shows and say something and walk away, and I would think, ‘Are we friends, or did she just give me the harshest insult of my life?’”

Swift went on to say this fellow artist “did something so horrible,” elaborating:

“I was like, ‘Oh, we’re just straight-up enemies.’ And it wasn’t even about a guy! It had to do with business.

“She basically tried to sabotage an entire arena tour. She tried to hire a bunch of people out from under me. And I’m surprisingly non-confrontational – you would not believe how much I hate conflict.

“So now I have to avoid her. It’s awkward, and I don’t like it.”

Maybe it’s awkward for Swift and Perry.

But it’s been glorious for all of us in the celebrity gossip business!

During her Carpool Karaoke segment, Perry went into detail regarding this backup dancer business:

“It’s so crazy!” she said, attempting to explain:

“Okay, so there are three backing dancers that went on tour with her tour, right? And they asked me before they went on tour if they could go, and I was like, ‘Yeah, of course. I’m not on a record cycle and get the work, and she’s great and all that.

‘But I will be on a record cycle probably in about a year. So be sure to put a 30-day contingency in your contract so you can get out if you want to join me when I say I’m going back on.’

“That year came up, right? And I texted all of them because I’m very close with them and I said, ‘Look, just FYI, I’m about to start. I want to put the word out there.

“They said, ‘Okay, we’re going to go and talk to management about it.’ And they did, and they got fired.”

Did Perry try to reasonably speak to Swift? Yes, she claims.

“I do the right thing any time that it feels like a fumble. It was a full shutdown and then she writes a song about me. I’m like, ‘Okay, cool. Cool. That’s how you want to deal with it? Karma.’

Perry says she’s ready for ready for this “BS to be done.”

But the ball is in Swift’s court.

“There is the law of cause and effect. You do something and there’s gonna be a reaction. And trust me, daddy, there’s gonna be a reaction,” Perry says.

Katy released “Swish Swish” earlier this month and just performed it on Saturday Night Live.

Most people assumed right off the bat that it was her attempt at getting back at Swift.

“I think, personally, that women together – not divided and, like, none of this petty shit – women together will heal the world,” Perry said in response to whether she’s prepared to end her beef with Swift.

What would happen if Swift were to text Perry?

Would she accept an apology and move on?

“One hundred percent,” Katy told Corden.

Perry’s new album, Witness, comes out on June 9.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Katy Perry Scores $25 MILLION for "American Idol" Deal

Katy Perry is getting a staggering $ 25 MILLION to judge “American Idol” … this according to sources familiar with the negotiation. Multiple sources tell us ABC was desperate to sign a name before the Upfronts last week, when honchos announced she…


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Katy Perry Performs Taylor Swift Diss Track on Saturday Night Live: Watch!

Katy Perry sure knows how to get people talking.

Earlier this week, she dropped a brand new song from her upcoming album called "Swish Swish." The song features the talents of Nicki Minaj, and it"s … well, it"s OK.

But nobody"s talking about the quality of the song or its guest performers — everyone"s talking about the possible subject of the song.

Because "Swish Swish" is almost certainly about none other than Taylor Swift.

The lyrics seem to reference Katy"s legendary feud with Taylor, and even when directly asked, Katy hasn"t denied that the song is about her.

Ruby Rose, one of Taylor"s key squad members, took the time to absolutely tear Katy apart soon after its release.

It"s all very scandalous, and Katy brought that scandal with her when she performed the song last night on Saturday Night Live.

And it sure was a show.

We analyzed it to see if there were any references to Taylor, and if there were, we missed them.

But to be fair, it"s hard to understand anything about what"s happening in this performance.

Katy sings the song to the best of her ability — with no Nicki, it does drag a little — while surrounded by many, many people.

There are drag queens, dancers, a guy in a skeleton suit, and one very enthusiastic boy with a backpack who moves his arms really fast.

And while all these shenanigans are going on around her, Katy is just as serious as can be. Because it doesn"t get more serious than "swish, swish, bish."

