Showing posts with label Less. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Less. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Gal Gadot: Making 46 Times Less than Henry Cavill?!

Did you guys read that viral story about Gal Gadot getting paid only $ 300,000 for Wonder Woman while Henry Cavill took home $ 14 million for his debut as Superman?

It sounds outrageous!

But if that numerical discrepancy sounds a little beyond belief, that’s because the story is pretty misleading.

The gender pay gap is a very real thing, but people citing these specific numbers for Gal Gadot and Henry Cavill don’t necessarily have the whole story.

Wonder Woman was a great film, even though it had a silly controversy attached to it.

Man of Steel … was not good. Parts of it didn’t make sense, and it seemed like a betrayal of Superman’s character.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was also bad. Famously so.

Both of those bad films, however, raked in huge numbers at the box office. So has (and is) Wonder Woman, of course.

There’s no telling the quality that Justice League is going to have, but you can bet that it’s going to do well financially.

How much those stars are paid really matters.

First of all, Gal Gadot’s $ 300,000 is a base pay for each DC film that she’s done so far.

We don’t know exactly what Henry Cavill’s base pay is, but Vanity Fair was able to confirm that no, Henry Cavill did not make $ 14 million for just one picture.

When we’re talking about Henry Cavill’s numbers, we need to keep in mind that we’re looking at his base pay for multiple films, plus bonus checks that he’s received for doing well at the box office.

We don’t know what his base pay is, just like we don’t know what sorts of bonuses Gal Gadot is looking at for Wonder Woman‘s success (or the success of Dawn of Justice, for that matter).

The grim reality is that Gal Gadot’s deal with Warner Bros stands a strong chance of not being as lucrative as Henry Cavill’s.

Even though her movie was praised by critics, and even though her Wonder Woman is more in character than Cavill’s inexplicably grimdark fisherman (though, to be fair, that’s not his choice).

Because the gender pay gap is real.

But “less” doesn’t mean “only making about 2% of what he is per film,” because that would be mind-blowing.

Hopefully, since this story is so intensely viral, someone will the actual numbers will come out with them soon.

It’s worth noting that the first Avengers movie had a massive pay gap between Robert Downey Jr. and nearly every other cast member, including Scarlett Johansson.

But that’s, you know, Robert Downey Jr.

A lot of people pointed out this similar pay gap when the Gal Gadot story started circulating, but that’s a situation where one actor’s status is just ludicrously higher than others (for reasons that we only kind of understand).

Before playing Superman, Henry Cavill wasn’t already a household name who’d been in the news for decades.

So while we don’t expect whatever numbers come out of this story to make us smile, we hope that they won’t make us want to riot.

Remember to look carefully at viral stories, folks.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Rosie O"Donnell Posts Anti-Donald Trump Threat: LESS THAN 3 WEEKS TO STOP HIM AMERICA!

Wishing harm on President-Elect of the United States Donald J. Trump on Twitter is one of the hottest new trends here in 2016-17.

The latest to get in on the inappropriate action?

His favorite old nemesis, Rosie O’Donnell!

Less than a week after Charlie Sheen pleaded with God to kill Trump, O’Donnell threw out a (slightly) less overt request on her account.


No, the cable news network didn’t report on people trying to off Trump; CNN’s story was about Trump booting a biographer off a golf course.

Why Rosie chose that of all Trump stories, we cannot say, but trying to apply any logic to Rosie O’Donnell is like trying to explain Trump.

In general. These two deserve each other.

Obviously, some vocal members of the 46 percent of America who elected Trump in a self-proclaimed landslide weren’t happy about this:

Rosie’s call for America to “STOP HIM” can be perceived as a veiled threat, and one that is sadly no shock given the entertainers’ history.

They’ve been at each other’s throats for nearly a decade, back when Trump was hosting The Apprentice and Rosie was … still Rosie. 

Looks like he got the last laugh in this beef.

No explanation was given about the remark, but O’Donnell also tweeted a quote from Maria Robinson in her call to anti-Trump action. 

The quasi-ominous quote reads, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

For good measure, O’Donnell then retweeted a GIF of Russian President Vladimir Putin pulling on strings to control his “puppet,” Trump.

