Showing posts with label Orange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orange. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 3 Recap: Tres Amigas

These ladies sure know how to bring the drama, and that’s commendable when you consider that most of them have been on this show since the beginning. 

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 3 found Tamra Judge, Vicki Gunvalson and Shannon Beador embarking on a trip to Mexico. 

The tequila shots were flowing, and it resulted in Gunvalson peeing herself in the airport, and subsequently falling. Yes, we’re going to assume that tequila is not her friend. 

All three of them were a real hoot throughout the trip, but one of the stand out moments has got to be a tequila fueled-Tamra ordering Shannon to show off some more cleavage. 

Shannon has parted ways with her husband, and Tamra was trying to reiterate that she could still show off her body if she wanted to capture another man. 

Tamra also wanted to have fun. The reason? 

“I just want to have a good time because there’s so much s— going on in my life that you could probably make a country song about me,” Judge said, referring to her husband’s ongoing heart problems.

“My husband’s heart’s broken. Somebody give me a shot of tequila. It’s ridiculous.”

The ladies continued to party back at the hotel, and that’s when things went awry. Tamra, 50, flashed Vicki and proceeded to jump back into the hot tub. 

She hit her foot on the way down, and well, she broke it. 

“I might’ve hurt my foot,” she said.

“Like, might’ve hurt like broke my foot maybe?” “It’s all gonna be good. Can we have another shot? I think I need another shot and my foot’s gonna be real good.”  

The tequila masked the pain for a short while, but Tamra wound up in the hospital and learned that her foot was broken. 

It was wrapped in a cast. The true kicker was that she was told she would not be able to drive. 

“By the way, I went to the hospital by myself because you guys passed out,” she teased said to her friends. “I had to take a cab to the hospital; it was 30 minutes away.”

“It’s not funny,” she said to her friends. 

“It sounds like you were drunk as f—,” Tamra’s husband shared with her on Facetime. 

Tamra tried to make the best of a dangerous situation, but she could not keep up after the painkillers entered her system. 

They knocked her out, and it was up to Shannon and Vicki to look after her. 

After dinner one of the nights, Shannon opened up about her thoughts on them being friends again. 

“I have to tell you that the fact that you both came down here to spend just a whopping two days with me has meant so much to me,” she said tearfully to Vicki.

“Four years ago, I wouldn’t even sip tequila. It was David’s new drink. And I didn’t know that he was having an affair at the time. And that was their thing — they would drink tequila.”

“I spent 20 years with a man, and he took me on a trip, and then all of a sudden we come home, and he was done,” she continued.

“And the fact that he has found someone within months of leaving me is devastating. I have gone through the pain knowing that he is with somebody else.”

“You know what the scary part for me is?,” Vicki said in response, adding: ” You can be all in in a relationship, and at any point in time, the other one can check out. It’s like a death.”

They then locked lips, so there’s that. 

What did you think of the latest episode?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County continues Mondays at 9/8c. 


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 2 Recap: Vicki Gunvalson Did WHAT?

Battle lines were drawn on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 2, and we’re surprised to report that Kelly Dodd and Vicki Gunvalson are officially on the outs. 

No, we’re not talking about one of them getting mad about not being invited out for some cocktails. In fact, Kelly threw Vicki out of her house at one point during this hour. It was wild, so let’s get to it. 

Vicki was the woman who helped set up Kelly’s ex-husband, Michael Dodd with his current girlfriend. As if that was not bad enough, Vicki had even indulged in double dates with the new couple. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Kelly and Vicki have been like two peas in a pod since laying eyes on each other a few years back. 

So, this is a pretty big deal. Vicki went behind her BFFs back and failed to tell her about it. That’s pretty low, but is that not what Vicki has done since the show debuted? 

Even after all these years, it’s hard to imagine her changing her ways. Despite being back in good graces with Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador, Vicki needed a storyline to remain relevant. 

“Kelly’s dating, she’s fine,” Gunvalson said defending herself when the truth came out.

“She said [to Michael], ‘I want you to find somebody else. I want you to date.’ … The fact is, he’s moving on. And if I’ve got some single girlfriends who want to meet her ex-husband, so what? It has nothing to do with Kelly. She’s the one who dumped him!”

