Showing posts with label Murdered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Murdered. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Lena Dunham: Taylor Swift Can"t Criticize Trump or She"ll Be Murdered!

Did you watch the season six premiere of Girls on Sunday night?

If not, don’t worry.

Statistically speaking, virtually no one watched, as the series pulled in just over a half a million viewers and a scored a paltry .24 in the critical 18-49 demo.

It was actually a decently funny episode from a series that’s been notoriously uneven over the years, but the basement-dwelling ratings reaffirm our belief that show’s star and creator Lena Dunham jinxed herself with that “voice of a generation” line in the pilot (however tongue and cheek her intentions may have been).

Anyway, Dunham remains a B- talent with A+ name recognition, which means she often hobnobs with some of the most famous people on the planet, including singer and celebrated friend-collector Taylor Swift.

2016 was a decidedly “off” year for Swift, mainly due to her frequent feuds and rocky love life, but also due to her baffling unwillingness to express even half-hearted support for Hillary Clinton, despite the fact that Donald Trump was threatening to grab out nation by the pussy and hand it over to a shirt-averse despot.

Now, Dunham is defending her friend’s decision in ways that only further confuse the issue:

“When I was lesser known, I was like, ‘Who could not share their opinion?’” Dunham recently told Rolling Stone.

“Then I found out that when you talk about politics, people straight up tweet you the floor plan of your house and say they’re coming to your house. You have to f—ing watch it because people are nuts.”

We can almost understand the reasoning here – although the “you plebes will never understand the pressures of fame” reasoning is always irritating.

What keeps us from being able to fully support this logic, however, is the fact that any celebrity who takes a political stance is putting their neck out there.

Is Dunham saying that Swift is such mega-huge superstar that speaking out against Trump would present too great a safety risk?

If that’s the case, then why is it that Madonna, Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry and countless others spoke out against Trump with aplomb?

We believe there are numerous reasons that Swift chose to remain silent while Trump seized power with his Ken doll-sized hands, but the major ones have nothing to do with the fact that you can’t take down a drone with a scathing ballad.

As you may know, Taylor is best friends with Karlie Kloss, the Victoria’s Secret model who, for the past several years, has been dating Joshua Kushner, brother of Trump’s son-in-law and top adviser, Jared Kushner.

You see where we’re going with this?

Couple Taylor’s one degree of separation from the Trump klan clan with the fact that she’s embroiled in ongoing feuds with two of the biggest celebrity Clinton supporters (Perry and Kardashian), and it’s not hard to see why she wasn’t exactly campaiging hard for Hillary.

Do we think Taylor voted for Trump?

No, but there are many who do, and their theory is not without merit.

In times like these, silence is tantamount to endorsement, and Taylor’s refusal to speak out against Trump speaks volumes about her political leanings.

In the past, the singer has railed against accusations that she espouses feminist ideals only when it’s convenient for her, and after passing up the opportunity to in some small way help a known misogynist from seizing power, she’ll likely find it harder than ever to convince fans of the legitimacy of her beliefs.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Paris Jackson Says "My Dad Was Murdered"

Paris Jackson says Michael Jackson was murdered and there were a lot of people who wanted him dead. Paris is on the cover of the latest Rolling Stone mag, and said all signs point to murder, adding, “It was a setup.” Without saying it, she…


Paris Jackson: My Dad Was MURDERED!

Paris Jackson is featured on her very first magazine cover this month.

And the 18-year old daughter of Michael is making sure it’s a memorable one.

In a wide-ranging interview with Rolling Stone, Paris touches on a number of issues; from growing up on the Neverland Ranch to trying to commit suicide on multiple occasions to a sexual assault that took place when she was 14 years old.

But the most jaw-dropping quotes from Paris center on the death of her legendary father.

Because she believes Michael Jackson was murdered.

“He would drop hints about people being out to get him. And at some point he was like, ‘They’re gonna kill me one day,’” Paris tells the publication.

Yes, she’s aware of how this comes across the most people.