And, she shared a re-tweeted of Trump depicted as a clown, reading, “You cannot put a crown on a clown & expect him to behave like a king.”

Oooh, burn. Bet that one really stings and makes a difference. Straight out of the uber-successful Hillary Clinton 2016 playbook there.

Trump and O’Donnell’s feud was rekindled in August 2015, when Trump brought her up in vile context during a GOP presidential debate.

Amazingly, it wasn’t even close to one of the most absurd things he said or did during the campaign, but at the time, it was rather nuts.

Asked by Fox News’ Megyn Kelly about his alleged history of calling women “fat pigs,” “dogs,” “slobs” and “disgusting animals,” Trump said:

“Only Rosie O’Donnell.”

They remained vocal enemies throughout the 2016 presidential election cycle, and we don’t expect anything to change January 20.

Except for a possible visit to Rosie’s house by the Secret Service and/or “Second Amendment People” if she keeps up these tweets.

You know how Donnie rolls. While calling for the assassination of politicians is never cool, we know he’ll likely respond in kind on Twitter.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jennifer Aniston: I Couldn"t Care Less About Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie!

From the moment we learned that Angelina Jolie had filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, the question on the minds of millions of fans was:

What does Jennifer Aniston think of all this?

Sure, Brad and Jen went their separate ways more than a decade ago, but given the ugly nature of their split, it was impossible not to wonder if the actress and newlywed in Pitt getting karmically kicked to the curb in brutal fashion.

There were even rumors that the relationship ended because Brad cheated with Marion Cotillard on the set of his new movie, which added a layer of schadenfreude for Jen, as Pitt first hooked up with Jolie on a movie set while he was still married to Aniston.

Those rumors were later debunked, but Jen is still loving all this negative tabloid coverage, right?

She’s gotta be nursing a little bit of a grudge, don’t you think?

Jen’s every bit as petty as we are, isn’t she?

Sadly, it seems Mrs. Aniston-Theroux may be better than the rest of us in every way, as apparently she chooses not to waste her time praying for the public downfall of those who have wronged her.

We didn’t even know that was an option!

Anyway, part of the reason people thought that Jen loving her ex’s personal hell was because Jen’s bestie, Chelsea Handler, went off on Jolie in a takedown that Handler probably thought was hilarious.

(Does Chelsea Handler even think Chelsea Handler is funny? That’s like a Zen koan for the ages.)

So yeah, Chelsea did what she does by showing up and making everything way worse.

“It’s so stupid and pathetic,” the comedian recently said when asked about Aniston.

“As if Jen cares – she doesn’t care.”

Always a fan of hammering her point into your soul with a sledgehammer, Handler added:

“Hello! As if she [Jennifer] is sitting around even caring about this.”

She was then heard to remark:

“What sort of lame-ass, coattail-riding loser sits around obsessing over someone else’s divorce!

“Hey, you guys want to hear my tight five about how only douche bags adopt kids from other countries? I close with a bit about how much I hate the movie Unbroken!”

Maybe we made that last part up.



Thursday, June 16, 2016

Disney Alligator Attack Witness: "Everything Unfolded In Less than 30 Seconds"

As his family grieves, witnesses are recalling how an alligator made a surprise attack on two-year-old Lane Graves on June 14th.

Graves was wading in the Seven Seas Lagoon at Walt Disney World’s Grand Floridian Resort when an alligator emerged, snatched the little boy and dragged him underwater.

“We know that that happened and it is certainly not survivable at this point for him to have been submerged for that period of time,” Sheriff Jerry Demings said in a press conference before the body was found.

The Orlando Sentinel spoke to hotel guest Bill Wilson from Indiana, who saw the whole thing unfold from his balcony.

Wilson told the newspaper that at first, it sounded like a fight broke out on the beach.

“I looked over and here comes one of the lifeguards. He said, ‘Everybody get out of the water.’

“The mother was there and she was frantic, running up and down looking.”

The entire ordeal, Wilson recalled, happened in 30 seconds.  

A minute later, the alligator was gone, with Grave his in mouth.

