Showing posts with label Keep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keep. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sarah Silverman Vows to Keep Resisting Trump After Betsy DeVos Confirmation (VIDEO)

Sarah Silverman’s got a plan to fight Donald Trump’s administration … and it goes way beyond voting and protesting. We asked Sarah about Betsy DeVos getting confirmed as Secretary of Education — she’s obviously not happy about it … and…


Sarah Silverman Vows to Keep Resisting Trump After Betsy DeVos Confirmation (VIDEO)

Sarah Silverman’s got a plan to fight Donald Trump’s administration … and it goes way beyond voting and protesting. We asked Sarah about Betsy DeVos getting confirmed as Secretary of Education — she’s obviously not happy about it … and…


Friday, February 3, 2017

Judge Joe Brown"s Divorce is Final, Gets to Keep 4 Cars

Judge Joe Brown’s long divorce battle’s finally seen its last day in court … he’s officially single. Joe’s patience might have paid off … because he’s making off nicely. He’ll keep a Tennessee home, a Porsche 911, Range Rover, Land Rover and…


Judge Joe Brown"s Divorce is Final, Gets to Keep 4 Cars

Judge Joe Brown’s long divorce battle’s finally seen its last day in court … he’s officially single. Joe’s patience might have paid off … because he’s making off nicely. He’ll keep a Tennessee home, a Porsche 911, Range Rover, Land Rover and…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Adam Lind: Keep That F--king Camera Out of My Face!

Doesn"t it hurt so much to think about the wonderful Chelsea Houska ever being with Adam Lind, who is arguably the biggest creep in the entire Teen Mom universe?

It"s just … he"s so awful. He"s SO awful.

No one has the time to recount each and every one of his bad qualities — he essentially abandoned Chelsea more than once after she gave birth to their daughter, Aubree, and he refuses to pay a reasonable amount of child support, to name just a couple.

But for Adam"s current bit of douchebaggery, he"s doing this thing where he keeps saying that he"s going to quit filming Teen Mom 2, but then he never, ever does.

It"s overwhelming, really.

A few times now, he"s said that he"s quitting the show because of the way he"s portrayed, but then he keeps right on going.

He seems to be stuck in between his desire to leave the show and his desire to get paid, because in this current season, he"s been a real tool to the crew.

In one episode, he told producers to come to his house to film, and when they arrived, he refused to let them in.

And now, in this new sneak peek for this week"s episode, he"s unbelievably rude and disrespectful when his producer tries to talk to him about it.

Like, he actually cusses this poor woman out right at Aubree"s softball game.

Watch Adam be the jackass he is in the video below:

Adam lind keep that f king camera out of my face

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Flip or Flop: Tarek and Christina El Moussa Beg to Keep Filming Despite Feud!

If you enjoy high drama surrounding reality stars on HGTV, then you’ve surely been taking in every last little detail of the increasingly ugly divorce of Tarek and Christina El Moussa.

But then again, if you enjoy high drama surrounding reality stars on HGTV, then you’re probably completely overwhelmed with how awful things are between the Flip or Flop stars.

Because things are awful. Sincerely, incredibly, remarkably awful.

As we learned last month, Tarek and Christina separated after a terrifying incident involving guns and a whole mess of cops that went down in May.

After getting into some kind of argument in their California home, Tarek grabbed a gun and went outside, heading for a hiking trail. Christina followed him, looking extremely upset.

A few people witnessed all that and called the police, concerned that Tarek was suicidal. Police arrived soon after — 11 officers and one helicopter, to be exact.

But, according to Tarek, he’d just left the house to get some air after the fight. He took the gun in case he came across any dangerous critters along the way.

Several months went by after the incident, and it was only in December that we learned they’d separated.

After the news leaked, Tarek and Christina released a statement insisting, among other things, that they “plan to continue our professional life together.”

But that statement came several weeks ago now. And in the time since, things have obviously changed.

They’re currently filming for Flip or Flop, and reports have stated that the El Moussas aren’t getting along all that great. Shocking, right?

One source claimed that “Tarek yells at her in front of production,” and that “he is constantly putting her down.”

“He says he blames her for leaking information about their split and he thinks that she sabotaged their marriage.”

Another report, as horrific as it sounds, claims that Tarek has been joking about raping Christina on set.

So considering all that, you’d think that both of them would be eager to cut ties completely, right? Professional life and all.

But if you did think that, then you’d be wrong.

According to a new report from People, Tarek and Christina are urging HGTV to let them continue filming, even after this current season.

A source says that they “are very much committed and want to continue to work together and continue the show.”

Ultimately though, the decision to keep filming isn’t up to them — HGTV executive are keeping an eye on the ratings before ordering more seasons.

