Showing posts with label Massive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Massive. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Leah Messer Has a MASSIVE Freakout, Makes Her Kids Cry

You know how things were looking up for Leah Messer for a while there?

She regained custody of her twin daughters, Aleeah and Aliannah, after losing it to her ex-husband, Corey Simms.

She"s going back to college, she hasn"t been filmed nodding off while holding any babies recently.

Sure, she"s had a few hiccups, but for the most part, we"ve been pretty proud of this 24-year-old single mother of three.

But then we saw this clip, a little sneak peak from Monday night"s season premiere of Teen Mom 2.

And all that pride, all those feelings of "things are looking good!" and "way to go, Leah!" just went right out the window.

In the clip, Leah is getting ready to take the twins to a game of theirs, but she can"t find her car keys. While she leaves to try to find them, the girls get into a fight over a baby doll.

When Leah comes back, the girls try to tell her about what happened, but she"s still trying to find those pesky keys and is simply not interested in what they have to say.

They keep trying to tattle on each other — siblings, right? — and Leah lets out what can only be described as a terrifying, somewhat demonic yell.

It"s enough to make the girls cry, and Leah leaves them again to go scream in the basement.

Look, we"re sure Leah is under a lot of stress, but this … this is kind of alarming.

Watch the disturbing video below:

Leah messer has a massive freakout makes her kids cry

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Carrie Fisher: Condition Still Critical Following Massive Heart Attack?!

In case you missed the horrible, awful, very bad news, Carrie Fisher, beloved actress and human, had a heart attack yesterday.

It happened while she was flying from London to L.A., and it was a seriously bad one — so bad that after the flight landed, it took paramedics 15 minutes to even find a pulse.

She reportedly stopped breathing while the plane was still in the air, and in the minutes it took the plane to land, an EMT who was luckily on the flight kept her alive with CPR.

As she was transported to the hospital, she had to wear an oxygen mask, and we also heard that she was on a ventilator in the ICU.

Her condition was listed as critical, but now we’ve got an update.

And thankfully, it’s good news! Kind of!

Carrie’s brother was kind enough to speak with several media outlets last night, and he said that her condition is now stable.

But while that sounds like a big improvement from all the awful things we heard immediately after the news of the heart attack broke, his details aren’t quite as uplifting.

For example, while the AP reported that he said Carrie was stable, he told Variety that any stories you might see that refer to her as “stable” were simply “writing between the lines.”

“There’s nothing new from the doctors,” he explained. “There’s nothing new at all. There’s no good news or bad news.”

“She’s in the ICU and everybody’s praying for her.”

He told another outlet a similar story, that “She is in the intensive care unit, she is being well looked after. If everyone could just pray for her that would be good.”

“The doctors are doing their thing and we don’t want to bug them. We are waiting by patiently.”

“We don’t know,” he added. “We hope for the best. We certainly do not know her condition, that’s why she is in ICU.”

“I’m sure everyone wants to speculate, but now is not the time for that.”

So yes, that’s all very confusing.

It sounds like perhaps he was a little premature in referring to Carrie as “stable,” or that maybe he was misunderstood.

It would make sense — his sister just had a serious heart attack a couple of hours before, at most. No one would blame him for not being exactly press-ready.

It was in the other interviews that he actually gave a few details, and those details are that Carrie is still in the ICU, her condition is still serious, and they don’t know much else.

Again, best wishes to Carrie and her family at this time.

We’ve lost enough beloved people this year, the world doesn’t need to take her, too.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Carrie Fisher: Star Wars Actress Suffers Massive Heart Attack

Carrie Fisher, the legendary actress best known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars films, is unfortunately in a bad way.

Carrie was on a flight from London to Los Angeles earlier today when she suffered a massive heart attack.

The heart attack happened just 15 minutes before the plane landed, and luckily a doctor, nurses, and an EMT were on board to administer CPR until she could be taken to a nearby hospital.

According to TMZ, the United Airlines flight she was on reported her condition upon landing as “unresponsive.”