“It sounds like a total conspiracy theory and it sounds like bullsh-t, but all real fans and everybody in the family knows it. It was a setup. It was  bullsh-t,” she adds.

Dr. Conrad Murray, the man who administered a lethal dose of Propofol to Jackson prior to his shocking death in 2009, was convicted in late 2011 of manslaughter.

In the years since, former King of Pop confidants, such as Corey Feldman, have made it clear they blame Murray for Jackson’s death.

But it doesn’t sound here as though Paris is talking about Dr. Murray. She strongly hints at something far larger at play than a doctor irresponsibly acting on his own.

“It’s a chess game,” Jackson says. “And I am trying to play the chess game the right way. And that’s all I can say about that right now.”

Wow. Well… okay then.

Elsewhere in the Rolling Stone feature piece, Paris talks about… well… A LOT.

Consider the following excerpts:

How is she holding up? 

“They always say, ‘Time heals.’ But it really doesn’t. You just get used to it. I live life with the mentality of, ‘Ok, I lost the only thing that has ever been important to me.’ So going forward, anything bad that happens can’t be nearly as bad as what happened before. So I can handle it.”

Did she feel like she was being raised by a global icon?

No. ‘I just thought his name was Dad, Daddy. We didn’t really know who he was. But he was our world. And we were his world.”

What was it like to grow up on Neverland Ranch?

“We actually had a pretty normal life. Like, we had school every single day, and we had to be good. And if we were good, every other weekend or so, we could choose whether we were gonna go to the movie theater or see the animals or whatever. But if you were on bad behavior, then you wouldn’t get to go do all those things.”

Why did she try to kill herself in 2013?

“It was self-hatred… low self-esteem, thinking that I couldn’t do anything right, not thinking I was worthy of living anymore.”

How is she now?

“I’m a completely different person. I was crazy. I was actually crazy. I was going through a lot of, like, teen angst. And I was also dealing with my depression and my anxiety without any help.

What happened when she was sexually assaulted in 2014?

“I don’t wanna give too many details. But it was not a good experience, at all, and it was really hard for me, and, at the time, I didn’t tell anybody.”

Why does she believe her father was innocent of all child molestation accusations?

“Picture your parent crying to you about the world hating him for something he didn’t do. And for me, he was the only thing that mattered. To see my entire world in pain, I started to hate the world because of what they were doing to him. I’m like, ‘How can people be so mean?’”

Why is she concerned about Justin Bieber?

Because he works with AEG. “They drain them dry and work them to death… He was tired, going through the motions [during a recent concert]. I looked at my ticket, saw AEG Live, and I thought back to how my dad was exhausted all the time but couldn’t sleep.”

Why does she have nine tattoos related to Michael?

“He’s brought me nothing but joy. So why not have constant reminders of joy?”


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tricia McCauley, Actress and Yoga Instructor, Found Murdered

Tricia Lynn McCauley, a Washington D.C. yoga instructor and former actress best known for her role in the 2006 film Step Up, has been found dead.

She was 46 years old.

McCauley was reporting missing on Christmas Day, with her brother confirming his family’s worst news on Tuesday morning via Facebook, writing that Tricia’s body had been found.

Police then held a news conference shortly afterward and also announced the sad news.

McCauley raised the concerned of her loved ones after she didn’t show up for Christmas dinner on Sunday.

She had last been seen in the 2000 block of North Capitol Street NW at approximately 4:30 that same afternoon and her corpse was discovered around midnight insider her car.

There are signs that she was killed in a carjacking.

Authorities, however, have not yet confirmed the details surrounding this death.

An Advisory Neighborhood Commissions commissioner says officers initiated a stop on her vehicle and found McCauley’s body inside early this morning.

Police took the driver into custody, who appeared to match the description of the person of interest who cops say may have been operating the missing car.

tricia tweet

Police say the suspect arrested was also wanted in conjunction with a robbery at a CVS in D.C. yesterday morning, during which he allegedly assaulted store employees.