“You’re my friend,” Kelly told Vicki. “I’m getting all these text messages and everything that you hooked up Michael, and you didn’t tell me? … You’ve gone out with them a couple times? And you never told me? Why would you not tell me?”

But Vicki was not ready to accept that she was the one who set them up. Yes, OG Vicki is back. 

“I had a BBQ four months ago. My friend was there, and he was there. And I didn’t hook up anybody,” she explained. “They communicated afterward and I was out. I didn’t know where it was going and it was none of my business.”

“I thought he would tell you. It’s his responsibility to tell you,” Gunvalson said of Michael. “Don’t blame me. You take that up with Michael.”

Um, what? 

Are best friends not supposed to communicate about, like, everything? 

Vicki then uttered her stupidest come back yet:

“I’m not telling you. I’m not going to tell you. I’m never going to tell you. … It is not my fault that your husband is dating somebody. I care so much about you that I didn’t tell you.”

“Are you kidding me? Anybody would say that’s f—– up. Anybody would say,” Kelly yelled upon hearing this sub-par excuse. 

“That breaks my heart. That actually breaks my heart,” she said. “You tell me that you’re friends with them? You’ve gone on double dates? That’s wrong.”

Hurricane Gunvalson then shocked Kelly to the very core. 

“Oh Kelly, don’t make this drama about you. You don’t love your husband. He’s dating somebody else. So what?”

“You want to do stuff with drama? I’m out! You want to do drama because Steve and Michael said let’s go out to dinner?” she continued, before screaming.

“You are causing problems where there doesn’t need to be any. Stop it. Stop it. Who cares who he goes out with!”

“Obviously you are not my friend. You know what, I don’t roll with girls like that,” Kelly barked back while fighting tears.

“You know what, Vicki, why don’t you just leave. You know, you’re just not my friend. That’s it. You’re not my friend. … I’m just; I’m done with you.

“I didn’t hook him up. Kelly, you’re out of line,” Vicki yelled as she got ready to leave.

“I’m out. I don’t get talked to like that. F— her.”

“I think Kelly’s overreacting,” she told viewers. “I think Kelly’s still in love with Michael.”

Yes, Vicki Gunvalson is once again, at the center of the drama. It only took two episodes. 

While Vicki was burning bridges with Kelly, she was trying to get back in Eddie’s good books. You know the man she claimed was gay. 

She started this off by sending some food to the house after his surgery, before showing up uninvited to try and help him build a bridge to get over it. 

Eddie accepted, and they moved on from this needless drama. Go figure. 

The rest of the episode was subdued, but we got to meet Gina Kirschenheiter aka the one who just divorced her husband!

If we did not already know about the parting of ways, we would probably have had suspicions after Gina’s entrance. 

We got to see her home life, her kids, but nothing of her husband, Matt. All of the wedding pictures showed nothing of him, but much of Gina. 

We learned that he lived in Los Angeles through the week and returned home at the weekend. That’s hella odd, but could that have played a part in the relationship breaking down?

We have no idea, but we’ll surely find out. 

What are your thoughts on this latest episode? Hit the comments. 

RHOC continues Monday on Bravo. 


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Taglines Revealed!

The Real Housewives of Orange County is back for Season 13, and each Housewife — new and old — has her own tagline.

Some of these catchphrases are better than others, but we"ll let you be the judge. Mostly.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you can see all of the new (and old) drama unfold.

And while some fans are nervous about Season 13, perhaps these taglines will offer them a hint of what"s to come.

Take a look:

1. Season 13 has begun!

The real housewives of orange county season 13

Season 12 was considered to be (mostly) lackluster, so these taglines may give fans hope for excitement to come in Season 13.

2. Vicki Gunvalson

Vicki gunvalson for season 13

Her tagline is: “The fun bus is leaving, and this time I’m in the driver’s seat.”

3. The … Fun Bus?

Vicki gunvalson at home

Vicki is a grandmother. She’s been starring on RHOC since before some of its viewers were born. She doesn’t have to sound cool to be cool.