It shouldn’t be a problem though, considering ratings are way up for Flip or Flop.

So it looks like there’s a good chance we could be seeing a whole lot more of this couple.

What could possibly go wrong?


Saturday, January 28, 2017

"Flip or Flop" Stars Want to Keep Making Hit Show Despite Marriage Split

Tarek and Christina El Moussa might be done with their marriage, but they’re not ready to break up their hit HGTV show. Sources close to production tell us … the ex-couple wants to keep filming “Flip or Flop” beyond this season, and there are…


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Frances Bean Cobain Gimme Back My Dad"s Guitar, I"ll Keep It Safe!

Kurt Cobain’s daughter doesn’t trust her estranged husband with one of her father’s famous guitars … and she’s asking a judge to help her get it back, stat. Frances Bean Cobain filed docs, obtained by TMZ, asking the court to force Isaiah…


Monday, January 23, 2017

Donald Trump Seeks to Own Phrase "Keep America Great!"

Donald Trump is ever the businessman, trying to own the slogan that got him elected, with a few changes. Trump filed legal docs 2 days before he was inaugurated president, asking to trademark the phrase, “Keep America Great!” The application…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Getting Pregnant to Keep Kanye?!

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been having a rough time lately.

Maybe you heard about it.

Kim was traumatized after being robbed at gunpoint, Kanye was traumatized by having to be strong for her.

He had a nervous breakdown, she had to put her stress on hold to care for him as he was hospitalized and then, horror of all horrors, as he made friends with Donald Trump.

So it just makes sense that for the past several weeks now, we’ve heard oodles and oodles of rumors that the Kimye marriage was all but dead.

According to some reports, Kim and Kanye’s marriage was failing before his breakdown, and that their relationship issues were actually what caused him snap.

A source said that Kanye freaked out hard after the robbery because “the mere thought of his wife being taken from him was too much — it was like his mother’s death.”

“Seeing Kim close to death did a major number on him. It sent him into a tailspin.”

It didn’t help that Kim spent weeks lying low at home while Kanye was on tour, ranting and raving about anything and everything.

Other reports claim that the divorce talk began after the breakdown, because Kanye “became a totally different person than the man that Kim married.”

“She is and always has been in love with Kanye,” a source stated, “but she just does not love the things that he is doing right now.”

“Kim is done babysitting him when she already has two kids to take care of.”

And that brings us to the latest divorce rumor … the one that would have us believe that soon, Kim will have even more kids to take care of.

Because nothing saves a marriage quite like a baby, right?

A new report from Radar claims that “Kim is really trying hard to have another baby.”

Sure, sounds great.

As this insider tells it, “Kanye’s issues have been terrible for Kim to deal with. She is trying to keep her marriage from falling apart.”

“She has been getting a lot of treatments. She is taking care of herself so that she can get pregnant again.”

Wait, hasn’t Kim had a massive amount of issues with pregnancy? Didn’t she once say that another pregnancy could kill her?

Still, the source says that “Kim will do anything to get back to normal. She loves kids, would love to have more and so she’s trying.”

“Everything else is up to God.”

Yeah, to really drive that previous point home, Kris Jenner once told Kim that if she got pregnant for a third time, she could “bleed to death.”

Doctors have repeatedly told her that another pregnancy is a terrible idea, which is why she’s talked about the possibility of having more children through a surrogate.

Would Kim really risk her life for a totally misguided attempt to save her marriage?

Crazier things have happened, we suppose.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Edgerrin James" Money Management System ... I Keep $40k In a Box (PHOTO)

Banks are for suckers … Edgerrin James keeps his cash — tens of thousands of dollars — IN A BOX. James — who once inked a $ 49 million contract with the Colts — revealed his 2016 savings plan on social media … a plan that would make the…


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Justin Bieber Says Treat Me Like Trump and Keep My Depo Under Wraps!!

Justin Bieber doesn’t want the media getting its mitts on his upcoming deposition video, so he wants its release blocked … because if it’s good enough for Trump … The case was filed by ex-neighbor, who claims Justin terrorized him in…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Chelsea Houska to Farrah Abraham: Keep Hating, It"s Cool!

Chelsea Houska is the latest Teen Mom cast member to be dragged by Farrah Abraham, but she’s not going to engage on that level.

When Farrah goes low, Chelsea goes high. Or something.

If you missed it, Farrah dissed Chelsea and Kailyn Lowry after her infamous, physical Teen Mom OG reunion fight with Amber Portwood.

Without any logic behind it, and for no reason at all.

In explaining why she’s just better than the rest of the Teen Mom gang, Farrah alleged that Kailyn and Chelsea got pregnant to stay relevant.