“Tricia is gone, they have found her body,” wrote her brother on Facebook, adding:

“Thank you all for your work, support and love. To all of her DC family, I know she truly thought of you that way, thank you for being there for her all these years. Hang on to each other .”

McCauley appeared in Step Up (mostly as the stand-in for Jenna Dewan), The Paper Girl and a short film in 2012 titled “Never Dream: The Beginning.”

Following her brief acting career, McCauley became pretty well-known in the D.C. area as a yoga instructor.

“Let me express on behalf of all of us in Washington D.C. our deepest condolences to her family,” D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said at the press conference.

She’s not a huge name, but she had a family and friends and loved ones.

She joins this list of celebrities who also passed away in 2016.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Lisa Marie Naegle: Murdered Reality Star"s Family Reveals Shocking Investigation Details

Earlier this week, we reported that former reality star Lisa Marie Naegle was murdered in horrifically brutal fashion.

Naegle was known to the public for her involvement in the 2010 E! reality series Bridalplasty.

She was just 36 years old.

In the days since her passing, shocking new details of Naegle’s final hours have emerged.

We now know that she was bludgeoned to death by a man named Jackie Jerome Rogers, who reportedly struck Naegle in the head with a hammer seven times.

Rogers confessed to the crime early Sunday morning.

Police say surveillance footage from the night of the murder shows Naegle getting into Rogers’ car following a party at a Torrance, CA restaurant.

It was there that she told him she planned to end their affair and return to her husband.

When they returned to Rogers’ SUV, he delivered the fatal blows.

He later attempted to clean the blood from the vehicle, and buried her body in his backyard.

The deadly encounter took place shortly after Naegle and Rogers attended a birthday party for her friend.

When Naegle didn’t show up for work the next day, her family became suspicious and reported her missing.

The Naegles were told by police that there would be no investigation until she was missing for more than 72 hours, which prompted them to take the matter into their own hands.

Lisa’s sister, Danielle Naegle-Kaimoana, says she and the rest of her family immediately suspected that Rogers was involved, and they decided to confront him at his home.

He initially claimed that he’d left Lisa at the party and had not seen her since.

“We said to him ‘How could you leave someone [drunk and] go home alone? How could you let that happen?’” Naegle-Kaimoana says.

While she was speaking with Rogers, another family member went to the restaurant where the party took place and viewed the security camera footage.

Danielle says that when she confronted Rogers with screenshots from the footage, he began to show signs of severe stress.

“He started shaking,” Naegle-Kaimoana remembers.

“I wanted him to leave but at the same time I wanted him to admit [that he knew more.]”

Danielle says that she’s been overwhelmed by rage and grief in the days since she learned the truth about her sister’s disappearance.

“I’m heartbroken,” Naegle-Kaimoana says.

“I’m so angry. I was so sure she would come home.”


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Lisa Marie Naegle, Former Bridalplasty Star, Found Murdered

Lisa Marie Naegle, a former contestant on the E! reality show Bridalplasty, was killed over the weekend in gruesome fashion.

She was 36 years old.

A registered nurse who finished fourth on the aforementioned program in 2010, Neagle was reported missing on Monday by her husband after she failed to come home following a birthday party she had attended on Saturday night.

Derek Harryman told authorities that he last heard from his wife when she called him early Sunday morning to say she would be back soon after getting food.

Harryman told KTLA that Naegle sounded as though she had been drinking and that she didn’t report to work on Sunday, either.

He and Naegle’s brother, Rafael Chavez, reported her missing soon afterwards, posting the following plea on social media asking for any information concerning her whereabouts.


Following several hours of searching, Neagle’s loved ones received the worst news imaginable:

She had been murdered.

After Neagle’s family obtained security footage of Lisa and a nursing student named Jackie Jerome Rogers getting into a Black SUV around 2 a.m. on Sunday, the latter admitted to police that he brutally killed the 36-year old.