After landing, paramedics reportedly had to tend to her for around 15 minutes before they could even get a pulse.

Actress Anna Akana tweeted that she was sitting near Carrie on the flight, and she also included some seriously concerning details.

“Don’t know how else to process this,” she wrote, “but Carrie Fisher stopped breathing on the flight home. Hope she’s gonna be OK.”

“So many thanks to the United flight crew who jumped into action, and the awesome doctor and nurse passengers who helped.”

She added “Feel weird even tweeting about it but I JUST finished her book and was fangirling out over seeing her dog Gary in person. Gah.” 

A comedian named Brad Gage was with Anna, and he tweeted “I’m in complete shock.”

“@AnnaAkana and I sat in front of Carrie Fisher on our flight from London and she was just taken off the plane by EMTs.”

“I don’t know what happened,” he wrote. “Not really sure what to do right now but I hope she is ok. I hope she is ok.”

Another witness says “It was scary. There was a team of about six emergency workers pushing her out in a stretcher.”

“She had an oxygen mask on and they were yelling at people to get out of the way as they pushed her through.”

Other witnesses stated that as EMTs rushed Carrie through the terminal at LAX, her eyes were shut and she seemed to be unconscious.

Right now, she’s in the hospital, reportedly in critical condition and on a ventilator.

Carrie is only 60 years old. Best wishes that she can pull through this.


Carrie Fisher Suffers Massive Heart Attack on Plane

Carrie Fisher suffered a massive heart attack Friday on an airplane … TMZ has learned. Our sources say Carrie was on a flight from London to LAX when she went into cardiac arrest. People on board were administering CPR.  We’re told the…


Carrie Fisher Suffers Massive Heart Attack on Plane

Carrie Fisher suffered a massive heart attack Friday on an airplane … TMZ has learned. Our sources say Carrie was on a flight from London to LAX when she went into cardiac arrest. People on board were administering CPR.  We’re told the…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

UCLA Med Center on the Hunt for Massive Kanye Breach

Kanye West’s stay at UCLA Med Center had some staffers hunting for medical info, according to multiple people at the facility … who tell TMZ a slew of people couldn’t resist attempting to look at his info in the computer. Multiple sources tell us…


UCLA Med Center on the Hunt for Massive Kanye Breach

Kanye West’s stay at UCLA Med Center had some staffers hunting for medical info, according to multiple people at the facility … who tell TMZ a slew of people couldn’t resist attempting to look at his info in the computer. Multiple sources tell us…


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Chapecoense Plane Crash -- Massive Stadium Tribute ... To Fallen Soccer Stars (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Thousands of emotional fans packed the Arena Conda stadium in Chapeco, Brazil Wednesday night to pay tribute to the soccer players killed in the Colombia plane crash … with flags, drums and fireworks.  71 people were killed — including most…


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tennessee Wildfire -- Massive Bald Eagle Evacuation Underway at Dollywood

Dolly Parton’s Dollywood is under siege from wildfires which have triggered a rescue mission for several bald eagles inside one of the theme park’s sanctuaries.   Dollywood, which is near the fires raging in Gatlinburg, TN, is also home to…


Monday, November 28, 2016

Mariah Carey Called Out for MASSIVE Photoshop Fail

If Mariah Carey is looking for a way to distract folks from her James Packer breakup and rumored relationship with a backup dancer, well…

… she has managed to do so successfully.

And also embarrassingly.

The singer spent Thanksgiving in Hawaii, alerting fans to her whereabouts via the Instagram photo featured above.

It depicts Care (and her ample cleavage) holding a pie and a can of whipped cream, while wishing followers a “#happythanksgiving” while she’s busy “#festivating.”

Is she under fire for making up a dumb word such as “festivating?” No, although we’d argue that she should be.

Instead, Carey is facing a lot of backlash for this image due to how clearly she has Photoshopped various parts of it.

“That’s got to be some of the worst photoshopping I’ve seen!” wrote one follower, specifically referring to the distorted mirror by Carey’s shoulder and the warped cabinet near her right knee.

maraiah evidence

“Should the cabinet door and mirror bend like that?” another person asked.