Watch the mess in action in the video below:

Katy perry performs taylor swift diss track on saturday night li

daily-celebrities: Kanye, Kim, and Katy


Kanye, Kim, and Katy


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Katy Perry: Did She Just Admit Her New Song is About Taylor Swift?!

Katy Perry shocked and delighted us all when she released "Swish Swish," a fun little song with Nicki Minaj.

The song itself is OK, but the real joy comes from the lyrics, which really and truly seem to be about Taylor Swift.

The legendary Katy vs. Taylor feud has been going on for years now, all because Taylor thought Katy betrayed her by stealing some backup dancers.

Taylor"s made several passive aggressive statements about Katy, and she even released a song about her, the super catchy but super petty "Bad Blood."

And now, two years lately, it seems like Katy"s responded with "Swish Swish."

You can listen to the song, take in the lyrics and make your own decision about what it"s possibly about, but Katy made an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night, and she was directly asked about the rumor.

""Swish Swish,"" Jimmy began, "is that about anyone we know?"

Katy took a moment to gather her thoughts, then responded with "I think it"s a great anthem for people to use whenever someone"s trying to hold you down or bully you."

Which, it seems, is a good, neutral answer that works better than something like "Yeah, this song is about Taylor Swift, that bitch."

Of course she can"t come right out and directly diss Taylor like that, but notice that she definitely doesn"t deny that ti"s about her.

Watch Katy throw her best subtle shade in the interview below:

Katy perry did she just admit her new song is about taylor swift

Friday, May 19, 2017

Katy Perry"s New Song "Swish Swish" Is Totally a Diss Track, Listening Taylor Swift? (AUDIO)

Katy Perry ain’t playing … and don’t let the title, “Swish Swish,” fool you — it’s totally a diss track about Taylor Swift. Or at least that’s what her fans want to believe. Just a sample of the viciousness on the cut:Your game is tired,You…


Katy Perry: Did She Just Release a Taylor Swift Diss Track?!

Oh, what a beautiful day for some shade!

And also, as it turns out, it’s a beautiful day to hear Katy Perry just rip the hell out of Taylor Swift.

See, Katy released a brand new song called “Swish Swish” last night, featuring Nicki Minaj, and many, many people believe that it’s about Taylor.

This is for many reasons.

One, Katy and Taylor have been in a feud for years now after Katy made a business deal that rubbed Taylor the wrong way.

As the story goes, Taylor was on tour with some backup dancers who’d previously worked for Katy, and when Katy went on her tour, those dancers left Taylor to work for her.

Taylor began making passive aggressive digs at Katy in the press, and she even went as far as writing “Bad Blood,” her own impressive Perry slam song.

So it just makes sense that, with her new album, Katy would take some time to hit back at her.

Two, Katy was directly asked in an interview last week if she’d have a song about Taylor on her new album, and she said that “There is no one thing that’s calling out any one person.”

However, she added “One thing to note is: You can’t mistake kindness for weakness and don’t come for me. Anyone. Anyone. Anyone. Anyone.”

“And that’s not to any one person and don’t quote me that it is, because it’s not. It’s not about that.”

But if it’s not about any one person, Katy, why would you say it in response to a question about Taylor Swift?

She went on to say that “Everything has a reaction or a consequence so don’t forget about that, OK, honey,” so we can only assume that this new song is Taylor’s consequence.

Three … well, just listen to the thing.

In the first verse, Katy sings “A tiger don’t lose no sleep, don’t need opinions from a shellfish or a sheep,” which could be a direct reference to that time she called Taylor “the Regina George in sheep’s clothing.”

She also sings “Don’t come for me,” which is exactly what she said in that interview quote that was supposedly not about any one person.

The name of the song, “Swish, Swish,” could be a play on Taylor’s last name, but in the chorus, Katy sings “Swish, swish, bish, another one in the basket. Can’t touch this. Another one in the casket.”

And really, the whole thing just keeps getting juicier when you get to to Nicki’s verse — remember, Nicki had her own spat with Taylor a couple of years ago.