“He confessed to the murder and advised detectives he had buried her somewhere behind the residence,” LAPD Officer Sal Ramirez told the Daily News.

“He led them there, and they found her body.”

Here is a snapshot from the security footage that helped lead to Rogers’ confession:

Naegle footage

Neagle’s corpse was unclothed at the time it was discovered.

Rogers was actually a student of Negale’s at West Los Angeles College.

TMZ confirms that Rogers has been booked for murder and that he killed Neagle via repeated blows to the head with a hammer.

Sources tell the website that Rogers and Neagle had just returned from a meal at Jack in the Box when he bludgeoned her with the tool seven times.

lisa marie

The former reality star was eliminated from Bridalplasty three weeks prior to the season finale six years ago.

The series as hosted by model Shanna Moakler and it featured a dozen women competing to win a wedding and transformative plastic surgery procedures.

We send our thoughts and prayers to the family, friends of loved ones of Lisa Marie Naegle during this incomprehensible time.


"Bridalplasty" Contestant Murdered with Hammer

Lisa Marie Naegle was murdered after suffering repeated blows to the head with a hammer, and cops say they have their man … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. We broke the story … Jackie Jerome Rogers will be booked for murder after confessing to…


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Joe McKnight -- Ex-NFL Star Murdered in Road Rage Shooting (PHOTO GALLERY)

2:40 PM PT – Cops say they have detained a man they believe to be the shooter — 54-year-old Ronald Gasser.  Cops say McKnight did NOT have a gun at the time of the shooting.  Emergency responders tried to administer CPR but to no…


Monday, July 18, 2016

Qandeel Baloch, Pakistani Social Media Star, Murdered by Own Brother

An unspeakable crime has taken place in Pakistan.

Qandeel Baloch – an actress, model and strong social media presence in that country – was found dead on Friday in her family’s home in the city of Multan.

According to CNN soon after news of the incident broke, Baloch’s father, Muhammad Azeem, reported his own son, Waseem Azeem, to the authorities as the culprit.

Waseem was unable to be found at the time, but police eventually tracked him down and arrested him for the heinous crime.

At a press conference on Saturday, Waseem then admitted to murdering his sister.

Speaking with his face covered, Waseem told reporters that he “killed for honor” and had “no regrets” about murdering his younger sibling.

Waseem, who was one one of Baloch’s six brothers, told cops that he strangled Qandeel after giving her a sedative.

He then fled the house before being taken into custody.

“Girls are born only to stay at home and to bring honor to the family by following family traditions, but Qandeel had never done that,” Waseem said. 

Baloch (whose real name was Fauzia Azeem) was a popular and controversial figure on social media; some even dubbed her Pakistan’s answer to Kim Kardashian.

The blogger dared to show off her body and speak out about female empowerment in Pakistan, an especially conservative country.

Baloch would share videos with her 750,000-plus Facebook followers that featured her making faces at the camera, talking about her famous crushes and playing around with different hairstyle.

Last month, Baloch made headlines for her video with Muslim cleric Abdul Qavi in which she donned his cap and snapped selfies.

This was a big deal in Pakistan.

In that nation, approximately 1,000 women die every year as a result of “honor killings,” with many of them murdered by male relatives for bringing dishonor to their family.

“I am a drug addict, but I was in my senses when I murdered her and I accept it with pride,” Waseem said of the murder, adding:

“Now everybody will remember me with honor that I have provided relief to my parents and brothers who were suffering for the last two decades because of her.

“I have no regrets.”

A day before she was killed, Baloch addressed her critics, likely unaware that her own brother would end up taking her life:

“No matter how many times I will be pushed down under… but I’m a fighter, I will bounce back,” one of her last Facebook posts read.

“Qandeel Baloch is a one-woman army. Qandeel Baloch is an inspiration to those ladies who are treated badly and dominated by the society. I will keep on achieving and I know you will keep on hating.

“Damn, but who cares.”