4. Shannon Beador

Shannon beador for season 13

Shannon’s is: “Some people say I’m too much to handle. I say, I’m just getting started.”

5. Is "too much to handle" a reference to her weight?

Shannon beador selfie

Shannon gained a little weight before Season 12, and worked hard to lose it. In the process, she also shed the dead weight of David Beador — which is probably what she means about just getting started.

6. Kelly Dodd

Kelly dodd for season 13

Kelly’s tagline is: “Call animal control, ‘cause there’s a cougar on the loose in the OC.”

View Slideshow

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 1 Recap: The Next Chapter

What do you get when the ladies are getting along a little too nice? 

A lame show that is filled with boring scenes, of course. 

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 1, we picked up several months later. By that, we mean months after the ladies patched up their friendships and became boring. 

Tamra Judge has been through the mill, and she was determined to put the past behind her. However, she had to come to terms with the fact that her husband, Eddie, was not as well as he should be. 

Atrial Fibrillation is the name of his mystery illness, and being a trainer, it meant he could not do the things that make him happy. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Eddie is not someone who likes to sit around. 

Whether he’s out kissing dudes while his wife is claiming everything is all fine and dandy, we think it’s fair to say this condition is going to change his life for good. 

We kid about the dude part, but the rumors do not seem to be dying down, so we’re inclined to believe something is not right in the relationship. 

In any case, Tamra worried about Eddie’s future, especially because the slightest thing could render him unfit to do just about anything. 

“He was freaked out for a minute, and he was like, ‘I just keep thinking about the mortality rate,’ ” Tamra tells her mother, fighting the tears.

And I’m like, ‘What?’ And he’s like, ‘That’s not how I want to die.’”

“He’s not going to die,” Tamra’s mother responded, clearly trying to comfort her daughter who was wailing uncontrollably. While the show has only covered one of the surgeries so far, we know that there are four more to be covered. 

“Eddie was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation about three months ago,” she said in the episode. 

“He had noticed his heart rate was getting up to 240, 250, 260 beats a minute when he was working out — which is dangerous. And he needs heart surgery. So they’re going in and cauterizing part of his heart.”

“He’s a machine,” she said. “And his body is letting him down at the age of 45.”

The bizarre thing about all of it was that the couple was moving into a new home that was still under construction ahead of the surgery. The key to recovery from surgery is plenty of bed rest. 

As for Tamra’s relationship with Vicki Gunvalson, it was still on the road to recovery, but Eddie stopped short of inviting Vicki to the housewarming party. 

Vicki has been vocal about how she feels about Eddie, claiming that he’s gay and just generally being a sucky person. But all of that is in the past, but Eddie said that Vicki would need to do some apologizing if she wants to snag an invite. 

Shannon Beador was well away from David and downsized to a rented house. However, she struggled with taking her wedding ring off, claiming that it did not only represent her marriage but her life with her children and other key life events. 

Tamra helped her realize that she needed to take it off, and a hilarious scene ensued when the pair tried to yank the ring off. They tried soap, but they ultimately settled on cutting the finger off because the ring was stuck. 

Nope, it was not as fun as that. Shannon got rid of the ring and claimed to feel “naked.”

We also learned that Kelly Dodd had moved to a two bedroom apartment and was loving life. In all honesty, it’s probably the smallest house we’ve ever laid eyes on in the franchise. 

But Kelly oozed energy as she spoke about her post-marital life. When she met up with Vicki, they chatted about dating, and Kelly was visibly ready to find someone to love again. 

The hour concluded with the ladies attending a roping event that allowed them to establish their trust in one another.

Vicki made a passive aggressive comment about everything that happened to her, and it looked like Shannon and Tamra were going to cut her rope and kick her off the platform at one point. 

Aside from that, everyone was very subdued, and that’s not what we tune into this series for. 

What are your thoughts on the premiere? 

Hit the comments below!

The Real Housewives of Orange County continues Mondays on Bravo. 


Monday, June 11, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Promo: Meet the Newbies!

In the OC, the line between love and hate, between loyalty and betrayal, completely disappears.