(We can tackle this one: No. They should not.)

Some fans did come to Carey’s defense (“Let her be she looks happy,” argued one very positive individual), while others simply want answers about her love life.

carey evidence

Carey and Packer called off their engagement a few weeks ago.

Initial reports alleged that Packer had grown sick of his fiancee’s notoriously diva-like behavior, but subsequent articles pointed to Packer’s mental instability.

There’s also been unverified talk that Packer is a violent individual and that he attacked one of Carey’s assistants on board a yacht in Greece.

Meanwhile, with the public wondering just why she called off her wedding, Carey has reportedly been spending a lot of time with backup dancer Bryan Tanaka.

A lot of naked time?

Was he with her on this holiday trip to Hawaii?

What, if anything, can Carey tell us about this alleged romance?

The artist sat down a few days ago with Entertainment Tonight to discuss. Watch and learn!

Mariah Carey will be starring in her very own reality show this December on E!.

Some say it is the reason why Packer called off their relationship; because he wanted nothing to do with such self-centered nonsense.

Will you be tuning in for it?


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Jeremy Calvert Posts Photo of Daughter with MASSIVE Gun, Hears it From Critics

Teen Mom 2 fans are up in arms out after Jeremy Calvert posted a picture of his three-year-old daughter, Adalynn, with a rather large gun.

Well, some fans are up in arms. Others are less irate. Or all for it!

Jeremy’s weapon was not loaded at the time, it’s worth noting.

The reality star used his Instagram caption to reassure naysayers of this fact and that his daughter with Leah Messer was not in danger.

“She said, ‘Daddy, let’s go hunting and shoot a coyote…"” Jeremy wrote, clearly proud of his offspring (who looks just like him BTW).

“Lol better watch out boys, she won’t miss.”

A lot of people weren’t LOLing, but if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, or follow Jer on Insta, you know he’s not one to give many f–ks.

In fact, he seemed to know the hate was imminent.

“P.S. yes people it’s a gun and it’s also unloaded get over it…” 

This is the Internet, of course. “eople never get over it.

“This is deeply troubling,” one fan responded indignantly, right on cue and excoriating this move as the worst kind of parenting imaginable.

“I can’t say I’ve ever commented on a celebrity’s post before but this really saddened me. When did childhood stop meaning innocence?”

“Around guns there can be no innocence.”

“I think it’s simply time to unfollow,” another comment reads, adding that it may seem innocent what he’s doing, but think of the little girl.

“For a small child, this has such vast implications,” writes the fan, clearly of the mind that such upbringing may not be the best idea.

“She can’t simply press the unfollow button.”

Deep stuff right there, ladies and gentlemen.

Another took the rebuke to the next level.

“What the f–k Jeremy? I don’t give a s–t that it’s unloaded … treat it like it is loaded!” the fan wrote, urging him to rethink such behavior.

“This is giving her the wrong impression of what a firearm is. It’s not a toy! Why don’t you try being a responsible parent for once.”

“Giving gun owners a bad rep.”

In fairness, other Instagram followers praised Jeremy for allowing little Addy to get “comfortable” with a gun, which is just a part of life.

Gotta start ‘em young … or not?

Another defender of Calvert, who is now engaged to Brooke Wehr, said, “the thing is she won’t just go grab it because she thinks it’s okay.”

“That is part of teaching our kids gun safety!”

“My daughters know not to touch guns at all unless there is an adult to supervise. Whenever they see one they know to go tell an adult asap.”

Maybe, this member of the pro-Calvert gun photo camp posits, it’s “because we teach our kids safety and not that they are evil machines.”

The argument, questionable but not irrational, is that perhaps more exposure to guns would lead to fewer tragedies, this fan concluded.

Others were more ambivalent about the whole thing.

“We live in WV for God sake!! There is nothing wrong with this picture!! If he wants to take a picture with his daughter and his gun then let him”

“I’m sure he wasn’t posting to get nasty reactions.”