Friday, July 1, 2016

Was Brittany Murphy Murdered? Author of Shocking New Tell-All Talks to THG

Last week, we reported on new details about the sad final days of Brittany Murphy.

The information about the scene of the 32-year-old actress’ death and the nature of her strange relationship with husband Simon Monjack comes courtesy of a shocking new tell-all, A Case For Murder: Brittany Murphy Files, by author Brynn Curt James Hammond.

Hammond spoke with us recently about the public fascination and ongoing mysteries surrounding Murphy’s death:

THG: What drew you to the case of Brittany Murphy?

Hammond: “I had the chance to interview her on two occasions and found her a delight, but on the second occasion she seemed to have lost her spark, leaving me wondering why and what the hell happened,” Hammond says of 

“Then jump to December 20, morning, I was at my desk with deadlines looming and I heard the press reports she had died, and I was dumbstruck. I went back and watched some of her early work and it reignited my fascination with her.

“Over the years I always wanted to put pen to paper and celebrate her life in some way and this led to the book.”

THG: What’s the number one thing you’d like people to know about Ms. Murphy’s life and her final days?

Hammond: “I guess I’d like people to know that above anything else she was a huge ball of talent and if you eradicate some of her final films she was a force to be reckoned with.

“The girl had some serious talent and it’s just sad that due to certain behavior and choices she made in her later years people have forgotten that.

“She wasn’t in a good place and she really needed someone to take her under there wing and say, ‘Hey, you need to cut your ties with Monjack, ditch your mom and hire a decent agent and press team.’

“Murphy had the talent and she just needed a new support network to bring her head above water and away from the piranhas. I believe she would still be here today if that had happened.

THG: You open the book with a reminder of how far Murphy’s star had fallen at the time of her passing. How big of a role do you think her declining popularity played in her death?

Hammond: “I don’t think her career played any part in her physical death. Her career didn’t kill her or allow her to become unresponsive before anyone dialed 911.

“Her career was dried up but she wasn’t. We have all seen stars who have hit rock bottom; Natasha Lyonne for example, but she’s back on top and has a healthy output of movies.

“America loves a comeback star and I believe with a bit of hard work and some damage control Brittany could have been Hollywood’s golden girl again.

“You only have to see Across the Hall, what a fantastic movie and what a great performance she turns in. She still had it in her.”

THG: You’re critical of the way Murphy’s murder was handled by the press. Do you think tabloid culture has gotten better or worse in the years since her passing?

Hammond: “I wouldn’t say I was critical, more realistic. It played a part in her career decline and no sooner she was in the ground she had been forgotten, which I found very sad.

“However, I understand it’s the industry, and journalists nowadays have more than one person to compete with to get their pay check.

“I don’t think the press industry has changed, so to speak. I feel the stories are more ‘out there’ but then the stars are doing more bizarre things so they stay in the headlines for longer.

“Out of sight, out of mind as they say, and I highlight that in my book … We are in a disposable age.” 

A Case For Murder: Brittany Murphy Files is available now on Amazon and other retailers.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Christy Sheats: Texas Mom Murdered Daughters To "Punish" Their Father

New details have emerged regarding the shooting of two young ladies from Katy, Texas.

Madison and Taylor Sheats were gunned down by their mother, Christy Sheats following a “family meeting,” according to neighbors.

Family friend Madison Davey told ABC-13 that Christy, 42, “was out to kill that day” when she called a family meeting in their living room.  It also happened to be her husband, Jason’s birthday.

The couple were separated, but had recently reconciled. That day, however, the atmosphere inside the Sheats home was tense, and the girls got caught in the middle.

“He was the best dad ever,” Davey said of Jason.

“I would hang out with him and he loved being around us,” Davey recalled.

Davey spoke to Jason about what happened, and he recalled that he begged his wife not to shoot their kids.

“Just shoot yourself,” he said.  “Make it easy on all of us, just shoot yourself.”

Christy refused, according to Davey, telling him “No, that’s not what this is about, this is about punishing you.”

Christy opened fire on her daughters, who ran out the front door with their dad.  