So teases the following trailer for the longest-running franchise on Bravo, as The Real Housewives of Orange County gets set to kick off Season 13 in just about a month.

Loyal fans of the series, of course, are aware that Meghan Edmonds and Lydia McLaughlin have left the program; either of their own volition or because they were fired, depending on who you ask.

In their place, executives have cast Gina Kirschenheiter and Emily Simpson, both of whom you can meet in the following photo then, of course, in the following trailer.

As for the women we"ve gotten to know and sort of love over the past few years?

On upcoming episodes, Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador will be working together to attempt and rebuild their friendship.

SPOILER ALERT, however: it will not be easy.

Adding intrigue and drama to the situation will be the fact that Kelly Dodd and Beador are both single and figuring out how to live life post-divorce.

("You know why divorce is expensive?" one Housewife says at one point. "Because it"s worth it.")

Vicki will be hoping and praying that her boyfriend, Steve Lodge, will finally commit to her full-time, while Tamra will be concerned about her husband"s health.

Many tears will be shed.

Many voices will be raised.

Many lame saying will be uttered and many women will fall flat on their faces, apparently.

As for the new faces?

Simpson is an Ohio native who works her way up to be a lawyer and party planner.

She has three kids of her own under the age of five, along with a pair of stepdaughters from her husband Shane’s previous marriage. So she has A LOT on her plate and isn"t sure what to do with her life next.

Kirschenheiter is from Long Island and is somehow ALSO a mother of three kids under five.

She “keeps her expectations low and her patience high,” Bravo explained in the press release, as her husband works in Los Angeles during the week, often leaving her on her own with the kid.

Where will all of this lead?

There"s just one way to start to find out.

Check out the trailer below in anticipation of the show"s July 16 return.

The real housewives of orange county season 13 promo meet the ne

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Kylie Jenner Leaves Lunch in Malibu in Orange Ferrari

Kylie Jenner took a time out from making money for a Saturday afternoon out with her pals. Kylie and company hit up Nobu in Malibu. She sat shotgun in a super sweet Ferrari as they headed back to her home in Hidden Hills. She probably picked up the…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Photo of Cynthia Bailey"s Removed Tumor, It"s Orange and Size of a Golf Ball

Cynthia Bailey’s breathing a sigh of relief now that a mini-pumpkin looking tumor is out of her back and locked away in a container. We got these shots of the Lipoma tumor recently removed from the ‘RHOA’ star’s back. The tumor turned out,…


Friday, March 30, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County: New Cast Revealed!

Being a Real Housewife means fame and one hell of a paycheck, but there’s a high turnover rate between seasons.

We’ve already reported who’s out in The Real Housewives of Orange County‘s latest cast shakeups — but who’s in?

Take a look!

We have new information about the RHOC cast, and it’s not about Shannon Beador’s divorce.

RadarOnline reports that Emily Moore Simpson is one of the new additions to the cast for this new season.

Emily Moore Simpson has actually been featured on The Real Housewives of Orange County before — or, at least, her company has.

She and her sister-in-law run a party-planning business, and they have a little “as featured on” banner on their site.

Emily is also a licensed attorney.

Apparently this erstwhile Ohio girl is a hit with some of her new costars, as RadarOnline reports that “Shannon and Kelly get along with Emily marvelously.”

Shannon Beador and Kelly Dodd are, of course, part of the returning cast.

Gina Kirschenheiter is another new name.

She’s a little enigmatic, even for a newcomer.

But RadarOnline reports that she’s no stranger to the cast.

“Gina and Tamra have been friends for a very long time, and Tamra recruited her on the show.”

It’s also been whispered that Gina’s friend, Tatiana Beene, will also be joining the cast, but that isn’t even a little bit confirmed.

Lydia McLaughlin has quit the show … again. That’s her version, anyway.

She says that she quit because she can only handle one season at a time without feeling overwhelmed. Which is interesting, since rumor had suggested that her name was on Bravo’s chopping block.

Meghan King Edmonds quit RHOC, too.

She said that it’s because she’s pregnant and because IVF has really done a number on her. That may be so.