“It’s a cute picture! How is anyone to judge others!!?”

Apparently this fan is new to the whole social media thing – especially when it comes to parenting – but the sentiment is nice, at least. 

One can only imagine how Leah Messer feels.

Part of her may be alarmed at the sight, but then again, she is from West Virginia, and she’s been embroiled in her fair share of controversies.

Some of them, admittedly, over absurd things.

What do you think? Is Jeremy Calvert crossing a line with this photo of Addy and his gun? Or are people getting outraged over nothing?

Hit the comments and let us know!


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Derek Jeter -- Reunites With Yankees Studs ... At Massive NYC Bash (PHOTOS)

Derek Jeter got the band back together in NYC last night — well, a couple of guys from the band — when he reunited with some of his old Yankees teammates at a MASSIVE celebrity party.  Numba Two kicked it with CC Sabathia, Jorge…


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Did She Get MASSIVE Plastic Surgery?!

Khloe Kardashian is taking her reinvention pretty seriously – but she’s looking a whole lot more like Miley Cyrus these days than she is herself. 

And the following photo has sparked massive amounts of plastic surgery rumors, and honestly, there’s nobody to blame but Khloe here. 

Kardashian shared the odd-looking snap on her Twitter page, featuring a “Shop My Closet!” link, and we were terrified.

But few people probably engaged in the sale, as they weren’t even sure it was Khloe’s kloset they were shopping. 

Authenticity and all, you know. 

As you can see, Khloe’s cheeks look like they’ve been jacked to all holy hell with fillers, and even her eyes look different. 

Khloe’s face has undergone a dramatic shift from her early days on Keeping Up With the Kardashians. 

Formerly, at a heavier weight, her face had an entirely different contour to it, but as it is when folks lose weight, their face changes. 

The new look, however, is either heavily Photoshopped by a ham-fisted artist, or proof that Khloe’s starting to resemble the cute little piglet that Donald Trump said she is.

Khloe Kardashian GIF:

Yeah, we’re having a bit of it ourselves. 

About plastic surgery, Khloe formerly said, “My whole body transformation kind of just happened.” 

“I didn’t even set out to change my body at first,” she revealed. 

“I really needed an emotional release and the physical results of working out came out as a side effect of relieving the stress.” 

Oh okay

A year ago, Khloe hit directly out at those saying she’d done anything to her face. 

In a blog post titled My Face is Filler-Free, B-tches, Khloe said, “I posted a pic on Instagram and everyone kept commenting that I had facial plastic surgery.” 

“I know I looked bomb,” she said. 

“Let me set the record straight once and for all: I haven’t had any fillers done or any plastic surgery.” 

“…Yet,” she qualified. 

It would appear that “yet” has come to fruition, though, as Khloe looks entirely different from her former face.  

Weight loss notwithstanding, your cheeks don’t puff up like you’ve got Kanye cottonballs stuffed in your cheeks like a chipmunk suffering an intense bout of pica. 

Damn, Gina. 


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner Celebrates Birthday With MASSIVE Cleavage, Weird Gold Teeth

As you may have heard, Kylie Jenner turned 19 yesterday, and she celebrated as only she can.

Yes, by posting $ 200,000 bail for Tyga, but also by upholding her family’s tradition of marking every occasion with revealing selfies:

Yup. Those are Kylie’s boobs, in case you somehow forgot what they looked like.

She captioned the pic with a heart Emoji and a simple “19,” presumably as a reminder that you can officially drop the “barely legal” designation from Kylie’s inevitable sex tape.

But if you thought Ms. Jenner would celebrate with one simple pic of her familiar cleavage, you don’t Kylizzle.

In her ongoing effort to ensure that – though she’s never technically posed nude – her average Instagram follower could accurately envision her nude form with the accuracy of a police sketch artist, Kylie also posted the requisite photo of her butt.

She captioned the photo:

“Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Best Birthday yet.”