Nicki was upset that her music video for “Anaconda” didn’t get nominated for the Video of the Year MTV VMA, and she wrote something on social media about how women with slim bodies are the only ones who get nominated for videos like hers.

Taylor thought she was talking about her and addressed it, but she’d misunderstood Nicki — and she honestly ended up looking a little foolish.

She apologized, Nicki accepted it, but now it seems like things aren’t as good between them as they seemed.

In the song, Nicki raps “Don’t be tryna double back, I already despise you. All that fake love you showin’ couldn’t even disguise you.”

She finishes with “I only f-ck with queens, so I’m makin’ hits with Katy.”

Harsh, right? And so, so amazing.

But, understandably, Taylor’s people don’t agree.

Ruby Rose, one of Swift’s best squad members, took to Twitter right after the song was released, writing “‘Purposeful poop’ to ‘bomb a petit’ to a sloppy mess of writing over the top of Funkagenda..stop trying to make ‘Wit..I mean ‘fetch’ happen.”

“I just think with everything going on in the world to go from rebranding as political activist only to ditch it and go low.. is.. a bummer,” she added.

Hilariously, Ruby also tweeted “Not gonna lie Nicki is great on it and basically the only part that doesn’t sound a mess.”

“I’ve always stood up for the people I love and against things I think are cheap or mean spirited,” she finished. “That’s not new. You have to follow your [heart emoji].”

We’re sure that other Swift squad members will quickly follow suit in defending their queen.

What a time to be alive!


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"American Idol" Makes It Official, Katy Perry"s Their Judge

“American Idol” and ABC made it official Tuesday … they’ve bagged Katy Perry to be the lead judge when the show returns next year. ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey made the announcement Tuesday — as we first told you she would — at…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Katy Perry: Slammed For Bizarre "Bon Appetit" Video

With lyrics like "spread me like a buffet" and "hope you"ve got some room for the world"s best cherry pie," it"s no surprise that the video for Katy Perry"s "Bon Appetit" features lots of skin and visual innuendo.

What is surprising is the fact that the effect is less arousing than revolting.

The song was controversial from the start, due to Katy"s decision to collaborate with Migos.

Many don"t buy the hip hop crew"s apologies for past homophobic comments, and Katy – a longtime supporter of the LGBT community – is being called out as hypocritical.

Anyway, if you thought the uproar might cause Katy might play it safe in the video, you were sorely mistaken.

This is really one of those clips that has to be seen to be believed, but here are some highlights to watch out for:

-Katy making "O" faces while being kneaded and stretched into dough.

-Katy being covered in vegetables for some reason.

-Katy having a braid chopped off like it"s about to be sent off with a ransom note.

-Katy being tossed into a pot of boiling water.

-Katy ditching the food motif to turn into an exotic dancer who performs for Migos.

Whoops, looks like we just described the whole video.

We"d say there"s really no reason for you to watch it now, but we can think of at least two:

Katy"s boobs are prominently featured throughout the clip.

Sure, they"re often covered in various foodstuffs, but you"ll get over it.

Katy perry slammed for bizarre bon appetit video

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Katy Perry"s "American Idol" Judge Deal Almost Closed, Announcement Planned

Katy Perry is in the homestretch … negotiating a deal to become the anchor judge on “American Idol,” and the announcement is expected to go down Tuesday. TMZ broke the story … ‘AI’ honchos set their sights on Perry after their bid for Kelly…


Katy Perry Spits Out Cherry Pie While Promoting "Bon Appetit" (PHOTO)

Katy Perry has officially lost her appetite for cherry pie … she literally can’t stomach another bite. Katy was out pumping up her new single, “Bon Appetite” this weekend at the Wango Tango concert in Carson, CA — and noshed on a big ole…


Katy Perry Is New Dream Judge for "American Idol"

Katy Perry is in line to fill the first judge’s chair on the new “American Idol” and negotiations have already begun … TMZ has learned. Sources familiar with the talks tell us Katy is very interested, and is open to scheduling potential tour dates…