Wilson saw the group – which included a lifeguard and Grave’s parents, gathered by the water’s edge.  That part of the beach was not lit, and it was very dark, he noted.

Almost immediately, Wilson said, first responders and Disney employees got to work searching for the little boy.

“Disney did every damn thing they could do to help,” he said.

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings confirmed that divers found Graves’ body around 1:45 pm ET on June 15th in six feet of “murky” water, roughly 10-15 yards from where he was snatched.  

Other than a few puncture wounds, the body was in tact.

Graves was visiting Disney World with his older sister and their parents, Matt and Melissa from Nebraska.  They were enjoying their third day of vacation during the resort’s “Movie Night” on the beach.

“No Swimming” signs are posted on the beach, but there is no mention of being aware of alligators.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Kylie Jenner Reveals 2016 Goals: Red Hair, Less Makeup!

According to a video on her subscription-based website, Kylie Jenner wants to “realize stuff” in 2016.

Deep thoughts. It’s almost enough to make you want to pay for Kylie’s app and website, but you just go ahead and put your mom’s credit card right back in her purse, because we’re about to reveal Kylie’s big plans for 2016 for free!

Yes, we’ve seen the entire video, and we’re here to assure you that Kylie’s got big things in store for 2016. And by “big,” we mean she might change her hair color. Hey, it’s something!

Chillin’ by the fireside like some sort of plump-lipped FDR, Kylizzle held court on topics ranging from her appearance to other parts of her appearance. Some highlights:

On her look: “I kind of want to tone it down…I feel like 2016, everyone’s on the natural wave, at least me and my friends. I just want to take my nails off, no hair, no make-up. It’s too much to maintain, sometimes. It’s hard being a girl.”

On her hair: “Burgundy. I really want to do burgundy or red hair. It’s red vibes.”

On her goals: “What I want to accomplish for 2016 is a successful make-up line. I’m really feeling like this is my thing and I have my colors coming out hopefully the end of January or beginning of February and I’ll update you guys on the date.”

Kylie’s lip kit sold out in no time last month, so we’re sure launching a full makeup like is a goal that’s well within her reach.

Of course, it’s kind of a weird goal for someone who just pledged to rock a more natural look, but we digress.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Oscar Pistorius Released From Prison; Olympian Served Less Than One Year For Murder of Reeva Steenkamp

In October of 2014, Oscar Pistorius was sentenced to five years in prison after being found guilty of shooting and killing his 29-year-old model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

Today, less than one year later, Pistorius is a free man, having been secretively released from prison late last night in order to avoid media attention.

Pistorius will now serve a four-year house arrest sentence at his uncle’s palatial mansion in Johannesburg.

Pistorius was originally slated to be released in August, but angry letters from hundreds of outraged South Africans – including Steenkamp’s grieving parents – persuaded the nation’s justice minister to hold him for another two months.

“We have forgiven Mr. Pistorius, read the letter from Steenkamp’s parents. “However, a person found guilty of a crime must be accountable for their actions. Incarceration of 10 months for taking a life is simply not enough.”

A lawyer for the family says the Steenkamps are still angry, and still believe that justice was not served.

Pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide, which is comparable to manslaughter in the US justice system.

The sprinter – nicknamed “Blade Runner” by fans – earned international fame after becoming the first double-amputee to participate in the Olympics.

Many believe Pistorius received preferential treatment from the South African justice system.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jennifer Garner Is "Less Stressed" After Split With Ben Affleck But Might Be A "Long Time" Before She Moves On — See What A Source Said HERE

We feel for ya girl!

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck news has been EVERYWHERE since they made their divorce announcement back in June.

Since then we’ve heard everything from rumors of Ben’s affair with the Hollywood couple’s nanny, his drinking and gambling problem, the couple going to therapy, and learning they’ll never, ever, ever get back together!

As sad as this situation is, it’s always great when we start to hear about the healing process, and it sounds like the 43-year-old actress has already started that to some extent.

Related: Last Man On Earth Co-Stars January Jones & Will Forte Have Broken Up!