Never mind that Houska and Lowry are, or were, married to the father of their second kid, and already on a popular reality show then.

While Houska responded to Abraham’s shade, she didn’t address it beyond acknowledging that Lowry – who was more vocal – clued her in.

Now she’s taking on Farrah directly … but still nicely.

“I don’t let her brother me,” Houska, 25, said.

“Everyone is different, and not everyone likes everybody. I don’t think she likes us and that’s fine,” she added of Farrah, also 25.

Chelsea and Cole De Boer married this fall and are expecting their first child – her second – sometime in the next month or so.

Abraham’s exact quote, we kid not, was this gem: “It’s sad to me that these women who I meet/see, so eager to be famous.”

“I’m not okay with seeing women who are getting pregnant worried about being famous like Chelsea Houska, Kailyn Lowry.” 

Lowry did not take kindly to that comment.

“Do you ever have anything nice to say about anyone?” Lowry tweeted, as Abraham responded by doubling down and calling her a pawn: 

“Yes real people who aren’t fake puppets of @mjfree production company. Thanks for asking sweetie hope you stay out of the drama.”

Lowry then responded to that one, “Hard to stay out of it when you bring my name into interviews and say I got pregnant to stay relevant.”

She raises a valid point, doesn’t she?

At the reunion special, Amber Portwood took a swing at Farrah after the latter commented that Matt Baier “probably looks like” a pedophile.

Behind it all was the ultimate online troll, Simon Saran; Farrah’s on-off boyfriend seemed to delight in instigating this drama, and watching.

In vintage Farrah fashion, Abraham didn’t take responsibility, instead saying, “I’m over all the other Teen Moms and I’m bored with their antics.”

In that respect, she and Chelsea really are on the same page … only one of them actually behaves in a way that supports such a statement.

As her father Randy – a small-town dentist trying to live a normal life, but who hilariously offers some of the best Teen Mom tweets – said:

“#hilarious I wonder exactly which TM would do ANYTHING to be famous … Chelsea flies so far under the radar, @MTV forgets about her #teenmom2”



Monday, December 12, 2016

"Flip or Flop" Couple Will Keep Shooting Together After Messy Split

Tarek and Christina El Moussa will still have to grin and bear seeing each other’s faces after their separation — HGTV’s decided to keep shooting “Flip or Flop” with both of them. TMZ broke the story … the El Moussas separated after a bizarre…


Friday, December 9, 2016

Chris Paul to Kobe Bryant: "Keep Going Til You Have a Boy!" (VIDEO)

Chris Paul is super happy that his friend, Kobe Bryant, just had his 3rd baby girl — but he has a message for the NBA legend … “Keep going ‘til you get a boy!”


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kanye West: I Need to Keep Away from the Kardashians!

For the past several days, stunning reports from across the Internet have alleged that Kim Kardashian may divorce Kanye West.

There’s been talk that Kim has met with an attorney already and is simply sick and tired of Kanye’s nonsense.

The stars have allegedly grown apart ever since Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in early October, an incident that caused her to shy away from the spotlight and NOT go on tour with her husband for the first time in years.

As a result, there’s supposedly tension between Kim and Kanye, although all reports to date have claimed that she’s the one considering a split.

All reports until THIS one right here, that is.

According to Page Six of The New York Post, West is fearful of becoming the next Kardashian “casualty.’

He’s aware that Kris Humphries is no longer a household name… and that Lamar Odom has fallen off the wagon… and that nearly every man who a Kardashian or Jenner touches ends up regretting his association with this family.

Could someone as successful as Kanye West fall prey to this curse?

Anything is possible.

“People around [West] are like, ‘He needs to get away from those crazy people.’ It’s just a curse over there,” an insider tells Page Six, adding:

“Anything with the Kardashians is tarnished and . . . they’re opportunistic people who completely take advantage of him.”

And while one might think that Kanye could never see himself being taken advantage of, the same insider claims that the rapper understands where his pals are coming from.

“Even [Kanye’s] like, ‘F-ck this, I’m not going to be the next casualty,” the source says.

While still very much married, Kim and Kanye are living apart right now.

Kardashian and her kids are reportedly shacking up with Kris Jenner for awhile, at least until things calm down inside their regular home.

The rapper was released this month after nine days in the hospital for a nervous breakdown and is still receiving outpatient treatment. He has a long way to go until he’s in the mental clear.

Similarly, Kardashian is still feeling the negative effects of the aforementioned robbery.

Both have some major issues on their plates.

It remains to be seen whether they will be able to work on these issues together, or if the once-stable couple will be torn apart.

There’s no definitive answer at the moment.