But there was a report that she got fired for trying to use her pregnancy to leverage more money out of producers. That would appear to have backfired.

Finally, Peggy Sulahian was ousted from the series.

It turns out that being an infamous homophobe who allegedly tried to have her own (gay) brother dragged out of their father’s funeral didn’t win her a lot of fans.

Also, she just did not make for good television.

We have to wonder how these new additions will shake up the dynamics on the show.

Shannon and Kelly are apparently really hitting things off with Emily.

And Tamra is already close to Gina.

Given the reports that Shannon and Tamra are feuding as part of the fallout of Shannon’s divorce, we could be seeing new Real Housewife factions forming already.

And how will Vicki Gunvalson, who is definitely returning, fit into all of this?

Technically, these new additions to the cast have yet to be officially confirmed.

Bravo has declined to comment on casting “rumors.”

But we should mention that Gina Kirschenheiter’s Instagram, which only goes back a few days — which you might expect from someone who created her Instagram in anticipation of becoming a reality star — features a hint.

Beside a makeup-free selfie, she wrote:

“First post as the ‘real gina kirschenheiter."”

That strikes many as a major clue, if not an outright confirmation.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Peggy Sulahian: Also Ousted from The Real Housewives of Orange County!

Calling all rich and spoiled women who want to be sort of famous on television:

Bravo has a couple of opening for you!

Fresh off the news that Lydia McLaughlin would not be returning for a new season of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Bravo has now announced another cast departure… 

We hardly even knew ya, Peggy Sulahian.

Following just one year on this cable network franchise, Sulahian has been let go by producers, who apparently weren’t pleased with Peggy’s role on Season 12.

Over the course of her brief run on the series, which culminated in Sulahian basically hiding out alone in her Iceland hotel room, the Z-Lister bonded with Vicki Gunvalson…

… while fighting with basically every other cast member.

“What an exciting experience it was to be part of The Real Housewives of Orange County! It was an honor to be the 100th housewife and to be part of the Bravo family,” wrote on in response to this news.

She added:

“I am extremely proud of being the 1st Armenian-American Housewife and sharing my culture with the world.

“While I faced and conquered many challenges, I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story and spread awareness of breast cancer.”

Sulahian went on to say that this breast cancer diagnosis is what prompted her to resign from the show, claiming she is leaving on her own terms.

“Dealing with the disease and the passing of my father challenged me to reassess and reflect on my life, and I’ve realized what’s most important is leading a healthy and happy life, surrounded by people who care and love you.

“At this point, moving on seemed like the right thing to do.

“A few new ventures have availed themselves, and I look forward to sharing them with you soon!”

Radar Online, however, counters that both Sulahian and McLaughlin (pictured below) were fired by executives – and that both women were among the last to even learn their fate.

According to this report, Peggy was told by her friends and by the network simultaneously that she was on her way out.

Similarly, McLaughlin released a statement last Friday that made it sound as if she quit.

In reality, though, she only said these words to save face after being told that she wasn’t wanted back.

Peggy is looking forward to focusing on her family and her own opportunities. She is a very positive person and wants to be away from the negativity of the women,” an insider tells E! News, adding:

“Peggy is big on positive energy and wants that around her and her family.”

Sulahian and McLaughlin’s departures come on the heels of Meghan King Edmonds also leaving the show.

This means the only ladies set to return right now are Gunvalson, Tamra Judge, Shannon Beador and Kelly Dodd.

Prepare for a few casting announcements to be made by Bravo in the near future as a result.

Have anyone in mind you think should join the team?


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Lydia McLaughlin: I Quit The Real Housewives of Orange County! Again!

Lydia McLaughlin has an announcement to make.

And it’s an announcement you may have heard her make before.

The Real Housewives of Orange County cast member took to her official blog on Friday and confirmed that she will no longer be a Real Housewives of Orange County cast member

“RHOC has given me a great platform and I’m grateful for that. However, I feel like I can only handle this show one season at a time,” McLaughlin wrote online, adding:

“I need a break! There is a lot of good that comes from the show, but also a lot of negativity.