Madison, 17, collapsed before she could leave the property, and while Taylor, 22, managed to make it as far as the street.

When police arrived, they found Christy over Taylor’s body, which she shot again after reloading back in the house.  

When she refused to surrender, officers fatally shot her.

“I always knew something would happen, but I never thought she would do this,” Davey said.

“Christy was toxic for the family. She was mentally unstable.”

Now Davey is helping with funeral preparations for the girls, who will be laid to rest in Alabama this week.

“They were so funny — for sisters, you would think they would fight, but no.

“They loved each other a lot and were always laughing.”

The gun Christy used was a .38-calibur handgun, reportedly passed down from her great-grandfather as a way to “protect her family.”

No official reports have been published yet on any mental issues Christy suffered.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Joan Rivers: MURDERED For Exposing Michelle Obama as a Transsexual, Alex Jones Claims

This election year has been witness to some of the most ridiculous, fact-free rhetoric in the history of presidential politics, but just when you thought it couldn’t get any more ridiculous than the claim that Trump Tower has the nation’s best taco bowls, along comes Alex Jones:

For the uninitiated, Jones is a syndicated radio show host, and professional nutjob who’s spent several years appealing to the tinfoil-hat crowd with theories about the government faking the moon landing and staging the Sandy Hook massacre as an excuse to steal everyone’s guns.

His latest theory has to do with the death of comedian Joan Rivers who passed away in 2014 during a surgical procedure.

“Don’t forget, the famous comedienne Joan Rivers said, ‘Of course everyone knows she’s a tranny.’ She’s dead serious, ‘She’s a man,’ Jones says in the clip above. 

“Deader than a doornail in a routine operation where basically she had fire poured down her throat and was a fire-breathing goblin. Dead on arrival. Shoot your mouth off, honey, you will die.

“I really think — her daughters don’t look like her — I really think this is some weird hoax they did again,” he said, “just like he didn’t get sworn in on the Bible, it was the Quran.

“All this weirdness, I mean, I used to laugh at this stuff, but man, it’s all about rubbing our noses in it.”

Yes, Jones really thinks the comedy legend’s goal wasn’t to mock everyone in equal measure to expose Michelle as a man. He goes on:

“I think it’s all an arranged marriage, it’s all completely fake and it’s this big sick joke because he’s obsessed with transgender, just like some weird cult or something. I think Michelle Obama is a man. I really do. I really do. I believe it.” 

He goes on to claim that it’s common knowledge that Michelle is a man, and that President Obama frequently refers to her by her birth name, “Michael.”

Then he rants about Bono for a little bit and calls George Clooney a “maggot.”

It’s impossible to talk about Jones without sounding like you’re joking, but that’s really how the clip above plays out.

We’d like to play by Jones’ rules and claim that he’s clearly a 1,000-year-old lizard person who came to Earth in order to help Ted Cruz’s dad assassinate JFK, but we just can’t bring ourselves to stoop that low.

Although feel free to spread that around social media if you’re so inclined.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Charlie Sheen: Caught Planning to Have Ex-Girlfriend Murdered?!

We don’t want to imply that all folks who describe themselves as tiger-blooded warlocks from Mars are unstable, but Charlie Sheen seems to have never fully recovered from his famous 2011 meltdown.

Granted, some of Sheen’s behavior in recent years might be attributable to his distress over being diagnosed with HIV, but bad medical news doesn’t drive most people to smear dog crap all over their ex-wives’ carpets or put out hits on former girlfriends.

Yes, according to Radar Online, an unidentified female friend of Sheen’s claims to have tape recorded the actor while he was ranting about his plans to have ex Brett Rossi murdered

“This piece of sh-t needs to be f–king buried,” Sheen reportedly says of Rossi. “Family of gangsters. You get it.”

According to Sheen, Rossi is one of the women who demanded cash payouts in order to keep the actor’s HIV diagnosis a secret.