In the same Page Six report that claimed Kanye wants to avoid becoming the next Kardashian victim, another insider says the following:

“The divorce stuff is totally untrue. If anything – with everything that’s been going on between the robbery and this episode with him – it’s brought them closer.

“Kim has been right by his side and they’ve gotten closer than ever through it….

“[The divorce rumor] is completely bogus and lame because it makes her look like she’s abandoning him in his time of need. It’s totally wrong. His friends want to be supportive of them and of her.”

You may go ahead and believe whichever side to this story you want.

It does seem interesting that neither Kim nor Kanye would issue any kind of statement to shoot down divorce chatter, doesn’t it?

We respect their privacy. We understand that both stars need to remain underground for awhile, for the sake of their mental well-being.

But there’s no way they aren’t aware of this chatter.

Just come out with a joint statement, released through a publicist, and then continues on your respective breaks.

They are well needed and well deserved. But that would at least put these rumors to rest. 


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Corey Dillon -- Bengals Need Coaching Change ... Too Talented To Keep Losing (VIDEO)

Ex-Bengals star Corey Dillon says it’s time for the Bengals to move on from coach Marvin Lewis … ‘cause the roster is WAY too talented to continue comin’ up short year after year. TMZ Sports spoke with Dillon — a 4x Pro Bowler — about the…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"Making a Murderer" Star -- State"s Last-Ditch Effort to Keep Him Locked Up

Brendan Dassey poses a “serious public safety issue” if he’s released from prison and the state of Wisconsin wants him to stay behind bars until a higher court makes a final decision on his conviction. The state filed an 11th hour motion to…


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Taylor Swift -- The "Sexual Assault" Photo I Wanted to Keep Secret (PHOTO)

This is the photo Taylor Swift felt was too hot for the public to handle … the one she claimed would encourage “scandalous” and “prurient” behavior … the one that’s at the center of her sexual assault lawsuit against a former DJ. Taylor has…


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Tristan Thompson to Khloe Kardashian: Keep Your Creepy Family Away!

Hey, friends, have you taken the time to congratulate Khloe Kardashian on landing Tristan Thompson yet?

After all, Tristan plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers, so in dating him, Khloe gets to add yet another professional athlete to her list of lovers.

It’s a pretty big deal — for the Kardashian family, hooking up with sports stars is like Pokemon. Gotta catch ‘em all!

And it seems like Khloe has really and truly caught him, at least if we’re judging by all those crazy rumors.

For instance, had you heard that Tristan already knocked Khloe up?

The pregnancy rumors are pretty damn persistent, and last week a source close to Khloe claimed that she “wants to get pregnant naturally, and for sure a part of her would love it to be Tristan’s baby.”

The source added that “she’s so into him and he’s so gorgeous, she’s already commented on how beautiful their kids would be.”

Yeah, so definitely good reasons to have a baby, right?

You heard it here first, everyone: if you find a guy who’s attractive and you’ve been “into him” for a month or so, having a baby is totally a legitimate idea.

Also just go ahead and marry him while you’re at it — that’s what Khloe’s allegedly doing!

Another new report would have us believe that Khloe and Tristan are planning on getting their own reality show, and that their wedding will be aired on televisions worldwide.

But if all this is true, if Khloe is getting married and having a baby with Tristan and they’re all set to live happily ever after, then the rest of those pesky Kardashians better stay far away.

According to an insider who spoke with Radar, Tristan “finds the whole family pretty creepy, especially Kris.”

He’s reportedly “told Khloe to keep them away from him as much as possible.”

The poor guy is apparently so averse to the Kardashians that “Kris has had to back off after trying to reel him in for photo ops and appearances on the show, which is the last thing Tristan wants to be involved with.”

This insider does on to say that he “adores” Khloe and “does see a future with her,” but that he’s worried getting in tight with this family would leave him “destroyed,” like Lamar Odom.

“That’s the last thing he’s prepared to allow,” the insider asserted.

“He’s making a stand now and drawing a line in the sand.”

So if all this is true, then good for Tristan, but also shame on Tristan.

If he doesn’t want to help Kris Jenner promote her kids, then that’s obviously his choice, and it’s admirable that he’s standing up for himself.

But what’s all this about the Kardashians “destroying” Lamar?

Last we checked, all of Lamar’s problems stem from his addiction issues, and those existed before he even met Khloe.

And even if they didn’t, it’s not like Khloe and her family forced drugs on Lamar to create a juicy storyline for their show.

We hope that if Tristan is truly happy with Khloe — happy enough to marry and have a baby with her — that he won’t let unfounded fears like these get in the way.

However, if he wants to keep Kris at a distance, just in case … well, who can blame him?