“After a family vote, it was unanimous that I should take a break. Sometimes the people who love us the most see things even we don’t see.

“I trust my path and I’m excited for what the future holds.”

Indeed, McLaughlin initially joined this Bravo franchise in season 8.

She departed the cable network hit just before season 9, yet returned last year as a full-time cast member for season 12.

Earlier this year, it was also reported that Meghan King Edmonds would not return to Orange County for next season.

She swears this was her decision.

And McLaughlin insists the same.

“Bravo and Evolution have been amazing to me and I have made great friendships,” she continued on her blog, expounding:

“I treasure all my fans and appreciate all the love and support.

“I’ve been honored to be a source of entertainment and inspiration to all of you and I hope to continue spreading light and love.

“Being a full time mom to THREE little boys, publisher of NOBLEMAN Magazine, blogger, jewelry designer, author, and wife, I have a lot going on!

“I will continue to share my life and faith and use this platform to be a lightworker.”

In other words: we haven’t heard the last from Lydia McLaughlin.

We’ve just seen the last of her on Bravo.

McLaughlin and her husband, Doug, have three kids:

  1. Stirling, 8.

  2. Maverick, 6.

  3. Roman, 2.

These children, Doug and even McLaughlin’s mother have been featured on The Real Housewives of Orange County at various points.

We don’t know just when when season 13 will air, but it’s clear the cast will look a bit different whenever that date arrives.

Any suggestions for women who should fill these two open slots?


Friday, February 2, 2018

Shannon Beador: I Want David Beador OFF The Real Housewives of Orange County!

It’s been about two months since Shannon Beador filed for divorce on December 1st.

Since then, things have gone from somewhat amicable to no-holds-barred hostilities between Shannon and David Beador.

Now, Shannon is taking things a step further — and reportedly trying to get David fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County.

A little before Halloween, Shannon and David Beador decided to split after 17 years.

It had been reported that the two of them were basically living separate lives in the same household anyway, so the separation was not a huge surprise.

Still, the two of them had resolved to maintain some semblance of normality for the sake of their daughters.

For starters, even though David stopped loving Shannon when she became “fat,” they had resolved to keep things friendly.

They even scheduled regular weekend activities for the whole family.

But it’s really hard to go from loving your partner in life to feeling neutral-yet-friendly towards them. It is so much easier to hate them.

Things no longer appear to be amicable between the exes.

For starters, Shannon Beador apparently does not make the kind of money that David does, so she’s wanting a good deal when it comes to division of property and when it comes to alimony.

That’s pretty standard for divorce, but so are contentious debates about money.

In fact, it’s been reported that Shannon Beador accuses David of hiding money. If true, that sort of sneaky move to make it appear that he has less than he does could mean that a court might not have him pay Shannon her fair share.

And now it sounds like Shannon can’t even stand the sight of David.

RadarOnline reports that Shannon Beador wants David fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County.

She’s getting divorced, so that’s a huge thing that they’d need to cover, but Shannon believes that there’s enough unused footage of David from previous seasons.

“Shannon wants producers to use old footage to tell her story next season.”

That’s a hefty demand, especially from someone who’s reportedly negotiating more money from the show in order to spill secrets for the cameras.

“At this moment, she doesn’t want anything to do with him and filming with him would make this whole process so much harder on her.”

So this sounds less like a calculated financial sabotage and more like a lack of desire to show up to work with a man she can’t stand to be around.

“It is already really hard on her and the kids and there is just no reason to bring him on-camera if they already have what they need.”

For Shannon, this is a deep and emotional pain. They only split a few months ago and it will take a lot of time for these fresh wounds to heal.

“She is still hurting inside a lot.”

Imagine getting a divorce but showing up to work and your spouse is there and the two of you are supposed to spend a lot of time together. That’s what she’s facing.

“Shannon is in a better place than she was but she still does not want to have to face him, on-camera or in real life, because it is very hard.”

Shannon’s desire to go without David is very understandable.

And obviously, if one of them is to leave the show, we can’t imagine why it would be the Housewife. Not all of the Real Housewives are actually wives, but Shannon still makes more sense than David.