When you think about it the caption was pretty unnecessary, as we all know that a butt photo is the traditional Kardashian-Jenner clan means of offering thanks.

But by now, we all know to expect T&A pics on Kylie’s social media pages.

The real surprise in her latest crop of pics is the one that reveals Kylie and Captain Jack Sparrow might share a common dentist.

Yes, that’s Kylie rockin’ a gold grill.

No, we have no idea why Kylie thought that was a good idea.

We’d guess that it was a gift from Tyga, but there’s that whole $ 200,000 bail thing.

We don’t think he doled out much in the way of extravagant presents for Kylie’s big 1-9. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Justin Bieber Turns Down MASSIVE Payday, Sticks It to GOP

Unlike Katy Perry, Demi Lovato and Lenny Kravitz, Justin Bieber did not perform at the Democratic National Convention this week.

But that doesn’t mean the singer didn’t make his political leanings very well known.

He just did so in a more subtle manner.

And a more impressive manner, some might argue.

According to TMZ, Bieber was offered $ 5 MILLION to perform at a Republican-sponsored event during last week’s Republican National Convention.

The performance would not have taken place at Quicken Loans Arena, where the gathering was held, but at a venue nearby.

Insiders tell TMZ that the offer was made to CAA, Bieber’s talent agency, and that a promoter got in touch with Bieber’s people to ask if Justin would sing in Cleveland for about 45 minutes.

(For those doing the math, that comes out to over $ 100,000 per minute.)

The promoter tried to assure Bieber that the concert would not be political in any way; that he would not be asked to endorse Donald Trump or discuss policy or anything of that nature.

But the event would have been bankrolled by GOP donors.

Moreover, Bieber would be paid up front and the donors would cover all production costs.

It would have been the single biggest payday of all-time for Justin Bieber.

And he turned it down.

Sources tell TMZ that Bieber did ponder the offer for a bit.

He’s Canadian, after all, and could have argued that he doesn’t have much of a stake in an American election.

But Bieber’s manager and close friend, Scooter Braun, is a huge Hillary Clinton supporter. He even held a fundraiser for her at his Los Angeles mansion.

Braun and others at CAA believed that, regardless of the impressions they were given, the event would have been “100 percent political.”

Scooter reportedly tried to negotiate with the promoter who made the offer, asking, for instance, if Bieber could hang a “Black Lives Matter” banner inside the venue while he performed.

But the answer was no. And it was also made clear that Bieber could not insult Trump in any way at the show.

Still… Bieber was the person who made the final decision.

He actually spoke with LeBron James in order to do so because Conservative insider told Justin that the famous basketball player would also be appearing in Cleveland last week; also in a non-endorsement capacity.

But LeBron told Bieber this was incorrect information.

He was staying far away from his adopted hometown during the Republican National Convention.

In the end, with Bieber’s all-African-American band also being turned off by the possibility, Bieber turned down the invitation.

Pretty cool, huh?

Pretty interesting to go inside the machinations of a political campaign and how it tries to recruit celebrities to its cause…

… and even cooler of Bieber to say no to such a massive payday.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mama June Shannon: Reveals MASSIVE Weight Loss in New Pic!

It’s been a bizarre couple of years for the reality star once known as “Mama June” Shannon.

These days, June seems to have dropped the “Mama” from name, and we can’t say we blame her.

After all, based on some shocking recent reports, parenting is not her strong suit.

First, the world learned that June was dating Mark McDaniel – a man who previously spent ten years in prison for molesting Shannon’s eldest daughter, Anna.

Shortly thereafter, June was accused of stealing from Anna.

After several weeks of public denials, she confessed and returned the money.

Maybe June had to hit rock bottom in order to turn things around.

Or maybe in the absence of a camera crew, she realized there’s nothing all that funny about her family’s eating habits.

Whatever the case, Mama June has has re-focused on her health and lost a bit of weight.

Make that a lot of weight:

Yes, it’s hard to believe, but that’s the same Mama June you used to know and somewhat tolerate.