While Sheen seems to have willingly forked over the cash in other cases, for some reason he was outraged by Rossi’s attempt to to “extort” him.

Those who have heard the tape say Rossi’s demands send Sheen into a rage:

“I can’t be f***ing extorted. It’s called treason,” he reportedly says. “You know what treason is? It’s punishable by death.”

Asked what he plans to do about the situation, Sheen allegedly responds in frightening detail:

“I’d rather spend 20-grand to have her head kicked in. Then people will realize, oh, it’s dangerous.”

Don’t worry, Charlie. We’re pretty sure everyone realized you’re potentially dangerous long, long ago.

Charlie Sheen: Caught Planning to Have Ex-Girlfriend Murdered?!

We don’t want to imply that all folks who describe themselves as tiger-blooded warlocks from Mars are unstable, but Charlie Sheen seems to have never fully recovered from his famous 2011 meltdown.

Granted, some of Sheen’s behavior in recent years might be attributable to his distress over being diagnosed with HIV, but bad medical news doesn’t drive most people to smear dog crap all over their ex-wives’ carpets or put out hits on former girlfriends.

Yes, according to Radar Online, an unidentified female friend of Sheen’s claims to have tape recorded the actor while he was ranting about his plans to have ex Brett Rossi murdered

“This piece of sh-t needs to be f–king buried,” Sheen reportedly says of Rossi. “Family of gangsters. You get it.”

According to Sheen, Rossi is one of the women who demanded cash payouts in order to keep the actor’s HIV diagnosis a secret.

While Sheen seems to have willingly forked over the cash in other cases, for some reason he was outraged by Rossi’s attempt to to “extort” him.

Those who have heard the tape say Rossi’s demands send Sheen into a rage:

“I can’t be f***ing extorted. It’s called treason,” he reportedly says. “You know what treason is? It’s punishable by death.”

Asked what he plans to do about the situation, Sheen allegedly responds in frightening detail:

“I’d rather spend 20-grand to have her head kicked in. Then people will realize, oh, it’s dangerous.”

Don’t worry, Charlie. We’re pretty sure everyone realized you’re potentially dangerous long, long ago.

Monday, January 18, 2016

50 Cent: I Murdered Meek Mill! (On Instagram)

Even though it just started yesterday, the 50 Cent-Meek Mill beef is already shaping up to be one of the most entertaining celebrity feuds in recent memory.

It all started over the weekend, when Meek dropped a 4-song EP that included a diss track targeted at Fiddy.

As is his nature, Mr. Cent didn’t take the situation lightly, and yesterday, the rap icon launched a full-blown Meek-bashing campaign on social media.

There are too many hilarious insults on 50’s Instagram page to reproduce them all here, but suffice it to say, the phrase “sh-t head” is getting thrown around pretty liberally over there.

50’s not just throwing shots, he’s carpet-bombing his new rival.

We’ll do our best to keep you updated on the latest barbs, but it won’t be easy. The G-Unit impresario is probably photoshopping Meek’s face onto Nicki Minaj’s body at this very moment. 

Anyway, here’s the latest:

Yes, this isn’t the first time that a well-known rapper has talked about murdering Meek, but Fif went the extra mile by promising the funeral will be catered by Wingstop.

On the right, of course, is a screenshot of some tweets Meek posted in 2009. 50 added the following caption:

“I Guess when your a [poop Emoji] head, you forget things or change your mind because there’s so much [poop Emoji] going on in your Head.”

The man’s getting a lot of mileage out of the poop Emoji these days. 

You might think that that would be it for anti-Meek memes that 50 has posted in the past 12 hours. You would wrong:

Meek Mill Meme

Drake-Meek Mill Meme

Like we said, the man is going hard, even dragging Meek’s disastrous beef with Drake back into the spotlight. 

Meanwhile, Meek’s been….well, keeping a low profile and living up to his first name.

Fortunately, he doesn’t have to worry about 50 decimating his career. As the Bible says – he who gets Nicki to put a ring on it shall inherit the Earth.