But we can’t help but wonder if this effort could come back to bite her.

Were he so inclined, couldn’t David try to sue her for “ruining his reality career” as Blac Chyna has been attempting with the Kardashians?

This is a fight over money, ultimately, and there’s no reason to believe that David will just go quietly.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Meghan King Edmonds: I"m Leaving The Real Housewives of Orange County!

So, remember how Meghan King Edmonds was initially on a list of women rumored to be fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County? But then we all learned that Meghan King Edmonds was pregnant again so it looked like she was safe?

It turns out that the speculation may have been for naught, because she’s announced that she’s quitting.

But one report claims that her lengthy farewell post is just a cover — that she ended up getting fired. Hmmm. …

Writing on her blog, Meghan King Edmonds announced that she’s leaving The Real Housewives of Orange County.

“Today is a bittersweet day for me.  After three seasons of the rollercoaster that is The Real Housewives of Orange County I’ve decided to hang up my OC Housewife hat.”

We like to imagine that such a hat would resemble a giant orange.

“I arrived at this multi-faceted decision after much thought, and then I thought some more.”


“As you might suspect filming this show takes a massive emotional toll: I’m literally filming my real life in real time and engaged in situations and circumstances which can be contentious.”

Oh, of that we have no doubt. The filming hours alone must be brutal, not to mention juggling your other responsibilities. And then the episodes air.

“Then, when the show airs, we relive some of the most trying moments in our lives and then endure the public’s reaction; we never come out as winners to every viewer.”

“But what you might not suspect is the physical toll: filming is grueling!”

Especially, we imagine, if you’re a parent. Or pregnant.

“After my first season I knew what to expect for round two, but even still, filming during IVF and then the beginning of pregnancy during my second season was difficult. I was hormonal and tired all the time.”

IVF presents its own challenges, folks.

“But my third season takes the cake: I had a newborn and had to hire a full time live-in nanny (my cousin) so as to allow me the flexibility to meet my obligations of continuous days and long hours of filming, traveling, etc.”

Even with a nanny, parenting was still a full-time job.

“When I was home I was a full time hands-on mom (you didn’t get to see this) doing all the regular mom stuff including waking up at all hours to breast feed my baby – all while my husband worked his crazy baseball schedule around the US while I was learning how to be a first time mom.”

“Again, I was hormonal and EXHAUSTED.  My mind was often foggy as I filmed but I put on a great face and did it because I loved being a Housewife and was so grateful for my opportunity.”

It’s a big opportunity that comes with an even bigger paycheck.

“It was only after the season was filmed that I felt I was finally out of the newborn fog and I could look back on the past few months of season 12 with clarity.  I had no idea how exhausted I actually was until I wasn’t exhausted anymore!  Season 12 was a real challenge for me.”

It sure sounds like it.

She then talks about happy, behind-the-scenes filming memories, showing that she bares no ill will towards the production staff.

“And lastly but not least importantly, I wanted to spend more time with my husband during baseball season and more time with my two young step kids who live full-time in St Louis.”

Oh, those are some good priorities.

“So Jimmy and I have decided to dig our roots into the midwest as we begin to build our dream home for our rapidly expanding family.”

Well, voluntarily living in the midwest sure is a choice.

“I must focus on my family and my pregnancy.   I will miss the rush of the first all-cast event of the season, the anticipation of receiving each week’s episode, the thrill of wrapping the reunion.”

She says that she forged some powerful bonds during her time as a Real Housewife.

“I have made soul sisters in Shannon Beador and Tamra Judge and that can’t be lost.”

Well … Shannon Beador, at least, seems like a good friend.

“They have touched my heart and I would do anything for them and I know they feel the same way about me – what a gift to have found that on RHOC!”

She ends her post with a joke.

“But I guess it’s time for me to become an actual real housewife of sorts.  Oh, the irony!”

That’s all well and good, but there’s this other claim that Meghan King Edmonds is just putting on a good face after getting fired from RHOC.

In fact, RadarOnline reports that their source claims that what got Meghan fired was, at least in part, her attempt to leverage her pregnancy (with twins!) for more money.