It’s surprising that she found time to diet and exercise, what with her busy schedule of promoting her upcoming appearance at Larry Flynt’s annual WTF?! Weekend alongside Bubba Sparxxx and porn star Jesse Jane.

(Sadly, we’re not joking.)

June hasn’t revealed any of her weight loss secrets, but they may be forthcoming.

Several outlets have reported that the 36-year-old filmed much of her weight loss journey in hopes of landing a reality show.

So the good news is that she lost a lot of weight.

The bad news is that she may be coming back to reality TV.

You take the good with the horrendously awful when it comes to Mama June.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Revie Jane Schulz, Instagram Fitness Model, Shamed For MASSIVE Baby Bump

Of all people you would expect to be body-shamed – not that anyone, for any reason at all, should be – this comes as a total shock.

Instagram fitness star Revie Jane Schulz found herself relentlessly bullied when she got pregnant … because her baby bump was large.

You can’t make this stuff up.

When Schulz, a native of Australia, was 24 weeks pregnant with her first child, people started making comments about the size of her belly.

Not flattering ones, either.

Schulz, who welcomed daughter Lexington “Lexi” on April 9, vented about her experience in a July 4 Instagram post that went viral.

In the accompanying throwback photo (above), the owner of CrossFit Babes on the Gold Coast of Australia looks absolutely stunning.

With her clingy army-green dress, tummy on full display, there’s no way anyone could view her as anything less than radiant and beautiful.

Right? Sadly … not right.

“I posted this after so many comments were thrown my way for having a massive bump,” she wrote, adding. “I was so fed up.”

“Even when I had tried on this dress, the shop assistant said ‘Holy moly!’ My friend is 36 weeks and you’re only 24 weeks and you’re WAY bigger than her!’”

The new mom went on:

“She repeated this to the lady in the next changing room to me. I cried while I tried the dress on. I got it everywhere I went.”

“It did make me want to hide away,” Schulz admitted, but she persevered, and concluded her post with some sage advice.

Advice that should be obvious, but isn’t.

“Here’s a tip,” she says. “Don’t mention the size of a bump.” 

“No ‘you’re so big!’s No ‘oh! You’re so tiny’s.’ Just say something like ‘you look beautiful / healthy / amazing!’”

The post resonated with the drop dead gorgeous brunette beauty’s 118,000 followers, more than 6,600 of whom shared it.

“When I was pregnant with my first everyone commented my belly was too small & it made me cry,” one fan commented.

“I always felt like I was doing something wrong, crap at growing a baby or just so fat everywhere else you couldn’t notice my bump enough.”

Another wrote in response: “I was the exact same when I was pregnant. I was so sick of everyone saying ‘omg you’re huge."”

“I cried like a hundred times and felt so unattractive.”

Schulz isn’t the first Instagram fitness star to be shamed … for a variety of reasons. It seems nothing will please the trolls. Nothing. 

There’s Hannah Polites, whose abs were just too toned:

Or Sarah Stage, who really needs no introduction:

Pregnant Chontel Duncan grabbed headlines last fall after posing tummy-to-tummy with her friend, who was four weeks further along.

Addressing the difference in belly sizes – which was significant, thus the entire reason for her post – Duncan noted:

“Each woman carries differently, and this most certainly doesn’t mean one is doing something wrong or not healthy.”

“We both have healthy growing babies, and we both have had incredible pregnancies so far, feeling amazing and full of energy.”

Then there’s even Liz Krueger (below), a fitness model bullied for wearing a mini-dress and looking hot at a wedding.

Is nothing sacred?!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

NeNe Leakes Flaunts Massive Weight Loss in New Bikini Pic!

NeNe Leakes has always been known for her curves.

But the former Real Housewives of Atlanta star is looking decidedly tinier this week on Instagram, where she shared a recent pic of herself in a string bikini.

Fans gushed over her apparent weight loss, extolling her new figure and wanting to know her secret.

And Leakes answered.

The reality star shared some of her slim down tips with E! News.

“My biggest problem has always been and will always be that I work all day and forget to eat and then I eat late at night with some cocktails,” she said.