A little over a week ago, Miz Garner showed signs she was getting things back to normal as she stepped out to take part in a telecast. Our suspicions weren’t too far off either as it seems a source has revealed she’s doing a bit better, even if dating someone may not be in the cards anytime soon.

The source said:

“Jen is doing well. She’s still adjusting to a new normal, but seems more accepting of the separation.”

They go on to say that it’s true that she’s “taking a little bit more time to herself” but that she also “seems less stressed” as a result.

We think that taking some time to relax and get comfortable with your current situation so you can move forward is definitely a step in the right direction even if the source reveals that:

“She can’t even imagine dating. It will probably be a long time before she is able to move on romantically.”

Even though we know they’re not going to reconcile, we’re happy that both Ben and Jen are putting their kids first. Just this last weekend they spent a little bit of time together as a family.

What do you think? Is Jen on the road to recovery or do you think that spending so much time with Ben might be holding her back?

[Image via WENN.]

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kylie Jenner"s App Is KILLING It Right Now — While Her Sisters" Sales Are Less Than Impressive! Deets HERE!

Is Kylie Jenner the fan favorite from the KUWTK clan?!

Well it appears that’s the case as Tyga‘s lady love is kicking her sisters’ butts in number of subscribers for their recently launched websites and apps.

Related: Kylie Celebrates Galore Cover In Lace Dress With Sisters

According to Alaxic Smith,who is the CEO of, a whopping 891,340 people signed up for the four sites within 24 hours. Wow.

Currently, it’s reported that the youngest Jenner has 74% of the subscribers with Khloe Kardashian coming in second with a surprisingly low 11%. In fact, Kim Kardashian West and Kendall Jenner are also far behind the starlet — with only 9% and 6% of subscribers.


Nonetheless, it must be hard having SUCH famous sisters that we kind of feel that the youngest fashionista deserves this win.

The reality TV star even took to Instagram to celebrate her #1 status.

She posted:

#1 I can’t believe it. I love you guys. Can’t wait to post more tomorrowA photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on Sep 14, 2015 at 4:42pm PDT

Way to #Humblebrag, Kylie. WE KID.

Unfortunately, these numbers may have changed since Alaxic’s snooping session as the loophole that allowed him to dig through the sites has since closed. Whomp, whomp.

Though, it’ll be inneresting to see if the 18-year-old will be able to maintain her ranking with the behind-the-scenes looks into her life. As long as she can trump KoKo’s recent cookie stacking tutorial, we think she’ll be fine.


What do U think?! Are you going to be signing up for Kylie’s app?

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via TNYF/WENN.]

Kylie Jenner"s App Is KILLING It Right Now — While Her Sisters" Sales Are Less Than Impressive! Deets HERE!

Is Kylie Jenner the fan favorite from the KUWTK clan?!

Well it appears that’s the case as Tyga‘s lady love is kicking her sisters’ butts in number of subscribers for their recently launched websites and apps.

Related: Kylie Celebrates Galore Cover In Lace Dress With Sisters

According to Alaxic Smith,who is the CEO of, a whopping 891,340 people signed up for the four sites within 24 hours. Wow.

Currently, it’s reported that the youngest Jenner has 74% of the subscribers with Khloe Kardashian coming in second with a surprisingly low 11%. In fact, Kim Kardashian West and Kendall Jenner are also far behind the starlet — with only 9% and 6% of subscribers.


Nonetheless, it must be hard having SUCH famous sisters that we kind of feel that the youngest fashionista deserves this win.

The reality TV star even took to Instagram to celebrate her #1 status.

She posted:

#1 I can’t believe it. I love you guys. Can’t wait to post more tomorrowA photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on Sep 14, 2015 at 4:42pm PDT

Way to #Humblebrag, Kylie. WE KID.

Unfortunately, these numbers may have changed since Alaxic’s snooping session as the loophole that allowed him to dig through the sites has since closed. Whomp, whomp.

Though, it’ll be inneresting to see if the 18-year-old will be able to maintain her ranking with the behind-the-scenes looks into her life. As long as she can trump KoKo’s recent cookie stacking tutorial, we think she’ll be fine.


What do U think?! Are you going to be signing up for Kylie’s app?

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via TNYF/WENN.]