“She did the same thing with her first pregnancy and it worked. But producers weren’t biting this time around. They felt that she didn’t bring anything to the table and everyone was sick of her manufactured fake drama!”

Their insider clearly doesn’t think much of her, because this is how they responded to her long, bittersweet announcement:

“The truth is that Meghan wouldn’t have written all that on her blog if she did in fact quit the show. She would have just quit!”


“Instead, she is trying to pretend that she doesn’t care and putting the blame on others when she knows that it is her own fault.”

Whatever the truth is, we wish Meghan King Edmonds and her family the best!


Monday, December 4, 2017

Lydia McLaughlin FIRED from The Real Housewives of Orange County!

Last month, we told you that it was reported that three stars were getting fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County.

We have some heartwarming news: the production had a last-minute change of heart about one of those stars.

But the other two were not so lucky. …

Without them knowing about any reports, if you had to ask anyone who their pick to get fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County this season would be, the surest bet would be Peggy Sulahian.

Like, if you and your friends were doing a Real Housewives castmember turnaround league or whatever, she would be your pick.


Because she doesn’t make for good television. She doesn’t feud, she just starts pointless fights — or jumps into other people’s. And her “clueless foreigner” act wasn’t doing her any favors.

Also, she’s a notorious homophobe who banned her own brother from their father’s funeral for being gay.

So, yeah. Nobody likes a bigot.

We already told you on Friday that Peggy Sulahian has been fired.

Bye, girl, bye.

But Peggy Sulahian isn’t leaving alone.

RadarOnline reports that Lydia McLaughlin has also been fired.

She left the series in 2013 to raise her kids — filming reality television can take up a lot of your time, and most Real Housewives who aren’t Tamra Judge care about their children and don’t want to neglect them.

Lydia’s big stink this season was mostly her conflict with Meghan King Edmonds.

See, Meghan had invited a psychic to her party. Lydia refused to participate, which is fine, even though it reminds us a little of the “God Warrior” episode of Wife Swap.

And then, at the reunion, Lydia suggested that Meghan couldn’t understand Lydia’s hesitation because Meghan isn’t a Christian.

(Which … is not true, incidentally, though even if it were, the accusatory manner in which Lydia said it would not have been okay)

Also, Lydia McLaughlin was too close to Peggy Sulahian, and Peggy was a toxic mess who dragged people down with her.

As RadarOnline‘s insider puts it:

“Lydia came back, but she wasn’t interesting. Producers mainly wanted her to bring Tamra and Vicki back together, and it was mission accomplished.”

Bye, Lydia!

Well, that’s two stars who are parting ways with the Real Housewives franchise.

But we’d been hearing that Meghan King Edmonds was going to get the axe, too. So … what happened?

Well … Meghan King Edmonds is pregnant, you guys.

She’s expecting a boy (she and her husband did IVF, and she went into it at length on her blog).

RadarOnline reports that this is what saved her:

“They were not planning on bringing Meghan back.”

That’s a shame. She might not be the most entertaining, but she doesn’t seem terrible. And, not for nothing, but she’s definitely the prettiest castmate. (Television’s a visual medium, folks!)

“But she sprung the pregnancy news on them at the reunion,” their insider says. “So she’s kind of forcing them to bring her back even though they didn’t want to.”

To be clear, we don’t think that anyone is suggesting that Meghan King Edmonds got pregnant just to stay on TV.

(Which is funny, because the world is full of actresses who have been fired from scripted shows or had their roles minimized because they became pregnant)

But she may have realized exactly what she was doing when she told producers about it.

One, nobody wants to be accused of firing a woman for getting pregnant (do they, Joss Whedon?), even when, in this case, it would merely have been a coincidence.

Two, and more to the point, Meghan’s pregnancy could make for good television. Cameras can follow Meghan on her journey, through all of her ups and downs (hormones can be unpleasant, folks, particularly if you did IVF).

And childbirth is the sort of drama that appeals to humanity’s social instincts.

No matter how it happened, though, we’re glad that she’s getting a second chance and we hope that we’ll see her for more seasons than simply this next one.