“And I don’t eat breakfast! Lately, I’ve been trying to be good and eat something small for breakfast to kick start my metabolism and I’m eating smaller dinners earlier in the evening.”

She says it’s important to first identify your weaknesses and triggers before coming up with a plan of attack.

“We all know what our weaknesses are and what we overindulge in so it’s all about being mindful about what we eat and PORTION CONTROL,” she continued.

“That’s the key…because hunni, we like to eat!

“And having to deprive myself of anything is a no-no for a girl like me!

“Summer fun and sun is right around the corner so that’s a great motivator for me!”

NeNe has never been short on confidence.

Last year, she showed off her curves in a yellow two-piece, and included the hashtags #ageless and #shesgotit in the caption.

There’s still no word on whether her rumored reality show with Kim Zolciak is a go, but if it is, it’s sure to be one bodacious bikini bonanza.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Amber Portwood: MASSIVE Tax Debt Revealed! Is Matt Baier Sucking Her Dry?!

For six seasons now, Amber Portwood has been pulling in six-figure paychecks for her “work” on Teen Mom.

So you’d think by now she would be pretty stable financially.

But in true Teen Mom fashion, it seems that “stable” is pretty much the last word one would use to describe Amber’s life.

Radar Online is reporting today that Amber has been hit with a federal tax lien after accumulating more than $ 130,000 in debt to the US government.

Sources say Amber was notified of the lien in February of this year, and she reportedly has yet to pay a dime on it.

As we said, Ms. Portwood has been pulling in the bucks for most of her adult life, a fact that’s left many wondering how she could’ve possibly racked up that sort of debt. 

Not surprisingly, many fans are now pointing the finger at Amber’s deadbeat dad fiance, Matt Baier.

In case you haven’t been keeping score at home, Baier may have as many as nine children by seven different women, all of whom claim he hasn’t been supporting his kids financially.

There have even been rumors that he’s rushing his marriage to Portwood so that his debt can become their debt.

We have no way of knowing if that’s true, but some fans are speculating that Amber is trying to help her man pay off his baby mama before the wedding  – and the effort has left her buried under a mountain of debt.

Whatever the case, it looks like Amber is still making some seriously questionable decisions with regard to both her romances and her finances.

Here’s hoping she can get some money advice from the bafflingly wealthy Farrah Abraham.

Watch Teen Mom online to marvel at how these girls can make so much money and still live so poorly.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Buying Massive Mansion...For TYGA?!

It’s been just over a year since Kylie Jenner bought her first house.

She shelled out a reported $ 2.7 million for the place, and your average teenager really doesn’t need two mansions in a posh LA suburb – so why has Kylie been spotted scouting out new lavish cribs?

Sources say the Instagram queen and her boyfriend, Tyga, were spotted checking out a home in Westlake, California that makes her Calabasas palace look like a college dorm room.

There are varying theories as to why the couple was house hunting, but all of them have to do with the odd nature of Kyga’s living situation.

Back in January, Tyga moved miles away from Kylie amidst rumors that the two of them had called it quits.

They’ve obviously patched things up, but she still lives in a gated community with her family – most of whom are not that crazy about Tyga.

Maybe it has something to do with all those times he was caught cheating on Kylie.

Whatever the case, Kylizzle is clearly interested in scooping up some new property, and there are two theories as to why.

Some say she’s buying the place for Tyga, which would be dumb.

Others say she’s buying the place so the two of them can move in together, which moight actually be dumber.

“Kylie feels like she should have the ultimate say into which home he moves into since she is the one buying the house,” an insider tells Radar Online.

“Not only that, but Kylie also wants a bigger house herself and no longer wants to live in such close proximity to her family anymore,”

“She said if they break up than she gets the house and that works for her. Kylie pays for almost everything they do now and she is sick of it, but he keeps buying her bling too, so she is okay with that.”

A little bling in exchange for a multi-million dollar mansion. 

There’s a lot that can be said for Kylie – but she’s not the brightest bulb.